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Tee C.Royal
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, February 04, 2003 - 01:07 pm: |
Have you ever read a book that you just couldn't stop reading despite the time? Well that was me last night...reading a book off my computer (so it had to be good). I'm known to pull all-nighters just to get some of the stuff done that keeps shifting around on my plate, but y'all...the book I read in the wee hours this morning is THE BOMB!! I keep talking about Keith Lee Johnson, well, this is just the beginning. I read Pretenses first (coming out in a few months) and last night I read the sequel called Sugar and Spice. This guy has planted himself firmly on my Favorite Author list and whew...if I was stuck reading only two authors for the rest of my life, I would want him to be one of them. Brotha man is GOOD! His other book (which is currently out), is called Little Girl Lost which I enjoyed, but nothing like his two thrillers...LGL is Contemporary Fiction and I won't say don't read that one (I rated it a 4)...but if you read it, look at it as one side of this versatile new author...and then pick up Pretenses AS SOON AS it hits the stands. Pretenses and Sugar and Spice. Got it? Write those titles down ladies and gents. I am almost positive that anyone that likes the James Patterson types of books will say James WHO after reading this brother. OMG!!! I hate comparing authors, but...I just had to with this one. Okay, I'm done, but please be sure to add Keith Lee Johnson to your memory bank. Someone (publisher) is sure to snatch him up...and he deserves it and more. Did I say JAMES WHO? ROFL. The only thing that ticked me off about Sugar and Spice was that it ended...and I didn't have the next book in the series. :-( Tee |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, February 04, 2003 - 04:07 pm: |
Tee: I remember being a little girl and staying up all night to read Mario Puzo's The Godfather by putting the book next to my window so I could read by the streetlight. My mother would have raised hell if I had turned on my light and she realized I was not sleeping! This was the first of many all nighter books for me (most of which I read with a light on). No wonder to day I have to wear contact lenses!!! (smile) Thanks for your recommendation on Littlegirl lost and Keith Johnson.! |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, February 04, 2003 - 05:20 pm: |
You people ARE KILLING ME! Every time I come to this site [daily] I add to my g-r-o-w-i-n-g list of books to read. I just don't have enough time for this people! I have a light switch that needs fixing, weeds to pull, a son to talk to and a kitchen floor that could really use some quality time with the mop. Oh yea, plus I'm supposed to be working right now! Thank goodness for libraries, otherwise I'd be broker than I already am. Enough already! Just kidding. Please keep 'em coming! Crystal
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, February 05, 2003 - 07:06 am: |
I have to agree with Crystal. I just added all 3 books to my To Be Read List Tee, on your rave comments. As far as pulling all nighters, I used to do it all the time as a child. I would get a flashlight and pull the covers over my head and read under the cover. Couldn't figure out for the longest time though why I would get in trouble on occasion when my mother caught me. Kinda like the Ostrich who burys just its head in the sand to hide, the thought never occured to me as a child that the light could be seen through the covers. LOL Now I just keep the light on and read until I can't see straight if the book is really good. Reading on the computer would be a challenge for me though. That would mean I would have to sit up and my best reading position is slightly reclined with my feet up... LOL |
Sis E
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, February 05, 2003 - 09:05 am: |
Hi Sis Tee, I'll have to put Brother Johnson's books on my list, too. Thanks for the heads up! My all-nighters were James Baldwin's Another Country, which I read while my folks were out bowling, and remember that book Forever Amber? That was the other one. In those days, that book was hot! Sis E |
Tee C. Royal
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, February 05, 2003 - 03:58 pm: |
Ahahha...I know y'all think I am CRAZY, but seriously, I get so excited when I read books like this that I just wanna run out and start my own publishing company so I can get these books published. Then I realize I'm a Stay-At-Home mom with no income. Oh well...I can dream! Judy , my husband likes those Mario Puzo's books, but um...can you say BAB? I won't touch them. LOL. And it's cute to hear your story of sneaking to read. I did something similar, except I used the ole flashlight. During the summer I would hide either under my bed or on top of the house to get my read on. <grin> Yep, I was a tom boy! And ummm, dang, I don't want to say don't read Little Girl Lost, but errrr ummmm...make sure you read Pretenses is what I'm saying. LGL is good, but there are a million books by AA authors like it. (And I didn't care for the ending.) LOL. Ahahhaha Crystal ...sorry sis, but I sorta have a big mouth and a big appetite for books...maybe I need to get a job at a bookstore or a publishing house...woo hoo hoo. I would NEVER come home. LOL. Does your library carry a lot of AA titles? When I go to mine and ask for a book, they look at me like I'm crazy. I only did it twice though...they have NO IDEA of the authors I'm talking about. ROFL. akaivyleaf you should've used those thick old timey quilts. <wink> And, reading on screen is a challenge and I hate doing it, but I've bought several print cartridges over the last 2 months, so I've learned my lesson about printing out manuscripts. And, luckily I have a laptop and alternate between that and the desktop depending on what I have to do, so I was able to lie down in the bed and read with the laptop on the nightstand...that was until I got kicked out the bed for laughing too loud. MEN! Sis E , I haven't read Another Country or Forever Amber, but I may have to add the latter one to my list. Who wrote it? Also, did I tell you I received my book order of your books from Amazon? So, I hope to add those to my list this month. Oh well, that's all...for now. I hope to start another book tonight or tomorrow, but so far, all I've been able to read is EMAIL. Ughhhhh... -Tee |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, February 05, 2003 - 06:21 pm: |
Hello All, Speaking of all-nighters, I just had one two nights ago, Baby Mama Drama by Carl Weber. That was so good. I love Weber's books because its loaded with drama, cover to cover. He gets better with each book. The one before that was with Christopher Chamber's A Prayer For Deliverence, the second novel in his Angela Bivens series. I just started Marcus Major's new book, A Man Most Worthy, and it has a very good chance of being an all-nighter as well. I'm putting that one off until the weekend. It seems I have at least a two or three all-nighters a year. Sis E, I can't recall a James Baldwin novel that DIDN'T turn into an all nighter. I pulled one with Another Country (but how can you not) and Just Above My Head. Giovanni's Room, If Beale Street Could Talk, and Go Tell It On The Mountain took me about 8 hours. |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, February 05, 2003 - 06:36 pm: |
I stayed up all night reading Bram Stoker's "Dracula" when I was in high school. I was too scared to go to sleep! |
Sis E
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, February 08, 2003 - 04:22 pm: |
Thumper, I think it took me several nights to get through Another Country, as I was only about 14 at the time. I think I tried Giovanni's Room, too, but I remember leaving that one alone. James Baldwin was my favorite author at the time, and I wanted desperately to be an author like he was and to have that little Bantam rooster on my books like he did. I came back to Giovanni's Room and finished it years later, and I did get that Bantam rooster on my books. I loved If Beale Street Could Talk, and I read The Fire Next Time, and Go Tell It on the Mountain. And I remember watching Nikki Giovanni and James Baldwin have that "dialogue" with on Ellis Hazelip's (wasn't it?) TV show. Name of the show escapes me now. Was it just called "Soul"? |
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, February 09, 2003 - 05:11 pm: |
Hello All, Sis E.: I do believe that Soul is the name of the show. I was too young to see it, and it probably didn't broadcast in Indianapolis at the time. If I'm not mistaken, the transcript from that program was on sale for a number of years. I don't know if it's out of print or not. I have pulled all nighters on other books, though. There was a book titled Caught In The Rundown (?) by Lisa Sexton, which was a mystery novel that featured a new version of a Lucy-Ethel team. I read that on in way into the night, and to the dawn of the next day. I just finished Carl Weber's Baby Mama Drama in one day. And believe it or not, when I shouldn't have been reading anything, and should have been writing, I had the nerve to begin and finish Marcus Major's new book, A Man Most Worthy. I had a good time with that book!! |