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Editor's Helper
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 15, 2003 - 02:27 am: |
Something DARING coming from Knopf: KNOPF just finished a deal over the weekend to purchase Said Musa's translation of Kola Boof's 1998 Arabic novel "Pure Nigger Evil" to be published by Knopf next fall. Boof insisted that the book be called by its original title, "Pure Nigger Evil" and it took KNOPF months to agree, but now it's a done deal. GET A LOAD OF THE STORYLINE! An Arab Muslim family in Egypt which started out generations ago as Afrangi Coptics (black people) are haunted by the drowning of two small black boys--(their own grandchildren)--but drowned to keep the family's original color from returning. The ghosts of the twins wreak all kind of havoc and force the history of the family to unfold during a pivotol wedding between a Princess Diana-like British character and the handsome Arab son who----get this----keeps his pubic hair "permed". Obviously the novel is autobiographical since Kola Boof herself was put up for adoption by her Egyptian grandmother for being too dark to fit in the family. Word is the book is TONI MORRISON caliber. Definitely worth the controversy over the title. Boof refused to do the translation herself, because she said it was too painful after having just written her autobiography. Many in the industry (including myself) are shocked that Boof is still not considered a writer on the level of (or surpassing)Zadie Smith and Z.Z. Packer, but then again, those women don't pose nude like pinups on the back of their books and haven't made it a habit to date the world's two most dangerous and hated terrorists. I think Boof definitely has image problems. Still, it's being touted as a very masterful read and will probably beat Boof's first OFFICIAL American written novel (which features a sexy, studly BLACK Jesus Christ--yes, God's son Jesus--in a romantic affair with a black American girl lost at sea) to print. Amazingly, Boof's life story "Diary of a Lost Girl" still has NO PUBLISHER. And it's a brilliant book. St. Martin's Press couldn't come to agreement with Boof on the book cover--Queen Kola hates "afrocentric" book covers and prefers nature shots featuring leaves and sunlight type stuff. Her memoirs are REALLY "radical"--but all her books are....un-dee-scribable! At least her fans can sample her writing with the Oct. 8th release of "Politically Inspired" from MacAdam/Cage. The publishers came up with the actual story...but Boof wrote it quite nicely--in just 4 days! It was good enough to bring Z.Z. Packer back to the project (whom Boof had reportedly been asked to replace). Well, that's all folks. Some of us here will always love the Queen...wherever she is.
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 15, 2003 - 08:31 am: |
Now that is a title that will get much attention and cause tons of controversy. Controversy definitely sells. Based on the short synopsis that you gave, I can't wait to read it. I am not familiar with Boof's work but I have read and enjoyed both Z.Z. Packer and Zadie Smith. Peace, Zane |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 15, 2003 - 10:00 am: |
Although this is not an AA book, I love the title Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them by Al Franken. |
Lurker on the Loose
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 15, 2003 - 11:17 am: |
"Editor's Helper" sounds more like "Kola Boof's Publicist", who may in fact be Kola herself. NeeCee: Although "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them," is not written by an AA, it is a book that black readers would have no trouble agreeing with. And, boy, has Zane found a new outlet, or what? |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 15, 2003 - 11:30 am: |
Lurker, I am enjoying this posting thing. I have a free day, which is rare, after just turning in a manuscript to my publisher. Of course, I am on deadline for yet another book but everyone deserves a day off once and a while. I love books so discussing them comes very naturally to me. <smile> Peace, Zane |
Suky, Suky
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 16, 2003 - 07:54 pm: |
To Zane: It is good to have you here. Please post anytime! |
Tee C. Royal
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 22, 2003 - 06:20 am: |
Editor's Helper, what's the release date of Kola's book? The title turns me off completely, but from those I know who have read some of her work and recommended her, I plan to start my collection and read this one. I've read about Politically Inspired and look forward to reading that as well. Thanks for the update. -Tee |
Editor Helper
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 22, 2003 - 02:39 pm: |
Howdy Miss Tee I am guessing that Nov. 2004 will be the release date. With regards to the book's title, I think the dedication page summs it up: This book is dedicated to those children of the Egyptian upper class, our dead beloveds... who were drowned for being darkskinned. Hence the title--"Pure Nigger Evil". Apparently, from the book, the "N" word is used just as often in Egyptian society to as it is here. A great effort is made by Egyptians with black ancestors to keep those ancestors genes from showing in the social order.
Tee C. Royal
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 25, 2003 - 01:41 pm: |
2004? Now are WRONG for that. LOL. J/K, but I was thinking the release was in the near future, not a year plus out. You'll have to remind me again closer to the release date. -Tee |