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Time Guy
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, May 09, 2003 - 04:45 pm: |
Hey all. I was surprisd to find out that John Edgar Wideman's son had been in prison and then committed suicide or that Zora Neal Hurston once molested a 12 year old boy. Call me slow, but I just found out that Langston Hughes was gay. Or was he? Alice Walker only has one eye. The other one is a glass eye. Gayl Jones's husband recently comitted suicide and she was put in a mental ward. Maya Angelou was once a stripper and a Pimp! according to one of her autobiographys. Are these tidbits of info accurate or just industry gossip? Anyone else have any stories to share? Or can anyone add information to either confirm or challenge the info I posted? I would love to hear stories about Amiri Baraka, Guy Johnson and Stephen Carter. How about some stuff on Bernice McFadden. Am I the only one who thinks Ms. McFadden ALWYAS looks tipsy in her author photos? What tidbits do you know about a famous author's personal life that might make us take pause?? In particular--is the thing about Zora and the kid true? |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, May 09, 2003 - 06:07 pm: |
Ah, nothing like a nice inflammatory post to get the juices going. Zora and the kid: well documented case of false witness/blackmail. Totally fabricated at the time. Hughes was gay. Period. All his reputable biographers agree. McFadden, I think, just has lazy eyes. Me, I'm smashed on all my author photos, but you can barely tell. I heard E. Lynn Harris is gay too, but that's on the DL. There's a rumor about Stephen L. Carter's big book check having to do with a lawsuit by his wife, but who knows. Wideman's family drama is widely known- he writes about it all the time. Thumper is actually not a rabbit, and has nothing to do with Walt Disney Inc. Despite the award, several of the last NAACP Image Award winners for writing are supposedly crappy writers. I got this from a good source. Colson Whitehead is actually a white woman. Strange but true.
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, May 09, 2003 - 10:53 pm: |
Inprint wrote: "I heard E. Lynn Harris is gay too, but that's on the DL." Is this a joke? ELH is openly gay. I've heard him mention it several times. Besides could you really write the trama-drama he does and not be gay? Hello? Have you read his books?
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, May 09, 2003 - 11:25 pm: |
As I recall, the "reputable" author of one Hughes' biography insisted that Langston was moreorless asexual. Maya Angelou? If you've read any of her books, you'd know that she has never tried to hide her shady past. And, yes, as documented in her latest biography, Zora was vindicated from the molestation charges. She did consort with men who were younger than her, but never with minors! Also, it's pretty obvious that who's up for an NAACP image awards has more to do with TV ratings than it does with the nominee deserving the honor. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, May 10, 2003 - 07:51 am: |
Cynique: The "asexual" line has been something used in print to describe Hughes for years, but doesn't reflect what those biographers say in private, or what Hughes own friends now state more openly- apparently he was "out" to them. There's been a lot of concern in the past that acknowledging his sexuality in print would distance the mainstream black community, but that's changing. If your interested in gay literary subtext, look at the letters of Alain Locke to people like Hughes and Countee Cullen. Sandra: Yes, joke. And by the way, Colson Whitehead is not a white woman. He's a Korean toddler. Also, Alice Walker's eye was shot out with a BB gun by her brother, she writes about it. On photo shoots they have her stare her other eye in the direction of the fake one so that you can't tell. Toni Morrison smokes Kool cigarettes. I don't know why I find that fascinating. Nelson George supposedly hires ghost writers for his fiction, but maybe that's exagerated. Nikki Giovanni has a "THUG LIFE" tattoo on her stomache. No lie. She got it in honor of Tupac. bell hooks is a notorious sexual predator, going after both men and women. Octavia Butler looks just like the dad from the sitcom 227.
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, May 10, 2003 - 08:56 am: |
InPrint, all interesting and some even funny, even the true statements and the not so true statements. Why don't you give us a few little known facts about yourself? Susan |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, May 10, 2003 - 09:02 am: |
Time Guy, Wideman had a brother who served time, as well. Read his book, Brothers and Keepers. Great reading. Susan |
Time Guy
Rating:  Votes: 2 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, May 10, 2003 - 01:35 pm: |
Susan, thanks for the recommendation. I'll be picking that up this afternoon. After reading a certain post on another thread, MINION, theVampire Book...I got in touch with a buddy of mines at the foreign film distributor Kino International Pictures here in N.Y. Call it payback, but I just had to list the catalog of "FILM CLASSICS" that our good friend Kola Boof appeared in during the 1990's. Hope nobody messes their pants getting a good bellylaugh. LAYLAT AL-ZAFIF--*Egypt (The Wedding Night)...Kola plays a topless big-chested lesbian vampire. BINT IL BALAD--*Egypt (The Country Daughter)...Kola plays a topless prostitute in the town square. RAFEEEA HANIM WA ASSABEI EFFENDI--*Saudi Arabia (The Fat Lady's Wimpy Husband)...Kola has a bit part as a bigchested topless African woman taking a sexy bath in the river. AL SITAR--*Morocco (The Curtain)...Kola actually stars in this one as a prostitute in love with an Arab muslim air force officer. She kills herself at the end of the movie when he dumps her for a good decent Arab woman. CHA BIKRI NAFILA --*Saudi Arabia (Cherry Hill Arabs)...Kola Boof makes a cameo as a buxom topless massage parlor African. AL JAZAYAIR--*Morocco (Dance of Algiers)...Kola plays the lead in this one too. She's a nightclub stripper and dancer who loves an Arab man but gets hit by a car running after him after he proclaims his love for his good decent Arab wife. BANAT ISKANDARIA--**Morocco...No info. Kola--could you fill us in? GHANEELAK--*Morocco (I Sing of Thee)...Kola plays topless cigarette girl in a bunny suit. BINT IL SHALABIYA--**Morocco (The Good Daughter)...Kola plays vampy "maid" in a very small role and gets it from the dad in this melodrama. MAHA FARAAS NILOT--**Egypt (Nile River Daughters--darkskinned) Kola plays a fortune telling gypsy woman who dances topless around the camp fire and sings an Arab song to a bunch of soldiers. Wow. The next Toni Morrison is among us!!!
Time Guy
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, May 10, 2003 - 01:44 pm: |
By the way, great "rack" Kola. And yes, they are real, I noticed that when I met you. LOL. Maybe when you start doing readings you'll hop around on one foot so we can watch 'em jiggle.
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, May 10, 2003 - 10:00 pm: |
There is nothing that I have ever done in my life that I am ashamed of. Well there's one thing, but its not the films I made. Get a life Time Guy. You can't hurt me.
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, May 10, 2003 - 11:31 pm: |
Susan- I'm one of the legion of black male fiction writers, and I teach Af-Am Lit., where I actually use some of these niggerati secrets to keep my students awake. Actually, it's a fairly boring world for secrets since we all explore our own depravities publically, on the page, every chance we get. Most of the writers, in person, tend to be not particularly attractive, reclusive, somewhat nerdy people (myself included). The most seductive author photo image tends to lead to the biggest disappointment. Oft described literary pretty woman Zadie Smith, for instance, has horrible posture and a fierce overbite. But good writing, of course, is about removing illusion, so how could a good writer be as romanticizable as a movie star?
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, May 10, 2003 - 11:48 pm: |
Hello Kola and Time Guy, I have a message for you two in the Unprofessional writers thread. It would behoove you both to take a look at it. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, May 11, 2003 - 07:05 am: |
Oh Thumper, let the kiddies have their fun. The only 1's they are hurting are themselves. It seems to me Time Guy is a little "Jello" of Kola's growing (albeit self-deluded) fame. I just hope Kola is talented enuff to justify all the bluster that she creates. And Kola, that was real stank of you to call out dude's wife like that. Gurl, right or wrong, that's the kind of thing that will get you straight knocked down on your Egyptian a$$. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, May 11, 2003 - 08:52 am: |
InPrint, you didn't answer my question. I really want to know. But you do bring up something that has always baffled and amazed me. Why do authors go and get those "glamour shots" for their book photo and when you see them on at book signings or conferences, they looked nothing like it? Or they have a photo that's at least 10-20 years old. lol Don't they know, readers buy their books for their writing and not for their looks. It reminds me of the music business, where people are mostly selling an image (illusion), and talent be damned. Susan |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, May 11, 2003 - 09:08 am: |
Suzy Q, You should know that EVERYTHING is about packaging these days. The publishing business is no different from the music, beer, auto, movie biz's. They are trying to move as much product as possible. And with there now being so many books by so many authors on the market, publishers are looking for any edge that they can get. So if an author is a hottie, or can be made to look like 1, publishers will present them as such hoping that maybe a chance glance upon an author's dated, done-up, airbrushed puss will make a prospective reader pause long enuff to scan and, possibly buy their book. And, if it is not happening already, watch to see that many authors will look wholly unlike their pre-published selves as they will in droves starting going under plastic surgeon's knives. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, May 11, 2003 - 04:14 pm: |
ABM- Agreed. I think Zadie's a really talented writer, but there is no way she would have been an international phenom had she been homely. Looks come into call often with women bestsellers (Ahrundati Roy, Elizabeth Wurtzel, even Donna Tartt), but it comes up with men as well- something the rash of black self published men have realized, with websites often consisting of pictures more apt for R&B singers. On the grass roots level, it is common to hear that attendees only showed up for a local reading because they thought the author photo was cute. I for one would rather them come and be disappointed than not come at all. I don't think this will lead to a rash of cosmetic surgery, at least from those confident enough in their work. Why bother going under the knife when the dim spotlight of the literary world means few will ever see the real deal? Another reason for old author photos is just laziness- publishers don't like shelling the money for new ones. Also, vanity. It's like when people lie about their ages, even when in the end it makes them look worse (instead of a healthy 40, a haggard 30). Whenever a contemporary book has no author photo, I think "Frankenstein."
Philip Langner
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, May 14, 2003 - 04:27 pm: |
Hello all, Perhaps I am a bit before your time, but my name is Philip Langner--I am the veteran producer of over 35 Hollywood films and currently the director of New York's Theature Guild in Manhattan. One of my worst films, but one you all might remember was called "Slaves" starring Isaac Hayes and Dionne Warwick. Old white guy aside, I am also a good friend of the most gracious Sudanese/Egyptian turned Black American Kola Boof. I spoke to Kola last night and was so touched by her candor regarding her depression from being virtually locked in her house at all times and having to be escorted everywhere by the government that I had my assistant locate this web site so that I could post a few comments here that I think you'll find enlightnening. But I will be lengthy. First of all ABM and Sandra, I think you misread Kola's comments about having large natural bare breasts, which she does...her point was that the Press gives her "unfair" attention over other authors because she is nude on the back of her books and is attractive. Kola wasn't being vain. She was saying that her exotic lifestyle and her physical attractiveness, which I notice is far more appealing to many white press guys than black ones, is garnering her a great deal of undue attention. Because Kola rejects these men and their attentions, and because she really does bad mouth EVERYBODY in creation--the press has been unkind. Just recently, now that Halle Berry will not be returning as "Storm" in the X-Men series, the producers of that film asked Kola Boof to screen test for the role. Kola turned it down and said that she is committed only to her writing career. She is not vain. Let us not forget that Kola Boof is a proven writer of considerable literary talents--no one anywhere has disputed that fact, because they cannot. Z.Z. Packer, Dave Eggers, Anthony Swofford and Trey Ellis are Kola's contemporaries. They will be featured along with Kola in an all new fiction anthology this fall--a book that features ONLY the elite of literary writing. As Troy Johnson said, as the N.Y. Times admitted, as the London Guardian said...the woman is a gifted writer. On college radio stations like Howard Univ., UCLA and girls are reading Kola's poem "Black Beauty's Totem" into cult status. I will also mention from personal experience that Kola is fun to be around. Very very friendly to people. She is very proud and protective of black people. Her cooking is some of the best I've ever tasted (she loves to cook and feed everyone) and she's got a wild sense of humor. She talks ill of black men in America...but then she spoils them. Her black husband, her black sons and all the black powerful men like Derrick Bell, Joe Madison and others get spoiled rotten by Kola. Not us white guys like her. We have to fix our own plates and we don't get caressed on our arms as we pass by. So many of these critics of Kola Boof really don't know what they're talking about. SUSAN--Kola cannot control what aspect of her life that the press focuses on. And she is a tireless self-promoter because there is the real chance she may be killed in the near future and not ever get her message heard. It's easy for you, who has no such political and global aspirations, to be so condescending to a woman who does. Like her or not, Kola may someday be regarded as a very important historical and political figure. Not just a literary one. She's no more immature than Malcolm X (who I knew personally) was or than so many of these Ego-maniacal male rappers that you give a pass to. Prince Fabriozzi of Morocco has already confirmed that Kola Boof was indeed living with Osama Bin Laden in January of 1996 at the Prince's property in the ancient city of Medina. Others know about this too, yet those ignorant in world affairs continue (on this board) to say that Kola does nothing but make up stories. When I met Kola, she was escorted into my studio by government agents. She's also a former movie starlet who in recent photos tries very hard to "downplay" her looks. She is usually photographed without makeup from weird angles, because she thinks this will make her look more scholarly. But let me tell you--the woman is beautiful in person. She is dark one day, lightskinned the next. She is over six feet tall. Her figure, even after having two boys, is like a goddess. And I am glad that she took my advice and allowed NEWSWEEK to photograph her beauty made up and glamorous for a change--you will see it for yourself that she is a beauty. She should not downplay her looks just because people are critical of her. Kola Boof, whether black people support her or not, is a MAJOR....I mean MAJOR new "star" in the world of black literature. She's also the most unusual and "different" person I've ever met. I have been at a function where she convinced all the other black women to take off their tops as well--"to liberate Jah Mother!" But she's one of the nicest women I've ever met and what I found most fascinating about her was her relentless confidence in herself and her great love for her identity. She really, really knows who she is and she is a force. ABM--I was present when someone told Kola Boof that they wanted to "knock her on her ass" and she was so quick with a response. She told the guy, "If you want to kick my ass...then you'll have to take a number and get in line." I love Kola Boof. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, May 15, 2003 - 01:34 pm: |
Philip You are right . . . it was a long post. But what is your point? Most of this information has been explored before on this site. So, perhaps you would like to tell us what you hope to accomplish by giving it to us again. I for one have no beef with Kola and I don't believe anyone on this board does . . . our problems are with the defensive way she behaves when someone does not agree with her . . . her constant calling of names for her pleasure of belittling the individual . . . and her unfounded alligations. So again, please tell us why you felt so compelled to jump up in her defense. Can't she take it as well as she gives it? |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, May 15, 2003 - 02:51 pm: |
Is it me or does Mr. Langer sound like Kola??????? |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, May 15, 2003 - 03:13 pm: |
Hey Philip, You know, I actually often enjoy Kola's defiant, caustic bravado. It's as shockingly refreshing as a cold shower can be on a swelting hot summer's day. Though, being a man, I often feel like wear an athletic cup as I read her strident, often misanthropic proclamations. Don't get me wrong, Phil. I love big-breasted woman as much (if not more than) the next guy. After all: Mother's milk can do a brotha good. And I don't have a problem with Ms. Boof showing them off. But all of the pseudo-African spiel that she attributes to women barring their torsos is a bit much. You wanna display the fruit rack. Fine with me. But she shouldn't get all indignant when some folks might have something to say about your melons that you don't like. Though, it will be interesting to see how proudly Madam Boof drops her blouse for photo shoots 5 - 10 years from now. Cause gravity catches up with all of us. And enuff already with EVERYBODY hatin' on how attractive Kola is. So she's tall and pretty with a big ol' mess-a-titties. BIG DEAL. Black folks do not typically resent anyone strictly because of their beauty. But if we don't like the way you carry yourself, like yours is the only way to see, think and feel, you are going to piss us off, no matter what your fine butt may look like. So what if Kola was doing Osama. Heck, I'm sure Bin Laden has scored with legions of big-breasted honnies leading up to 9/11. What makes Kola any different from the scores of other "Osama Mama's" littering the Arab World? I think a lot of the trouble Kola has is not her writing, viewpoints or even her style. Her problem is all of her self-glorification for someone who still has a fairly limited body of work. Sistah gurl needs to build up her resume some be4 she can legitimately do all of the chest-thumping she so frequently does. Jeezzz! A couple of books published, a little publicity, a few folks get a little stirred up about what you wrote and suddenly you are bigger than Toni Morrison? Honestly, if Kola's writing ever matches her self-promotion, she'll out-sell Stephen King. I personally would never lay a finger on Kola (or any other sistah) for any reason short of self-defense. But what I was saying is it is a dangerous game for Kola play when she chooses to rundown another man's wife. That cut too close to a man's heart. So, unless she are willing to throw-down, she might be better off directing her opinions at Time Guy and not his innocent wife. But, what does it matter to me. The injuries and doctor bills will be Kola's, not mine. And I didn't understand why she had to stick it to dude's wife when it is obvious that he is either immensely jealous of or obsessed with Kola. Take an editor, who are almost always wannabe writers with a permanent case of writer’s block. Add to that a talented writer with burgeoning fame/success. And what do you get? Professional Jealousy. Then add to that the editor/author are of the opposite sex (not necessarily, though) and the author is pretty, sexy, brash and controversial. And what do you get: Obsessed Stalker. Tell the truth, Phil. Are you a submissive to Kola? You and Queen Kola working a little leather lovin' on the DL? Because some of this apparent white-male worship of Kola kinda smacks a little of a little reverse slavery S&M thing where the guys play the hapless, obsequious white servant versus Mistress Boof's great African Warrior-Goddess Dominatrix. |
Voice of Reason
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, May 15, 2003 - 03:44 pm: |
O.K. Time out Rita--yes, I did think Philip's post sounded a lot like Kola, but if they're such close friends, and him being a busy man, he probably let Kola write it and attach his name. Linda--I spent more than an hour going through these posts and except for the Time writer's wife, Kola is the only one that I noticed was almost constantly called names and put down in a condescending tone. Even the moderator Thumper was pretty nasty to her in several posts and said that she didn't have a life and basically made it clear that she wasn't welcome on the board. That was my perception at least. As for her not being able to take back what she dishes out, she seemed to be doing an incredibly good job to me. Particularly in light of the fact that she was being jumped by more than one person everytime she came on. Even in the posts where she wasn't at odds with anyone, there were little innuendos and smart alekky remarks being directed at her. She ignored that as much she could from what I observed. Many times I saw her offering olive branches and genuinely trying to be friendly to other posters, even ones she didn't agree with. I counted FIVE different posts where she actually apologized to people for saying things they didn't like. No one, however, apologized for all the nasty names and remarks thrown at Kola. ABM--me and you pretty much share the exact same opinion across the board. That was brilliant what you wrote. I agree. I think Kola genuinely wants to be considered "one of the board family" but is ignorant about how to conduct herself. She's wild and she's like a soldier, she has tons of defense mechanisms and protection devices that are not required here. She takes things too serious to really get along here and you can tell that her "Black American Parents" spoiled her. Troy--great points. I'm glad you said something kind about Kola. She deserved that from you. Troy, I agree with Kola's feelings that Susan, In-Print, Thumper, K, Rita and Time Guy really cannot stand her guts and that this was at the core of their difficulties with her. With them, she couldn't make peace no matter how she tried. Anyone could pick up on that it's so obvious. Philip Langner (Kola?)--I wish Kola all the best; I did read "Long Train" and thought it was the strongest, angriest book I've read since in some time. She reminded me a great deal of early Alice Walker and James Baldwin. Very tense, poetic, beautiful writing. It was like witnessing your battered Mom burn the house down. She does have the goods and I eagerly await your memoirs Kola.
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, May 15, 2003 - 04:02 pm: |
ABM-- If i'm not mistaken, Philip Langner is a well known openly homosexual veteran film producer and director. You'd probably have to be the one to don boots and a whip for Old Massa on this one. LOL Besides, I hear Kola worships her Belizian man and only him. Think Colin Channer, if I'm not mistaken, found dat out. Boy this is a great thread! I love juicy gossip!
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, May 15, 2003 - 04:22 pm: |
Voice of Reason The above post was my first time responding to any post on Thumper's Board regarding Kola. I have no ill feelings toward Kola. I read some of the previous post and Mr. Lagner's post sounded like Kola's previous post. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you said the same thing. So, how do you know how Kola feels about Rita? I think you said something about apologizing earlier!! |
Freud's friend
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, May 15, 2003 - 05:12 pm: |
What seems to be emerging from all of this, is an impression that Kola has a great need for approval. Why would she care what all of you folks say or think if she wasn't desperate for you to like her? |
anonymous #2
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, May 15, 2003 - 05:16 pm: |
kola. u know thats u writing half of that stuff. |
Voice of Reason
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, May 15, 2003 - 06:31 pm: |
Freud's Friend-- That was my impression EXACTLY. You hit it on the head. She's seeking approval from people--probably from people who remind her of her AA adoptive parents, family, et. al She seems to keep accusing us of not liking her because she's African. She's very insecure to be such a wonder woman. I think ABM picked up on that too and was trying to put it nicely. Like most of us, he understands Kola but at the same time finds her childlike qualities tiresome.
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, May 15, 2003 - 07:38 pm: |
I know one thing, this is *not* a way to sell books or create a buzz. I don't care how great one may think their writing may be. Do us all a favor and get a life ... please. This will be my last post on or about Kola, her books and her *defenders*, who seem to always come out of the woodworks from nowhere. I've wrote and read enough already about her on this board. And, enough is enough. Susan |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, May 15, 2003 - 09:29 pm: |
Voice of Reason/Whoever you are: Perhaps you should read all of the posts on this board (it would take you more than an hour) and you will understand more about the problems with Kola. Keep in mind, most post start out on a different topic and end up in heated debates lead by Kola. I have personally been accused by Kola for writing letters, called a slag, etc. So, unless you know the whole story don't feel so froggy . . . you might end up landing on the wrong lily pad. There is no excuse for her behavior on this board. Most have tried to embrace her from the beginning only to be pushed away by her scornful words. This is her own doing and she is now paying the price. So if she is looking for an apology, approval or kindness, perhaps she should start the ball rolling by apologizing to all the readers on this board herself. While many have made their presence known, many have not. They won't post because they are afraid to get into a debate with her. That is not good for this board as it was created to include everyone's opinion on the subjects of books, politics, etc. And on behalf of AALBC, I can assure you, we do not want to run anyone away because of negative behavior displayed in the manner Kola has chosen. It is distracting, unprofessional and out-right childish. Kola is welcome on this board like everyone else...but her offensive remarks are not and nor are anyone else's. |
Voice of Reason
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, May 15, 2003 - 10:55 pm: |
Susan--I'm a well known published author who has been reviewed quite positively and quite extensively here on I choose not to print my name, but I don't usually respond to any of the posts. I responded here because several other authors and book sellers who visit the board were gossiping about the goings on here. Linda--although you and I are basically on the same page regarding the outcome of the situation (Kola is a prima donna, she's annoying--YES!), I still maintain that Kola more than anyone else has been called names and consistently disrespected and made fun of on a continuous basis. She called others names, I notice, after they dismissed her with their sweeping high noses and "you're not welcome here" attitudes. What did they think her response would be? I've had the chance to read even more posts. Kola doesn't come across to me as you and others have portrayed her. I think it's impossible for you, Linda,to be objective. ABM--Kola is someone's wife,too. The Time mag. guy attacked her first. He called her unattractive and overrated. Kola said he had heckled her for more than a year. I think it's unfair for you to come to the poor white woman's defense when you didn't lift a breath on behalf of Kola. Perhaps if BM like yourself spent as much time being upset over the treatment of black women as you do the treatment of some others, she wouldn't have to be so defensive. Several men on these boards have gotten out of line with Kola and the other men did nothing. If Kola is indeed such the demon woman that you all claim she is, then why do so many dozens of people in this industry, black and white, claim she's so sweet and fun to be around? I've heard good things about her from countless editors, authors, reporters. They say she's generous, loyal and very sensitive. My own opinion however is that she's childish, insecure and really was here seeking approval and a stroke on the back for her well documented heroics. I can see how annoying that could be, but since she doesn't have a book on the shelf, I don't see how Susan can claim she's trying to sell books. I think Kola was trying to connect with people who she thought of as her peers. This is the book business, book people who become WILDLY successful talk nothing but business. This is a reader's board,however. And Kola can't help it, she's a star persona. She's from a different medium than writing. Book people find it hard identifying with her type of personality. My point remains--Kola was treated with far more disrespect and unfairness than was anyone else on the board. I think I have been very objective in my post and it's all I have to say. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, May 15, 2003 - 11:29 pm: |
Well, folks, Kola always seemed to take pride in being a survivor. Hopefully she'll get through all of this trauma. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, May 16, 2003 - 01:16 am: |
Voice of (Un)Reason(ableness)... ...just kidding I was not trying to show any preference for Time Guy's (TG's) wife over Kola. I was simply saying that find it to be risky for her to disparage his wife when she had nuthin to do with what was been said about her. If his wife had herself tried to go at Kola, I would have said "cool" and would have been the 1st in line to get tickets for that catfight. And I would have said EXACTLY the same to TG what I did to Kola had he made similarly disparaging remarks about Kola's husband. And sorry, I am not factoring in TG's wife race's into how I feel she should be treated. Those folks are married. It’s not mine or any1 else’s place to argue with who he/she should be, my politics, opinions or feelings be damn. And did you even note my criticism of TG reasons for attacking Kola. My opinion is he is either jealous of her (& other successful black authors) or wants to scale those long Egyptian legs of hers. I think if she had called him on that rather using his wife to trump up a race issue, she would have garnered more sympathy and support. I agree that Kola has taken some undeserved heat around here. And there have been times when I have wanted to defend her. But I have to say it is hard for me as a black man to cover 4 a woman who is so prone to running down black men. You Kola apologists keep saying how warm, wonderful she is in person. But what I have read about her feelings about black men are often appalling. Below is but a snippet of 1 of Kola's recent Black Male hatchet jobs: "And these black American men are really and truly a huge disappointment. They're killing the community here. Just killing it! These damn women baby and coddles them, because these stupid women are afraid to be without a man, but I told Jamie Foster Brown--we need to DROWN more of them and give birth to some new ones. Our men are too busy doing a cock-stroll for the white world and not taking care of business." How can I get with a chick who is spouting off stuff like that? I am husband with kids, breadwinner, business owner, protector, scholar, homeowner, taxpayer, and voter. And most of the guys that I know are just like me: Handling our business. So when I catch a whiff of some of the kind of dukey Kola's pushing, I wanna hold my nose and reach for air freshener. Why do so many black women feel empowered to debase black men. That is just abominable. Who birth us, nurse us, raise us, educate us, love us: Black women. So, if we are sooooo screwed up, ain't it as much your fault as it is our own. And since all you superior women were yourselves 50% the product of a man, aren't you imbued with the same defects that ravage us impotent males? You know, Kola really should chill. In a little while, after the Newsweek article will air, the world will learn how beautiful and brilliant Kola is, will garner legions of additional fans, earn millions and it'll be happily ever after for Ms Boof. I really wish the best for her. BTW: I grew up a BIG fan of the X-Man Storm. Storm was this tall, strong, sexy and regal African Princess. And I think with the way she look, her attitude and all, Kola would (after popping 1 - 2 sedatives) portray a MUCH more accurate depiction of Storm than does Halle. I hope she changes her mind and try out for the role. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, May 16, 2003 - 08:00 am: |
Hello All, I hope you all don't mind if I interrupt this sad state of a pity party. Yeah, I'm over here just boo hoo-ing as all get out. *rolling my eyes* Class, today's lesson is how to bust somebody out when they post on the board under different alais, such as Voice of Reason. One way to tell is their writing style. Writing styles, like a person's handwriting, is unique. After doing it for so long, a person gets stuck and will write in the same manner, time after time, without thinking about it. This is how we are able to tell an Alice Walker book from a Toni Morrison book just by reading a page or two. Unbeknowing to some fools, posts are the same way. Oh, a person may start off good, using a different persona, and all. But, eventually, they will slip right back into their old habits, sentence structure, etc. Such as the case here with Voice of Reason. *LOL* The very fact that she used this alais is a laughable. Talk about an oxymoron! So, class your homework assignment is, if this thread is still appealing to you, I don't know why. But hey, if you like it, I love it. Read back over the posts of this thread and tell me who the real Voice of Reason is? PS if the "real" Voice of Reason was putting this much work writing novels, essays and thangs as he/she/IT does writing on my board, he/she/IT might be able to back up some the crap he/she/IT is spewing and actually have a book published. *eyebrow raised* Now, I'm gone. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, May 16, 2003 - 11:37 am: |
This is ridiculous, but entertaining. First off, ABM you are hilarious and for the most part on point. Secondly, for all the defenders, KOLA NEEDS NO DEFENDERS, EVER! SO WHY??? And I have to admit, some of these new and exciting posters seem to sound alike and I ask again WHY??? and what was this post about in the first place, secret lives? |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, May 16, 2003 - 02:45 pm: |
Thumper, I got a phone call this morning about you supposedly referring to me as "he/she/IT"...I see that's true. I also see you're accusing me of creating all these "defenders of Kola". I also see that you're making the claim that I have no books coming out and that I'm washed up? Can't write, etc. he/she/It I guess VOICE OF REASON, whoever she is (although I know the lady, she's one of your favorite authors)...but it's obvious she was right.
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, May 16, 2003 - 02:49 pm: |
Hey Thump, This Thomas. You and Troy check this out. My lady ain't gone be too many more he/she/its and whatever else the fuck yall fools wanna throw in her face. You bringing your fairy ass to the book expo here in L.A., cool, I can arrange to keep this going forever. Dont' diss my lady like that punk. She ain't done nothing to you and these people, you wasn't putting her down and talking shit back when I was posting and she wasn't nowehre in sight. Leave Kola alone.
Kola Boof
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, May 16, 2003 - 02:52 pm: |
he/she/it he/she/it/ he/she/it he/she/it
Voice of Reason
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, May 16, 2003 - 03:52 pm: |
Kola-- You're WRONG to come back here and respond to this kind of nonsense. You should ignore this kind of thing, expect that you will always have Thumpers and Time Guys in your career and look forward to the people like ABM, TROY and Chris Hayden who all said very nice things and tried to be understanding. Ignore the rest and RETREAT. Mr. Thumper, Sisgal and whoever else--I am not Kola Boof. I'm sure that hundreds of people lurk these boards in defense and support of Kola. I have no reason to stoop to tricks or anything else. Frankly, Mr. Thumper I'm appalled and disappointed in your bafoonery and your blatant unfairness. You showed no objectivity whatsoever, because as Kola has alleged several times, you just didn't like her and you couldn't wait for this opportunity. Ditto for Linda and Susan. Your bad mouthing me will not do anything further but convince me of the view I already hold. Kola is a spoiled brat and a prima donna, granted, but the rest of you aren't too far from the same tree. Your treatment of her was outlandish and grossly unfair. You deserved every nasty moment she gave you. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, May 16, 2003 - 06:10 pm: |
Voice of Reason...Did I call you Kola Boof? Or did i SAY THAT SOME OF THESE POSTS DO SOUND ALIKE. STOP THE MADNESS. You all are simply arguing at yourselves bc no self-respecting, intelligent person would spend so much time defending someone who needs no defending. And I am sorry, but you all lashing out at Thumper, Troy or whoever else speaks on this matter is unfair, because one chooses to disagree is undeserving of name calling or grouping one or all of us into one little group that deserves to be treated nasty. Now thats wrong and not the voice of reason. |
Freud's Friend
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, May 16, 2003 - 11:40 pm: |
Could it be that Ms. Boof suffers from multiple personality disorder?????? |