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Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 173 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 11:26 am: |
WOULD SOMEBODY CHECK ALL THIS BULLSHIT THAT THUMPER WROTE?? THUMPER: *LMAO* Hysteria, listen, what all I know, or should I say DON'T KNOW about you, it's not new that I don't trust or believe a single solitary word that comes from your mouth. WISS: "Yawn. Ditto for me." THUMPER: Quiet as its kept, and it has been kept awfully quiet for you never got wind of it, I've done all kinds of research on you. Frankly, I use to be more intrigued on what I DON'T KNOW, than what I do know. Now, I'm bored by the antics and stuff. WISS: "Oh please! How do you 'investigate' a person who doesn't even have a social security number and the government gives them a different passport every month??? so many other Riff-Raff cornpone people CLAIMING to have 'researched KB'---you don't know jack shit, but what I WANT you to know." THUMPER: That supposed "email" that was sent to you concerning comparing you to a Mary Monroe character is laughable. I bet it came from another email account huh? *giggling* WISS: "Actually...Stephanie Horton sent me that email. You can ask her yourself. Her email address is So if there's anything that''s YOU when you're trying to play Sheba Baby." THUMPER: And all that name dropping? You really should cut that out. I talked to several of your celebrity "friends", WISS: "Notice how I ALWAYS name NAMES but Thumper just uses 'vague' references. So yeah---WHICH celebrity 'friends' of mines have you TALKED to Thumper? I'm sure they'd love to be made aware." THUMPER: funny how they don't have the same opinion of you all's "friendship" that you do. I ain't exactly without contacts myself, dear. WISS: "Oh, I'll just bet you're redecorating your kitchen, making carrott cake for your CONTACTS and raising your eyebrows every 10 seconds in INDIANAPOLIS. Tell me--you got LOOP EYE from all that eyebrow raising yet or what?" THUMPER: But you keep your charade rollin right along. WISS: "Well, at least I'm not named after a DISNEY character and at least my charade has MERIT." THUMPER: I thought it only fair to tell you that I know the lay of the land. I know where you stand and where I KNOW I stand. WISS: "IS this about Troy gett'n in your Kool-Aid, sweetie? Because I haven't even ARRIVED in New York YET. And as I've always stated---I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST YOU---it's YOU who have some ridiculous fixation on me, like you're a Psycho-stalker or something. I've never done anything to you, against you, etc." THUMPER: So all that name dropping and email receiving, etc, just don't impress or move me. Sorry. WISS: "Thumper, who cares about impressing you, dollface? You're not exactly writing for the Indianapolis FREE Press." THUMPER: You can play some of these other people as Boo Boo the damn fool, don't ever make that mistake with me. I ain't the one. WISS: "No you're not the're the number TWO." THUMPER: Also, you can keep all that Mother Africa stuff to yourself, or your imagination, which ever one gets you through the night. I really don't care. WISS: "The ONLY people that I'm a mother to is my two sons. I don't have to be Mother Nature, Mother Africa or Mother do the job I deign to do. And I don't need your permission or your acceptance to say what the hell I have to say on race---to Black people---anywhere on this goddamned planet. And it won't be long...before everybody IN THIS COUNTRY hears what I have to say, whether they like it or not. That goes for the White haters, the Feminist bitch haters and the niggerstock, too. I could care less about your country time lemonade ass and your raised eyebrow. And all the rest of the KNEE-grows that 'talk black'---but ain't SAID SHIT in 25 years. You don't like Africans---get on your knees and ask GOD if we give a fuck!" LASTLY THUMPER: "For your own career longevity and your own should stop being such a PUNK BITCH. Because eventually...the people who think it's cute will get bored and turn their backs on you and they'll recruit some other Hissy-Minstrel Act to entertain and gossip with. You should have more INTEGRITY and what you do." You keep calling me a transexual, transvestite---but it's like THOMAS said: "That's cause that pillow-biting mf wish he could be KB." AMEN.
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 174 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 11:30 am: |
Now let's see how long this PERSON OF INTEGRITY allows this thread of truth to sit here for all the world to see. Let's see how long it takes for the person who wrote all that BULLSHIT to come in here and start up with his COWARDLY...."I'll ban you from, you African bitch!" Let's just let the TRUTH show itself. Once again. IF YOU CAN'T BEAT HER...KICK HER OUT!!!!
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 175 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 11:40 am: |
LASTLY THUMPER: "For your own career longevity and your own should stop being such a PUNK BITCH. Because eventually...the people who think it's cute will get bored and turn their backs on you and they'll recruit some other Hissy-Minstrel Act to entertain and gossip with. You should have more INTEGRITY and what you do." You keep calling me a transexual, transvestite---but it's like THOMAS said: "That's cause that pillow-biting mf WISH he could be KB." AMEN.
Thumper "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Thumper
Post Number: 266 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 06:20 pm: |
*LMAO* Bitch, remember about two years ago in an email that I sent you. I can't recall if that was one of the first email that I wrote you and you used in your cut-n-paste email campaign that you launched against me, BUT I gave you two pieces of wisdom that I see you still haven't quite grasp: 1.) A word to the wise is sufficient, 2.) You don't have the metal capacity to think one of my thoughts, for one of my thoughts would burst your head wide open. Remember? Well, while you try to figure out what I do know and what I don't, and how I found out what I did and you never caught wind of it...*LOL* Let me leave you with one more old saying for you to take heed to...Don't bring a knife to a gunfight. *big ol evil smile* Funny, you should mention fund raising and your social security number? Hmmmmm *eyebrow raised* Interesting, very interesting indeed. You have a good day now. *LOL* |
Thumper "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Thumper
Post Number: 267 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 06:23 pm: |
*LMAO* Bitch, remember about two years ago in an email that I sent you. I can't recall if that was one of the first email that I wrote you and you used in your cut-n-paste email campaign that you launched against me, BUT I gave you two pieces of wisdom that I see you still haven't quite grasp: 1.) A word to the wise is sufficient, 2.) You don't have the metal capacity to think one of my thoughts, for one of my thoughts would burst your head wide open. Remember? Well, while you try to figure out what I do know and what I don't, and how I found out what I did and you never caught wind of it...*LOL* Let me leave you with one more old saying for you to take heed to...Don't bring a knife to a gunfight. *big ol evil smile* Funny, you should mention fund raising and your social security number? Hmmmmm *eyebrow raised* Interesting, very interesting indeed. You have a good day now. *LOL* |
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 179 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 06:49 pm: |
Let me make this PERFECTLY clear Thumper: 1) I'm the BITCH (of the two of us) who KNOWS how to use a GUN...not YOU, twerp....and while you're bringing that KNIFE...make sure you sharpen it. 2) I'm not trying to FIGURE OUT shit. Because there's nothing to figure out. 3) Why would I need a social security number to FUND RAISE when the United States Government is running all my affairs? I'm a VERY SPECIAL CITIZEN, darling. I fly on airplanes without identification---I travel between countries without a passport---I don't pay "BILLS"....and...MY COMPUTERS are all PROPERTY OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT. Everything you see--they see. 4) And by the way. Is there some information you have that you'd like to share with the Big boys down at the STATE DEPARTMENT? Because they keep a big old file on Ms. Kola Boof...and if you got something they don't know....then I'm sure they'd be HONORED to come down to INDIANAPOLIS and tear your walls out and open your sofas...and search and search until your LYING PUNK ass turns up the goods. Or do you keep those stashed up in your butthole, too, Chipmunk cheeks? Eeeek---eeek. You oughta be more careful, Thumpette. 5) You're damned right I'm a BITCH. The one you WISH you could little pillow-biting Richard Simmons impersonator. Now.....YOU.....have a good day. ORCA.
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 180 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 06:59 pm: |
Matter of fact....I'm starting to think that old Thumper here is trying to HINT that he's a "terrorist".... .......and that this is WHY he's got such an OBSESSIVE hatred towards me---other than the fact that his "HITS" go up everytime little Miss Kola drops in. People come to READ ME...not him (or that tired skeezer Cynique) and they CANT STAND IT--they have to BAN anyone who upstages their dull bantering........CLUCK. But yes, you sound more and more like you've got some TERRORIST INFORMATION that just might be of major interest to the good ol' boys whose job it is to PROTECT this country from crazed, technology-privvy CYBER punks. Which is what old Thump is claiming to be, right? And you mentioned CONTACTS/FRIENDS of mines before. Tell us been in touch with Multi-nationals or got some info about Osama Bin Laden's gang boys trying to contact me?? Keep talking....about all the INFO you have, sugar-tank. Keep talking and SEE who shows up at your front door with a warrant to tear your fucking house apart and take you down to the GREEN ROOM for a days of questioning, Thumpette.
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 1364 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 08:20 pm: |
Wonder why this psychotic, egomaniac Kola-slime doesn't crawl back under the rock that it came from? "Her" incision must be acting up again, causing "her" a lot of pain because they botched the surgery that removed "her" male genitals, - an operation "she" requested in a pathetic attempt to turn "herself" into a female. That's why "she's" always talking about being "cut." Yeah, "she"'s been cut all right. They wacked off those balls and that big penis and stuffed them in "her" chest so "she" could brag about "her" boobs. Lord knows "she" needs something to brag about. Wonder why this ignorant wanna-be American who, mistakenly thinks that Martin Luther King launched his movement in l948, doesn't go over to the Sudan and help out "her" own people?? That would certainly provide "her" with the attention "she" craves....heh-heh. And I can see "her" now, slobbering at the mouth, those bubble eyes all wild, slack lips blubbering - Ooooh I cry sooo easily - stilt legs wobbling, as "she" tries to think up a new ways to describe my color, something "she" is obviously obsesssed with because "she"'s not creative enough to snap on me without making reference to it. tsk tsk. And this dummy is so deluded "she" takes my Viggo jokes seriously. But then why should that surprise me since "she" also takes "herself" seriously. Yet, - what can you expect from a sorry-assed, second-rate hack suffering from delusions of grandeur? LMAO! OK, Kola-nut. It's time to play the age card. Like I care. I'm proud of how long I've been around. That's why I announced it. Wheeeeee! Sorry, folks, I tried to let it go but it's so much fun because Kola is so easy to ridicule. |
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 181 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 09:48 pm: |
What a DESPERATE bunch of bullshit Cynique. At least I've got some p***y for men to enjoy. What you got OLD YELLER? Stale, dried up quicksand? I bet the Chicago Bears could get lost up in that grandma-smelling cave of yours. Still using DYE to keep away the gray???? The stench alone would droop their erections. I bet you WISH you had the little blond pleasure mound that your husband's girlfriend has. Speaking of which. Is he coming to see me in Chicago??? We all KNOW how men like to see big tits that are ALL NATURAL, God-given and uh.........STILL STANDING. Yours are like slivers of liver that sweep your crusty red feet every morning, BAMA BITCH. ANd you're right. I'm NOTHING BUT legs. 55 inches of soft, smooth silky chocolate legs. Men love that, too. SNAP is right. You're just a prune-faced Rooster-Jowled old COW who has to finger yourself over some funky long haired White Man every day----you mention your TRYSTS with VIGGO CONSTANTLY---and then tries to claim it's all a....JOKE. What is this, a repeat of DALLAS? Get the novacaine out your CONCH and start getting d**KED (even if you have to PAY)...because then you wouldn't be such a grouchy old hag. Shit. Pay LAMBD to tap that old by and by Pippi Longstocking ass. He takes pity on white girls...he might take pity on your BEN-GAY perfumed joints. You SLOP jar enthusiast, you. |
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 182 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 09:56 pm: |
Oh and Cynique. About that "email" we shared. Although CAREY is widowed and old enough to fit your "demographic".....I really don't think he's got a taste for gray REDHEAD Bingo champs who wear long socks to the supermarket and have to wear RUBBER support panties to keep their vagina folds above the thighs. Carey may be older....but he's still got enough BAT-Stick to be hunting some p***y that can grip his d*ck and make him see stars. Good, sweet YOUNG P***y like mines, A_womon's and MOON's---not that we're available for pokings. But you know what time it is MOTHER GOOSE. Jealous little PENSION planner you.
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 183 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 10:00 pm: |
Get the novacaine out your CONCH and start getting d**KED (even if you have to PAY)...because then you wouldn't be such a grouchy old hag. Shit. Pay LAMBD to tap that old by and by Pippi Longstocking ass. He takes pity on white girls...he might take pity on your BEN-GAY perfumed joints. You SLOP jar enthusiast, you. AND you ALSO need me to send you an email with instructions on how to suck LAMBDS d**ck? You're so pathetic. A woman THAT OLD asking for sex tips.
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 184 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 10:01 pm: |
AND you ALSO need me to send you an email with instructions on how to suck LAMBDS d**ck? You're so pathetic. A woman THAT OLD asking for sex tips.
Abm "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 1308 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 10:11 pm: |
Jus' eating popcorn, sippin' beer and lisnin'...' |
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 185 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 10:21 pm: |
ABM... Would somebody PLEASE tell that SENILE fart-bag that her fantasies about Viggo calling on the phone and Kola being a TRANSEXXUAL (which is really what SHE is) are never going to come matter how she clicks her heels and barks at the CLOUDS waiting for Ethel Waters fat ass to sing "There's Honey IN the HoneyComb". What a pathetic old foot blister, Cynique is. She needs to quit with the drinking and stop sniffing around Thumpette's azz for shade. God. She's like a Politician's frigid wife. Just absent-minded as all get out.
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 186 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 10:44 pm: |
God forgive me for calling Ethel Waters "fat". She's one of my all-time favorite stars. I loved her in "Pinky", "Member of the Wedding" and especially "Cabin In the Sky". In my rage, I spoke ill of one of my most beloved ones. I MEANT to name the person who actually sung the song "There's Honey In the Honey Comb"---Lena Horne. At least LENA can actually say she married her white Viggo (TWO white hubbys) and had half-caste kids with Sidney Lumet.
Abm "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 1311 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 11:01 pm: |
Certainly the more 'prurient' part of myself is grossly enjoying this profane row between you all. And, frankly, this thing has become so salacious in nature it almost appears as though it has grown as pornographic in intent as it is in tone. But Thumper, didn't you recently admonish me to curb some of my more 'adult' assertions because minors frequent this site? |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 1365 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 11:22 pm: |
I love it! I love it! I love it! Calm down, Kola-Nut. Can I push your buttons, or what? How many posts in a row did you spit out, sleaze bag? What a easy prey you are. Your ego is sooo fragile. Not to worry. I'll get back to you when I think of some other choice insults for you. (And you provide fertile ground for this endeavor). And please, get some new material. That Viggo-thing and my being old are sooo played out. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 1366 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 11:37 pm: |
Carey: Kola, being the pathological liar that "she" is, is making references to an e-mail I know absolutely nothing about. I haven't corresponded with this varmint in over 3 years. What a nut-case! |
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 189 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 12:12 am: |
ABM.... you know how much I love you. I wasn't talking about YOU, dearest. And now I can reveal the truth. That the only reason I even came back to this board, where I am so hated and because I had to get you BACK. You never have explained just what it was (that I did) that made you turn to stone to stop speaking to me for MONTHS. And that hurt me so incredibly deeply. But I had to make an attempt to have my "buddy" back. I love you so much. I really mean that. I have to fly off for Chicago now--but I always miss your advice, your talks and your brilliance. You PLAY a womanizing, sex-crazed wretch on the SOAP that is called AALBC.... ......but in real life, you're such a kind, empathetic, intelligent BLACK hero-man and one of my very favorite people. Please know that. And please be there for me, because I NEED YOU. Things are not nearly as "well" as they appear to be...and I NEED YOU, ABM. I haven't been drinking in a while. GRANTED. As pathetic as that may sound. YOU KNOW me....I have no shame and I never put on airs. But I know you understand me. You're the only one who does. PLEASE don't EVER stop being my friend, ABM. Make your wife understand that we're "artists". I have to fly away now.
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 190 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 12:16 am: |
That we're artists ....and that I'm not a threat to her.
Lambd "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Lambd
Post Number: 544 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 01:05 am: |
This is some good shytt! I guess I should be offended, but I'm too stupid to figure out what for. Is it because I take pity on white girls or because someone needs instructions on how to give me oral satisfaction? I guess it can get a bit tricky when you got a curve goin' like an umbrella handle....I'll just leave that out there for Abm to digest and respond to. I know he's got a goodie all ready and waiting. Sarge? You always got something to say to me about my poetry getting a little risque. But you got nothin' for this? Oh, I'm really paranoid now! |
Thumper "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Thumper
Post Number: 268 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 07:06 am: |
Hello All, ABM: Yes, I admonished you and others from talking risque and meant every word of it! *eyeborw raised* Don't believe me? *eyebrow raised* Ain't no need of you trying to divert some heat from your "friend" though, she/he/IT ain't going to get no heat from me. She/he/IT can carry on all she/he/IT wants to but I'm leaving that Abercrombie the Zombie looking b_tch alone because I got the goods to deliver and aint afraid to use it, when I see fit and not a minute before! So, please forgive me but I'm bowing out of this mess. *LMAO* I got books to read, WRITTEN BY REAL AUTHORS, and reviews to write. *LOL* |
Abm "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 1314 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 10:06 am: |
Thumper, Uh...okay. Jus’ checkin’. (Yeah foks, 'it’s GOOD to be King!'). Lambd, Naw! I think I’ll leave (the sordid details of) your "oral instruction" and your "umbrella handle" (And BTW: DAYUM! Playah, don’t that $#*+ HURT when you take a wizz?) to you and your Chocolate City hoodrat connection to sort thru. But be sure to check with Miss_mysteria though. Cuz I got a feelin’ she might be carryin’ the kinda equipment to scraitnin out dat dur "curve" for ya! Frankly, I think ol’ Sarge’s a bit shellshocked. At least I know I am. JEEZ! Miss_wysteria, You embarrass me with your effusive adoration. I won’t even pretend to be worthy of such. Still, I thank you for so kindly expressing such sentiments. And please know that whatever you feel for me I do feel in kind. Yonder Fire Maiden: You were made strong where and how I might yet be enfeeble. So I will ask that you be patient. For I too endure much and must bear my allotment of troubles in a manner that best suits me. But please remain stout and forthright. For I expect that circumstances will soon improve for us both as individuals and companions. And in truth, part of me is indeed that "sex-crazed wretch". That element fuels a fiery chasm from which all other elements of my being are both born...and burn. PS: I hope that you enjoy Chicago. And I hope you and Cynique get together. Cuz THAT would prove more (violently) exciting than a Bears-Packers football game (hehe!). |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 1367 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 10:42 am: |
Well, good morning, children. Are we all going to be on our best behavior today? I hope so. And I, myself, promise to exercise restraint. (Note: I only respond to name-calling; I don't initiate it.)Also please note that Chicago has been alerted and security stepped up in the event of a terrorist attack. Ol Cynique is keeping an eye out, fortifying herself with regular swigs of Sangria, holed up in a secret bunker, far away from you-know-who because, truth be told, she thinks Kola could probably take her down in the best 2 out of 3 falls. And don't worry, Lambd, your family jewels are safe. Abm, - who knew? Thumper, I'm done. |
Abm "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 1319 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 11:22 am: |
Cynique says: "Well, good morning, children." ABM says: Hi Aunt Bee! Cynique says: "Are we all going to be on our best behavior today? I hope so." ABM says: Uh...maybe. Dat’s if that theevin’ Lambd leaves my skateboard alone. Cynique says: "And I, myself, promise to exercise restraint." ABM says: See. There you go bringing your kinky sexlife into the discussion again. Cynique says: "(Note: I only respond to name-calling; I don't initiate it.)" ABM says: Sure. Sure. That’s what MOST foulmouth $#*+starters claim. Cynique says: "Also please note that Chicago has been alerted and security stepped up in the event of a terrorist attack." ABM says: Okay now. THAT was a low-blow...even for you. Cynique says: "Ol Cynique is keeping an eye out" ABM says: Didn’t your opthamologist say you should keep that inside your head or it will get smudged? Cynique says: "fortifying herself with regular swigs of Sangria, holed up in a secret bunker" ABM says: It’s lookin’ like it’s time to go get ‘it’, Lambd Dawg (RUFF! RUFF!). But take some Pepto Bismol and Tic Tacs with you. Because with all dat cheap wine Cynique drinks, believe-you-me you’re going to NEED them. Cynique says: "far away from you-know-who" ABM says: Yeah, right. Miss_wysteria, you’d better spruce up your Secret Service detail...because you may have your own special "Oswald" headed your way. Cynique says: "because, truth be told," ABM says: Really. Don’t a lot of lies begin with THAT phrase? Cynique says: "she thinks Kola could probably take her down in the best 2 out of 3 falls." ABM says: If there is a GOD in heaven, HE’LL give me frontrow seats to THAT bout. Cynique says: "And don't worry, Lambd,..." ABM says: happy!" (Sorry. Gotta take cheap-n-easy jokes when they come.) Cynique says: "your family jewels are safe." ABM says: Yeah. Because there aren’t enuff of ‘em worth stealing. Cynique says: "Abm, - who knew?" ABM says: YOU do...’especially’ <wink!>. Cynique says: "Thumper, I'm done." ABM says: Til about noon Central time today. Then it is all back ‘on like popcon’.! Sorry. But there's something about you that often activates the smart@$$ gene in me. Please don't take this (too) personally. |
Lambd "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Lambd
Post Number: 546 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 12:13 pm: |
Abm: It would seem that you and Wysteria have somewhat of a history...hmmmmm. I don't know if that's disturbing or not. I don't even know why it would be. Am I jealous of all the attention "JUGS" has been giving you lately? How about the reference to alcohol? Should that have been saved for email? How about the kids that visit this site? Am I the only one that gets spanked for such behavior? If I am, do I mind? Do I like getting spanked? Does anyone care besides Moonsigns? She's the one that always has a brush in her hand. Should I let Moonie spank me or do I have to trust her first? What about Awoman? Is she into that? How about Awoman spanking Moonie with her own brush? Would you pay to see that?...Uh-oh! Here it comes... |
Lambd "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Lambd
Post Number: 547 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 12:19 pm: |
Wysteria and Cynique and Thumper should fight some more. We should get a camera in there and sell it to pay-per-view. Let's see, KB said that Thumper was gay but Ceeneek is doing her. Is Thump fighting Wiss or is Wiss fighting Ceeneek? Is Ceeneek fighting Thump or is Thump fighting Wiss and Ceeneek? Is Abm an alcoholic that's been trying to make the wifey jealous by chasing KB? Or did Abm have to stop seeing KB in order to keep the wife? Does Abm even know KB? Is all of this a figment of Thumper's imagination and we are all pawns? There is no KB, Cynique or Abm. There is only Lambd and Awoman and we bonin' so shut the door!...SAAAARRGE!!!!!!!! |
Carey "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 244 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 12:43 pm: |
***Off in the far off distance a head is seen slowly rising from what appears to be a bunker. We move in closer and the man can be heard saying: "Damn, what the F*@k is going all". He stands up and looks around. We then hear, " I can't believe what I've just witnessed". It appears as if he is again about to speak but he quickly jumps back into his man made bunker as another bomb goes off, " you stankin' rubber A@@h*%& Bi*&h, you can kiss the pink .....". **The man shakes his head in disbelief, He reaches down and grabs a cold can of beer and says "Daaaaaam, ooouuuuuu weeeee, this is an all time High/Low, oh well, I'll just sit back and .......sit back". |
Abm "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 1321 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 01:04 pm: |
Lambd, Why is it when I read your posts often I feel like I am witnessing the rambling musings of a tomcat version of Alice in Wonderland's Cheshire Cat? Haha! Carey, I know, My Brother. I know. I don’t know what to DO about it. But I know...’ |
A_womon "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: A_womon
Post Number: 774 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 01:08 pm: |
Cynique says: "Well, good morning, children." ABM says: Hi Aunt Bee! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!! |
Carey "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 245 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 01:43 pm: |
Hello A_womon No no, that ain't the best line, I'm leaning more towards the Old Yeller snipets. Ooooouuu Weeeee talkin' about drama, fuuuuunnny. ABM: I hear you my man, all I can do is observe. I noticed you manage to get in a punch during the melee . I'm going to start a top ten list of the best/funniest lines. Do you guys have any suggestions or votes? |
A_womon "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: A_womon
Post Number: 776 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 01:45 pm: |
Hey carey! good Idea!!!!! Start another thread on that and see what everyone comes up with!!! |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 1368 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 02:19 pm: |
Well, well, well, while the cat's away, the mice will play. Surely nobody thought that because I said I was "done", I was gone. I was simply deferring to Thumper's suggestion that we get out from under the shade of the Wisteria tree. And now I, with all of the wisdom that comes with age, will declare that I feel very comfortable referring to all of you under-achieving examples of arrested development, as "children. An assessment I'm sure that over-the-hill-playa Abm would agree with, seeing as how he's been reduced to the stock pile of playing father figure to a dysfunctinal drama queen pushing 50. (And, please, guy, enough with the corny poetry.) Lambd, baby, just continue to muddle through your state of confusion. It becomes you. Carey, as old as you are, I would think you'd be passed the stage of being shocked or dismayed. Toughten up your skin, ol grey-head. |
Abm "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 1325 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 02:39 pm: |
Lambd says: "It would seem that you and Wysteria have somewhat of a history...hmmmmm" ABM says: Yeah. Well, there was this weekend in California. Man. She was drunk. I wasn’t. Consent? Date rape? (PotAYto, PotAHto....) Lambd says: "I don't know if that's disturbing or not" ABM says: Define the word "disturbing". Lambd says: "I don't even know why it would be." ABM says: Well, pardnah. If you DID "know why", you would have EVERY reason to be a lil’...’disturbed’. Lambd says: "Am I jealous of all the attention "JUGS" has been giving you lately?" ABM says: Don’t sweat it. You know how doze party gals can be. Your turn will be comin’ ‘round (the mountain) REAL soon. Lambd says: How about the reference to alcohol? ABM says: I think I explained that above. But what else you need to know? Lambd says: Should that have been saved for email? ABM says: Why? We’re (mostly) grown foks here. Lambd says: "How about the kids that visit this site?" ABM says: @#$%’em. Cuz they should have their lazy@$$e$ at a local library studying. Lambd says: "Am I the only one that gets spanked for such behavior?" ABM says: So long as you are getting what YOU like, why do you care about what other’s get? Lambd says: If I am, do I mind? Do I like getting spanked? ABM says: Do we REALLY have to answer those questions? Lambd says: Does anyone care besides Moonsigns? ABM says: Naw. But lately she seems most apt to wanna do somethin’ about it. Lambd says: "She's the one that always has a brush in her hand." ABM says: Is it for her hair or her kids? The one for the kids might have harder, more painful bristles (which, I suppose might be jus’ the way you like it) Lambd says: "Should I let Moonie spank me or do I have to trust her first?" ABM says: Any self-respecting Black man knows you can DEFINITELY trust a White person to beat dat @$$ good-n-properly like. Dat’s one of the things they’re MOST skilled at. Lambd says: "What about Awoman?" ABM says: All @#$%. Sorry. Your fun-n-games with Lite-Brite may be done. Lambd says: "Is she into that?" ABM says: Hmm? You may have to take an @$$whipping from her first before she’ll let you deliver one. That way, if you try to go public on her, she can turn the tables on yah. Deeze hip-hop freaks are clevah. Lambd says: "How about Awoman spanking Moonie with her own brush?" ABM says: See. Dat ain’t even right. You’re trynah make a grown Black man blush, aren’t you? Lambd says: "Would you pay to see that?" ABM says: Jus’ tell me who I’ve gottah give my MasterCard info to. Lambd says: Uh-oh! Here it comes ABM says: No. Not quite yet. But you can expect "it" will ‘come’ (all over the place)...when we get to see "...Awoman spanking Moonie with her own brush." Carey, I was trying not to take sides, as both ladies were doin' it. Stuff was SO good, it made me wissfully reflect upon my departed childhood. But, yeah, I gottah admit the "Old Yella" quips were so funny they damn near made me p@$$ my pants. Cynique, I was pleasantly surprised to observe that you still have a lil' vinegar left in her tank. Frankly I was 'spectin' MW to massacre you. But you threw down, lite brown. Tell the truth: You been spending time with some of your cousins from the Westside of Chicago, haven't you? |
Abm "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 1326 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 02:42 pm: |
A_womon, Good idea! Carey, You may have to give me an evening or 2 to re-read the posts before I can draft a good/fair list. Because there were some many juicy zingers flying to-n-fro, I am afraid if I go too fast, I might shortchange somebody. |
A_womon "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: A_womon
Post Number: 778 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 02:48 pm: |
yEAH! I'd like to see the list we come up with! Just don't limit it to the top ten, just let it flow.... I can't wait! HAHAHAHAHAHA!! and Not just this thread, neither, let's pick from ALL of the posts on AALBC! |
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 192 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 03:26 pm: |
Well, I'm awoke now and plugged into my government PC and the view here in Chicago is lovely. 1) Cynique is CRAZY if she really believes that I would ever lay a hand on her. I have "principles" of life that I live by and SHE, whether I get sick of her ass or not, is one of my Motherseeds. The elders would not bless my mornings if I struck my own mother. But I can cuss her ass out. 2) ABM--you're too cute and you keep me well pleased. 3) LAMBD, of course you're not jealous. You've got MOOON, your other white girls and A_Womon to take care of all that bed-beat'n. And as for "spankings"---I love getting them, but I don't give them. THOMAS is totally into submissive women and I'm well trained by now. Sorry, "daddy". And actually Osama started the training lonnnnng before Thomas---although, I shouldn't JOKE about that--because the feminist sisters just don't understand how I can JOKE about being raped, brutalized, dressed up and sexed up........10 years ago by an evil terrorist who gave me a farm in Kenya and a house in South Africa. M) Anyway...I like you a LOT Lambd, but you and I don't have the history that me and ABM have. He's really been there for me during the times that THOMAS left me last summer (was it last summer, ABM?) and ABM talked me OUT of my insanity and my drunkeness (and NO--I'm not an alcoholic--but whenever Thomas and I break up, my first desire is death, because he's the man who saved me and made me believe that I could be LOVED and belong to one man--and because he's a BLACK man, and I've always felt the sting of black men's weaknesses and prejudices, I am forever grateful to THOMAS for that, because he brought out my authentic heart....but only the kids keep me from cracking). Anyhooo...TomTrojan is back, has been back a long time, and is running the palace like a PRO. Although, he started his own business and it's been taking off--so he's EXTREMELY busy...and I am on virtual house arrest (as you know) and can't really go anywhere or have friends. F) I make his lunch in the morning and serve him dinner when he gets home and sleep UNDER him every night, but he doesn't understand that I need more TIME with him--as two people,not as his loving maid and bed wench. And Thomas is SOOOOOO totally AGAINST my career. So ABM's cyber-internet friendship has been a major help for me. He is REALLY a brilliant, intelligent, very...VERY kind....human being. He's nothing like he acts when he's over here at Thumpette's place being "ig-nant" 4) ABM fully understands that I could NEVER be unfaithful to Thomas.....and I fully understand that ABM would never be unfaithful to his wife. Trust me--he's not the guy he plays on here. He LOVES and ADORES his wife and is DEVOTED to her, like I am Thomas. She's a beautiful, talented black woman with a lot of intelligence herself. 5) Although I'm either 36, 37 or 38 (like so many Sudanese, ie. Mende Nazer and many others--I don't know my age for sure).....I still thank all those who once commented that I could pass for Cynique's "daughter". I'm not even 40--let alone pushing 50. And I'm sure that my ALL NATURAL GOD GIVEN TITS will sag like any other woman's in the next few years. But for now, I've got the tits, ass and legs of a 25 year old and the face of 35. SO EAT YOUR HEART OUT CYNIQUE. a new PHOTO GALLERY of the TOUR pictures is coming soon, ENDORA. 6) LAMBD, you should also know (from being at my event in DC) that I don't mince words or censor myself. I can certainly understand how some men might find a woman like that....SCARY. Especially a playa-playa whose strategies with women DEPEND on vagueness and cat-and-mouse games...but that's how I handle my life. I make it APPEAR...APPEAR...that I'm telling all my business, and in that way, I get a lot of psychological information that I want from others by analyzing their reactions to me. People's reactions--especially their SILENCES at certain moments--paint a very vivid picture of them. 7) And I don't enjoy fighting with Cynique and Thumper. In fact, it's always been the worst agony for me--but then again, they've always picked on me, despised me, lied on me and been completely jealous and hateful towards me. And since I was raised by the same kind of people THEY WERE...I just throw the comb and brush right back at their dimwitted asses. It's the part of me that reminds them of...THEM...that they hate. 8) And Thumpette knows he doesn't want TROY to get in that kool-aid again over _______. Uh-HUH 9) How dare they try to write Kola out of the show!!!
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 1370 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 03:54 pm: |
Oooooh, Lord. I thought we were rid of the Empress of Victimization, the melancholy motor-mouth who can dish it out, but apparently can't take it. Guess I should've known you were on the scene when an air pollution alert was issued for the Chicagoland area. And how tired is this "jealousy" security blanket, you cling to. I wouldn't change places with you for anything in the world, Kola Boof. There is nothing that I know about you or your life that I am jealous of. And it bemuses me that you and everybody else somehow think that age is something to be disparaged. I'm the one you all should envy and be jealous of because I have lived long and seen a lot, and it's been a great journey. And, best of all, I still have my health and my vigor and my ability to poke fun at the foibles of life. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 1371 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 04:15 pm: |
You're really obsessed with Cynique, aren't you Kola. You can't even begin a post without making reference to me. And quit lying about your age, girlfriend. You admitted before that you were in your forties. And the reason you speak with such great authority about the music scene during the 60s is because you were a grown women even then. Puleeze. To paraphrase what Gollum said to Smeagel after Fordo's betrayal. "I told you she was trixy, - I told you she was false!" Wheeeeeeee! I think I'll put on one of my "Lord of the Rings" DVDs right now, while I'm here baby-sitting my beautiful new grand daughter, Brynn. |
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 193 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 04:47 pm: |
|'re such a liar. I'll thank you to SHOW me where I ever said I was win my 40's. What I said (EXACTLY) is that I'm approaching 40. Which means--36,37,38 I will, however, share THIS tidbit with you....I'm going to have a face lift as soon as I can afford one...and I will have liposuction around the waste area. I intend to look a LOT younger. By any means necessary. SO...take those FOIBLES old rotten one and make up some new jokes. I can always jerk you off that horse when I...GET READY to. We all know that. But right now, I'm busy.
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 194 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 04:48 pm: |
Congrats on BRYNN. God bless her precious self. I love that name.
Moonsigns "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Moonsigns
Post Number: 235 Registered: 07-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 05:35 pm: |
I don't "kiss and tell" |
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 196 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 06:01 pm: |
MOON says: "I don't kiss and tell". WISS says: "I'll be sure and bake you a cookie and send it Media Mail for you to pin on your blouse. On behalf of all us that....DO....kiss and tell. And since you're so disinterested in SEX on this board anyway, on account of your Perfect Black Husband and all, why are you even bothering to 'titillate' us by flashing such a short, sweet silver fish? I don't 'kiss and tell'. Who in the hell asked you? I'm sorry Mooon---for being so mean towards you---but you really do think we're all stupid,'re in denial and not aware of your own see-through nightgown. If you want to flirt with the boys, just be honest and DEMAND that right,'s ALL INNOCENT FUN on this board---we all have cyber crushes and cyber flirts....over the years, I've sat on LAMBD's lap, ABM's lap, CAREY's lap, TROY's lap....and it's all just go head and flirt...since you've been bold enough to demand all your other RIGHTS. And even though we BLACK WOMEN really don't enjoy watching black men flirt with or desire white women (because we've been made to feel so worthless, undesirable and unloved ourselves).....that's just too damn bad, anyway (according to you and our men)......RIGHT? Because let's face it...unless it's about your bi-racial daughter...this is a BLack Man and White Woman's world....isn't it, MOON? Just come correct--because I'm damned sure coming correct with your don't kiss and tell ass. You ain't said SHIT!" AND historical command of JAZZ MUSIC from the 1920's--1950's is even GREATER than my love for 1960's Motown, Stax and Atlantic Records. I'm a literary writer whose written 6 books....I know AN AWFUL LOT about almost "every subject there is" related to the United States and Africa of the last 2 centuries. Has nothing to do with being in my late 30's.
Moonsigns "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Moonsigns
Post Number: 237 Registered: 07-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 07:20 pm: |
Wysteria, Your doing a tale spin again. I really don't kiss and tell and you've made it in to a "white gurl, black dyck" thing. It isn't. I simply don't talk TOO much sex stuff --out of respect --I am married and this is the internet. It's irrelevant for the most part. Besides, imo, part of the allure of a woman is not what she says, but what she doesn't. The imagination of the typical male is too creative to spill all the beans. Flirting isn't race/color specific either. Again, this isn't a "white gurl, black dyck" thing --just human nature in motion. On a final note, no, it's not a white woman's and black man's world. What it is, is a capitalistic system.
Thumper "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Thumper
Post Number: 269 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 08:18 pm: |
Hello All, I was going to leave this alone, but a couple of friends of mine convince me to use this opportunity to ask Kola a few questions that only she can give a definitive answer to because some of us a really confused. 1.) Kola can you please give us your real name? 2.) Can you please explain why as of 6 years ago, "Kola Boof" literally did not exist? 3.) Can you please explain why the Sudanese government denies that there is a so called "hit" on you and really don't know who or what you are for they have never heard of you? 4.) Now where did you say you were born? And how exactly did you come to arrive in the US? Can you tell us about your education, where you went to school, etc? What was the name that you used when you lived in the US? I assume that this is the name you used when applying for your passport upon leaving the US for the first time? 5.) Can you provide a reason as to why when reporters tried to verify your story that you were Osama Bin Laden's mistress and the threats on your "life" they were unable to do find any proof of your allegations? 6.) When reporters asked you in the past to further elaborate, or provide some evidence of your story, you were either uncooperative or unresponsive? If one was to contact you immediately after answering this question in this forum, would you provide this evidence? 7.) A few years ago you made several allegations, on this discussion board that you and your representatives have been in contact with several large publishing firms shopping around your books. When I asked this companies concerning this they denied it. Please explain? 8.) Tell me again how you have been able to financially support yourself? You mentioned earlier that you personally raised money for Sudan. Can you tell me which organization that assist the Sudanese people you provide financial assistance? 9.) Please forgive me if I'm out of line, but a few years ago, on this discussion board, you claimed that you had no copies of the books you had written before returning to the US. You wrote that all of the books had been destroyed, a victim of arson, because of your strong political voice and following, yet these same books with the same title have reappeared and are now being re-published. Can you explain the reappearance of these "destroyed" books? Did you or are you currently rewriting them from memory? 10.) Despite all of your ranting and raving, lies, name-calling, etc and having been banned from this forum on three occassion--the current return after I had you, the computer you were using at that time banned--you are back, using a number of different computers in this outing. Which part of YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE do you not understand? Why are you here? What is it about me and this discussion board that you find totally and completely irresistable? Could your OBSESSION be interpreted as a sign of mental illness or merely signs of an obsessive compulsive personality suffering from low self-esteem and a fear of rejection? |
Lambd "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Lambd
Post Number: 549 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 10:57 pm: |
Dayyum!Thump used his trump! Come on, KB! Strike back like the Empress we know you to be! Answer them thar questions and trump Thump for good! |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 1372 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 11:15 pm: |
So, now tell me again, Kola/Miss Wisteria/ Passion/Snake Girl/Sapphire Jones/Ol-great imposter-divested-of-any-credibility, - how old did you say you were??? A 30-something authentic black woman making ready for a face-lift and in dire need of lypho-section? Reeeeally, now. Hummmmm. "I told you she was trixy, I told you she was false."
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 197 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 11:43 pm: |
I come back from dinner and here's some new WEAK bullshit from the Midwest CLAMPETT crew. And're actually excited over this drivel that THUMPER posted....from an ARAB SUDANESE web site that specializes in propaganda no less? First of all...the Sudanese government is the one who provided my birth certificate to the U.S. government---and the Sudanese government, which issued Fatwa against me (according to a UN report that can be GOOGLE searched online) also CLAIMS that Francis Bok and Mende Nazer don't exist. IS THAT ALSO TRUE, THUMPER? And as the whole world knows..."Kola Boof" is not my birth name. Naima Bint Harith is. I was born in Omdurman, Sudan to Harith Bin Farouk and Jiddi. There is.....NO INFORMATION on me to be RIFF RAFF like THUMPER..because apparently....then ANYBODY could just locate me and kill me, right? I STUPID would it be to have Publicly Filed Information on a person that so many people have threatened to kill? And MORE than 6 years ago--I was written about in both London's top Arab newspaper and Egypt's top newspapers. Just do a GOOGLE search. So once again.....Thumper is as stupid as his name. The NEW YORK TIMES itself used a "movie still" from one of my old films with the STORY they wrote about me. Did anyone BOTHER to read the CAPTION on that photo at the New York Times web site???? Ha Thumper? AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST: When the world's largest and most CONSERVATIVE WHITE news organization....FOX NEWS......does a full profile on somebody that they would like to rip from limb to limb (ME).....and ends up having to COOBERATE that person's FULL and COMPLETE story.....well then, that right there is all the proof in the world. And by the way, Thumper....50 copies of my FOX NEWS INTERVIEW (inwhich they CONFIRMED my entire LIFE STORY and my Affair with Osama Bin Laden AND the FATWA on my life) were recently mailed out to members of the Press who missed it. The "fact checkers" at FOX NEWS, I can assure you, are far more diligent, have far more resources in Europe an Africa and are far more HARD TO PASS than even the N.Y. Times. OH...and by the way.....The New York Post and The New York Observer have also done stories on KOLA BOOF.....and they CHECK their stories for accurracy before they run them. And yes--my books have been burned and FIREBOMBED---but they've also been published in 8 countries. And common sense would tell any fool that SOMEBODY had a copy. DAYUM. The only people lacking credibility here...are the 2 who once claimed that I don't exist AT ALL. Or have we forgotten that, too?
Lambd "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Lambd
Post Number: 550 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 11:52 pm: |
Excited indeed, KB! Excited indeed! Keep it coming, you aint done yet! You got more to spill. I feel it. Don't get mad wit me. I'll research all of this shyt and post it if you want. I figure if they can let white folks say their peace they can let you prove that you exist. I know you may not have existed six years ago, but I just smelled you a couple months ago, so you damn sure here now. Spill it! But don't put yourself in any danger on our account. If there is still a fatwa out there, maybe you should lay low. |
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 198 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 11:53 pm: |
UNITED NATIONS REPORT ***(See Page 81 for Kola Boof): Here is a link to the report that was presented to the UN on April 9th 2003 by Freedom Now--a human rights organization that INVESTIGATES and finds "evidence" of Human Rights Violations: & A9A013A&icp=1 NEWS REPORTS from AROUND THE WORLD ON KOLA BOOF: From KENYA: C200211%5CFOR20021115c.html From IRELAND: From RUSSIA: FROM GERMANY:
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 199 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 11:58 pm: |
Here's the SPEECH I recently gave in ISRAEL that resulted in me being given GUNS and AMUNITION to help my people: My ALL-TIME favorite KOLA BOOF INTERVIEW...the recent one that AFRICANA.COM did: ONE OF MY BIGGEST my PAL....ISRAEL'S former Prime Minister Netanyahu:
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 200 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 12:00 am: |
So as you ALL can see.....Thumper is a VERY delusional person. And this only highlights the vendetta that's he had for YEARS against me---for no reason at all. He has hated me since long before I ever even posted here...and has never made a single "CARING" comment WHATSOEVER about the people of SUDAN...where literally millions are homeless, starving and thousands dying. And I although I am not able to return to SUDAN...the people of my country have named me "Queen Kola" and you will see just how much they love me and are PROUD of my contribution to the war of resistance.....when I unveil the photos from my tour next week. Stay tuned.
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 201 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 12:02 am: |
For those who need again is that UNITED NATIONS REPORT. See page 81 for Kola Boof. op=mss&icp=1& s+2003&d=F77D36DE8D&icp=1&.intl=us
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 1373 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 12:03 am: |
Why don't you just get your own chat room, Kola? You claim you're the only one anybody wants to hear from, and Lord knows you monopolize every subject that comes up with your marathon posts. I would think a Kola Boof discussion board would suit you jusssst fine. |
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 202 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 12:06 am: |
Sorry, they had me on page 71. I think it's page 81 in the PDF. Here's the page: SudanFreedom House71Press freedom has improved since the government eased restrictions in 1997, but journalists practice self-censorship to avoid harassment, arrest, and closure of their publications. There are reportedly nine daily newspapers and a wide variety of Arabic- and English-language publications. All of these are subject to censorship. Penalties apply to journalists who allegedly harm the nation or economy or violate national security. A 1999 law imposes penalties for “professional errors.”In February, the editor of the English-language daily Khartoum Monitor was fined for publishing an article implicating the government in slavery. In July, security officials seized issues of the Arabic daily Al-Horreya (Freedom), preventing their publication. No explanation was given for the seizure. In September, authorities seized the issues of three papers and arrested one journalist for criticizing the government’s withdrawal from peace talks in Kenya. The same month, a Sudanese Sharia court found U.S.-based, Sudanese author Kola Boof guilty of blasphemy. Boof was sentenced to death by beheading should she return to Sudan. Boof wrote a book critical of Sudan’s treatment of black women.Emergency law severely restricts freedom of assembly and association. In February, the College of Technological Science in Khartoum reportedly suspended several students for engaging in human rights activities, including organizing symposiums on women’s rights and attending a conference on democracy. In November, the government closed the University of Khartoum indefinitely after students protested attacks on dormitories by pro-government student militias. Several students were injured and arrested. The clashes erupted following student celebrations of the 38thanniversary of protests against Sudan’sfirst military government and against the banning of the University Students Union four years ago, when opposition groups were poised to win campus elections.Islam is the state religion, and the constitution claims Sharia as the source of its legislation. At least 75 percent of Sudanese are Muslim, though most southern Sudanese adhere to traditional indigenous beliefs or Christianity. The overwhelming majority of those displaced or killed by war and famine in Sudan have been non-Muslims, and many starve because of a policy under which food is withheld pending conversion to Islam. Officials have described their campaign against non-Muslims as a holy war. Under the 1994 Societies Registration Act, religious groups must register in order to gather legally. Registration is reportedly difficult to obtain. The government denies permission
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 203 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 12:09 am: |
Pissed off Cynique? That I'm showing you to be the FOOL and BIRD BRAIN that you are. Why don't you stop SLANDERING my name? You just got through claiming that I (and my life) don't even exist. Where's that HEARTY laugh you had a moment ago?
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 204 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 12:10 am: |
On my PC....the United Nations report that mentions the FATWA on Kola Boof is on page 71. Because of this organization, the actual DEATH ORDER from the Sharia Court (ordering me "beheaded") was FINALLY made available.
Abm "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 1332 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 12:17 am: |
Popcorn, Rolling Rock and reading...' |
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 206 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 12:35 am: |
From page 71 of the UNITED NATIONS report presented in April 2003: In September, authorities seized the issues of three papers and arrested one journalist for criticizing the government’s withdrawal from peace talks in Kenya. The same month, a Sudanese Sharia court found U.S.-based, Sudanese author Kola Boof guilty of blasphemy. Boof was sentenced to death by beheading should she return to Sudan. Boof wrote a book critical of Sudan’s treatment of black women.Emergency law severely restricts freedom of assembly and association. In February, the College of Technological Science in Khartoum reportedly suspended several students for engaging ***This report was presented by FREEDOM HOUSE on the floor of the United Nations in Geneva Switzerland on April 9th 2003. Why ANYONE would want to bring a "fatwa" on their head by LYING about too ridiculous for words. This is not something for people like THUMPER and CYNIQUE to joke about. My sons are literally missing out on their childhoods because of MY WORK and MY COMMITTMENT to my people and my country. This is not grounds, to me, for joking.
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 1374 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 01:02 am: |
Who gives a shit about all that crap you posted? I know you don't think I'm gonna plow through it. It was all I could do to read what Thumper wrote, because I find you a boring subject. I couldn't care less about who you are, or where you came from because "what" you are, speaks volumes. You revealed once that you had to undergo therapy when you were young. You need to get your money back from the shrink, babe, because what you are is "crazy." heh-heh. And trixy and false. |
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 207 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 01:07 am: |
My very favorite the one I gave in Israel. I really hope that you all read it. Securing the guns and ammunition for my people is one of the highlights...of my whole life. I am so very, VERY proud of this speech.
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 1375 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 01:18 am: |
Sorry. Your self-serving blather is of no interest to me. Yawnnnn. Nighty-night. |
Thumper "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Thumper
Post Number: 270 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 05:49 am: |
Hello All, *LMAO* Kola, you're so freaking STUPID! Like the old folks always say, give a FOOL enough rope and he'll want to play cowboy! *LMAO* Thank you, thank you, thank you. *LOL* Cynique: I'm with you! I am leaving IT alone now, too! I just wanted another little sumpin sumpin for the arsenal. |
Thumper "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Thumper
Post Number: 271 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 08:56 am: |
Hello All, My fault, I should explain Kola's stupidity. See, Kola is believes her own hype, as Cynique said delusion of granduer. First let me point out that Kola did not answer any of my questions. Please note, I asked her name and she did not answer. The reason being is that Kola, had in the past, been busted for this simple question for she changes her name each time. Now, I'm going to take Kola's answers and show you just how weak her whole persona is as well as just how sick in the head she really is: 1.) IT wrote: "First of all...the Sudanese government is the one who provided my birth certificate to the U.S. government---and the Sudanese government, which issued Fatwa against me (according to a UN report that can be GOOGLE searched online) also CLAIMS that Francis Bok and Mende Nazer don't exist. IS THAT ALSO TRUE, THUMPER? And as the whole world knows..."Kola Boof" is not my birth name." Now common sense tells me that nobody, including Kola's adoptive parents, can bring a child born in a foreign country to the US with no papers at all. As a matter of fact I know that this is not the case at all. It wrote: "There is.....NO INFORMATION on me to be RIFF RAFF like THUMPER..because apparently....then ANYBODY could just locate me and kill me, right? I STUPID would it be to have Publicly Filed Information on a person that so many people have threatened to kill?" According to who? *eyebrow raised* I have been unable to locate anyone that fits this description. Kola again am I suppose to take your word for this? I know there were those threats to your life that you wrote--threatening yourself--that you emailed me years ago. Can you provide me with a name of the groups or organization that want you dead? Also, I find it strange that you should be going out in public, booksigning, protest marches, et al, if you are in such fear for your life. I mean really, if I can trace you through your IP addresses (which besides providing your city can also provide the building/house to where the computer is) wouldn't these so called people FIND you the same way? *eyebrow raised* IT wrote: "And MORE than 6 years ago--I was written about in both London's top Arab newspaper and Egypt's top newspapers. Just do a GOOGLE search. So once again.....Thumper is as stupid as his name." Oh no my dear, STUPID is your personal anthem! Please tell me the name of the papers, the date of said articles. I have a very good internet buddy in London that can easily go to visit the London paper for any back issues. I'm not done with this here quote. It is pregnant with so much misinformation and lies, I can't leave not one stone unturn. IT wrote: "The NEW YORK TIMES itself used a "movie still" from one of my old films with the STORY they wrote about me. Did anyone BOTHER to read the CAPTION on that photo at the New York Times web site???? " The New York Times also wrote a small piece a couple of years back titled "The Kola Boof Hoax". Is this the one you're talking about? *eyebrow raised*
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 208 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 10:46 am: |
NO. Thumper.....that is NOT what the NEW YORK TIMES wrote, but for those willing to PAY to read that "Premature" and "racist" article that has now been PROVEN to be another "misfire" on their part--they can go to the and pay to read it. NEWS REPORTS from AROUND THE WORLD ON KOLA BOOF: From KENYA: C200211%5CFOR20021115c.html From IRELAND: From RUSSIA: FROM GERMANY: Here's the SPEECH I recently gave in ISRAEL that resulted in me being given GUNS and AMUNITION to help my people: My ALL-TIME favorite KOLA BOOF INTERVIEW...the recent one that AFRICANA.COM did: ONE OF MY BIGGEST my PAL....ISRAEL'S former Prime Minister Netanyahu: Sorry little twerps like yourself can make up all the LIES and bend the truth to your GOSSIP as much as you like....but it won't stop my parade. And you STILL ain't said SHIT.
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 209 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 10:55 am: |
The fact REMAINS that the NEW YORK TIMES printed a "movie still" from an old Kola Boof (then Naima Kitar) movie. In the actual "paper" version of the newspaper--they printed a second photo, my childhood photo from UNICEF. READ THE CAPTION on the picture. This completely destroys your claim Thumper that I "didn't exist" until 6 years ago--or that I'm not WHO I say I am. It also destroys your claim that the NEW YORK TIMES called me a "hoax". What they called me was....MYSTERIOUS...and Un-reachable. WHICH BACK THEN...I WAS. There are MANY Black Women DOING THINGS in Europe and Africa....that you've NEVER heard of. My books were just released in the U.S. in 2004. They've been published in Arabic in 8 countries. HOW IS THAT STRANGE?
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 210 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 11:01 am: |
THUMPER WROTE: Now common sense tells me that nobody, including Kola's adoptive parents, can bring a child born in a foreign country to the US with no papers at all. As a matter of fact I know that this is not the case at all. WISS SAYS: Who in the hell said that my Adoptive Papers don't have papers on me or didn't??? You claim to have COMMON SENSE....then didn't occur to you that those PAPERS are not now for PUBLIC VIEWING....for OBVIOUS reasons? UNICEF arranged my adoption, dumb ass! The N.Y. Times printed the UNICEF adoption photo in their "paper" version of the newspaper. Why don't you phone TROY and have him confirm it for you. What a dunce!! You think we want people killing my adoptive family for being related to me? Did THAT ever cross your "common sense". The fact is, Thumpette (and it's so sad). You don't have much "common" sense. You're just a bitch with a vendetta against a BETTER bitch. And you ain't got what it takes, MARNIE, to wreck my ship.
Abm "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 1335 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 11:17 am: |
Thumper/Miss_wysteria/Cynique, JEEZ! You know this is A LOT of fun. Really. But there are only so many unrequited erections a man my age should be having in a given day. Hey. I have an idea that might bring this row to a mutually-beneficial conclusion: Since Miss_wysteria is visiting Chi Town and Cynique resides there, Thumps why don’t you drive up from Nap Town and the 3 of you ‘hook-up’? Cuz maybe then yawl can go on off somewhere to have your straight-gay-lesbian-hermaphrodite-bestiality 3-way orgy and jus’ get dat $#@+ all over with! |
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 212 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 11:32 am: |
WISS SAYS: Who in the hell said that my Adoptive Papers don't have papers on me or didn't??? You claim to have COMMON SENSE....then didn't occur to you that those PAPERS are not now for PUBLIC VIEWING....for OBVIOUS reasons? UNICEF arranged my adoption, dumb ass! The N.Y. Times printed the UNICEF adoption photo in their "paper" version of the newspaper. Why don't you phone TROY and have him confirm it for you. What a dunce!! You think we want people killing my adoptive family for being related to me? Did THAT ever cross your "common sense". The fact is, Thumpette (and it's so sad). You don't have much "common" sense. You're just a bitch with a vendetta against a BETTER bitch. And you ain't got what it takes, MARNIE, to wreck my ship.
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 213 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 11:52 am: |
And don't forget my AUTOBIOGRAPHY next spring, folks! FROM AMAZON.COM: Book Description In 2005...Kola Boof's long awaited autobiography "Diary of a Lost Girl" will finally be released in America. The book is nothing less than magnificent. Many will be spellbound by the chapters detailing her terrifying experience as Osama Bin Laden's former mistress...but the Sudanese-born novelist/poet writes even more profoundly about the hardships of being vaginally circumsized, about witnessing her birth parents killed in her presence as a small child, about slavery and Arabism in Sudan, about being adopted and raised in the U.S. by African Americans, about her quest for true love...and about her "wild" tragic sexuality. Add to that years of psychiatric treatment, a struggle with manic anger and quite a few daring romances other than Bin Laden and you've got the perfect ingredients for a feature film. Critically acclaimed for her powerful novel "Flesh and the Devil" and the classic short story collection, "Long Train to the Redeeming Sin"...I am now convinced that there is no way that Kola Boof could ever create a fictional character in one of her novels that is more glamorous, sad, enigmatic and intriguing than she herself is in real life. Readers will find themselves young innocent Naima Bint Harith tragically becomes the vitriolic complicated temptress Kola. A doomed movie starlet, feminist activist and "kept woman"...who ultimately emerges as the loving mother, outspoken novelist/poet and professional cook that we know today as Kola Boof. Throughout the book, Kola speaks in a voice so utterly naked, truthful and unpretentious that it's impossible not to fall in love with her. "Diary of a Lost Girl" is a powerful autobiography that you won't soon forget. --Kurt Rampling (editor) TO ORDER IT NOW: ef=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl14/104-9776149-4122320?v=glance&s=books&n=507846
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 1377 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 12:37 pm: |
You gotta be kidding, Abm. I have better things to waste my time on. This is a subject which is becoming more boring by the minute, mainly because I've lost what little interest I ever had in the object of the subject. zzzzzzzzzz. |
Thumper "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Thumper
Post Number: 272 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 06:06 pm: |
Hello All, Let's continue: IT wrote: "Who in the hell said that my Adoptive Papers don't have papers on me or didn't??? You claim to have COMMON SENSE....then didn't occur to you that those PAPERS are not now for PUBLIC VIEWING....for OBVIOUS reasons? UNICEF arranged my adoption, dumb ass! The N.Y. Times printed the UNICEF adoption photo in their "paper" version of the newspaper. Why don't you phone TROY and have him confirm it for you." The reason I asked for your name is to seek verification of your story. You already know this. Could you please tell us why besides the "I'm in fear of my life" bit? Kola, you're a bad liar. A liar who tells so many lies that he/she/IT forgets what he/she/IT says, will always get caught up. Now may we continue? Thanks. If you give me the date and issue number of the New York Times article I can look it up myself. 2.) You recently wrote that you gave a speech in Israel. Did you take your F.B.I. security force with you? Could you please tell me the date of this speech and any independent evidence supporting this claim? 3.) Going back to your previous statement, ""And MORE than 6 years ago--I was written about in both London's top Arab newspaper and Egypt's top newspapers. Just do a GOOGLE search. So once again.....Thumper is as stupid as his name."" I just received an email from my friend in London. He is reading this thread, so if you could provide the name, date, and issue number of the London paper, he can verify the information and is more than willing to post his finding on the board. Can you provide the same information for the Egyptian paper as well? I did a Google search on you two years ago and was able to find approximately 2000 articles, interviews and web sites dedicate to you. Many of them you created yourself, more than a few where you interviewed yourself (you used many of the same alais as interviewers as those you have used on this board). Was this merely a publicity stunt on your part? 3.) You constantly state that you are concerned about your security. Could you please answer the question I asked you concerning the safety of you posting on any internet site or web page? 4.) You say that the New York Times article, The Kola Boof Hoax was inaccurate and was later proven to be just that. Can you tell me which publication supported your claims and the date and issue number of the New York Times issue in which the retraction was printed? 5.) I understand congratulations are in order. I read an interview where you had given birth to a third son this year. Why do you refer to having only two sons here on the site? I believe this is the interview in which you made this claim; 6.) I'm not sure if you explained this to us before, but could you do me a favor and repeat your answer please, Why did, as you claim, the US government place you under around the clock security? Did they see you as a threat to national security? Under the Bush adminstration, anyone who is even suspected of being friendly with terrorists were/are jailed violating all kinds of constitutional rights, why were you the exception, especially given your claim to have been Osama Bin Laden's mistress? 6.) Speaking of Osama bin Laden, pardon me but I'm still confused as to the nature of your relationship. You have made claims where he spoiled you, wrote beautiful poetry, never left you alone--you were constantly guarded, and at times violent; yet in other interviews you say that the first night he met you, he raped you. Can you clear up this confusion. 7.) Cynique asked you in a previous post--which you ignored--"Why don't you just get your own chat room, Kola? You claim you're the only one anybody wants to hear from, and Lord knows you monopolize every subject that comes up with your marathon posts. I would think a Kola Boof discussion board would suit you jusssst fine." Could you please answer this question, or shall I? Cynique, Kola has a number of occasions attempted, unsuccessfully, to launch many discussion boards. Not one has proven successful, hence one of her needs to be on Thumper's Corner. Pride goeth before the fall. Am I wrong in my assertion? *eyebrow raised* 8.) IT wrote: "It also destroys your claim that the NEW YORK TIMES called me a "hoax". What they called me was....MYSTERIOUS...and Un-reachable. WHICH BACK THEN...I WAS." No, you also made this claim on many of your sites and interviews including the one that I provided the link for above. 9.) It, I would love to have your opinion to the Editor's note that appeared at the end of one of your interviews. I have found that some kind of note is always added to your interviews, at least those that are published on the net which escaped your expert cut and paste technique. This is from the same interview that I again included the link to above: " Editors Note: Considering the circumstances and the fact that we did not want to have this "innerview" run on forever, in some cases was not able to ask certain follow up questions to many of the answers provided by Ms. Boof, but Eyecalone and Bruce Banter felt it was irresponsible not to try and follow up on at least some of her claims. Boof's website says that she was born to an Egyptian archeologist and a black Sudanese mother, in Omdurman, Sudan sometime around 1969 under the name Naima Bint Harith. From there she allegedly was shuttled between homes before ultimately being adopted by a black family in Washington, D.C. Her website also claims that her parents "were murdered in [her] presence for having spoken out against slavery and the oppression of Black Africans under the rule of Sudan's Arab-Islamic political factions". In some interviews she is have alleged this happen when she was 8, on her website it says she was 10 or 12. However, reviewing other information on Sudan's recent history indicate that the period between 1972-1982 was a period of relative quite, without a civil war or Islamic rule, and that the SPLA who is now fighting against the Northern part of the country's Islamic government was founded in late 1983. This would seem to clash with her claims. Also In a recent statement found through a link on her website. It says that during the time when she was allegedly Osama bin Laden's mistress, that she "also lounged around in silk and diamonds each day, I usually ate shrimp, lobster tails, ostrich eggs, pudding sweets and roasted chicken. I watched TV. and wrote my poems and story ideas. I left with nearly a hundred thousand dollars in gifts". Can't help but think - "Wow that's quite a lifestyle! Did Osama treat all his women like this or was she special?" Boof told us that she is "usually surrounded by armed men when she goes out", which we assume cost a lot of money, but how can she afford such protection basically living in seclusion? Also in a NY Times article, it said Boof alleges to have been shot at outside Los Angeles, presumably because of her social commentary, and that she shot back (sometimes you gotta' just smile). Boof at different points has also claimed to be under F.B.I. protection; something doesn't seem right. We won't argue that there is a lot of sexism in most recognized and organized religions. I also concede that historically, when "organized religion" whether Christian, Muslim, etc are visited upon people there is almost always an attempt to replace the traditional religious or spiritual practices of the indigenous population and label these practices as pagan or "against God", but unlike the majority of Boof readers we are no strangers to much African history and culture, which is not monolithic. Personally, we've never heard of it being an "abomination against God to cover a woman's breasts" or that "in ancient times, the Africans would punish a woman by covering her breasts". It all makes for great reading but supporters of Boof need to really do some fact checking on some of her claims. Several people or groups who have been doing legitimate work around the issue of slavery and human rights violations in Sudan are said to have distanced themselves from her. Given the crisis situation in the Sudan right now, exaggerations, and undocumented claims could damage the work and organizing, that recognized organizations are doing around issues of genocide and human rights in Sudan." I could not have said it better myself. I guess I'm not the only one that questions any word that comes from your mouth.
Thumper "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Thumper
Post Number: 273 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 06:14 pm: |
Hello All, IT! Are you using the crisis in the Sudan for your own benefit, your own advantage, your own career? If so, would it not be better to classify you as a vulture...something repugnent and abhorred? |
Carey "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 246 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 08:25 pm: |
I like cheese! |
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 219 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 08:46 pm: |
THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF KOLA BOOF: FROM AMAZON.COM: Book Description In 2005...Kola Boof's long awaited autobiography "Diary of a Lost Girl" will finally be released in America. The book is nothing less than magnificent. Many will be spellbound by the chapters detailing her terrifying experience as Osama Bin Laden's former mistress...but the Sudanese-born novelist/poet writes even more profoundly about the hardships of being vaginally circumsized, about witnessing her birth parents killed in her presence as a small child, about slavery and Arabism in Sudan, about being adopted and raised in the U.S. by African Americans, about her quest for true love...and about her "wild" tragic sexuality. Add to that years of psychiatric treatment, a struggle with manic anger and quite a few daring romances other than Bin Laden and you've got the perfect ingredients for a feature film. Critically acclaimed for her powerful novel "Flesh and the Devil" and the classic short story collection, "Long Train to the Redeeming Sin"...I am now convinced that there is no way that Kola Boof could ever create a fictional character in one of her novels that is more glamorous, sad, enigmatic and intriguing than she herself is in real life. Readers will find themselves young innocent Naima Bint Harith tragically becomes the vitriolic complicated temptress Kola. A doomed movie starlet, feminist activist and "kept woman"...who ultimately emerges as the loving mother, outspoken novelist/poet and professional cook that we know today as Kola Boof. Throughout the book, Kola speaks in a voice so utterly naked, truthful and unpretentious that it's impossible not to fall in love with her. "Diary of a Lost Girl" is a powerful autobiography that you won't soon forget. --Kurt Rampling (editor) TO ORDER IT NOW: ef=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl14/104-9776149-4122320?v=glance&s=books&n=507846 THIS BOOK WILL BE RELEASED IN FEBRUARY 2005.
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 220 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 08:48 pm: |
FROM AMAZON.COM: Editorial Reviews Solomon Amadou "An amazing autobiography...destined to become a classic!" Janine Howard "I see Kola Boof in the tradition of Bessie Smith. Kola's a blues writer and a fierce lioness."
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 221 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 08:52 pm: |
NEWS REPORTS from AROUND THE WORLD ON KOLA BOOF: From KENYA: C200211%5CFOR20021115c.html From IRELAND: From RUSSIA: FROM GERMANY: ***** UNITED NATIONS REPORT...SUDANESE GOVERNMENT DECLARES FATWA ON KOLA BOOF. See page 71 for Kola Boof. op=mss&icp=1& s+2003&d=F77D36DE8D&icp=1&.intl=us ********* Here's the SPEECH I recently gave in ISRAEL that resulted in me being given GUNS and AMUNITION to help my people: My ALL-TIME favorite KOLA BOOF INTERVIEW...the recent one that AFRICANA.COM did: ONE OF MY BIGGEST my PAL....ISRAEL'S former Prime Minister Netanyahu:
Miss_wysteria "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Miss_wysteria
Post Number: 222 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 08:57 pm: |
*****SPECIAL TREAT***** To obtain a FREE COPY of the recent interview with Kola Boof's MOTHER, Claudine Johnson, (the Black American woman who, along with her husband, adopted Kola Boof in 1979 and raised 8 children in S.E. Washington, D.C.) just contact "Nkenge Toure" at WPFW RADIO in Washington, D.C. ********* My mother is a wonderful Black woman from the South who brought the city of Washington, D.C. to tears as she explained HOW she and my father adopted me from SUDAN via Great Britian and brought me to America. This is an interview that you will CHERISH.
Thumper "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Thumper
Post Number: 274 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 09:12 pm: |
Hello All, I know my participation in this thread was for purely selfish reasons. I have been holding this anger in for some time. It had to be released. Taking the mature, adult path, although I tried it, simply was the path to take. But, right now, I feel a lot better. Now, I can officially say that this is my swan song communication with IT! IT: This is where we must part. I can say that I didn't hated you. I use to despised you. Now, I pity you. You are now beneath notice. You are false, as moral, up standing human being goes. An attention-seeking, opportunistic, psychotic, simple minded creature who don't know up from down. Yes, I go by the name of a fictional rabbit, but I'm real. On the other hand, you...WHO ARE YOU? *eyebrow raised* I honestly don't think you know anymore. Whether you do or not, is not nor will it ever be my concern. I do know that you are a liar. I have no respect for you. Anyone who would use the bones and spilt blood of other human beings as a publicity stunt for personal financial gain is deplorable and disguisting. The fact that you chose this time, a time when AA lit may finally be coming into its own, is enough to almost turn my stomach. You shame AA literature. While I criticize some writers for producing poorly written books, I can never take away the honesty they put into their work. I may not like it, but I respect it. But you? You are the boil on the butt of AA literature. I am not Sudanese. It isn't on the blood of my kin that you are trying to build your "career" upon. You do those people a dishonor. I hope that old saying "what goes around comes around" comes true, especially in your case. This is my good bye to your trifling tale. Don't email me anymore. I haven't answered any of your correspondence for almost 2 years now. Any sane, normal thinking person would have been done bought a vowel and got a clue, alas, as it is blantantly obvious you are neither normal or sane, I guess that explains it. But for now, pretend that you got good goddamn sense and drop me from your diseased mailing list. Good bye, and for Pete's sake don't rule out suicide as an option. Signed Glad to not be seeing or hearing from you ever again in life, Thumper |
Jmho Veteran Poster Username: Jmho
Post Number: 67 Registered: 03-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 10:32 pm: |
I read the message board after reading the article on and as suspected, much has been confirmed. What a shame.
Abm "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 1351 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 02:16 am: |
I too have read the myriad editorials (/rebuttals) concerning Kola. And frankly I did NOT find ANYTHING within any of it that appeared to be ANY BIT more credible than Kola. Actually, much of it is REALLY a bunch of unfounded conjecture and allusions. And most of all, I'll ask this...SO WHAT? Why does the relative authenticity of Kola really matter? To me, NONE of it does when compared to her literary talents and social commentary, which are by ANY measure ASTONDING. And lets look at the all the so called controversial issues surrounding her: AGELESS WONDER: Really. What self-respecting woman past 25 wouldn't look you in the eye and tell you a boldfaced lie about her age if she could get away with it? Hell. I'm still not sure how old my own mother is. And whenever I so much as broach the subject of my wife's age, she damn near threatens to divorce me. BOOF THOSE BOOBIES: I don't know if Kola's justifications for baring her titties are based in fact or fiction. But pardon me. Doesn't parts of Native Africa have a (recent) history of females baring their breast? If they did (perhaps still do) it, the reasons Kola provided seem at least as plausible as any others one might offer. 'HERTORY': I think we mistakenly tend to relate what happens in the US to what occurs elsewhere. Does the Sudan/Egypt have the same standards of tracking birthdates, paternity, adoption and foster care as the US? Perhaps they do. But I doubt it. Forgive me. But I imagine there are A LOT of eastern Africans who have conflicting personal histories. So while I'll concede everything she says may indeed be erroneous. Still, there has been NOTHING proffered by ANYONE what proves her false. KOLA COLOR GUARD!: It seems to me the simplest way to prove/disprove whether Kola has a security detail is to OBSERVE her when she tours. In fact, isn't she touring right now? Anyone who have or will attend her book signings should know whether she's being guarded. OSAMA MAMA: I never was impressed by her involvement with Bin Laden. Because (pardon me Kola) I just consider her to be among a vast string of hoochies dude knockboots with over the decades. I mean, doesn't BL have like +100 siblings? Apparently doze Bin Laden fellas can give even playah-playahs Joe/Jack Kennedy lessons on the fine art of whoremongering. And the US f@#$ing guvment dun spent BILLIONS looking for Bin Ladin...and they STILL ain't found'em! If after ALL DAT, they STILL can't even uncover where he was just last week, isn't it quite possible that things he was doing nearly 10 years ago, including who he was screwing, are likely lost for all eternity? PHONY FATWA: There is A LOT of conflicting information here. But think about it. Do you think the issuers of a fatwa would openly confirm such...especially in today's current global climate when/where there's a lot of suspicion and consternation about Islam in general? ("Yes we noble defenders of Islam intend to kill KB like a mangy dog in the middle of LA's Sunset Blvd.") Well. That's sort of my take on things. Take it as you will. But I suspect some of us may discover that ultimately none of this REALLY matters. Kola's personal history may indeed be a fraudulent. But if she writes well and has an interesting personality/persona, that is all that REALLY matters. Because isn't it ironic that we ALL are investing MORE time/energy is this person of (allegedly) dubious/questionable dealings that we have of a myriad other authors who we know practically EVERYTHING about? PS: And really. Are we actually making an assessment of what's going with her via a website titled "PLAYAHATA.COM"? If so, didn't yawl momma teach you that "we are the company we keep"? |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 1391 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 11:36 am: |
Believe it or not, I swear I have never checked out any of these sites or read up on Kola Boof. All I know about her, I have discerned from my many encounters with her different aliases on this board. But she always sent up red flags to me, always caused blips in my intuition radar and sent my suspicion into over-drive. That's why I could never warm up to her. The fact that she semi-interesting and an average writer may be all that a starry-eyed Abm requires of a person, but I am very much inclined to dismiss someone who is a self-serving fraud. |
Lambd "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Lambd
Post Number: 551 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 12:18 pm: |
Cynique: I'm not making any judgements here, so don't get the wrong idea because I really don't want to choose sides. I'm just curious, why do you rate Kola Boof as an "average writer"? Have you read any of her books and what are your honest opinions of them? Many people respect your opinion, as I do, and I am sure they would like to know as well. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 1392 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 12:48 pm: |
Because nowadays there are a lot of terrific black writers out there, Lambd. I read them all the time. From the long posts that Kola treats us to on this board, in observing her style and expression, it is my opinion that she is par for the course, as writers go. |
Abm "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 1358 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 01:15 pm: |
Cynique, And you last sentence is, of course, NOT AT ALL biased by the clearly apparent fact that you hate Kola's dirty, stinking African @$$. Right? |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 1394 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 01:36 pm: |
I don't hate Kola, Abm. As I previously stated, she just ain't my cup of tea. She's trixy and she's false. heh-heh. And as long as you and Lambd love her dirty draws, what difference does it make what I think?? LOL |
Abm "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 1360 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 01:46 pm: |
Cynique, Yeah. But we want you to "love her dirty draws" too (or at least admit to it). |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 1395 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 01:53 pm: |
Blah-blah-blah-woo-woo. I'm tired of wasting my time discussing Kola. Think whatever you wanna think, Abm. She's your obsession, not mine. |
Moonsigns "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Moonsigns
Post Number: 247 Registered: 07-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 02:03 pm: |
I have read some of her poetry (KB) --all of which I have enjoyed (for the most part). However, there seems to be some obvious discrepancies in the stories she tells about herself, as well as the interviews/stories others share. It is odd, but nevertheless, she does have talent. That can't be denied. This is what I want to know more about...... I admire and resepct Maya Angelou as a woman and a writer, I am curious why KB eluded to the fact that Maya (paraphrasing) doesn't care for her/her work (KB's) too much. I find that very strange. |
Abm "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 1364 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 02:47 pm: |
Moonsigns, I think they have had some parting of views concerning Arabs and/or Islam, if I recall correctly. But I imagine this is just your typical backbiting and catfighting that occurs between/amongst artists (especially when they are chicks). On the one side you have the venerable Angelou perhaps fearing being displaced by younger, more energetic KB. And on the other side you’ve got KB jockeying to get a little of that esteem (and money) that Angelou enjoys. |
Lambd "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Lambd
Post Number: 552 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2004 - 11:30 am: |
Cynique, I only wanted your opinion of her writing. I tried very hard to phrase my question to you in a way that wouldn't warrant any nastiness from you. Obviously, that is impossible when it comes to Kola. I will refrain from soliciting any more of your opinions for fear that I will be accused of loving someone else's "dirty drawers". |
Lambd "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Lambd
Post Number: 553 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2004 - 11:33 am: |
"Because nowadays there are a lot of terrific black writers out there, Lambd. I read them all the time. From the long posts that Kola treats us to on this board, in observing her style and expression, it is my opinion that she is par for the course, as writers go." Really, Cynique, this would have been good enough for anyone who was interested in your honest opinion. |
Abm "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 1373 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2004 - 12:26 pm: |
Lambd, Ah! But my brother. Would our Dear Cynique taste quite as sweet where there not a spot of bitterness within? |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 1400 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2004 - 12:31 pm: |
Give it a rest, Lambd. I'm losing patience with folks who can dish it out, but can't take it. Anyway, my remark about Kola's "dirty draws" was in response to what Abm injected into the conversation. And why would you stop soliciting my opinion if you're curious about something? What do you care if I jokingly accuse you of loving someone's dirty draws? BTW, I will continue to solicit your opinions about any subject I think you might have something interesting to say about. |
Lambd "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Lambd
Post Number: 555 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2004 - 12:46 pm: |
If Abm or Yukio were to slap me and say 'kiss my azz', it would sting, but I wouldn't have a problem letting them catch a jab in return. However, when Cynique, the object of my undying love and affection, does it, it tends to hurt a little more. When I said I would not solicit your opinions again, I was referring to opinions that had anything to do with KB. I am afraid your opinions will always come off sounding a little...tainted. |
Abm "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 1375 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2004 - 12:46 pm: |
Cynique, If you continue to mention "dirty draws", I am going to start wondering whether YOU have got some Hane's Her Way that's pastdue for a thorough washing. <sniff!sniff!> |
Lambd "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Lambd
Post Number: 556 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2004 - 12:49 pm: |
Abm, you are right as always. Cynique probably wouldn't taste as sweet if it were not for the added 'twang'. Favorite quote: "Aint no bootie in the world smell better than evil bootie!"---Lambd, circa 9/2004. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 1403 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2004 - 12:57 pm: |
Yeah, yeah,whatever. I gotta go for real this time. |
Abm "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 1381 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2004 - 01:41 pm: |
Lambd, Indeed. "Make my funk dah p-funk. I want to get funked up!" And notice Cynique (intentionally?) avoided responding to talk of the (now questionable) state of her undies. Maybe where she's "gotta go for real this time" is to the local laundry mat. |
Jmho Veteran Poster Username: Jmho
Post Number: 69 Registered: 03-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2004 - 01:56 pm: |
ABM wrote: And really. Are we actually making an assessment of what's going with her via a website titled "PLAYAHATA.COM"? As opposed to a site titled, ""? Seems her tactics are the same regardless to which website where she's posting. As stated, *my* assessment was confirmed of what has been reported and found to also have been proven to be so on this board -- signing under various usernames, in the order to deceive and cause confusion, mostly unnecessarily, and then continue to lie once caught. What is the point? If your life is that boring and uneventful there are many causes and organizations that would love to utilize some of your "free time." As my Mother also taught me, an idle mind is the devil's workshop. Yep some may think it's make things more interesting, or see it all just seeking attention, but I think it's a sign or symptom of some sort of mental illness. If there is a hit out on a person, who needs 25 federal agents as bodyguards, who in their right mind would go to several message boards on the internet and post exactly where they will be and when? C'mon now. Regarding bin Laden, we only know what they tells us. We don't know anything because they haven't told us. And, they sure aren't going to tell us until they want to. Just as they couldn't find Saddam but then all of a sudden they *find* in a hole in the ground. Once people prove themselves to be liars it's hard to take much of what they say seriously, no matter how eloquent they may sound saying it. These computer challenged folks really need to learn to keep track of their IP address. lol |
Lambd "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Lambd
Post Number: 563 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2004 - 03:07 pm: |
"to which where..., of what has,...and found to also have been...proven to be so, the order to..." You sound like a lawyer. Are you in the legal profession? |
Abm "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 1383 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2004 - 04:20 pm: |
Jmho, Pardon me. But I am inclined to find a website 'titled' PLAYAHATA.COM to have by its very name an undesirably self-fulfilling mission. (Conversely, I doubt that is the purpose Thumper's Corner.) But? Who knows what the creators of the cite intend? I don't. And if it were my intent to marry, adopt or elect Kola, I might share all of the consternation regarding her credibility. But, frankly I have never paid enough attention to whether she has (or needs) a security detail or has served up the 'sauce' to Bin Laden for that to factor into what I do here. Because, in truth, I don't KNOW for certain if ANYTHING around here is 'true' by my perspective. Nor is THAT even important to me. The only thing I am moved by is whether or not I ENJOY our time together. If that occurs, which is almost ALWAYS the case, I'll pretty much continue to roll right along with the program, no matter where/how she (and the rest of you) chooses to manifest herself. Darling, EVERYBODY lies. Jefferson lied. Lincoln lied. Dr. King lied. Clinton lied. The (self-righteous) Bill Cosby lied. In fact, show me one truly great man or woman, I'll show you someone else who's angry that they lied to'em. And most of the world's geniuses were by our social/cultural standards crazy as hell. Mozart was a profane, maniac-depressive nut. Einstein at some point was so awash in his theories he could barely tie his shoes and comb his hair. Hemingway crazy*$$ voluntarily join up to fight wars, chased/fought bulls then when he could not do any of that crazy*$$ $#*+ anymore...he killed himself. As did Virginia Wolf. Van Gogh cut off his own freakin' ear. And Poe, Kafka and Nietzsche were all geniuses, and every one of them certifiably mad. So it seems to me, by historical standards and your own judgments, Kola is on course for greatness. HEHE! |
Jmho Veteran Poster Username: Jmho
Post Number: 70 Registered: 03-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 11:53 am: |
ABM wrote: So it seems to me, by historical standards and your own judgments, Kola is on course for greatness. History speaks for itself and it's judgemnts are certainly in the eye of the beholder. So, I'll respectfully agree to disagree with ya.
Jmho Veteran Poster Username: Jmho
Post Number: 71 Registered: 03-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 11:58 am: |
Lambd wrote: You sound like a lawyer. Are you in the legal profession? No. But I could play on the internet, huh? I'll just do like some others -- just create a life I wished I had or wanted to have. |
Abm "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 1390 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 12:26 pm: |
Jmho, I was partly pulling your leg with that last sentence. Although, if one compare all the handwringing over Kola with what has surrounded many of her great artistic predecessors/contemporaries, one can draw some intriguing parallels. |