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Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 02:27 pm: |
Do you think this has been a good year or a bad year for AA fiction? I'm just curious to hear what people think of the quality of the books that have been released so far in 2003. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 03:14 pm: |
BKW, I wish there had been more sizzling, can't-put-down type of novels, but there were a few really decent ones, depending on what type of style you like. Which ones did you really love? |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 - 07:13 pm: |
Hey Brian and good question. I think this has been a good year for AA fiction...because we still have a wide variety of authors and genres to choose from. Granted I've read some really 'average' stuff but most of them were review books...and hence you tend to get a lot of stuff that's just okay. But I've also discovered some new authors which were just awesome and their writing enticed me and made me want to read more from them. I read an article recently...wait I think I heard this from one of the Harlem Book Fair panels...I already knew it but the panel just confirmed what I knew.. that one of the fastest growing categories is AA Lit/Books. However, at the same time while we're experiencing growth...this growth is also coming at the expense of some established writers. So its a double-edged sword. Consumers only have so many finite (ie discretionary)dollars to spend on books and as such while they're experiementing with new writers (now at the expense of established writers sometimes) I think that we're also coming full circle in that publishers seem to be taking risk with some of the books they're picking up and as such not all books read alike. Yes we have erotica and hip hop fiction but I've also read some really 'classic' contemporary literary fiction books this year that I couldn't wait to tell others about. Additionally, I think the more we read the more discriminatory we become in what we like and dislike. I find myself going less by word of mouth these days regarding books and more by personal preference...I know the type of books I like and most of them don't necessarily make the best sellers list...sigh. Also, I know that if a person primarily likes hip-hop fiction and starts recommending books then I probably shouldn't go out and purchase a book based on their recommendation because we don't necessarily have similar taste. Bottom Line...I think there are more than enough good books out...but unfortunately folks don't always know what's available and therefore might not see these books in their local bookstore...because many of our books are not prominently displayed...esp. if the author isn't a best selling author. I can't remember who said it but I would agree that best-selling doesn't necessarily mean 'well written/compelling'...I think you have to search out books that appeal to you and if you do that you will find out that there are more good books out their than you realize or can read this year.
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 11, 2003 - 08:32 am: |
Nee Cee: I read/loved Leaving Atlanta, The Fall Of Rome, Threesome, One Dead Preacher, and Love Frustration this year but none of them were written in 2003. Unfortunately, I haven't loved ANYTHING written this year! I'm looking forward to the new books by RM Johnson, Tananarive Due, Dywane Birch, and Terry McMillan all scheduled to be released between now and the end of the year. Yasmin: You bring up a good point about review books. I've had some okay to terrible books this year that I've had to review, one was so bad that I couldn't even bring myself to write a review for it! Everyone: I thought about starting another thread for this question but what would people out there recommend that's been released in 2003? All of the books I'd recommend were released in other years... |
Tee C. Royal
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 11, 2003 - 10:30 am: |
Hey Brian, I'll jump straight to your last question with two off the top of my head that were released this year. They were so "different" from everything else I've been reading that I make sure to tell everyone about them. Too Beautiful to Die by Glenville Lovell Getting Mother's Body by Suzan-Lori Parks -Tee
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 11, 2003 - 10:41 am: |
Hey Brian...books I read this year that I recommend to others...okay here goes: The Drift by John Ridley (oops thats a 2002 book) Selah's Bed by Jenoyne Adams Dancing on the Edge of the Roof by Sheila Williams Sexual Healing by Jill Nelson Crawfish dreams by Nancy Rawles Quanitco Rules by Gene Riehl Getting Mother's Body by Suzan-Lori Parks The Other Woman by Eric Jerome Dickey Triple Take by Yanier Moore (if you're looking for a hip hop/urban fiction read this is one is pretty good) A Love Noire by Erica Turnipseed--DEFINITELY! The Good House by Tananarive Due Drinking Coffee Elsewhere by ZZ Packer More Like Wrestling by Danyel Smith Discretion by Elizabeth Nunez (although I think this one is also a 2002 release) Too Beautiful to Die by Glenville Lovell Loving Donovan by Bernice McFadden There are probably some other one's that I'm missing...but off the top of my head I definitely recommend any of these. Oh and I LOVED the Fall of Rome...that book is one of my all time favorites! I read Dating Game it wasn't what I was expecting...good writing...but I didn't care for the subject matter...but if you want a hip hop/urban fiction read then I would say pick this one up's filled with lots of action and drama! |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, September 14, 2003 - 08:22 pm: |
Umm . . . 'scuse me. I'm just gonna bust right in and toot my own horn. Read The Bridge! It's different, it's deep, and they tell me it's a pretty well written novel. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 15, 2003 - 02:16 am: |
I think every year is a great year for AA books because it means that brothers and sisters are being published. As a child who was an avid reader living in a house full of books, I was always disappointed when most of the characters in fictional books were white. The exceptions were few and far between. We had plenty of AA non-fiction books but they were way above my head as a child full of curiosity. Solomon, I agree with you. Your book The Bridge is extremely well-written as well as your first book. Peace, Zane |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 15, 2003 - 09:50 am: |
Zane: You bring up a point I can't argue with. I am very happy to see a LOT of choices when it comes to AA books. Like yourself, I remember not being able to find characters in books that were like you and I... I guess I was really trying to ask whether the quality of AA fiction has been good or bad this year, not necessarily the quantity. Perhaps my problem has been that I read a lot of books that are sent to me for review and most of them haven't been very good this year. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 15, 2003 - 09:59 am: |
You know I was just thinking this the day my books arrived. Books I have been waiting to read for awhile, so I'm playing catch up. I literally devoured "The Bridge", sucked it up much like Darnell and his girl pulled at the pipe. I loved it Solomon Jones, you just keep doing what you are doing, I hope it could only get better. Next, I'm reading "Queen of Harlem" and I got "Conversation with the Mann" on standby. I can't wait! I've got so many more to get and read, and I thank all of you for sharing these wonderful reads with me, this way I can get my list together for the next round. There is nothing better than picking up a good book and getting lost in it. ANd Yes, I think it's been a very good year for AA books and authors, and mostly the readers. As a reader, I am happier than I've ever been at the quality and quantity of books by AA authors out there. Once again, thank you Authors!!! Keep it up!
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 15, 2003 - 10:55 am: |
bkwteam, I understand what you mean perfectly. Not every book is for every person. I read on average 8-12 books a week and I do not enjoy them all. But that is the beauty of the industry. There is such a variety that there is something for everybody. I just completed three totally different books: The Hustler's Wife by Nikki Turner, My Brother's Keeper by Reshonda Tate Billingsley and Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin. I love diversity and that is something I keep in mind when I select titles for publication. I just turned in my Summer 2004 list to Simon and Schuster and of the nine books, 3 are relationship novels, 2 are mystery/thrillers, 2 are literary novels, 1 is a historical novel, and 1 is an anthology on domestic abuse edited by myself. I will agree that a lot of books seem to be thrown out there without even basic editing and that can never be considered a good thing. However, even those books tell stories and every person should have a voice. Peace, Zane |
Chris Hayden
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 15, 2003 - 12:05 pm: |
Zane: You have been on a roll. How many have you published so far this year? And when is FLAVA coming out? |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 15, 2003 - 01:27 pm: |
Hello All, I think this year has been an incredible year for AA books, if only because of the sheer number of books by AA authors that has been released. The quality of books being published has been somewhat mixe, but there is an increase of excellently written books. I can't keep up. I am gratefully that I am seeing a wide diversity of books being published. It's important that the other genres find their audience. It's does my heart good to see the mystery/suspense genre withing AA literature growing. And I havent' been able to read as many as I would have like, but the growing number of mystery books does my heart good. Now if we can give our science-fiction books some support, we will well be on our way of expanding and solidly growing in the publishing field. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 15, 2003 - 02:00 pm: |
Thumper: Being a mystery/suspense fan myself, I also am happy to see that genre grow. I also like some of the stuff by Steven Barnes so I guess I'll call myself a science fiction fan (or at least I'm definitely a fan of his work). I also agree with you that it's important that other types of books get published so we don't have a market flooded with the same stuff. Zane: Like yourself, I like variety. A few years back, when everybody was cloning Terry McMillan's stuff, it was cool for a while but then it quickly started to get old. When people like yourself (I LOVED Addicted, by the way) and others started to "break the mold" and do something different, I was very excited. Now, I guess my problem is that I have TOO MUCH to choose from but that's a problem I don't mind at all so I'm not complaining! |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 15, 2003 - 02:55 pm: |
Chris, As far as personal books, only The Sisters of APF and Nervous have come out so far this year but Skyscraper comes out in November. The Heat Seekers went into trade paper this year and Simon and Schuster rereleased Shame on it All as well. FLAVA (actually it is called CHOCOLATE FLAVA now) is being published by Simon and Schuster in February 2004 along with one of my solo books (my first non-fiction book) that I have yet to make a final title decision on. Then I have a book coming out in June 2004 and one sometime in the fall (both for Simon and Schuster). In addition, I am publishing a book under Strebor that I edited entitled Breaking the Cycle, which is an anthology of short stories that show the effect of domestic abuse on victims. My story, of the same name, on my web site has initiated so many emails from people who cried after they read it that I felt it was a book that needed to reach the masses. Thus I assembled some of my favorite authors to contribute to the book. Breaking the Cycle comes out in September 2004. As far as books I have published under Strebor, I have put out 10 so far this year with 8 more coming out before December. That does not include previous titles published by me before 2003. bkwteam, I am glad you enjoyed Addicted and I hope you will give Nervous a chance as well. I was just informed that it jumped from number 30 to number 17 on the New York Times List this week as well as debuting at number 6 on the Washington Post list and it will also be number 1 in the next issue of Essence that goes to print. Thanks for the support. There is a whole lot to choose from and, like you, I am not complaining. Peace, Zane |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 16, 2003 - 09:18 am: |
Zane, I have heard that Nervous is very good so I plan on getting my hands on a copy of it soon. I heard you mention J.D. Mason and a couple of my friends love her books so I want to give both of her books a try as well. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, October 14, 2003 - 09:37 pm: |
I just finshed reading Nervous and really enjoyed it. I am looking forward to the next book in your five book sequence. When can your fans expect the next one, Vengeance? |