Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1767 Registered: 05-2004
Rating:  Votes: 3 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, March 14, 2009 - 02:18 pm: |
Hello It's been a while since we've sat down for a little chat. Much has happened since the start of the new year. Carey thought he had The Write Stuff - WRONG. Brown Robin thinks Chris Brown will go to jail - wrong again. We all thought Troy only loves books ...ching ching ...one more time, wrong. Troy loves his chicken wings and his body. How can you love greasy chicken wings and flat abs at the same time ...he's working on it. Can we all say wrong at the same time. We all thought Chris Hayden couldn't fall below the bad taste line - WRONG! Well, we don't want to ask him anything about little girls ...ouch. Somebody thought Kitty was a 300lb Ivy league nerd, she got that straight in a hurry. If anyone had doubts about Cynique being sassy and sexy, they were corrected when she walked in the room wearing nothing but a leather whip and handcuffs. If any of the ladies thought they could convince Ntsf to run off with them they had to do a little re-thinking. With is rusty knees and ankles held together with Elmers glue, he can't run anywhere. And, if you live in any state where the temperture falls below 70 degrees, he is not coming for a visit. We all had to visit some place deep in our souls to get through some of the winter storms. Storms have a tendency to bring people together. Linda stopped by to make sure everything was okay. While she was here she made a confession. She told the world that she buys bootleg movies. Now I don't know if that's a good thang or a bad thang. Yevettep seems to think it helps the economy. But what is it with Yevettep. She doesn't cook chicken wings, she wears a size 10, she's never bought a bootleg movie (while urging others to do so), and she plays around on her PC all day - while at work. She posted a picture of herself but I got high looking at it. Yeah, I thought I had a flashback from dropping acid after looking at that photo. I bet she doesn't even break wind . Speaking of breaking wind, Thump came through talking nasty about old people. I wonder if his mother knows of his hate of nice older men like Roland Burris and Carey. I've noticed something about Thump, he likes hanging out with the young crowd and those that like to cuss. Boy, him and that Nom de plume can really get it on - can't they. I thought I was going to have to cuss-out Crystal. See, she has this thang that just bugs the mess out of me. She lays in the weeds for a few weeks and then jumps out like a rapist and attacks me. I am not going to go on about this. I'll just keep praying for her and hope she seeks treatment. We all were treated with a breath of freah air. Sese came by for a short visit and Soul Sister keeps keeping it real. Really, there are some people that never change. Well, you say chicken ...A_womon says hot sauce. You say right ...Cynique says why. You say prize ...Cagebird says "I" "I" "I". You say Chris Hayden ...Cynique says he lies. You say women's butts ...Nuuon says sluts. You say black ...Nels says wack. You say Kola, you say KOLA ....she says A LOT. You say Mochascafe ....we say ....we say? Who is Mochascafe? We know who LiLi is. She's a strong midwestern women, she's a survivor. She loves to cook and loves to laugh. A winter storm is no match for her strong will and drive to continue forward. She's a mother and grandmother that loves to read. She has an opinion and is not affraid to express it. However, she's wrong sometimes ...let those that have not sinned cast the first stone. But when she's wrong, she's really wrong. Excuse me Zane, but anyone that thought "Nortorious" was a great movie has to be a little looney. LiLi may know something about floating chicken wings but her taste in movies suck . Doesn't this economy suck. Well, that's what they say. I get so tired of others speaking for me. I don't know about you but most black folk were born and raised in the briar patch. Recession what, down turn who? They say everybody is feeling the crunch. The only crunch I am feeling is from my Wheaties while I push them down to get more in my bowl. Listen, doesn't it all depend on your value structure. I get so tired of people trying to bring me down while I am feeling good. I've heard it said that misery loves company and that is so true. I have compassion for others and I believe we have to give it away to keep it but please please please, don't bring me no more bad news. I value a little peace of mind and moments with friends. My house is paid for, although it's not much. I got a little meat in the freezer and I frequently eat too much. I had a great bowel movement this morning and slept pretty good last night. My grandson is playing tee-ball and my daughter said he is yet to catch more than 2 balls out of 50 and that's okay. My son called and we talked about the upcoming NCAA basketball tournament. We plan on doing a little arguing with the TV. Our church had its spring revival this week, I went and had a great time. My girlfriend fell asleep on me again while we were watching a movie. I opened the door and left her right there on the floor ...snoring and slobbering. I went to bed. Thumper's Corner is still here, yawl must be doing pretty good, you're reading this from some place nice and warm. That reminds me, let me turn down my heat, it's getting TOO hot in here. Sometimes I don't even know what the woe-is-me people are talking about. They say the stocks are falling .... what stocks, who's stocks? Am still eating candy from my Christmas Stock-ings. If I turn on my television one more time and hear anymore mess about new car prices and the condition of the American Auto Industry, I don't know what I might do. Never in my life have I bought a brand new car. Nope ....first, it's the worst investment a person can make. When a person drives off the car lot they've lost money. Heck, if you look real close while you are looking at the car you can see money dripping off of it. Should I talk about value structures and egos. I would never put $30,000 to $60,000 dollars on the street for someone to steal and for the sun and rain to beat it up. Let's see, most city speed limits are between 35 and 45 mph, why would I want the fastest, biggest,"best looking", most powerful car on the road? Everybody would save a lost of money and the auto industry would rise again if they would just ask Mr Carey. See, if all the cars looked alike and performed the same way, the choice would be simple ...who makes the best car. Just like the schools that have instituted a basic dress policy, The auto industry can help those folks that want what others have but can't afford them. And those that "think" they can afford them can stop crying when the recession hits or the sky falls down, which ever comes first. If we would all just slow down and sing satisfied, the economy would hold little weight over our happiness. Twizzle Twazzle, Twizzle Trown, time for this one to come home. It's not Sunday but some things never change. Life is good and I am okay. I hope you have a nice day. Carey Carey |