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Moderator Username: Kola
Post Number: 404 Registered: 02-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, March 30, 2005 - 10:10 am: |
| sisters.....PANTYHOSE MADE FOR US!! In our EXACT shade!!! ________________________________ Well it's something that EVERY black woman goes through. The problem of finding PANTYHOSE that look right against the shade of her leg.
How racist is it to enter a store IN THE HOOD, pick up a pantyhose package that says COLOR: NUDE-----only to find that the panythose inside are SHRIMP color PINK--the implication being that all women are "white". Couldn't they just say "See-Through"? Of course, this is the quirkly little RACE STUFF black women go through daily that Black Men never think about when they're whining about how "race" is something that only effects them----"THE BLACK MAN", blah, blah, blah.
FOR BLACK trying to find foundation makeup to match our facial tones, our pantyhose almost NEVER match the shade of our legs. THAT IS...UNTIL NOW.
At last, there's a new company that is making pantyhose expressly for BLACK all our shades and colors!! CONTACT: Accents of Color 404-212-8233 ACCENTS OF COLOR - PANTYHOSE MADE ESPECIALLY FOR OUR BROWN TONES...FINALLY! Atlanta, GA - Not too dark. Not too light. Not too grey. Just right. Finally a pantyhose made specifically for our various shades of brown. When founder, Terri Franklin was completely frustrated with looking for the perfect shade and quality of pantyhose, she decided to launch her own brand of hosiery. There is no other line that offers the range of browns like that of Accents of Color. The line offers 7 different shades of brown to compliment your various apparel choices. And due to the growth of the Internet, it makes it quite easy and inexpensive for customers to buy the hosiery online. Terri actually began "Legs of Color" back in 1992, and had big marketing plans for a hosiery line that included a rich range of browns and blacks. The sample colors were perfect, but when she went into production the colors were all wrong. Terri also discovered quality control issues and made the painful decision to dissolve the company. Ten years passed and the need for brown skin tone colors in hosiery was still pretty apparent. So, Terri decided to re-launch the company. She had gained ten additional years of business experience and also mastered quality control and production issues. She also changed the company name to "Accents of Color" and has also extended her line to twelve hosiery colors with more to come. Here is what some of Terri's customers had to say: "I love them. They are perfect for my skin tone. I need to get some more." "I am tired of wearing black & off black. Brown matches my natural skin tone and I'm happy to get out of black." "I find the pantyhose very flattering for my legs. The color selection is great." So, if you are looking for your perfect match, visit Accents of Color at To schedule an interview with Terri Franklin or to receive more information, please call her directly at (404) 212-8233 or by email at
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 2203 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 12:42 am: |
Maybe you ladies should keep boxes of condoms of your own of assorted shapes/size and do a 'mic-check' to make sure the glove matches the hand. |
Mahogany Anais
AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Mahoganyanais
Post Number: 98 Registered: 01-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 12:53 am: |
ABM: Maybe you ladies should keep boxes of condoms of your own of assorted shapes/size and do a 'mic-check' to make sure the glove matches the hand. Mah: I suppose ladies who are--comment se dit?--accomodating of such might agree. I wouldn't know. ;-) But the! You guys should just put it on a t-shirt. |
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 2204 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 12:58 am: |
Mah says: "I suppose ladies who are--comment se dit?--accomodating of such might agree. I wouldn't know. ;-)" ABM says: Yeah. I suppose that stuff I read about you on was pure hearsay. Mah says: But the! You guys should just put it on a t-shirt. ABM says: Babe. You don't trust everything you read on a TEESHIRT'yah? |
Mahogany Anais
AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Mahoganyanais
Post Number: 99 Registered: 01-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 01:06 am: |
ABM says: Yeah. I suppose that stuff I read about you on was pure hearsay. Mah: Most of it was true--everything except "Mah's Favorite Saying: 'It's not the size of the wave, but the motion of the ocean.'" Lies, damn lies. But the rest you can take to the bank! ;-) ABM says: Babe. You don't trust everything you read on a TEESHIRT'yah? Mah: I meant put it [love of..."mic-checks"] on a t-shirt already so y'all can stop gabbing about it! The worthy are duly compensated without having to utter a word. At least that's what I tell 'em over at!
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 2205 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 01:15 am: |
Mah says: Most of it was true--everything except "Mah's Favorite Saying: 'It's not the size of the wave, but the motion of the ocean.'" Lies, damn lies. But the rest you can take to the bank! ;-) ABM says: DAYAM! I just LOVE it when I'm right. I can sense your kinda talent a (cyber) WORLD away. Mah says: I meant put it [love of..."mic-checks"] on a t-shirt already so y'all can stop gabbing about it! The worthy are duly compensated without having to utter a word. At least that's what I tell 'em over at! ABM says: You've got it, playette (too-many, too-plenty). I'm filling out a PO for the silk screens now. (Fellas. Don't you just LOVE it when a woman takes pride in her work?) |
Mahogany Anais
AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Mahoganyanais
Post Number: 100 Registered: 01-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 01:20 am: |
ABM says: DAYAM! I just LOVE it when I'm right. I can sense your kinda talent a (cyber) WORLD away. Mah: Your Spidey sense might have been tingling, but you *know* you read those Testimonials over at Don't lie.
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 2206 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 01:21 am: |
Mah says: Most of it was true--everything except "Mah's Favorite Saying: 'It's not the size of the wave, but the motion of the ocean.'" Lies, damn lies. But the rest you can take to the bank! ;-) ABM says: What about your HILARIOUS "But I'm afraid, because I've NEVER done THAT before."? That one ALWAYS crack me up. Mah says: I meant put it [love of..."mic-checks"] on a t-shirt already so y'all can stop gabbing about it! The worthy are duly compensated without having to utter a word. ABM says: Oh. So then it's okay for me to roll over and fall asleep after I'm done. |
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 2207 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 01:26 am: |
Mah says: Your Spidey sense might have been tingling, but you *know* you read those Testimonials over at Don't lie. ABM says: Sure I read the testimonials. 'Cause the legends of yonder Mah-Mah's exploits cause more than just my "Spidey sense" to be..."tingling". |
Mahogany Anais
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Mahoganyanais
Post Number: 101 Registered: 01-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 01:30 am: |
ABM says: What about your HILARIOUS "But I'm afraid, because I've NEVER done THAT before."? That one ALWAYS crack me up. Mah: In the immortal words of Eddie Murphy: "Wuddn't me." You *sure* that wasn't something you overheard someone mumbling in her sleep last night? Mah says: I meant put it [love of..."mic-checks"] on a t-shirt already so y'all can stop gabbing about it! The worthy are duly compensated without having to utter a word. ABM says: Oh. So then it's okay for me to roll over and fall asleep after I'm done. Mah: Dunno. You should probably ask She-Who-Talks-In-Her-Sleep about all that. And now I *know* you were reading someone else's d-m-b profile and not mine, because mine clearly states: "Post-coital cuddling optional." |
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 2209 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 01:49 am: |
Mah: You *sure* that wasn't something you overheard someone mumbling in her sleep last night? ABM says: Ummm? Could be. Maybe I should pay more attention to what Katie, KeeKee and Kandi mumble in their sleep. Mah: Dunno. You should probably ask She-Who-Talks-In-Her-Sleep about all that. ABM says: Okay. But I'll wait til morning. The girls put in a full nights work and need to get their beauty sleep. Mah: And now I *know* you were reading someone else's d-m-b profile and not mine, because mine clearly states: "Post-coital cuddling optional." ABM says: You know that you're the only Do-me-baby...uh, 'baby'...I want. And I'm sure glad that "post-coital cuddling" is optional. Because otherwise I'd have to learn what the phrase means. |
Mahogany Anais
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Mahoganyanais
Post Number: 102 Registered: 01-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 02:12 am: |
ABM says: You know that you're the only Do-me-baby...uh, 'baby'...I want. Mah: So I'll just assume that Katie, KeeKee, and Kandi are a trio of diligent worker bees ("full nights work") you keep in a hive in your bedroom. Got it. ABM: And I'm sure glad that "post-coital cuddling" is optional. Because otherwise I'd have to learn what the phrase means. Mah: It means, "what some women need to feel like it wasn't just a booty call." Hey, I don't make this stuff up. I just do field research. |
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 2212 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 02:33 am: |
Mah: So I'll just assume that Katie, KeeKee, and Kandi are a trio of diligent worker bees ("full nights work") you keep in a hive in your bedroom. Got it. ABM say: See. You're both smart and Do-me-baby eligible. I knew your were a winner the moment I laid eyes on yah. And triple-K say's "Hi!". Mah: It means, "what some women need to feel like it wasn't just a booty call." Hey, I don't make this stuff up. I just do field research. ABM says: Oh. So it's that annoying stuff guys are coerced into doing after-the-fact so that he'll be able to do the coital thing again next weekend. BTW: When doing research, do you take 'copious notes'? |
Mahogany Anais
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Mahoganyanais
Post Number: 103 Registered: 01-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 02:46 am: |
ABM say: See. You're both smart and Do-me-baby eligible. I knew your were a winner the moment I laid eyes on yah. And triple-K say's "Hi!". Mah: Tell those honies I said, "Buzzz..." ABM says: Oh. So it's that annoying stuff guys are coerced into doing after-the-fact so that he'll be able to do the coital thing again next weekend. Mah: So I've been told. Personally, I have one research subject with whom I have a mutually agreed upon no-cuddling rule. You see, this is my area of study: why some women view the coital thing as a "favor" they're doing for somebody, or worse, "goods and services" to be bartered. Perhaps you can shed some light on this baffling phenomenon, ABM. Triple-K told me you that while you *look* like you're only good for one thing, you are actually rather bright and well-read. ABM says: BTW: When doing research, do you take 'copious notes'? Mah: Yes, I carve them into the head board (or his back) for transcribing later. D-M-B motto: Be resourceful! I am going to name the matching set of luggage under my eyes in the morning after you. I was supposed to be getting my beauty rest in preparation for an intense focus group I'm hosting tomorrow. I've been asked to videotape this one. For research purposes, of course. A girl's work is never done.... Good night! |
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 2213 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 03:15 am: |
Mah: Tell those honies I said, "Buzzz..." ABM says: Right back atcha. B's of a feather, buzz together. Mah: So I've been told. Personally, I have one research subject with whom I have a mutually agreed upon no-cuddling rule. You see, this is my area of study: why some women view the coital thing as a "favor" they're doing for somebody, or worse, "goods and services" to be bartered. Perhaps you can shed some light on this baffling phenomenon, ABM. Triple-K told me you that while you *look* like you're only good for one thing, you are actually rather bright and well-read. ABM says: The sweet irony of that with which women attempt to barter is it both the most treasured yet most abundant prize on earth. Thus thine ever-quandry. I'll let T-K advise you on what I'm best at, though a few busted head boards and box spring mattress might best state the case. My SAT's were also quite impressive. But I hate to brag. Mah: Yes, I carve them into the head board (or his back) for transcribing later. D-M-B motto: Be resourceful! ABM says: 'Course you could consider an audio or video recorder. You'd risk getting caught up in an R.Kelly scenario. But that would booster your D-M-B scoring...BIGTIME! Mah: I am going to name the matching set of luggage under my eyes in the morning after you. ABM says: I'd prefer you name some OTHER body parts after me. But I guess that a place to start. MAH: I was supposed to be getting my beauty rest in preparation for an intense focus group I'm hosting tomorrow. I've been asked to videotape this one. For research purposes, of course. A girl's work is never done....Good night! ABM says: In individual sentences, the above is rather benign. But when you put it all together, It's quite a clever come-on. "Beauty rest". "Intense focus group". "Videotape". "researach purposes only". "girl's work is never done". RUFF! RUFF! RUFF! RUFF! RUFF! Nite Mahogany. ("~Another one's gone, another one's gone, another one bites the dust. Hey! He's gonna get you too. Another one bites the dust.~" ---Queen |
Mahogany Anais
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Mahoganyanais
Post Number: 104 Registered: 01-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 08:49 am: |
ABM says: The sweet irony of that with which women attempt to barter is it both the most treasured yet most abundant prize on earth. Thus thine ever-quandry. Mah: Nice summary. You know, I am looking for a research assistant. If you can do some light tapping--I mean, typing!--grunt work, and endure hours with your head buried (in the library stacks), the job is yours. ABM: I'll let T-K advise you on what I'm best at, though a few busted head boards and box spring mattress might best state the case. My SAT's were also quite impressive. But I hate to brag. Mah: I awoke to an email from T-K fairly gushing about how overqualified you are. You need no further references. ABM says: 'Course you could consider an audio or video recorder. Mah: Today's focus group will employ the latest technology. ABM: You'd risk getting caught up in an R.Kelly scenario. Mah: Oh, yeah, I'll need to see your I.D. ABM says: I'd prefer you name some OTHER body parts after me. But I guess that a place to start. Mah: Didn't Ken Chenault start in the mailroom? ABM says: In individual sentences, the above is rather benign. But when you put it all together, It's quite a clever come-on. MAH: Who knew that when I began this research project I inadvertently become ABM-certified Clever???? Talk about job perks! ABM: RUFF! RUFF! RUFF! RUFF! RUFF! MAH: Meow. ABM: ("~Another one's gone, another one's gone, another one bites the dust. Hey! He's gonna get you too. Another one bites the dust.~" ---Queen MAH: "Now I'm back to my old ways, like in the old days/Flirtin, not givin a f**k, what?"---Li'l Kim |
Unregistered guest
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 12:37 pm: |
LOL. You two got me crack'n me up. I hope you buy a pair of pantyhose on the way out, though. They make 'em in yalls exact shade now. LMAO!!!!
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 2215 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 09:05 pm: |
Mah: Nice summary. You know, I am looking for a research assistant. ABM: What happened with your prior RA? You need a brothah like me who can dig DEEPER into your subject matter? Mah: If you can do some light tapping--I mean, typing!--grunt work, and endure hours with your head buried (in the library stacks), the job is yours. ABM: I seldom do any “light tapping” eh...”typing”, babe. But if you give me enough to work with, I’ll bang out your material faster than you can dictake…dang ‘puter…dictate it. And don’t fret: I’ll lick my fingers as I turn EVERY page of your publications (over-n-over-n-still-over again). Mah: I awoke to an email from T-K fairly gushing about how overqualified you are. You need no further references. ABM: I told you I was duh bomb! (“Bribe and flatter [and lick] some women enough and they’ll say justabout ANYTHANG.”) Mah: Today's focus group will employ the latest technology. ABM: Oh. So THAT’s how you keep the crowds…comin’. Well. Be sure to get your equipment serviced (and lubricated) regularly so you keep all your machinery in prime working condition. Mah: Oh, yeah, I'll need to see your I.D. ABM: Eh…well. Sure thing. I’ve gottah send for it, though...hehe! (“Dayam! It she’s with the FBI…I’m F@#$ED!”) Mah: Didn't Ken Chenault start in the mailroom? ABM: Really? I’d heard that he was discovered while performing as an early Chippendale dancer at a bachelorette party for a top-level White female Amex executive. (“That crazy corporate scuttlebutt...Hehe!”) MAH: Who knew that when I began this research project I inadvertently become ABM-certified Clever???? Talk about job perks! ABM: That’s the great thing about science: You never know what may come…up. So big-ups to you. But you ain’t outtah the wood yet, babe. You still have yet to complete your ORAL exams. And, as you’re already ‘profoundly’ aware of, that can indeed be the HARDEST part of all. MAH: Meow. ABM: Ahhhhh! Ain’t nothing more thrilling than having a furry kittycat purring and pawing (& licking) in your lap. MAH: "Now I'm back to my old ways, like in the old days/Flirtin, not givin a f**k, what?"---Li'l Kim ABM: “~Papa digs the chick. If she look real slick. Ouh! Papa rap is very quick. He defintely ain`t no trick!~”---James Brown |
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 2216 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 09:08 pm: |
Lily, If the panty hose come in a crotchless variety ("Free Willy!"), you can sign me up for a 1/2 dozen pair. |
Mahogany Anais
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Mahoganyanais
Post Number: 105 Registered: 01-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, April 01, 2005 - 01:16 am: |
ABM: What happened with your prior RA? You need a brothah like me who can dig DEEPER into your subject matter? MAH: Regarding your predecessor...I *just* returned home from relieving him...of his duties. I try to be sensitive when it comes to such things, and let him down (from the dungeon wall) gently. He performed admirably if not spectacularly at the focus group today, but you know how it is: sometimes you just need fresh...meat. ABM: I seldom do any “light tapping” eh...”typing”, babe. But if you give me enough to work with, I’ll bang out your material faster than you can dictake…dang ‘puter…dictate it. MAH: Ah. Just as I suspected: you are a pro. See...I'm used to dealing with lightweights like your predecessor. ABM: I told you I was duh bomb! MAH: I just hope I can afford you. Good help does not come cheap. According to T-K, with the amount of tapping--uh, TYPING--I require, I'll run through my grant money in no time if I pay you on an hourly basis. Let's talk salary. And benefits. ABM: Well. Be sure to get your equipment serviced (and lubricated) regularly so you keep all your machinery in prime working condition. MAH: That's the RA's job! Didn't you read the job description??? ABM: Really? I’d heard that he was discovered while performing as an early Chippendale dancer at a bachelorette party for a top-level White female Amex executive. (“That crazy corporate scuttlebutt...Hehe!”) MAH: Oh, yes! The Chocolate Chippendales. They are legendary...and on my Christmas card mailing list. ABM: But you ain’t outtah the wood yet, babe. You still have yet to complete your ORAL exams. And, as you’re already ‘profoundly’ aware of, that can indeed be the HARDEST part of all. MAH: Yeah, T-K told me that was a tough nut to crack, and that even after multiple exams, they *still* haven't passed. But I'm a perfectionist: I'm aiming for an A-plus first time out, no matter how long...the exam lasts. ABM: “~Papa digs the chick. If she look real slick. Ouh! Papa rap is very quick. He defintely ain`t no trick!~”---James Brown MAH: "I know you don't like weak women/ You get bored so quick/ And you don't like strong women/ 'Cause they're hip to your tricks"--Joni Mitchell
Moderator Username: Kola
Post Number: 449 Registered: 02-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, April 01, 2005 - 10:00 am: |
Mahogany!!! I just read about your new gig for the Washington Post and your site LITERARY MAMA being picked by FORBES as a quality place to drop by. CONGRATS!!!! I'm so happy and excited for you. I would have posted over there, but I'm not allowed to post on THUMPER'S Board, so when you post over there--I cant' respond. But you go girl!! And I see you've got ABM all twisted up like a pretzel, too. LOL
Mahogany Anais
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Mahoganyanais
Post Number: 107 Registered: 01-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, April 01, 2005 - 10:05 am: |
Hey, Kola, thanks! No dis to your board, I wasn't sure where to post my news (and I didn't want to do that annoying multiple posting thing). But thank you so much for giving me a shout out here. I'll consider the Kool Room home in the future. Mwah! As for ABM, I don't know how you and T-K have handled his clever butt for so long. Hats off to you! He makes a sistah bring her A-game, don't he? (*stroke, stroke* LOL!) |
Moderator Username: Kola
Post Number: 450 Registered: 02-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, April 01, 2005 - 10:22 am: |
Oh no, Mahogany. Post wherever you want, I just wanted you to know why I wasn't answering on that side is all. And you right, girl, this is your home. We started KOOL ROOM as the place where we let our hair down and talk 'nitty gritty', LOL. I am enjoying reading this LITERARY MAMA site. They would have loved my poem "Dolpin (during Pregnancy) from my book "Nile River Woman". Your star is rising, Mahoghany and I get the feeling you deserve it, and probably being black, it's LOOOOONG over due. LOL. ABM is too much for the report. But you're such a smooth Cobra, you making his ass cross-eyed, I love it!!!!
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 2239 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, April 01, 2005 - 03:05 pm: |
MAH: Regarding your predecessor...I *just* returned home from relieving him...of his duties. I try to be sensitive when it comes to such things, and let him down (from the dungeon wall) gently. He performed admirably if not spectacularly at the focus group today, but you know how it is: sometimes you just need fresh...meat. ABM: Perhaps thine walls be a bit to steep for all save the most skilled adventurer to surmount. But be encouraged. For I be of strong limb and stout back to scour thine ever cavern and crevice. And if it be meat you need, then just call me Sam The Butcher. MAH: Ah. Just as I suspected: you are a pro. See...I'm used to dealing with lightweights like your predecessor. ABM: Yeah. You need a playah who has the punching power and dexterity to hit it from the left to right then the stamina to REALLY work the middle. MAH: I just hope I can afford you. Good help does not come cheap. According to T-K, with the amount of tapping--uh, TYPING--I require, I'll run through my grant money in no time if I pay you on an hourly basis. Let's talk salary. And benefits. ABM: You get whatcha pay for, babe. But if you need a home equity loan to cover the tab (and you probably WILL), I can hook you up with good a mortgage broker. ‘Course, you may have to work out some additional ‘term’s with him. MAH: That's the RA's job! Didn't you read the job description??? ABM: You mean I’ve gottah “READ”? Dayam! I KNEW there would be a catch to my getting this gig! MAH: Oh, yes! The Chocolate Chippendales. They are legendary...and on my Christmas card mailing list. ABM: The feelings mutual. ‘Cause from what I’ve heard, you’re on of their (sugah mama) list too. MAH: Yeah, T-K told me that was a tough nut to crack, and that even after multiple exams, they *still* haven't passed. But I'm a perfectionist: I'm aiming for an A-plus first time out, no matter how long...the exam lasts. ABM: Yeah. My nut is tuff…but fair. But don’t worry. ‘Cause if you practice reciting my material again, and again…and AGAIN - over some very long/hard hours - you may (after getting on your knees and prayin’), score a PhD. MAH: "I know you don't like weak women/ You get bored so quick/ And you don't like strong women/ 'Cause they're hip to your tricks"--Joni Mitchell ABM: “You're so vain. You probably think this song is about you. You're so vain. So vain. I'll bet you think this song is about you. Don't you? Don't you?” ---Carly Simon |
Mahogany Anais
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Mahoganyanais
Post Number: 111 Registered: 01-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, April 01, 2005 - 03:49 pm: |
Kola, thanks for the encouragement! And do keep LitMama in mind for future submissions of your work, if you think there's a potential fit. |
Mahogany Anais
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Mahoganyanais
Post Number: 114 Registered: 01-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, April 01, 2005 - 06:34 pm: |
ABM: Perhaps thine walls be a bit to steep for all save the most skilled adventurer to surmount. But be encouraged. For I be of strong limb and stout back to scour thine ever cavern and crevice. MAH: Ah, a typist, a wordsmith, *and* a spelunker. Mmmmm.... ABM: And if it be meat you need, then just call me Sam The Butcher. MAH/Alice the Maid: You know he was on the DL, don't you? ABM: Yeah. You need a playah who has the punching power and dexterity to hit it from the left to right then the stamina to REALLY work the middle. MAH: See? I just couldn't find such talent on ABM: You get whatcha pay for, babe. But if you need a home equity loan to cover the tab (and you probably WILL), I can hook you up with good a mortgage broker. ‘Course, you may have to work out some additional ‘term’s with him. MAH: Well, I'm all about efficiency. The three of us should just have one big...meeting. ABM: You mean I’ve gottah “READ”? Dayam! I KNEW there would be a catch to my getting this gig! MAH: Well, I don't mind if you struggle a bit and have to move your lips as you read. Or as you do any of the other myriad tasks I will set before you. ABM: “You're so vain. You probably think this song is about you. You're so vain. So vain. I'll bet you think this song is about you. Don't you? Don't you?” ---Carly Simon MAH: Addicted to the things you do/ It's still true what I'm saying, Boo/ Cause this is All About U --Tupac
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 2246 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, April 01, 2005 - 08:50 pm: |
MAH: Ah, a typist, a wordsmith, *and* a spelunker. Mmmmm.... ABM: Aw. Tain’t nut’n’, babe. You should see a brothah DANCE. MAH/Alice the Maid: You know he was on the DL, don't you? ABM: “Et tu, [Sam]? Et tu?” MAH: See? I just couldn't find such talent on ABM: Yeah you can. Just have to know how to work that lil’ cursor of yours bettah, baby. MAH: Well, I'm all about efficiency. The three of us should just have one big...meeting. ABM: Well, in that case, why don’t I invite the appraiser, underwriter, inspector and mail carrier (Don’t ask. I owe him a favor.) and we can all close this deal in an afternoon. MAH: Well, I don't mind if you struggle a bit and have to move your lips as you read. Or as you do any of the other myriad tasks I will set before you. ABM: Thanks. I’ll review and redo all the areas you need worked over. But be prepared to dedicate the rest of the semester to consuming the contents of my briefs. MAH: Addicted to the things you do/ It's still true what I'm saying, Boo/ Cause this is All About U --Tupac ABM: “~I want the bomb, I want the P.Funk. (Yeah!) I want my funk uncut. Make my funk the P.Funk. I wants to get funked up.~” ---Parliament-Funkadelic (Baby!) |
Mahogany Anais
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Mahoganyanais
Post Number: 118 Registered: 01-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, April 01, 2005 - 10:41 pm: |
ABM: Aw. Tain’t nut’n’, babe. You should see a brothah DANCE. MAH: Can you do the horizontal mambo? I was born to do it. ABM: “Et tu, [Sam]? Et tu?” MAH: Notice, he never took Alice to his place. He always came to the Brady Compound, or Alice met him at the butcher shop. And I bet she only had his cell phone number. ABM: Just have to know how to work that lil’ cursor of yours bettah, baby. MAH: Well, it is quite sensitive. I have to rub that little button just the right way...CLICK! ABM: Well, in that case, why don’t I invite the appraiser, underwriter, inspector and mail carrier (Don’t ask. I owe him a favor.) and we can all close this deal in an afternoon. MAH: An afternoon? Surely you jest. That's SIX potential grant-makers I have to...persuade. Perfection cannot be RUSHED. Is this the kind of work ethic you possess? I expected better... ABM: But be prepared to dedicate the rest of the semester to consuming the contents of my briefs. MAH: ...<blink>...Okay. I have to break character here for a minute...ROFLMAO ABM: “~I want the bomb, I want the P.Funk. (Yeah!) I want my funk uncut. Make my funk the P.Funk. I wants to get funked up.~” ---Parliament-Funkadelic (Baby!) MAH: And the ride... I say the ride is so smooth/ U must be a limousine ---Prince
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 2249 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, April 02, 2005 - 05:37 am: |
MAH: Can you do the horizontal mambo? I was born to do it. ABM: Then, Mah-Mah, we may be related. Now, can you limbo? If so, let’s see how low under my ‘stick’ you can go. ("~Jill be nimble, Jill be quick. Jill jumped on the limbo stick...~") MAH: Notice, he never took Alice to his place. He always came to the Brady Compound, or Alice met him at the butcher shop. And I bet she only had his cell phone number. ABM: Yeah. He kept things on the QT. But I just figured he was a big ol’ playah (considering all that prime, Grade-A beef he had hangin’ around) and he didn’t want Alice crampin’ his style. MAH: Well, it is quite sensitive. I have to rub that little button just the right way...CLICK! ABM: Good. Now if you REALLY wanna maximize your mouse, hit the alternate click button. ‘Cause all kinds of wonderful functions will pop up atchu. MAH: An afternoon? Surely you jest. That's SIX potential grant-makers I have to...persuade. Perfection cannot be RUSHED. Is this the kind of work ethic you possess? I expected better... ABM: You misunderstood, Babe. That’s just for you to grease the engine. You’ll have to do A LOT more body-work before you can get to drive the Ferarri. MAH: ...<blink>...Okay. I have to break character here for a minute...ROFLMAO ABM: That one (“consuming” “briefs”) was pretty good if I do say so myself. HAHA! MAH: And the ride... I say the ride is so smooth/ U must be a limousine ---Prince ABM: “~Hugging like a monkey see Monkey do Right beside a riverboat gambler Erotic images float through my head So I wanna be Your midnight rambler~” ---Terence Trent D’arby |
Mahogany Anais
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Mahoganyanais
Post Number: 122 Registered: 01-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, April 02, 2005 - 09:13 am: |
ABM: Then, Mah-Mah, we may be related. MAH: Hmm...There are some things that even Mah won't do, my "brotha". ABM: ("~Jill be nimble, Jill be quick. Jill jumped on the limbo stick...~") MAH: "LITTLE Jack Horner, sat in a corner, eating his Christmas pie. He stuck in his thumb and..." ABM: You’ll have to do A LOT more body-work before you can get to drive the Ferarri. MAH: I'm no stranger to hard work. Or getting dirty. ABM: “~Hugging like a monkey see Monkey do Right beside a riverboat gambler Erotic images float through my head So I wanna be Your midnight rambler~” ---Terence Trent D’arby MAH: "I want to come over/ To hell with the consequence"---Melissa Etheridge
Mahogany Anais
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Mahoganyanais
Post Number: 123 Registered: 01-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, April 02, 2005 - 09:23 am: |
MAH: Well, it is quite sensitive. I have to rub that little button just the right way...CLICK! ABM: Good. Now if you REALLY wanna maximize your mouse, hit the alternate click button. ‘Cause all kinds of wonderful functions will pop up atchu. MAH: That alternate button has been hit a time or ten, and you ain't neva lied about WON-DER-FUL.
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 2251 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, April 03, 2005 - 11:07 am: |
MAH: Hmm...There are some things that even Mah won't do, my "brotha". ABM: Don’t worry. I figure you maybe a third cousin twice removed on my father’s side. So it should be legal. Nasty...but legal. MAH: "LITTLE Jack Horner, sat in a corner, eating his Christmas pie. He stuck in his thumb and..." ABM: “Old Mother Hubbard, went to the cubbard, to get her randy doggy a bone. But when she bent over, the rover took over...and now he’s got a bone of his own.” MAH: I'm no stranger to hard work. Or getting dirty. ABM: Good. Now, if you don’t mind getting hot and sweaty and getting some oil squirted on you, you may be allowed to ride. MAH: That alternate button has been hit a time or ten, and you ain't neva lied about WON-DER-FUL. ABM: I’m thrilled you’re having such fun tapping your clicker. But be careful, it can be addictive. So to avoid program freezes, you may require more RAM to your motherboard. MAH: "I want to come over/ To hell with the consequence"---Melissa Etheridge ABM: “~If for any reason there is a loss in cabin pressure I will automatically drop down to apply more.~” ---Price |
Mahogany Anais
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Mahoganyanais
Post Number: 128 Registered: 01-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, April 03, 2005 - 06:35 pm: |
ABM: ...Nasty...but legal. Mah: That was the theme of my 18th birthday party! Ah, memories. ABM: “Old Mother Hubbard, went to the cubbard, to get her randy doggy a bone. But when she bent over, the rover took over...and now he’s got a bone of his own.” Mah: "Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater, had a wife and couldn't keep her. That's because he was eating the wrong thing..." ABM: Good. Now, if you don’t mind getting hot and sweaty and getting some oil squirted on you, you may be allowed to ride. MAH: Vroom. ABM: So to avoid program freezes, you may require more RAM to your motherboard. MAH: So how many inches, er, megabytes do you recommend? ABM: “~If for any reason there is a loss in cabin pressure I will automatically drop down to apply more.~” ---Pri[n]ce Mah: "I'll let you go further/ If you take the southern route"--TLC
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 2258 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, April 04, 2005 - 08:22 am: |
Mah: That was the theme of my 18th birthday party! Ah, memories. ABM: “~She was only SEVENTEEN…SEVENTEEN. But she was SEXY.~” ---Rick James Mah: "Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater, had a wife and couldn't keep her. That's because he was eating the wrong thing..." ABM: “Here go ‘round the [black]berry Bush. The [black]berry Bush. The [black]berry Bush. Here go ‘round the [black]berry Bush. On a cold and frosty mornin’.” MAH: Vroom. ABM: Well then: “Gentlemen! Start your engines!” MAH: So how many inches, er, megabytes do you recommend? ABM: Depends on much wiring your interfaces can manage or how many slots you choose to occupy. Mah: "I'll let you go further/ If you take the southern route"--TLC ABM: “~Conversate for a few, cause in a few, we gon' do, what we came to do, ain't that right boo~” |
"Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 2259 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, April 04, 2005 - 08:23 am: |
---Biggie Smalls |
Paula Edward
Newbie Poster Username: Badmamajama
Post Number: 2 Registered: 04-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, April 10, 2005 - 11:30 pm: |
Yall is a TRIIII-eppp.