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Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, November 02, 2003 - 06:54 pm: |
Hello All, It's the first of November and I've been in the kitchen rattling all kinds of pots and pans. I have to bake my apple pies in secret. Anyhow, yesterday, it comes to me that I hadn't seen a new cookbook around, a cookbook by a black author, I mean. I did a search and found that around three is slated to be released in the near future. Here's my dilemma: should I limit myself to discussing just those books here? You know, just because we're black, doesn't mean we like only one type of food? And not everything we cook should be classified as "soul food" either. I bring this up as a kind of public service announcement because most of you ladies can't cook. The saying, "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach" didn't become an old saying for nothing. So, don't feel you have to protest, or go get your husband/boyfriend/or whoever to come on the board and say that you are a regular Julia Childs in the kitchen, I wouldn't believe him. *LOL* I'm speculating that this is the case because I notice all of the sista girlfriend books never mentioned any of the sista girlfirends knowing the difference between hot and cold water. So, would you like to see other type of cookbooks or is it possible that black chefs, cooks, et al, should tell the publishers not to put the words "soul food" in the title of their cookbooks, thereby not limiting the type of recipes they want to include in their cookbooks? |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, November 03, 2003 - 08:16 am: |
Too Thumper... Let me "thump" you in your head for making such a genralization. Even though you said "most" it should have said "some." The old saying, "why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free" didn't become an old saying for nothing either. Why cook for every man you meet and have him always at your door (like a lost dog) saying, "did you cook tonight?" like you're his new favorite restaurant and he doesn't even bother to leave a tip (or some groceries). Okay, so I got off the subject a tad bit. But to answer your question, no you shouldn't limit your selection to those put out by "us." I use many cookbooks and not just those by "us." If you're a true cook, then you know any recipe can be altered to fit your taste. ess |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, November 03, 2003 - 12:34 pm: |
*****BAIT POST*****BAIT POST*****BAIT POST***** I'll bite anyway. I don't know about the women you know Thumper but I don't know of any black women that need a "soul food" cookbook. That’s what most of us cook when learning. Then we branch out and do that fusion thing. I see a “soul food” label on a cookbook as an announcement to the world that the author is black. As for the sister-girlfriend books – those ladies are so busy trying to keep track of their no-good men they don’t have time to cook. And don’t give me that “if they’d cook their men wouldn’t stray” crap cause as a public service announcement that’s not what most of you men stray for. BTW, I’ve got One Plate At A Time by Rick Bayless on my Christmas list.
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, November 03, 2003 - 07:26 pm: |
Hello All The best cook books are the ones the sisters of the church put together. You know the ones they sell as fundraisers, recipes that you ain't going to find in no other cookbooks. Oh yeah, secrets past down through generations. You know people be funny about their recipes but they'll give up one or two for the or two. Now you put all these secrets in one book and you got yourself something, yes sir buddy. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, November 04, 2003 - 07:15 am: |
Hello All, Crystal: I didn't say that if you are a good cook your man won't stray. I'm simply saying that most of you all can't cook, and you all ain't trying to. I've seen a few cope a 'tude when the TV switch to the Food Network during a channel surf. I'm just saying, buy the Joy of Cooking and commit that book to memory, cause "nuthin says lovin like somethin' from the oven". *LOL* Carey: I hear you. but the problem I have with some of the chuch cookbooks is that some of the mothers of the church ain't telling all of the ingredients or what to do in some of those recipes. But, if you can get Sister Johnson to tell the truth, the recipe will be off the chain. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, November 04, 2003 - 11:32 am: |
Funny!!!!!!!! I agree this was a bait post. A good one---A bait post just the same. I can cook my #@$%&XYZ off (not just soul food either). Anytihng you can't do for yourself is a disability. I'm teaching my daughter that that can't cook mess ain't cute. I personally would like to see more cookbooks by AA authors without soul food in the title. IMHO soul food doesn't have a recipe. You hardly ever see old school women whipin' it from a recipe. That's why there are steps missig in those church cookbooks because it's natural. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, November 04, 2003 - 05:04 pm: |
Hello All, K: You are correct about the disability thing. My family felt the same way and didn't believe in "boys" chores and "girls" chores. It's nothing to see one of my aunts or my grandmother doing plumbing or me being in the kitchen. No, that "can't cook mess ain't cute". Another reason that you don't see the old school cooks whipin' it from a recipe is that they've made that dish so many times, it's memorized. But, there are some of ol' girls that ain't giving out no recipes PERIOD. "It's a family secret" and they ain't budging. So in order to keep it in the family, and not look bad, they'll give out a recipe and leave out a few ingredients because they really don't want you to know it, but they're sweet enough not to just come out and say it. *smile* That said, it still doesn't account for the widening gap of females not knowing how to cook. I have more in-depth conversations about cooking with men than I do women. Is it a sign? *eyebrow raised* *evil smile* |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, November 04, 2003 - 05:06 pm: |
Hello All, Oh, and I forgot, when AALBC has our first in-person thang, we going to have a cook off or something, so I can see (and taste) all this fine cooking going on and I obviously don't know about. *smile* |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, November 04, 2003 - 07:56 pm: |
Thump You're right on the leaving out certain ingredients tip. Besides, a reciepe is merely a guide. Your pinch is going to be different than mine. A cup to some means a measured cup and to yet another it might be a remembered splash. Even the cookware makes a difference as does the oven and it's temperature. Way back in junior high school I took a Home economics class (cooking class) and quickly realized that a recipe is only as good as the cook. Our first cooking assignment was pancakes, yep, get your black skillet hot pancakes. You wouldn't believe home many of those students messed over them cakes. That reminds me, even the way you beat your batter makes a difference. When a person adds certain ingredients to the mix also plays an important roll. I know you know what I'am talking about, I could go on and say nothing about "the recipe". On the whole a recipe ain't going to do you no good if you can't cook. I hear you too, most women can't cook, they think they can but we know. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, November 04, 2003 - 08:12 pm: |
Alright Carey, Putem up brother blue you must want to scrap!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to let you make it because a brother that is confident in the kitchen is way sexier than one that's confident in the bedroom. The widening gap of females who can't cook is due to the superwoman syndrome and beside they think it's cute. Sis. Johnson shouldn't be like that. Not knowing how to cook is major. She should let the family secret go for the sake of future generations. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, November 04, 2003 - 09:30 pm: |
HI K Check it out, you're the only somebody who came to the defense of the cookin' or should I say no cooking female side, what does that tell you *smile*. They know what time it is. It's hard to lie about being a good cook and although women do that quit well they can't even get their lips straight to jump on that one. See, I know Thump can throw down, we've discussed this before. But I've yet to see a women come on the board and say one thing about their cooking skills. That's because they can't cook *smile*. Let's see, I know Yukio can't boil water she's too intellectual to know anything about biscuits and syrup and I doubt if Ol'rawsister has time to cook readin' all them books *smile*. But it ain't nothing to be shame about, heck I can't sew. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, November 04, 2003 - 11:05 pm: |
Carey and Thumper, I've listened to you guys long enough. <smile> I can cook and I KNOW it. I'm a southern girl who can cook all of the southern cuisine, including homemade,from scratch biscuits, Carey. I can also cook anything else that my family and friends or I like to eat, and MOST of the time they just RAVE about how good it is!! How bout that? (smile) And I know they ain't lying, because the plates are so clean when they're done, I have to wonder if they've been used. I'm also going to teach my girls and my boy to cook so they won't have to depend on anyone to do it for them. Take care guys! By the way. Whatcha reading. I'm starting Achebe's Arrow of God tonight. Can't wait. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2003 - 10:28 am: |
Carey, I bow to you in defeat. I won't say the women didn't represent because they can't cook. I was the only one foolish enough to be sucked into this post. Yvette, i'm reading the new Morrison novel. Achebe next week if time allows. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2003 - 10:43 am: |
I beg to differ and believe that there are some women on this board as well as in the US who can cook and cook well. I don't think the women are speaking out because they're no longer visiting this board or if they are they're no longer posting. Some women who use to post (and lurk) here no longer visit because in the last couple of months the board has changed. It appeared that if it wasn't something negative being said about an individual or an author nothing was being said. As a member who has been around for the last year or so, I'm still here. I just don't feel compelled to speak out on most issues because who wants to be attacked for speaking their mind. For the record, I can cook but don't feel I have to prove anything to anyone other than those that I care to cook for. The clean plates speak volumes.
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2003 - 10:56 am: |
Hello All, Yvette: I finished Arrow of God a bouple of days ago. I liked it a lot. I will admit I loved Things Fall Apart much better, but Arrow of God was a a very good read. Right now, I just started Rockin Around That Christmas Tree by Donna Hill and Francis Ray. After I finish that, I'm going to tackle Eric Jerome Dickey's holiday novel. I'm still sitting on the fence about holiday novels though. Even though there are movies that I watch every holiday, I can't say that I read books because of holidays. This is a new experience to me. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2003 - 01:53 pm: |
Anonymous: I agree. Noone has anything to prove to anybody on this board. It's just a lot of "hot air" and "negative issues" being tossed around and those tossing want you to agree or else... get dissed. To cook (or not to cook) and what recipe book to use was the initial question. Somehow it turned into a woman bashing session. ::tsk, tsk:: I guess that's almost comparable to some of the "author" bashing sessions I've witnessed here too. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2003 - 05:57 pm: |
To me, cooking has always been a creative endeavor, even a challenge. I love to jazz up what is already available in ready mix form. One time, just for the heck of it, I made a sweet potato pie by mixing 3 jars of Gerbers strained sweet potatoes with a package of Jello vanilla pudding, added a dash of nutmeg and poured the concoction into a frozen pie shell. The finished product was deemed quite tasty by others. I can also make a delicious peach pie in 5 minutes, using a can of sliced peaches with half of the juice drained off, 3/4 cup of sugar, 1/4 cup of flour, a dash of lemon juice, half stick of butter and a liberal sprinkling of nutmeg; frozen pie shell, natch because I like my crust flaky not mushy.)I think cooking is all about seasoning and knowing what will enhance the basic ingredients. People once got scandalized by the fact that I used corn bread Stove Top dressing. But after I substituted turkey drippings for butter in the recipe, added frozen chopped green peppers and onions, and minute rice, and added sage, and garlic and seasoned salt, the result was the bomb! Everybody, including my in-laws, gave rave reviews. Scatch cooking? Lately, I've even been unimpressed by these home made pound cakes - with their gummy centers! I will concede that you can't fake it when it comes to preparing greens, or biscuits. Hot rolls? The brown and serve ones drenched in butter, taste just as good. (I know all of this is falling on deaf ears because people are set in their ways when it comes to their eating preferences.)
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2003 - 06:54 pm: |
Hello guys and Gals Oh, I forgot women don't visit anymore.....can you believe that silly person. Did I miss something, I thought we were having fun..women bashing...please. Why do people do that? Why do they feel compelled to get on the board and cry and moan? Hey, if I didn't like a certain meal, I wouldn't keep eating it just to tell others how nasty it is. Cynique: . Thump is about the only person I know of that still makes his own rolls. I'am with you, those store bought rolls are just fine. It's like Jiffy mix, I'll take jiffy any day over homemade cornbread . Hey Cynique, the turkey drippings are a must but you gotta have some butta in there. Well you don't have to but I think it would top off what sounds like a good recipe. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2003 - 08:43 pm: |
Thump, Thump, Thump .... you haven't changed a bit. I see your favorite hangout is about a hair under the skin. How is it that I stayed away so long from your heartwarming abrasiveness?? Of course, I don't view your commentary as anything other than pure love. As a matter of fact, will you PLEASE say something that I can start on you about? Carey, Big Bruh ... I make my own rolls. Nothing better than fresh yeast. BUT ... I ain't ashamed to say that I can (and will) doctor the mess out of some Jiffy!!
Tee C. Royal
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2003 - 09:30 pm: |
ROFL Carey... I can't believe you called me ol'rawsister, that was too funny and you're partially right. I do read a lot and RAWSISTAZ (AZ not ER) keeps me pretty busy along with a 19 month toddler, and what seems to be a never ending visit from the UPS man dropping off books for review, but I cook at least 5 nights a week and hardly ever rely on a cookbook. I'm a country girl from Arkansas raised on good Southern food where you had to learn how to cook and you actually wanted to. I had planned to bypass this thread, but you pulled me in with that title; it was so funny. It's interesting to hear discussions of men who cook and that's all I'ma say about that, as I haven't encountered many of them. Thumper, a cookbook is a cookbook, so it doesn't matter to me if it has black or soul food in the title or not, I buy them anyway. Do you have Patti LaBelle's Cuisine and Brown Sugar? Brown Sugar is beautiful and my group is doing recipes out of the Patti LaBelle one as our December group read. Should be fun! On a side note, I'm a bread lover, so Thump, bring some of those rolls to BEA next year. Cynique, being a wife and a Mom has lessened my love of cooking...ROFL, so I'm taking notes on those tips you gave; anything to get me in and out of the kitchen fast, I'm willing to try at least once. And ummm, about those greens...let me say two words GLORY GREENS! I ran across my first encounter with them after moving to Atlanta and boy oh boy...those are BETTER than my greens...just doctor them up a bit and viola, in 10-15 minutes, it's on! I never ate collard greens before finding those, but now, I will tear them up. If you'd like a can, let me have my info, hit me up directly. <wink> -Tee |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, November 06, 2003 - 07:37 am: |
HI Tee I knew you'd like that one *smile*. Thanks |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, November 06, 2003 - 07:38 am: |
Hello All, Forget the cookbooks. Y'all got me hungry talkin' shop (recipe). ::diligently taking notes:: Y'all need to start posting recipes here and don't forget those measurements. Cynique: I've heard of using the Gerber's strained carrots to make carrot cake. Haven't tried it though. Tee: You go superwoman. Hmm, perhaps you should have a versitile cape/apron. Turn it around when you need to switch roles. From superwoman to supercook. LOL. just a thought. Thumper: You make your own rolls? Homemade? <psst> Are you married? 'Cause the way to my heart is through my stomach too (if you can overlook the thighs and backside developed from all the good eating). Who am I kidding? I ain't even got to eat, just looking at food puts on pounds. LOL ess |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, November 06, 2003 - 05:26 pm: |
Hello All, kc_trudiva: No, I'm not married. Yep, I make homemade butter rolls. I love homemade rolls. I'm sorry, but the brown and serve rolls don't come nowhere near homemade butter rolls. I've always been a fan of my grandmother's rolls. She made the best rolls I ever put in my mouth. By the time I was ready to make them, she had lost her recipe. See, she only made those rolls for Christmas. After searching and searching, the only recipes that comes closest to hers is in The African American Heritage Cookbook by Carolyn Quick Tillery under "Butter Rolls" and "Miss Bert's Homemade Fist Rolls" in A Taste of Heritage: The new African-American Cuisine cookbook by Chef Joe Randall & Toni Tipton-Martin. Tee: I just found out about Brown Sugar. Is that the new one by Joyce White? Let me know how you and your group like it. If you like it, I strongly recommend White's Soul Food: Receipes and Reflections from African American Churches. I bought that book over 5 years ago, love it and would swear by it! I like Patti LaBelle's cookbook as well. She has a recipe for fried yellow squash that I have adopted for my own. Her potato salad recipe is off the hook, in my opinion the best recipe in her book. I just got a new cookbook yesterday, Sweets: A Collection of Soul Food Desserts and Memories by Patty Pinner. I read the cookbook yesterday and it is one good size, beautiful looking book with nice thick pages. I've already fell in love with it and haven't cooked a recipe in it. I'm going to though. Folks don't get hyper. I'm going to be careful. That's why the Lord made Splenda (a sugar subsitute) and my big headed nieces (my taste testers). *big smile* I'll let you all know how it goes. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, November 06, 2003 - 06:56 pm: |
Hey Tee, I tried those Glory Greens and they weren't bad. In fact, I feel in love with them bad boys. But love is a funny thing, after awhile I couldn't stand them. The seasoning seemed to be a little heavy on the pepper and viniger or something,I don't know. Maybe it's just me and my dislike for canned food. But hey, there's one canned item that I'll never forget. Do you remember (you're probably too young) that canned meat the government used to give out? That whatever it was, sure was good. Come on now, y'all know about that meat, spam and cheese *smile*, don't be acting like you ain't never took a spam sandwich to school for lunch in your brown paper bag *lol*. Anyway, I just wanted to speak on those greens and here I go running my mouth. later |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, November 06, 2003 - 07:40 pm: |
This is the 3rd time I've heard of Glory Greens. Guess I'll have to give them a try - but don't tell Thumper cause I don't want him to think I can't cook greens [with ham hock or smoked turkey neck, green onions, a jalapeno and a little vinegar]. Carey, I've gone hungry more than once cause I wouldn't eat spam. YUK! |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, November 06, 2003 - 08:05 pm: |
Crystal, I here ya, spam is nasty. I too have gone hungry rather than eat it. My mother used to put it in our lunch along with a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich. The jelly sandwich wasn't bad, mom made the jelly but the peanut butter was that thick ol'government stuff *smile*. Somebody must be eating spam, have you seen the price of that nasty mess? What is it anyway, it looks like smashed rat. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, November 06, 2003 - 09:13 pm: |
Oh Crystal, so you do know something about the other meat, not the spam but the chunky meat, the kind you might use in a stew? By the way, you made me hungry talkin' about your greens. Believe me, Glory Greens ain't going to have nothing on your own, their good in a pinch. I've never heard of putting jalapeno's in greens, I'll have to give that a try. Know you said "a" jalapeno as in one. When I think of jalapenos I see the small little sliced pieces like you might put on your tacos. What do you use? Y'all will have to excuse me, I know we have swayed a little off the cookbook topic but I'am trying to get my eat on ......for real. Thump, I was just wondering about how your diet and levels were coming along, it's good to hear that you have people keepin' you in check.
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, November 07, 2003 - 11:21 am: |
Hey Carey: I usually don't cook a very big pot of greens since there's only 2 of us and they're not a favorite of my son so I only use 1 fresh jalapeno. I just make a couple of slits in it and put it in whole. Just make sure it's a hot one. They've manipulated the poor things so much now that sometimes they're not hot at all. I hate that. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, November 07, 2003 - 12:42 pm: |
You have to slice spam in thin slices then FRY it till it's crispy! Makes a delicious sandwich when slathered with salad dressing. I'm wondering: do Glory Greens come in a can? And do they have a lot of stems the way most can greens have?? |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, November 07, 2003 - 08:44 pm: |
Cynique Yes they do come in a can. Yep, if I remember correctly (it's been a few years)the can is of the large variety (16 oz...???) and there are stems. Fried spam, yep, been there. But I've never tried thin slices fried to a crisp. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, November 07, 2003 - 10:36 pm: |
Hi Crystal I never thought about a small pot of greens. I cook as much greens as I can stuff in one LARGE pot. Then I freeze some of them. That's right, I freeze them bad boys. I try to freeze them in portions of about 2 days of eating. I'll pull them suckers out and zap'em in a minute, yes sir. You know what, when I was a kid I couldn't stand greens but now I'll eat collard greens, muster greens and turnip greens. I know some people that cook different kinds together. I ain't down with that, I tried them that way but didn't really enjoy them. I've never tried "Kale" before, have you? |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, November 09, 2003 - 12:46 am: |
I have 2 industrial sized cans of that gov't canned chicken in my kitchen my mother law sent them more than a year ago. Please forward recipes. The best I've been able to do with them is chicken enchiladas. Canned meat? help! |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, November 09, 2003 - 04:55 pm: |
Hello All My brother came over to visit this morning and we got to talking about greens and he said he's eaten dandelion greens. Now that's something I've heard about but never ran into anyone that said they've actually eaten them. Have any of you eaten dandelion greens? K: I didn't know the government still passed out coommodoties. Can't help with the canned chicken, I never had any of that. My brother said they also have canned salmon......uummmm what do you know, next they'll be giving out caviar. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, November 09, 2003 - 06:34 pm: |
Hello All, Carey: I'm still doing very well on all my levels. I still count carbs, test my blood sugar at least once a day. It's all good. Thanks for asking. Congratulations on your new grandson! Lord knows you've been having the gray hair for it since Booker T. Washington was a pup. Everyone: I know you all ain't talking about Glory Greens!! Actually, I like Glory Greens and like Carey said, they'll do in a pinch, but they ain't nothing like the real thang. In my opinion, Glory Greens do have too much vinegar in them, which gives them that slight after taste. Carey, actually, I use kale in my mixed greens. When I started cooking greens, I used my father's composition of turnip, mustard and kale. In my opinion, this is still the best overall mixture. Now, I've tried that composition of turnip, mustard, kale, collard and spinach. Naw, that's way to much bitterness in one pot. I like my collards all by themselves. Crystal, I like my greens with a little kick in them too. I don't use jalapeno pepper though. I had never thought of that, I'm going to have to try that. I use the crush red pepper that comes from Pakistan. It's hotter than the common California crush red pepper. And that's all that I'm going to tell about my greens. It's a secret. *LOL* Carey, I have heard of folks eating the dandelions greens. There's also one called Polk Salad that also grows in the lawn. I will occassionally throw a bunch of them in the pot along with the other greens. Real good and tasty. Now all I need is some tomatoes, cha-cha, potato salad and some hot water cornbread!! |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, November 09, 2003 - 07:35 pm: |
Hello Thump What's to this, my brother, the dandelions eater, says there's something about the Polk Salad that you have to be concerned about, something about them being poisonous? All I ever knew about Polk Salad was from that song Polk Salad Annie (who sung it? Tina???) . And to tell you the truth I don't know how the song went. Can you buy Polk Salad? Yeah, I thought that was vinegar in them Glory Greens that gave them that "too much" taste. So you're telling me the label will say the pepper is from Pakistan? Is it hard to find? I think it was Crystal who said she liked the hot varity of jalapenos. I really don't like my food spicy hot. I like the flavor but not the hotness. That's like my barbecue sause, I don't want to be grabbing for a glass of water after every bite. I'll take a little nip of spice but that's it. I never understood that, why do people want to eat something that burns your mouth, what's up with that. Besides, if it's hot going in, it's hot coming out *lol*. Really, what's the joy of eating spicy hot food? |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, November 09, 2003 - 11:17 pm: |
My good ol midwestern-bred mother used to go out in our back yard and pull dandelion greens and cook them when I was a little girl. As I recall, you had to pick them before the yellow flowers bloomed in order to ensure their tenderness. After the yellow flowers bloomed, she also made dandelion wine from them, and it had a really potent mind-altering kick. As I recall, the dandelion greens were rather bitter. Me, I've always mixed turnips and mustards, because everybody I know does this. Collards I cook by themselves. And a sprinkling of hot red pepper seeds does give greens an added zest. But I'm with Cary when it comes to not liking my food too hot. What's the point? (Unless you want to clear your sinuses.) "K", the only thing I can think of to do with canned chicken is to make chicken salad, ala tuna fish salad, with chopped onions and celery and pickle relish and hard boiled eggs all mixed up with salad dressing. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, November 10, 2003 - 06:05 am: |
Hello All, Please don't misunderstand, I don't like my greens or any other thing I eat to be spicy hot. I can't take that. It's like Carey said, I get it going in and coming out. The peppers had a little kick to the greens. On the Polk Salad, I don't pick them. Carey, there could be something to what your brother said. I have to rely on my mother to do it. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, November 10, 2003 - 11:48 am: |
Hot chilies produce endorphins in the body which is why folks like them. I find I can eat them more and more as I get older. I even use habeneros sometimes – good stuff. I didn’t like hot chilies so much when I was younger and we had them around a lot. I used to call my Mother a Black Mexican cause she liked the hot chilies so much. I don’t usually mix my greens but my Mom does. Collards for me. They’re easier to clean. Although I confess to using the pre washed bags of greens now. I do like Kale. My favorite way to use it is in a kale and spicy sausage soup. Yummy!
Tee C. Royal
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, November 10, 2003 - 10:47 pm: |
Just peeking in to say Polk Salad is delicious! We'd pick it in the woods behind our house and mix in with other greens and/or spinach. When I went to college, folks swore up and down they had never heard of it. ROFL. Funny seeing it mentioned here. And, yep, the Glory greens do have too many stems in them. (But I still like'em). -Tee |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, November 17, 2003 - 02:51 pm: |
Well, my favorite cookbook is Kwanzaa Cookbook by the guy who wrote the Black Pearls books. Also, I heard that the Abyssinian Baptist Church is coming out with a cookbook. |