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Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, November 04, 2003 - 11:02 am: |
Yup, it's that (story) time again.. I'll start it off and then you can add your two cents (or five cent, ten cent, dolla :-D).. "Where is my Sunshine?" The sun reached through Rakeelah's window, reminding her of everything she had long convinced herself didn't even matter. Oh how she silently envied the sun; its warmth, its brightness. If only she could just absorb all it had to offer without getting burned... She moaned a bit as she stretched and instead of getting up (like she was supposed to), she slouched farther into the depths of her plush couch. It had been what- she mentally calculated- three weeks without Sekou now... One half of her longed for his presence, his smile, his scent even and couldn't help but wonder if he were longing for her the same way, or even missing her at all, wherever he was.. The other half just wanted to slap her for even allowing herself to have one single thought of him. "Whatever", she said to herself, "I don't need him." In fact, she had been telling herself such things so much and so frequently as of late until it had become a catechism of some sort: "I don't need him" "He doesn't care" "He doesn't need me" and so on. She sighed, wishing that the memories flooding her mind would just all go away. Silently, she vowed to herself to never admit how much she still really cared. Still, not being able to understand how he could just do her like that, she played it all out in her head over and over; his words and the tones with which they were delivered, his expressions.. She played them mentally almost as one would play a cassette, searching for that one piece of evidence... "Oh well", she said as she glanced at her clock, "No time to think about that now..Time to go to work." She reached in her drawer for her bra but her hand felt something different. Instead of coming back up with the bra she was looking for, her hand came back up holding a picture that she thought she had gotten rid of three weeks ago. It was one of her and Sekou..
Chris Hayden
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, November 04, 2003 - 01:46 pm: |
There they were,standing in front of the park. Smiling. Looking for all the world like the happiest people in the world. She was holding that big straw hat. He had his arm around her. Ten minutes later he had told her he was married. The lousy bastard. Too bad she didn't have a picture of that. Her screams and tears. His pitiful pleading. "But my wife doesn't understand me," he had mumbled. What, did the fool think she had just gotten off the boat? He probably still had the marks on his face from where she had raked her nails across it. She had been trying to tear out his eyes. Savagely she tore the picture into pieces then she ran to the bathroom, tossed them in the commode and flushed them down. She had told him it was over. And that was that. But she couldn't let him get away with it. No not clowning her like that. She made up her mind then and there. She was going to make him pay. She was going to make him pay if it was the last thing she ever did. But how? |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, November 04, 2003 - 03:08 pm: |
Oh YEAH, HE was gon' PAY if it's the LAST thing he did.. Lyin' a## maw effa. She remembered the burning sensation in her heart when she told him she was pregnant, only for him to say,"Baby, now is not the time." It wasn't the TIME, huh? Yeah, cuz his WIFE was pregnant, with a child actually worth BRINGING into this world at the same time! Not like "he" was ever man enough to tell her, as she actually found out three years later, when the child that couldn't be brought forth because "now is not the time" would have been three. The tears started again.. "I HATE HIM, I HATE HIM!!!!" It hurt her so badly.. All of it. The lies, the 'good times', the abortion, the nights she waited for him to come home only to discover that she was again waiting in vain. "Why do I do this to myself?" Rakeelah asked, as she held herself so tightly, tears rolling down like water off windshields on the rainest days. "It was a lie... One big lie." She shook her head, crying. "Sekou, why you do that to me?" Her sobs became more and more intense and the line between "what was" and "what could have/should have been" became more and more blurred. She clearly saw Sekou, however, and asked him all the questions that she never got a chance to ask. "Why, Sekou? Why couldn't you just tell me? Why did you have to do that, Sekouuuuu???" There was but one problem: Sekou was nowhere around; all Rakeelah had were bittersweet memories and the tears to go along with them. Her sobs became beyond intense; they became uncontrollable and without warning, her mood went from somber to angered to straight up pissed and vindictive! She started pacing back and forth and mumbling to herself,"Oh so he thinks he can just play me like that, huh!?" She started laughing hi Ha ha ha ha ha! PLAYYY MEEEE!!!!????" Rakeelah, in a nearly psychotic state of "I-don't-even-much-know-where-I-AM-right-now-I'm-so-heated-ness", ran through the hall and straight to Sekou's old closet. In a maddened rage, Rakeelah grabbed every single garment posessed by Sekou that she could find. "So you wanna PLAY me, HUH, SEKOU!? MAW EFFA, I'mma F YOU UP!!" With nearly every word, she ripped his clothes with her bare hands. "This *rip* is *rip* what *rip* happens *rip* when *rip* you *rip*dump *RIPPPPPPP!!* RAKEELAH PATTERSON!!!! She screamed from the top of her lungs, ""SEKOU RICKS, I'LL SHOW 'YOU', MUTHA F*A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" In tearing the drawer apart, she stumbled across one of Sekou's old crumbled up bank statements. "Hmm.." She read aloud, "Sekou and Tamieka Ricks 2143 Cross Mills Run Atlanta, Georgia 30490." Somehow in the midst of the madness, Rakeelah's teary eyes sparkled with pure malice. Just then, she smirked as a cool came over her. She vowed that Sekou would know exactly what was meant by the old axiom "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"...
Chris Hayden
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, November 04, 2003 - 03:35 pm: |
The next day she went to the bank. She was wearing a white business suit and white broad brimmed hat. "I am Tamieka Ricks and I'd like to close my account" she told the mousy, bald headed bank manager. "I don't know m'am, this is highly irregular, there are after all two names on this ..." "I know there are two names on the account, beyotch!" she snarled, grabbing him by his collar. "I said I wants my MONEY" Then she quickly released him. "I'm sorry. I'm just so emotional. He left me the other day, the cad! With a young stripper. A blonde. I just wanted to get this money before he pulled it out." She pulled a handkerchief out of her purse and sobbed. "A blond eh?" the bank officer said, fire in his eye. "They are no good, Mrs. Ricks. None of them. I'll see you get your money." "Thank you. You're so very kind and understanding." she sniffed. Minutes later she was driving down the street with ten thousand dollars in cash in an envelope in her purse. It had been like taking candy from a baby. All too easy. Oh, but this wasn't all. This was just the beginning. They would pay, both of them. They would feel her pain. They would suffer a billion years for each second of embarassment she had felt. All those nights alone, waiting for him. All those times checking into motels. Hiding on the floor of his car under a blanket. She laughed as she drove. On a whim she rode by their house. She paused for a moment. She looked up at the house, the house which should have rightfully been hers. Just like that she snapped. She whipped a Browning 9mm automatic from under the seat and emptied the 18 shot clip into the front of their house. Then , tires squealing she drove off, laughing. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, November 04, 2003 - 03:42 pm: |
((aaahahahahah Lawd me nearly dead wid laff! ahahahahahahahaah LOLOLOLOLOL Oh my GOSH! Sorry to interrupt, but you ain't got NO kinda sense. lolololol I just can't wait to see how this turns out. If noone responds, I'll respond when I return. ahahahahaha You too funny! ahahahahaaha)) |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, November 04, 2003 - 03:46 pm: |
Sekou stared at the traffic out his window. He wasn't going to get much work done today, but going home was also out of the question. He had no desire to be there, especially now. Especially since his breakup with Rakeelah. If she had just let him explain, but it was too late, he had lost her. Lost the only woman he had ever come close to loving. He should have told her that, should have been happy about the baby and honest about his feelings, but he let his damn ego get in the way. His foolish pride convinced him that Rakeelah had gotten pregnant purposely, to trap him. "Dammit!," he shouted. Not a moment passed that the thought of her, her scent, her touch; the way her soft dreads fell beneath her chin, and gathered slowly at the back of her neck. He had to have her again. Had to prove to her that she was the one, the only one. There was a knock at the door. "Sekou, you have," she paused, "a rather large package here," his secretary called from outside the door. "Well, bring it in Glenda." "Sekou, I think you better come and get it." "What? Okay, I'll be right there." What was the big deal, he thought. Why couldn't she just bring the damn package in the office?
Chris Hayden
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, November 04, 2003 - 04:24 pm: |
Sekou got up from behind his massive, ornate mahogany glass topped desk and walked to the door. On the way he passed the full length mirror on the door to his private bathroom. He stood awhile and admired his reflection in it, flicking away at imaginary pieces of lint. Yes, you are God's gift to women allright, you pretty m'fer, you, he thought blowing himself a kiss. Denzel Washington just better watch out or he would go out to Hollywood and take all his roles. He diddy bopped on out to the secretary's desk where the rather large package resided. There was an awful smell coming from the newspaper bundled package. Flies were buzzing around it. All of the office staff members were holding their noses. "What the f---" said Sekou. "It's obviously some garbage. Why you keep it. Throw it out." But there was something suspiciously familiar about the package. "Wait a minute before you throw it out. Who brought it?" "A woman in her late twenties or early thirties. A little tall. Brown skinned. She really had this maniacal glint in her eye . . ." "Did she have a mole at the corner of her mouth?" "Yeah, that was her!" Rahkeelah! This couldn't be good. He swallowed hard, then he tore the newspaper apart. Inside were the horrible remains of the dog he had gotten her. Its throat slit. "Oh no," he sobbed. "Fluffy!" |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2003 - 08:44 am: |
At that very same moment Rahkeelah laughed, "hahaha Fluffy gone bye bye! Now, it's your turn Sekou. But I won't go that easy on you," she said while sharpening the large butcher knife she held, "I'll go slow, and before long I'll wipe that pretty, dimpled smile off your face, for good!"
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2003 - 09:55 am: |
"SEKOUUU!" Jerome screamed in a very faggoty voice. "What happened? What happened?" Sekou, too distraught at the moment to really even respond just shook his head chanting 1,000 times "I shouldda left her alone, I shouldda left her alone".. Too late for that now. His office assistant asked again what had happened, with his hands on his cheek, looking as if someone had just stolen his favorite makeup bag. Sekou sighed and began to explain. "Remember the one we were just talking about not too long ago? Well it was her, Rakeelah. I guess this is how she gets back at me, killing the one thing she knew I had had since my teenage years that I really loved. I just can't believe Fluffy is gone and I just can't believe that Rakeelah would do such a thing like this. I mean this is no uneducated chickenhead we're talking here, Jerome. This is a 33 year old woman with a Master's degree in abnormal psychology and a bachelor's degree in political science. She is by no means a dummy and as much as she has going for herself, she does things like this. She never really understood how I felt about her; there were just things I just could not do because I was married. I know she went through a lot with me, but I cared about her, I really did.. I just knew that the man she wanted me to be, I could not, simply because I was married." Jerome, feeling bad for Sekou, gently patted Sekou on his shoulder. "It's gonna be alright." After he walked off into the hallway, Sekou picked up the phone and slowly dialed a number that he had not dialed in quite a while. He hung up and tried again and stopped himself in the middle of the next dialing only to dial again. Finally, like a child pinching his nose and just trying to swallow the medicine all at once as to avoid any further hesitation, Sekou dialed the number and let the phone ring this time. The phone is answered without the first hello or process of identification. "So you've received your package have you, Sekou? Wasn't it cute? I think Fluffy looks kinda good in red. How about you?" |
Chris Hayden
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2003 - 11:10 am: |
He started to curse her out, but something in Rahkeelah's voice, something beyond anger, something beyond spitefulness, something teetering on the knife edge of madness hit him in the pit of the stomach. The phone dropped from his nerveless fingers and he rushed to the bathroom to throw up. As sounds of his tortured heaving came from the restroom everybody looked at Jerome. "Well, I guess it ain't gonna be allright, then," he shrugged. That was only the beginning. When he came out of the bathroom his wife was on the phone. "Sekou, what the hell is going on? I went by the bank to pick up a little extra cash and the account is cleaned out. The folks at the bank said I had been in earlier to withdraw the money. Then when I got home the police were here and there were bullet holes all in the front door and windows. And Fluffy is missing." It only took Sekou a minute to put it all together. Of course it could be a coincidence, but he knew it wasn't. It wasn't. "Stay where you are. Don't leave. I'll be right home." "Sekou, waht is this about?" Tameika asked. "Do you know something? What's happening?" Damn, the bitch is like radar, he thought. "No dear. I haven't the slightest idea . . ." "This ain't another one of your chickenheads come home to roost is it?" Tameika said. "Dammit Sekou. If this is another one of your hoochies going off you are going to live to regret it." "Tameika, I don't know anything about it. I swear. About the gunfire maybe it's---I don't know maybe it's the klan. You know how they hate successful blacks." "What about the bank." "Identity theft. Who knows. Maybe somebody followed you, pulled our information out of the trash. And the dog, who knows dogs? Maybe he got out behind some fine Alsatian bitch and ran off somewhere--" "Sekou, if you are lying to me--" "Please Tamieka. You got to believe me. Now is the time we got to stick together, honey. Now is no time to leave me--" "I ain't leaving you this time, Sekou," Tamieka said. "But if this is another one of your Fatal Attractions, I'm going to take care of it. And then I'm going to take care of you. Once and for all." With that she hung up. Sekou couldn't do anything but stand there and trip for a long time, shaking and trembling like Mantan Moreland in a Charlie Chan movie. "Oh, well, they say Siberia is nice this time of year," Jerome said. "And they don't have a whole lot of us there yet." |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2003 - 11:48 am: |
"Jerome, shut the hell up and get me some make that a shot of Hennessy..better yet, bring the whole bottle...I got a feeling I'm going to need more than my usual to get through this.." "Yessa massa, sir," Jerome teased, "I's getting yo bottle sir.." "Cut the crap, you could be next." "Me, what did I do?" "Rahkeela's no fool. She'll take me down, whatever way she can, killing my poor Fluffy, then shooting holes into my house. Don't think she won't wipe out my trusty sidekick, my confidante..." "What you talking bout Sekou?" Jerome said with his mouth poked out and his hands on his imagined hips. He snapped his fingers high in the air, completing a circle..."I wish that by-otch would....she can bring it on if she want...I'll open up a can of whoop-ass that will send her hair back straight!" Sekou grinned wildly. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2003 - 12:04 pm: |
Tamieka tosses the phone. "Yeah, I'd bet.. I'd bet. Prolly one a dem ol' skeezas he be messin' wit'. Think somebody stupid. Hmph! No, I do not have a degree, but I 'do' have enough sense to know when summin' ain't right. Bout 'you've gotta believe me'. Is wha he a tek ooman fah? *kissin' teeth* So many times his behind has lied but now it's 'You've gotta believe me.' Lemme find out his a$$ lyin' again.Lemme find out." Even in such a crazy moment, Tamieka was as cool as a cucumber. That's one thing about her. Yeah she could and 'would' set it off, but that was one woman who didn't let too much take away her cool. She grabbed a bottle of juice and went outside to more carefully examine the bullet holes. "Look at this damn door." she said, putting her hands by the bullet holes. "Ain't nobody but a crazy female did this. These holes all over the place, and they look like they were just shot out of pure anger and passion. Heck (kind of laughing to herself) as much as 'I' figure out the murderers and guilty parties before Matlock an 'dem, 'my' behind should be a lawyer or detective!" She kind of laughed again to herself but quickly got very serious. But it's a good thing Shayla's not here. My baby could have easily been in this mix. Nah see this shi# ain't 'bout to be goin' down like this. My baby is NOT about to suffer because of her father's philandering phalice." She went back inside, tossed the empty juice bottle into the trash can, and grabbed her purse. "Where are my darn keys? Oh yeah, I left them in the den." She grabbed her keys and headed out to get Shayla, who had been staying the summer with her sister. Smiling at the picture of Shayla hanging from her rear view mirror, she began to dial her sister's number. "Hello?" Gloria said. "Wha gwaan, Sis? Everyting alrite?" "Yeah tings cool, Sis. U okay?" Tamieka thought for a second. No way was she about to tell her little sister about this mess, atleast not right now. "Ya, I'm good. Shayla deh bout?" Gloria laughed,"Ha. Nah, she in camp still... Lawd she LOV dat place deh innuh. More time mi haffi beg har fi come back roun yasso!" The two sisters laughed. Still smiling, Tamieka said, "Well hear wha. Give me di numba mek mi call an check on tings." Gloria chuckles and says "Ya okay." The two sisters hang up and Tamieka calls the camp. "Hello, may I speak with Mr. Bakari Martin?" The cheerful voice says sure and quickly gets Mr. Martin. "Hi, Mr. Martin. This is Mrs. Tamieka Ricks, Shayla's mother." "Oh yes, HI, Mrs. Ricks. How are you?" "I'm doing just fine, thank you" Tamieka says. "Listen, I am on my way up, but I just wanted to speak to Shayla for a bit. Is she eating or napping?" "No, Mrs. Ricks" said Mr. Martin "I'll get her for you right now." Shayla picked up the phone. "Hello?" "Shayla?" asked Tamieka. "MOMMY!?!?" asked Shayla. "Um.. YES, who ELSE would 'Mommy' be?" teased Tamieka. "Hiiiiiii, Mommmmeeeeee!" screamed Shayla. "Hi, Baaaaaabyyyyyyy! Did you miss Mommy and Daddy?" "Yes, Maam" said Shayla "I missed you guys a wholeeee bunch!" Tamieka smiled. "So tell me, Precious, what did you do today?" "Well Mommy, I had pancakes for breakfast with blueberry syrup and they were sooo yummy! Also, I learned to dive and swim in the 12 ft part of the pool!" "Oooh! You're going to teach Mommy to do that?" "Oom hoom!" said Shayla. "Oh and Mommy, guess WHAT!?" "What's that, Honey?" Tamieka asked, smiling about her daughter's enthusiasm. "Yesterday, Mommy, Aunt T came up! She told me that I was so pretty and that I looked so much like Daddy and that I looked just like she imagined I'd look, just like she the baby she was supposed to have looked!" Tamieka was a bit confused at this point. "Baby? Imagined you to look? What in the world was your Aunt Gloria talking about!?" "Noooo, noo, Mommy" corrected Shayla. "A 'new' Aunt T. She came to see me while we were swimming. She said that she had been looking for you for a long time and she could even describe Fluffy!" Still excited, Shayla continued to tell her mother more as Rakeelah's heart began to beat as if she were wearing dirty drawz on Judgment Day... |
Chris Hayden
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2003 - 12:14 pm: |
On the way home Sekou stopped by the flower shop, where he bought a dozen red roses, the candyshop, where he bought a pound of white chocolate, and the deli, where he bought a bottle of wine a loaf of bread and some cheese. He stepped over the yellow tape marking off the front of his house as a crime scene and walked to the front door. He shuddered looking at the jagged spiderweb patterns in the front window. He loved standing at that window, looking out at his immaculate front lawn. If Rahkeelah, for he knew this was her handiwork, had come by early in the morning or late in the evening he would have been right there, looking out, musing over his domain and would probably have been wearing a toe tag in the morgue right now. He collected himself and then went in. He could see Tameika sitting with her back to him on the couch. He put an extra pitiful look on his face, slumped his shoulders, and ran through his lie one more time. Then he walked up behind her and bent over to kiss her on the cheek. He froze in mid approach when he bent over far enough to see the twelve gauge double barrelled shotgun she was cleaning. "That you, Sekou?" she asked, not looking up. Somehow he squeaked out a terrified answer. "Yes. I came right home.." "Sit down and shut the f*** up," she snarled. He walked wordlessly, stiffly around the couch and sat down. Did he have some kind of thang for women with guns? "I brought you some--" he said holding out his presents. "I don't want none of that bulls***!" she shouted, knocking it out of his hands. Then quickly she jammed both barrels of the gun under his chin. "Okay, fool. Talk fast and talk right." Sekou spilled his guts. "Please don't kill me now," he said when he was finished. "You think I want to mess up my rug and couch? And I emphasize MY rug and couch." Sekou breathed a sigh of relief. "Naw. I'm gonna take your sorry tail in the back yard and blow you away on the compost dump." He was opening his mouth to beg for his life when the phone rang. Tamieka crammed the barrel in his mouth and answered it. "Yeah. This is the Buchanan residence. This is Mrs. Buchanan. Naw, he can't come to the phone right now. He can't talk with his mouth full. "This is who? Oh. So you the funny gal. Well, you can have what's left of this fool when I'm through--you what? What? Well, bring it on, homegirl. But remember something. You got to bring some to get some!" Tamieka slammed the phone down and looked at Sekou hard and long. Then she yanked the shotgun out of his mouth. He gasped for air, gratefully. "You picked yourself a real crazy one this time, G," Tameika said. "She wants a piece of me, too. Well, she gonna git her wish." Tameika slapped Sekou on the back. "Hey. Don't look so down in the mouth. She done bought you a few extra hours anyway. Let's have some of this wine and cheese!" |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2003 - 02:47 pm: |
Sekou's guts bubbled much like the little frizzy candy thingies he used to love to eat when he was young. Only this bubbling wasn't so fun. He thought about many things.. How he and his wife first met. How she used to be the finest, sweetest than around and how he once felt sooo lucky to be the one to sweep her off her feet. Yes, it is true, he thought. He hurt her much too much but he was hurting, too. I mean what was he supposed to do with all that weight on his shoulders all while not feeling the support that only a mate could give? True indeed his mother never really cared for Tamieka, but his mother was everything to her as was his wife. He simply refused to choose and after his mother's accident and funeral, Tamieka did not 'rejoice' but she just could not hide her indifference, not like she was 'trying' to, but a chunk of his heart ached and though he knew that she could never 'fix' it, he atleast wanted to know that she would try.. She didn't. Feeling lost, torn, and yes vulnerable, Sekou searched for something to ease the pain and found it not in drugs or alcohol but in a tender, beautiful, and intelligent woman that he happened to meet on the train of the airport. She was everything he needed. She comforted him, she nurtured him, wiped his tears, just told him it was going to be alright. Oh how he simply longed to hear those words from the lips of the woman who he was with but they never once came out. They grew very attached and in a pool of unexplainable emotions they both fell so deeply. As a matter of fact, much too deeply.. She was the one his heart longed for, but he could not be with her as he wished. Still, he did not want to let her go. He knew that if he told her, she would take her love away from him, something that had become so vital to his heart, to his spirit, to his existence. Next thing you know, she is telling him that she is pregnant, all excited, beaming with joy. "Oh shi$" he thought. "I can't let this happen.. I just can't let this happen." No, he never wanted her to abort his child. After all, he really cared for this woman and sometimes, he even wished that he would have met her first, but he could not lose the family that he already had.. Sweet Shayla. She meant everything to her and Tamieka had her ways but she really was a good mother and even a good person. Surely she would snatch Shayla away from him and doing that would have meant losing everything. He just could not afford to do that. He didn't know what to do. He could not come straight with either of them. He just couldn't do it, atleast not at that particular moment. Just then, his world of thoughts is invaded by a very hard smack upside his head. "Yeah Sekou. Is a eediat gyal yuh tink seh yu a deal wid? Truss yuh a guh dead real slow if yuh no tell me wha me waan hear. Now I SUGGEST you start TALK UP!!!!" |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2003 - 06:36 pm: |
Rahkeela held the phone in one hand and a 9mm in the other. She paced the floor of her apartment kitchen, fleshing out her next move, when the phone rang. Her eyes grew big, who knew she was here? Normally she would have been at work at this time. Was this some kind of trick? She hesitated before answering. "Who this?" "WHO THIS? Keelah! What the hell's wrong with you girl? Didn't I teach you better than that? This yo mama!" "MAMA!" "Yeah, yo mama, and you better explain real quick why your married boyfriend is calling me about you killing his dog. Fess up Keelah, I got Bingo tonight." |
Chris Hayden
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, November 06, 2003 - 11:02 am: |
In the meantime, Tamieka was pacing, back and forth, back and forth, as she walked she talked and as she talked she got madder and madder. Now and then she looked at Sekou who was sitting on the couch and pointed the gun at him and shouted, "Boom!" and laughed when he jumped. Just then the doorbell rang. Without missing a beat, Tameika answered it. It was Whiteboy Bob, their next door neighbor. "Hi, Tameika," Bob said. "You don't know me that well, grayboy!" Tamieka snarled. Bob stuttered until she said, "Mrs. Buchanan to you, porkface. What the hell you want?" "Well, I heard there was some trouble over here today and I came over to. . ." "Sekou! Somebody get this ofay off of me. I ain't got time for this sh**!" she said stalking away from the door. Sekou walked over to the door. "Just what do you want, Bob? Can't you see this is not a good time?" "Well, I see the police tapes over here and the bullet holes and I was talking to Mrs. Krebopple across the street and . . ." "That old biddy!" Sekou snorted. "Ain't she got nothin' better to do than spy on folks all day?" "White folks always tryin' to get in black folks business!" Tamieka yelled, shaking the shotgun. "Word," Sekou said. "Ain't you got your own business to attend to, Bob? you know your wife is banging the cable man all the time while you're at work. Seems like you would take care of your own homework before you stuck your long, thin, Nordic needlenose into our thang!" "Look!" Bob said, flustered. "I did not insert myself into the action at this point merely to be the racist villain!" "Looks like he tellin' on hisself, there," Tamieka said. "Look, Whiteboy Bob," Sekou said. "Why don't you take a walk? I'm a man. A fullgrown man mister. Whatever it is I can handle it. I don't need your paternalistic meddling. I was making it before I met you and will be making it after." "Well. I--I want you to know that I voted for you when the neighborhood association took up the subject of the two of you moving in here--" "Somebody better tell him to get to steppin before he gets stepped on," Tameika said. "But I never! Shootings. Police. Your wife, stalking around here like Black Annie Oakley!" Sekou jumped all up in Bob'f face, bumping chests with him. "Don't no whiteman come to my house talking about my woman! Y'dig? You better leave now while you can." "That's tellin' him, baby!" "That did it! I want you to know that I am going to resign from the NAACP and I won't be making any contributions this Christmas to the United Negro College Fund." "Who needs ya!" Sekou shouted. "You better git before I give you some soul!" "Some of yo' left sole! Some of yo' right sole!" Tamieka hooted. "You two are nothing but a couple of low down, common, everyday N---" Bob sputtered. "That did it!" Tamieka yelled, lunging for the door, but Bob was too quick for her. He sprinted away, doing his best impression of Carl Lewis in the 100meters, leaping over hedges and bushes. Sekou chased him for a little, then came back to the house, laughing. "I swear we made that SOB get him some rhythm," he chuckled. "Yeah. It was just like old times. Now where were we?" "I was sittin' over on the couch, shakin' and tremblin' and you was pacin' back and forth like a crazy woman, talkin' 'bout killin' me." "Oh, yeah," she said. She grinned, looked at him out of the corner of her eye, and lowered the shotgun. "Y'know. I don't feel like doin' nothin' in the front room right now." She put an arm around his neck, bit him on the ear." "What you got in mind?" Sekou said. "Maybe we could continue this little talk back in the Master bedroom?" "Why not?" Sekou grinned. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, November 06, 2003 - 11:40 am: |
"Oooooom...Ahhhh.. Yeah, yeah. Like that, Baaaaby. Oh GOSH, OH GOSH!" moaned Tamieka, as her husband kissed her softly, fingers circling all the spots that drove her wild. With passion, Sekou teased and caressed his wife, as he had not done in such a long time. The passion grew and grew, finally spreading like a wild fire, rekindling something in the two of them that they thought was lost long ago. Tamieka was soaking in ecstasy and Sekou was up and ready to give her every single thing her mind, body, and soul yearned for. Tamieka paused and looked deeply into her husband's eyes. "Sekou, make love to me... Make love to me." Without any vocal response, Sekou joined his body with his wife's and went in and out, slowwwwwwly, passsssionately. "Ohhhhhh, ohhhhhhhh, yessssss, YESSSSSS!" Inspired by blissful harmony, they moaned together and made the sweetest music they had heard in nearly three years. "I love you, Sekou. I love you." Tamieka moaned, with a tear forming in the corner of her eye. "Baby" Sekou said with everything in him "I love you, too. I love you, too. Don't leave me, Mami. Please don't ever leave my side." Tamieka's body shook, holding her husband's manhood so tightly and releasing it everso gently. Their hands found their way to each other and held on with all their might, as if they were holding for Love's sake, refusing to let go, for Love was at stake and it needed so badly to be saved. "I love you, Tamieka. I love you." Sekou confessed as his wife's face went through a range of expressions, all telling of the moment's pleasur, the years of pain, and the sincere consideration of trying to leave it all behind. "Baby" Tamieka said, starting to cry, moan, and smile all at once "I.. I love you. I love you soooo much. I love you so much." They kissed, they shared each other, they made love in the bed of love. "Oh.. Yes.. Yesss. Oh, don't stop. Donnnnnn' stopppp, YES.. YES YESSS Ohhhhhhh YEEEEEEEE------------" Tamieka's scream was interrupted by a shoe coming towards them at 45 miles per hour. "You LYING BASTARD!" screamed a very hurt Jerome. You LIED to me! I KNEW it! I KNEW you still loved her! I thought we were going to the movies, Sekou. I KNEW you'd stand me up again, what I DIDN'T know is that you were standing me up for HER! Well I FOLLOWED you THIS time. No WONDER you didn't want to tell me where you were staying. I thought you were in a hotel for the meantime. On top of that, I thought the 'thrill was gone' between you two. Jerome patted his powdered face and tried to recover the last bit of black, tear ruined mascara. "So you're Mr. Loverboy, huh, Sekou? You've screwed (quite literally) with the WRONG man this time, Sekou! I'll tell her every damn thing about you, Rakeelah, and US!" |
Chris Hayden
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, November 06, 2003 - 12:47 pm: |
In the meantime Rakheela was having this big heart to heart with her mother. "Rakheela baby baby BABY! You just cannot go around shooting folks' houses up and taking their money out of their bank accounts. I know I wasn't the best example to you, bustin' that cap in your daddy's behind in front of you at your fifth birthday party--I knew then I had scarred you for life with that--but you should see from what I went through then and afterward that it ain't worth it! "Your poor daddy still walks with a limp. Do me a favor, Keelah. Do yourself a favor. Take that gun and toss it in the river. Wipe it for prints first of course and make sure you wash up good in case you get stopped and they do a paraffin test. "Then give it a rest. Let it go. Just never see the no good so and so anymore. It will be better that than sitting in the death chamber up in Potosi prayin' for a pardon for the Governor." "Oh mama mama mama MAMA! I am so glad you called. You are so wise. So calm so HOLY! So hip to what it takes to be a black woman in American toDAY!" "Cain't no black woman live long as I have and still have her real teeth, her real hair and her mind without knowing something, baby doll. I did have to have both knees replaced but you don't play for the Chicago Bears 10 years and expect to walk away without getting a little dinged up." "I suppose I should return the money also." "What fool? Are you snortin' that mess again? I told you that stuff make you ignorant! After you ditch the evidence meet me down at the Casino Queen with the swag. I got a system for blackjack and we can triple the roll!" |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, November 06, 2003 - 01:27 pm: |
"Jackson, time's up" reported the lady officer, in a less than pleasant voice. "Awl sh#t" said Jan. "It's time fuh me tah go, Punkin. Looka here, when you said-joo gon' brang me sumpin' tah eat?" Rakeelah kind of nodded her head,"I'm not sure, Mama. I gotta handle a few things, but I'll make sure I drive on out there before too long, I promise." Janet smiled,"Okay, Punkin. Listen now. I don't want'cha tah go doin' nuttin' stupid. Like I said earlier, remember MY mistakes. First it wuz yo' no guud daddy (bless his heart) who can't half walk because of me. THEN, it wuz yo' no guud step daddy who 6 feet unda now. Now if I had the chance to do it all over again, I can't say that I wouldn't. What I 'would' do though is hire a lawyer. It's real hard tryna defend yo'self when you got a terrible hangover." Janet shakes her head, frozen in retrospect. "Jackson!" the officer repeated and downright rudely "I just TOLD you your time was up. GET off the phone NOW or kiss your Bingo pass GOODBYE!" Janet screwed up her face and mumbled something that probably would have cost her her bingo pass as well as her future phone priveleges. "Luv ya, Keelah. Mama's serious now, Punkin. Don't you go doin' nuttin' stupid. Remember ya mama, okay? Don't make the same mistakes I made. Oh and also tell Lil' Pookie an' dem I put dem on da visitor's list so they can come see me and ----------" CLICK!!!! Rakeelah kind of laughed,"ha That's Mama for 'ya, she gon' say what she gotta say til' she can't." She hung the phone up and once again, started to think about the man that she at once loved and hated.. "Damn, Sekou. It couldda been really nice. It really could've." She held her stomach. "Why in the world is my stomach CRAMPING so badly? That darn period 'would' pick today to come on, after hiding, huh? What is a woman to DO!?" Rakeelah made her way to the bathroom, oblivious to what was going down at her mother's prison. "What da---!?" said Janet. The guard hung up the phone and by this time, Janet could hold it in no more. She took the end of her burning cigarette and stuck it dead in the lady officer's eye. Screaming and crying, the officer tried everything in her power to get Janet off her, but nothing helped. "Bit%h, I'll teach you to f*ck wit' me! Next time I'm on da phone wit' MY daughter, you bet' sit yo' a$$ down somewhere and shet da F**k UP!" As Janet was stomping tears and blood out the guard, taking frustration built up over the years all out on her, this mere woman who had little to do with any of it, she knew deep inside of her that this would be something she lived to regret... |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, November 06, 2003 - 02:23 pm: |
Janet created a makeshift rope out of bedsheets and with the help of her cellmate Little Sally, she shimmied down the 8ft wall to freedom. Her baby girl needed her, that was the only thing on her mind, well that, and all that money. Yeah, she could have a really good time with ten thousand dollars. No need of Keelah having to deal with this by herself. Shoot, she thought, ten thousand was just scraping the barrel, if Keelah knocked up like she say she is, they was good for another ten or more, especially after her cheating boyfriend got taste metal down his throat. Yeah, she laughed, It was payday for sure. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, November 07, 2003 - 12:05 pm: |
(( *ehem Note: Readers/Authors, "Ricks" was changed to "Buchanan :-D )) *Meanwhile at the Buchanan Residence* Tamieka wasn't hardly BELIEVIN' this crap. FIRST, her beautiful love making session with her husband (something, mind you, that she had not had in nearly three years) is interrupted by a size 11 high heel covered with rhinestones. But even MORE so than that, she was JUST about to orgasm! Basically, she was ticked beyond BELIEF! Wait. She had gotten so ticked off until what Jerome said about a minute ago JUST hit her. What in the heck was he talking about? "You lied to me" "You lying bastard" "You said the thrill was gone" "I knew you'd stand me up".. What the heck was he talking about!? And what in the WORLD possessed him to just bust into their home, ESPECIALLY while they were making sweet, passionate love? Tamieka though about this for a minute then covered herself with the end of the sheet. She couldn't believe this fool had actually put a cease to perhaps the best orgasm that she would ever have in her life! "Jerome, what the hell are you doing in here? What the HELL is your problem!?" T With that irritating behind listthhhhp, Jerome started sucking his teeth and making all kinds of feminine gestures (that FEMALES do not even make) and started to talk. "Well see that man you got there layin' next to ya?" asked Jerome. Not waiting for a response, he quickly continued "Well he's a lying BASTARD!" Tamieka looked at Sekou, and remembered that not too long before their sweet session of love making began she was holding a gun to his head. The affair, the late night crank calls, the empty words that once filled her heart with hope, they all rain through her mind. She gave a quick smirk to herself and responded "Oh yeah? So what's new?" "Oh I don't know if it's so new", tattled Jerome, "but did he tell you about how only three weeks ago, he went right back to Rakeelah, the one he promised to stay away from after you agreed to give him another chance for the sake of YOUR family?" "He WHAT!?" Tamieka didn't even wait for Sekou's denial or confirmation. She smacked him right upside his head with Jerome's high heel. "Oooopsie" teased Jerome "I guess you didn't have the chance to tell her first afterall." Sekou's heart burned with anger, betrayal, and even fear. He really didn't know what stung more, the fire in his heart or his face. Dang. Tamieka sure did just knock 'da holy crap outta him wit' that high heel. Why did Jerome have to wear them highheels? He atleast couldda worn flats. Oh well. He had much more important things to worry about right about now, such as Shayla and the next secret. "He wouldn't, he just wouldn't." Sekou thought to himself about Jerome. Jerome snapped his finger and screamed at Sekou. "Sekou, were you listening when I said that you have quite literally screwed with the wrong man?" A very confused Tamieka wondered where the hell all this anger in Jerome was coming from. "Well Sekou, why don't you tell your wife and I how it feels to be a part time heterosexual!" |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, November 11, 2003 - 06:06 pm: |
*sigh* And then Fluffy's ghost came back and killed all the characters in the story except for Shayla. They went to Disney World and lived happily ever after. lol |