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Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 01:40 am: |
Hello all you Page Turners: You know, I have always been a book reader but it is something I do in my leisure hours, and something I take my time doing. I read a few chapters a day, and when I finish a book I spend another few days reviewing it in my mind, deciding whether or not it was worth my time. This is my reading ritual and is what I think distinguishes me from you avid readers. So, I'm curious: What is it about reading a book that compels you so? Is a book a magic carpet or a security blanket; an escape from the real world or a distraction for your idle time? Or, do you simply read for the sheer joy of absorbing the wonderful words that challenge your imagination and turn you into a spectator for the story they tell. Is reading your priority and would you experience withdrawal symptoms if you couldn't do it? I find it fascinating that people can become addicted to books. But this is, indeed, a "magnificent obsession!" |
Tee C. Royal
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 09:17 am: |
Hi Cynique... I wouldn't say a book is a security blanket for me, but it is in a sense a magic carpet. Reading allows me to go to new places, meet new people, experience things I haven't, learn things I didn't know, and most importantly, help me relate it to my life (if applicable.) I read to be entertained and enlightened and I can't imagine a life in which I couldn't read. I get so caught up in a book that sometimes I AM THE CHARACTER...and it's too cool (in most situations). As far as it being a priority, hmmm...I wouldn't say it's my top priority, but I do try to get some reading in at least every other day. Most of my "free" time is spent reading/answering email, posting on message boards <grin>, updating websites and things of this nature and I try to offset that with my personal reading. It's very important to me...and like I said, I just can't imagine not buying, not reading, or not collecting books. And this is kinda sad, but when I decided to leave the Air Force to stay at home with my of the first thoughts that entered my head was that I would no longer be getting a check...thus I would no longer be able to spend extravagant amounts of money on books. This saddened me almost as much as leaving my Air Force career behind. -Tee |
Tee C. Royal
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 10:12 am: |
BABA EVANS MOORE ------ **Please note that this information is compiled by me but taken in large from entries from the author or directly from their website specifically for this Special Debut Author feature. - Tee C. Royal ** ABOUT THE AUTHOR Baba Evans Moore came to Washington, DC in 1988 to work for the D C Public School’s senior board member. He eventually became Parent Coordinator and worked energetically to organize the DCPS’s annual Parent Conferences. A short time later, he joined the Early Childhood Community and was a cofounder of the Frederick Douglass Early Childhood Development and Family Support Center. Two years later, HeadStart recruited Baba Evans into its ranks. He served as Family Service Manager and director of the Frederick Douglass Center. He left HeadStart to become the Parent Information and Resource Manager for the Washington Urban League. In his current position, Baba has continued to work with both DCPS and UPO’s HeadStart parents. He currently conducts workshops for parents on a variety of topics and supply valuable materials for parents and Staff. “I write novels,” says Baba, “as a way to reach out and communicate with parents without the dullness that often accompany serious dialogue. People enjoy stories and life affecting examples that deliver a meaningful message." ABOUT THE BOOK The Pastor's Letter is an in-depth look at the facades and covert secrets people often try hiding, while trying to impress others. When James Davis first sets foot in Piney Woods church, he has no idea that this small step will change his life forever. Having lost his beloved wife, Margaret, in an acrimonious divorce, James is determined to start a new life in Atlanta. He is equally determined not to get involved with anyone. But he finds himself being slowly drawn into the lives of those around him. There's the lovely, soft-spoken Monica, who is hiding a dark secret; Carolyn, the in-charge choir director who decides James should be her next project; and Reverend Shaw who knows something and is not telling James. Each has secrets that will place James life in danger. AUTHOR'S WEBSITE: Until next time, keep on reading and writing... -Tee C. Royal Founder, R.A.W. SISTAZ Online Book Club "Combining Literature and Sisterhood" "Keeping you In The Know regarding the African American Literary community."
Chris Hayden
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 11:01 am: |
Cynique: I find I read mostly nonfiction. When I read it I am reading it because there is a compelling story or some fact or set of facts I want to learn. My desire to learn and read about the subject is what propels me along--biographies, true crime stories and military or comparative history are the subjects I get into there--for research purposes or because I am curious or, because, as a writer I am seeking information to develop. I used to read fiction as a child and as a young adult for escape. I did not know it then I just thought I was having a good quiet time. Now I read fiction to see how the writers make the book work--I have some favorite writers I go back to again and again as one would revisit a favorite record and piece of music, seeking to internatlize the rythms and see how the writers dealt with the problem of getting a reader to turn them pages. |
Tee C. Royal
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 11:32 am: |
OOPs...sorry Cynique, I posted this debut author thingy on the wrong thread. :-( Working too hard I guess...
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, May 13, 2003 - 09:23 pm: |
In response to the questions regarding what compels some people (like myself) to read so much, it isn't one thing, for me there are alot of reasons. First off, a good novel is like going on a journey to a far away place. It's a mental trip that takes me to places and sometimes a time that I've never been to or had the opportunity to experience. Books are all brand new, it's like Christmas or your birthday every time you get caught up in a new and good story. Plus it provides a good sense of clarity when you read about an experience that you may have gone through and at times its very therapeutic to read how others may have handled the same situation. Finally, for me, reading helped me immensely when I went back to school. I found that my writing skills were above average because I simply wrote like the authors I loved to read. Reading is my love, I simply could not imagine a world where I couldn't read. (And yes, Tee C. Royal,I have also been guilty of driving and trying to read at the same time. I'm so bad,I once took a book to a wedding and read a book on the way to a graveside service!) |