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Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, December 11, 2002 - 07:43 am: |
Congratulations! Troy and AALBC on the press coverage in the NYtimes online article about Kola Boof's "Internet persona" |
Chris Hayden
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, December 11, 2002 - 01:24 pm: |
Hey! Is there a website URL? |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, December 11, 2002 - 02:34 pm: |
| Note: To read this article requirements a NY times registration.
Kola Boof
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, December 11, 2002 - 08:59 pm: |
Hello to everyone. You that you're like family to me--even the ones who shun me and don't like me. It's so obvious. But I am glad to have as my home base. I belong here with these smart, special people. The people here are my people. I thank the ones of you who were so kind...and made me sending me such nice sentiments and words of encouragement as I was so cruelly hacked by the N.Y. Times today. They left out the fact that I offered to be interviewed in person, but that their editor would not pay for the reporter to fly to California. I also did a one hour photo shoot for them. They left that out too. They interviewed me for 4 weeks...and then they deleted me from the article. They only had me mention that I was "conniving" (which I didn't say it quite the way they put it) and they printed that I had once been arrested in Morrocco for prostitution--after the interviewer promised that swore, for the sake of my sons, that she wouldn't tell. I was indeed involved with Osama Bin Laden in 1996 for four months. I see no reason why ANY WOMAN would want to make up such a horrible thing to have to admitt. It's like admitting that you once slept with Hitler. He is the most hated man in the world. But the newspapers in England and the columnist Lourdes Harris in Spain forced me to be forthcoming. I am a grossly underrated talent. They know this. They also know that I am against the establishment and against the world's only true religion--White Supremacy. They know that I'm a brave, brave lioness. So they are afraid of Kola. And finally, as a woman from the Nile River Valley, it's my Black face that they object to. They don't want it be a Black woman representing that part of the world. They don't want Egypt associated with me--its Egyptian half-breed outcast. After all, what kind of IMAGE am I setting for Black Americans raised on colorism for 400 years? Please don't miss me when I appear on television--it was supposed to air tonight, but the N.Y. Times story caused such a sensation that Fox News felt they had to save their interview with me for another night this week. I don't think they like me. But they insist that I will air on "The Fox Report" with Shephard Smith this week. They grilled me for an hour...Oh, I looked hiddeous! It was taped at 6 a.m. and I've not been well since Thomas left me (he is my hero, the King of my heart)....but we are dating again. He is lost without my cooking and my suprises. But anyway, they interviewed me for an hour. I have no doubt that they will air the most "profane, provocative and controversial" I don't expect to gain any new popularity from the piece. Just name recognition. It's not stardom I want, really. But in order to save the millions of children in my nation...and in order to give birth to a new Black man in America...I must participate in this business of hogging the attention. Don't worry about Kola. I am my own Queen. A real woman never dies. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, December 11, 2002 - 09:41 pm: |
Hi, Kola. I haven't read any of your writing, save for the posts that you've made here on Thumper's Corner. Just from reading those, I can tell that's there is considerable talent with words. Having read the New York Times article about you moments ago, and your myriad posts here in the Corner, I admit that you are an intriguing person. But I'm having some difficulty with some of the things that have come across my e-mail from your publisher, North African Book Exchange. For example, there's the press release about you being shot at in Los Angeles and hustled to safety in the Virgin Islands. Then, I get another one saying you're safe, out of harms way, and in New York. It's not typical for any organization to send out press releases on someone who is trying to maintain a low profile, particularly when a hit has been put on that person's life and particularly in an unsecured communications channel. As a black man, I can appreciate anyone, regardless of race or gender, who stands up on an issue and is willing to go to the wire for it. For what you've done already for the people of Sudan, you are to be commended. But there are some things that aren't adding up for me here. Regardless, I wish you well. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, December 11, 2002 - 10:21 pm: |
Hello Kola I too read the article and ....well...I just say they are in the business of making money so I'll just leave it at that. I am however more concerned about Thomas. I always enjoyed his open and honest posts. What's he up to these days? didn't the two of you get married? What's up with the dating thing? Tell ol'thomas to give us a holler when you speak with him again, okay. You take care. Carey |
Kola Boof
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, December 11, 2002 - 10:37 pm: |
Hi Carey and Claxton, too. Carey--Thomas left me after the shooting. He thinks I "invite" too much drama and danger into our lives, but ofcourse, from childhood...I have an obligation to my people. So this is the dilemna of our love story you see. He gave me his house until the boys are 18. I'm dirt poor and have no money, so that act and his paychecks keep us alive. He is a good man, because I never asked him for anything. He just automatically takes care of his nest. This is why I love him. We don't like being apart...but my career and my adventures are very difficult for him to accept. He already had those problems with my nudity. But he's insanely "involved" with me, to the point of addiction. And me to him. We are dating! I cook his meals, because he'll loose too much weight otherwise. And I need a man to enjoy my cooking. This is part of my coping with stress. Cooking. So once we are eating, we are deep in conversation, we become lazy and opinioned like the old folk. It's beautiful. It's his deep brown eyes that give me hope. Claxton: Yes, mystery surrounds me they say. I have decided to stop trying to defend myself, because I get the sinking suspicion that no matter how much is explained and how humble I try to make myself--it won't matter one iota. People disliked me the first time they set eyes on me. There's something about my "unconventional presence" that just offense the conventional. I'm getting too old to care. I am the type of woman who will NEVER add up.
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, December 12, 2002 - 04:12 pm: |
Kola . . . My speculation of your situation is iffy and spotted, but passing judgement is not going to help you help anybody, only make matters worst. Regardless of what I have read or what I believe to be the truth, I wish you the best in your struggle to continue to help the people of Sudan. Follow your heart and if it's pure and sincere . . . all will fall into place, lies will be exposed and the truth will be known. |
Kola Boof
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, December 13, 2002 - 11:53 pm: |
Hi Linda...I believe you're a writer (I think I read one of your books on a boat to Catalina a few months back, I'm not sure--it's you if you do reviews for Troy). Anyway, I thank you for your encouragement in my struggle to do the bidding of my people. The Black American people (who to me are Africans, though many of them complain that this is an insult on my part), are also my people...because I was raised by them before I went back to North Africa in 1995. My life is extraordinarily chaotic and full of major drama...or as one White book editor told me last year, "I've never heard of a Black woman living your kind of a life." But my life is a true life. I have not embellished it (although publicists have--for instance lying and saying that I was in the Virgin Islands, when in reality I was at a compound at the Pentagon being interrogated for 2 weeks straight). I did meet Osama Bin Laden in 1996 and was his lover (out of fear and mixed feelings) for 4 months. I lived in Marrakesh at that time and he was passing through from Sudan (my homeland). The New York Times even posted a movie still of when I was Naima Kitar as their Cover Photo. Unicef provided the childhood photo in the article--which was taken in London. Exactly what people find so impossible...I don't understand, but I thank this time when I'm so terribly and unfairly presented in a negative way..for not saying cruel things. A very, very powerful woman writer (whose name I wouldn't think of mentioning, because she'd kill me), but she says that the White media cann't stand it that a woman "as black as me" is emerging from the Nile River Valley and is half Egyptian (something I've always been ashamed of, but to Black Americans--Egyptian means something positive. HOW ODD since the real true Egyptians have been dead now almost a thousand years and replaced by Arab bastard stock, completely mixed and illegitimate). Anyway, this truly important literary Queen told me that I terrify the White publishing establishment--because I'm actually perpetuating the idea that an African woman (me) should be in close relationship with Black Americans (who I consider Africans) as if we are long lost family. They fear this idea that Africans and lost Africans..might begin to reconnect and influence one another via Kola Boof's "Pan-Africanist" and homogenous message of Shared Blackness. I'm starting to think she's right. tima usrah, dear sister--and I did enjoy your book. It took my mind from my troubles for two days.
Rating:  Votes: 1 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, December 14, 2002 - 02:05 am: |
Kola Yes, you are correct. I am the Linda that reviews for Troy. It is good to hear from you. I wish it could have been under different circumstances though that we could speak. It is saddening to hear you when you are so down. My heart goes out to you for all the injustices that you have suffered in the past and those now in your life. Whether it is from mis-representation or untruths, no one wants to stand alone. Unfortunately, you are not the first or will you be the last to endure such scrutinization. I think it would be safe to say that your friend may have a valid point, but I wouldn't go so far as to only name the White sector. I believe your life, your story and your situation scare just about everyone. It is a bit much for many to conceive. The implications that can arise from your opinionated view of many things is hard for many who have not--can not--and will not walk your path. As for you feeling that not all Blacks want to reconnect with their African sisters and brothers--you are wrong--you will be glad to know that there are many who don't feel that way. In this time of need, if I can assist you or just offer a kind word--know I am here. In America--we all have the right to remain innoncent until proven guilty. This mess will fan out soon, the judging will stop and the truth will be known. Until such a time, please continue to hold on and let go while everyone reviews the facts. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, October 02, 2003 - 01:30 am: |
I feel for you, it must be really difficult to know that the main things in your past that you want lost and forgotten, those things that you feel hold are holding you down are the exact same things that can propel you forward. It's a very dangerous place that you are in, if you remain still you will suffer greatly, you must push ahead take the crap for now, the gold is on its way. Do your thing; and why are you worrying so much, you live in CA, everyone has issues out there. |