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Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, March 09, 2003 - 01:09 am: |
Is it just my imagination or has this web site been neglected for updates recently??? SOMEONE HAS FALLEN ASLEEP... |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, March 09, 2003 - 10:57 am: |
Hello Klipse, It's your imagination. *smile* We have plenty of stuff in the works. All will soon be revealed. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, March 10, 2003 - 05:05 pm: |
OK, I’ll take the bait or at least assume this indeed serious inquiry from someone who is truly concerned about what they perceive is a lack of updates on updates on… Klipse, to get a glimpse of what is new on the web site; I would suggest you check out our newsletters. There you can find out about new reviews, articles, authors profiles, books and other information recently added to the web site. You’ll even find information on other related web sites as well. Visit for a link to our current newsletter and recently archived newsletters. In addition, contains literarily thousands of pages of content related to AA authors or those interested in publishing. These pages are periodically updated as authors submit updated information, or they publish new books, etc. Often these updates are not announced as the pages are continually updated with new information; and announcing each update would be impractical. In addition to update to content, which is most readily apparent to the causal observer, there have been over the last 6 months updates to the internals of The discussion board software, events calendar and chat room software were improved. was introduced, the entire suite of web sites was migrated to better servers and many more “under the hood” changes too mundane to mention were made. A new chat room was added a few days ago, new advertiser contented was added… suffice it to say that no one has “FALLEN ASLEEP’. Klipse, while you are clearly ready and willing to negatively criticize, something what you obviously have not taken the time to completely appreciate; I’m inclined to ask: What have YOU dome lately? On second thought… Whenever one opens theselves up to the public by expressing their ideas, or displaying the output of their ideas in the form of art, music, a novel or a web site; they must be prepared for negative feedback; some of it hateful, unjust, and ill-informed -- but most of it can be beneficial. Overtime, you build up a tough skin learn to look past the negatively and take what is valuable from even snide or ill concieved comments. Sometimes however someone will catch you at the wrong time and you just get pissed off. Like my initial reaction to Klipse’s little remark – that (s)he is probably not even thinking about any more. I guess I should have dumped my initial response in favor of the response below, but I decided against it. Revised response: Hi Klipse thanks for taking the time to post your concern about the web site on our discussion board. Far more people read the discussion boards than actually take the time to post. The discussion board would be of no value if no one posted – so I really appreciate your input. I take it you are concerned about the lack of updates to the web site recently. In actuality there have been a great many updates to the web site recently. Perhaps we can do a better job of making these updates more apparent, or communicating them better to you. To determine the best way to address this problem; it would be helpful if you can let me know what information or experience you used to base your conclusion that the web site has not been updated frequently? As founder and webmaster of I’m interested in making sure your experience with is as valuable as possible, so your criticisms are taken very seriously. Peace, Troy
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, March 10, 2003 - 11:04 pm: |
Troy, I am shocked and somewhat taken aback by your response. But, since you went there, I insist that you (and anyone) should feel free to say exactly what is on their mind. Your response most certainly has a tinge of acrimony. Why is that? You want to be pat on the back for doing what you are suppose to be doing with your website? In the same light, you don't care to hear it if one of your "loyal" followers and readers for the last 7 years takes one little jab at what seemed to be a lack of continuous improvements. There was nothing about my comment that was intended to incite the response that you gave. I simply made a freakin' statement about what seemed to be a lack of updates. Thumper said "it just my imagination", which was enough for me. It could very well be my imagination. But I am not imagining the attitude that I am getting from our so-called "Head Uknowwhat In Charge". Does it hurt to fall off such a high horse? If so, I submit my apology for causing you discomfort. I also submit to you that I will not bother you about anything again. My first time posting and I get lambasted for a statement that should have been insignificant. Troy, I commend you on what you have done. I would like to thank you for what you have accomplished. I have no need to preface either of these statements, so why should you need to preface yours. Whoa
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, March 11, 2003 - 02:17 am: |
As I mentioned in my reply, I could have very easily dropped the first part of the post and simply left the revised response. In this case, I felt it would have been less honest for me to do that. Both replies are true: The site is constantly being updated and I’m still interested in understanding why you feel that there is a lack of continuous improvements. I’m glad you feel people should say what is on their mind. You accused someone of “falling asleep”. That someone would naturally be me. So I’m sure can understand why I might take issue with that assessment. If you’ve visited this board for as long you say. You know people disagree with me, and each other all the time. In fact I disagree with myself sometimes, as reflected in my last post. Half of me wanted to just go upside your head and other half of me wanted to really understand why you perceived the site was not being updated. So I tried something a little different and replied both ways to illustrate a number of points. (1) I get plenty of criticism and praise, mainly through email, about this site from people everyday. Your negative comments, since they were placed on a discussion board read by thousands of people a month, gave me the opportunity to address not just you but anyone else who may have had the same misconception regarding a lack of updates. (2) I thought it would be interesting, to other readers, for me to provide a broader perspective on my reaction to your comment. There is a feeling and imperfect human being responsible for this site. Someone who does not necessarily want to always ignore negative comments especially when they are unfounded. (3) I wanted to make it clear that I take everything one this board seriously that is presented seriously and not an obvious joke. (4) I really think it is important for people to understand that a site like this does not simply “just happen”. So I took the opportunity to point out some of the many changes that has taken place on the site recently. Most of the impotant work associated with this site is behind the scenes. (5) I really am still curious to know why you think the site has not beien updated lately. I’ve been doing this a long time and I realize people often judge how much as site has been updated by the site’s homepage. Or maybe you visited a stale or out of date page which I’ve neglected to delete or update – anything is possible. (6) Finally it seems, from personal observation, the ones who do the most complaining spend more time doing that than producing. Klipse this was you first posting huh. I gotta get to know you before you can start slamming me with total impunity. Now I’ll accept your praise all day (smile). Peace, Troy