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Rating:  Votes: 1 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 23, 2003 - 10:13 pm: |
Zane, After having read most of your latest posts on this site, I must convey to you a resounding..."BRAVO!!!". I commend you for bravely bearing the criticism of and rancor toward you that has blanketed this site in recent weeks. There are FEW - male/female, Black/White/other - who enjoy your acclaim/wealth/success who would dare risk to so openly expose themselves to the potential scandal and defamation that is so endemic on the Internet. Nay, most of you ilk would have long since retired to the blissful comforts and solitude of some unfinished opus. Your stout and clear, yet candid and empathetic commentary here, along with your talent/drive, demonstrate how/why you have garnered great success as a literary artist. Were I not already a fan of yours, by your actions here, I might now surely be made into one. Although, actually, I am surprised that you would trouble yourself with self-defense. What (and who) you do artistically, socially... solely for you, your spouse and your publisher(s) to decide. Besides, I am sure your fame & wealth provides ample buffers against the catcalls of your detractors. Also, thanks for generously sharing some of the "inside dope" on how the book biz works from the perspective of a successful, best-selling author/editor/publisher. I for one appreciate this rare...and FREE...treat you have provided for us all. I have read and sincerely appreciate much of your writing. Your books are intelligent & mature, slick & sassy, crisp & succinct, yet lusty and brazenly audacious and, at times, even so downright WHORISH (But in a "good way" - HEHEHE!!!), that they quicken within me that dormant, P-seeking DAWG (that my wife has diligently fought to tame). But in truth, I once was, and on some level always will be, the unrepentant satyr. So, I can not help but support and trumpet any worthy attempt to loosen the American "chastity belt" a bit. I wonder, though. The great bargaining chip that women have effectively played against men over the generations has been your holding tight and firm the purse string on the P@$$Y. So I wonder if many females freely adopt the more libertine practices you books invoke, might females actually LOSE some advantage that you have enjoyed wielding over us lustful males low these millennia? Also, why do you suppose that your books enjoy such great allure and fidelity among fans? Do your readers mostly seek to vicariously revel amid the erotic exploits of your sexy characters? Or do your fans use your sensuous tales as helpful outlines to guide their own "hot-n-horny" pursuits? ((WINK)) |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 25, 2003 - 06:10 pm: |
ABM, Thanks for the wonderful post. It is much appreciated but after today, I might be retiring to that blissful zone that you mentioned because I do not like a lot of negativity in my immediate surroundings. I have yet to see it create anything positive for anybody. Thank goodness I learned long ago that dream stealers exist but they can't take a thing away from me. I am determined (always have been, always will be), I thrive on someone telling me that I can't do something (like all the people who said that no one would purchase books based on black female sexuality) and I will continue to do whatever I want, whenever I want, because I answer to no one but me. For those who think for one minute that a major publishing house would allow me to come in, publish as many books a year as I want and put their sales force and distribution base behind me without knowing about my background and qualifications, they are totally delusional. They are not letting me do this because I write sex books for them. They are not doing it because my titles sell well for they have numerous authors selling the same or more than me. Most people do not know that I received distribution/imprint offers from two other MAJOR publishing houses before Simon and Schuster, so it obviously has nothing to do with my personal connection to Simon and Schuster. The major publishers figured out that I was on to something and called me in for meetings. I didn't call them up asking for one. This is where misconceptions come in and assuming things don't make it so. As for your questions, I am bold enough to write about black female sexuality because I was shocked at the response I first received from all the sexually repressed and sexually oppressed people who had the nerve to try to tell a grown woman what she should and should not do. Failure has never been an option for me and it never will be. People can call that statement what they want to but I will put my record (both writing and publishing) up to scrutiny any day. I don't think women will lose an advantage. In fact, from the emails I receive, a lot of women are now realizing that they are not alone in their sexual desires and are learning to demand more. On one call up radio show, a woman told me that she had put her man on probation until he started "breaking her off" like the men in my books. Anyway, I am enjoying my life and that's all that counts. It's my life. Thanks again for the post and enjoy the boards. I am signing off for good. This is not the only discussion board about books and I will find others where I can discuss books openly and freely because reading is still my first love. Peace, Zane |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 25, 2003 - 10:00 pm: |
Hello Hey ABM, lets be real, we all know that it's the man who's not coming to attention. Truth be told, men simply can't hang. I bet Zane hears about on a regular basis. Thanks for sticking around although you didn't answer my e-mail. Thump, you know what that was about *smile*. Yep, didn't even get a "hell no" or "catch me later',....nothing. Help me out Thump! Carey |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 26, 2003 - 08:09 am: |
Wow, congratulations Zane. You have achieved much, and in such a short time. As a wannabe published author by a successful publisher (wow, that was a mouthful)..I am excited about your success and hope that other authors turned publishers will extend the same invitation. There are a lot of us out there still collecting rejection notes you know and from what I can tell it's not because of quality. Sometimes or most times it's who you know. I'll be waiting for Strebor to open up again and start accepting submissions, in the mean time I'll keep practicing, writing and revising. By the way, this is what it is ...a shameless plea for help! LOL Take care and good luck on all your future endeavors. hi carey |
Lurker on the Loose
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 26, 2003 - 09:10 pm: |
Zane, Zane, come back, don't go! |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 26, 2003 - 10:54 pm: |
Zane, Well, it has been “blast” hearing from you outside of the guarded, contrived PR format that those in the Art & Entertainment sector routinely employ. Your recent visits have helped enliven and bolster recent discourse at Thumper’s Corner (& maybe even AALBC book sales). So, to me it is unfortunate that you have chosen to discontinue posting here. This is a GREAT place. It is BY FAR one of the finest sites that Black folks have to ponder and proffer discussion on a myriad issues/themes without being utterly castigated by white folks, who have little information/interests/understand about what the #$&% Black people are dealing with. And this site’s sponsors are quite generous and hospitable. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that successful artists such as yourself will ALWAYS be subjected to near-microscopic examination. The majority of people - especially Blacks - are bred to fear, begrudge and resent those who become wealthy/powerful (although some of that ilk often do deserve such consideration). And that estrangement widens as one’s fame/fortune grows. It’s all about perspective. Simply: To those who are as/more successful than you, much of what you say here may appear as either instructive or benign luncheon/dinner conversation. But to the anxious/sensitive/underappreciated author who has yet to achieve your level of exclaim, you may appear to be boasting. I am personally thrilled that you would freely regale and educate us about your experiences in the book buz. So for those reasons, whether what you are doing is to some degree self-serving is beside the point, because it would appear to be for you and us to be a win-win situation. Finally, I’d suggest that you damn the boobirds, who noisily flutter around here and continue to say here whatever you choose. Troy/Thumper appear to be fairly no-nonsense type fellows. So if you were doing something they deem to be inappropriate, they would likely hit-you-up on the sly without the rest of us ever having to hear about. But hey, what do I know? Do whatcha gotta do, Baby. Thanks! Carey, Listen up here, Playa! I think that you may have to speak for yourself about the issue of whether the fellas can “hang” with the honies. Cause check dis out, Dawg: If there is ONE thing - ((JACKIN’ up my slacks)) - this here brothahman is emminently skilled at doing it is...“coming to attention”. ((RUFF!! RUFF!!) |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, September 28, 2003 - 02:45 pm: |
Zane: I concur with ABM -- thanks for your posts. You provide an important and NEEDED perspective. Often people really don't know what the heck they are talking about. While your respones may or may not have educated the person you responded to it may have informed others who shared the same opinion but did not express it. Obnoxious or rude posts really should just be ignored (like so much spam). Often the most meaningful discourse some out of controversy -- provided those involved are honest, sincere, willing to re-examine their own preconceived notions and are trying to learn. Rarely is this the case but we assume that it is a hope for the best. Thanks again, Troy |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, October 02, 2003 - 12:03 am: |
hahahahahahahaahahaha,..... ahhhhhh you guys are toooooooooo much..... all I could hear was the little White boy at the OK Coral [with tumble weed and cowbow whistling in background] "Zane, Zane, come back Zaneeeeeeeee" hahahahahaahahaa, ooooooooh boy, this is just tooooo much, 'dam, negros don't precnate nutten', ahahahahaahhaahahaha Actually, I really, and I mean from the bottom of my heart, enjoyed all of that foolishness. Thanks. hahahahahahahaha.....ahahahahahahahaha [I shall read on, I'm sure there's more, hehehe] |