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Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1466 Registered: 05-2004
Rating:  Votes: 9 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, December 28, 2008 - 07:53 pm: |
Hello ladies and gentlemen, I will be your moderator for today. My name is Moderator. As you know, we are gathered here today for a year-end celebration of Thumper's Corner. I can not express how important it is for the side chatter to be kept to a minimum, we have a large crowd, including lurkers. There is no way we will be able to hit all the treads but we will do the best we can. What the heck is going on over there in the corner? For all that may be listening via your radio or may be reading closed caption, the following words were actually said by the postees. Now of course if you've followed Thumper's Corner, you know that the words can sometimes get lost in translation but no words have been changed. MODERATOR:Excuse me .....young lady, we are about to get started, what is going on? Li Li: OH MY GOODNESS..all this drama ...let me go so I can see what is causing the po baby all this pain LOLLOL Thumper: Woman, cant you see that I is dis-straught! Naw, Li Li, he done made me MAD! And den when I come here, the one place I thought I could be some support, some kind of understandin, and Cynique goes and makes fun of my pain and heartbreak! *sniff* *sniff* MODERATOR: Excuse me young lady, what is going on? Author Terra Little: Um...(peeking around and looking silly with it) see how Mr. Carey always spanks my booty? MODERATOR: Okay, is there anything else? Author Little: Yeah, "what in the hayall does one do with lavender water? Sprinkle it on periodically so one smells good while lying in bed? (Sticking my tongue out at Mr. Carey) MODERATOR: I don't know but you might want to close your mouth. Author Terra Little: Why? A closed mouth doesn't get fed. And I still need to know what heck one does with lavender water. MODERATOR: I didn't mean to start with this topic but since Terra Little opened it up, lets talk about sex. This board has had several discussions on this subject. Does anyone wish to start? Ferociouskitty : Because there's nothing I enjoy more, that I can get paid to do. I can't do what they do. With effort, I might be able to crack that NUT, but I lack the nerve. On the other hand...--but with different skill sets..... both bring me joy, but I don't have to speak them to appreciate them. Emanuel: Of course a little bit of money and recognition came with that, Ferociouskitty! Of course if I ever get a traditional deal, my head will not fit through the door. Because I know I'm nowhere near the best out there nor will I ever become the best. The last two were just so phenomenal I just wanted to finish. On the other hand, they motivated me, my ego gets inflated a bit, I get the celebrity treatment. (Yayyy!) For me, a surreal experience. Vanders: Hey All, what a good question. Isn't that what the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful struggle of it all. For me it is not just self discovery. My only struggle is how to balance this passion for it. At times it literally consumes me. Help. Vanders Sisgal: i view behind closed lids, and open ones...i sit and listen and watch, an then i get so excited about it, that i have to share it.. is my release. me peace ...expresses my joys, pains, visions and journeys ...allows me to create and recreate. MODERATOR: **whispering* "i can't stand them salad eatin' Bi**hes" Hen81: I had a 26 year quiet period where I didn't come at turn into vapor. One release, lit the creative flame again. They may never go anywhere and I may not visit them for months. I was younger (16-20), I was just starting and reading Aesop's fables really started this. Fools’ Heaven – Love, Lust and Death beyond the Pulpit A_womon: Because I was born to do it, because I'm driven to it. I release pain,ideas,creativity,joy, happiness,need. I demand I do it, for the sheer, utter pleasure of it, the pain and labor of it. And because I love it! MODERATOR: **thinking** "I knew she was a freak" ChrisHayden: A_womon, A guy once told me that reason was BS, but that is the only one that is the most consistent answer. I would say I wanted to have my name on some. I get Stimulation. Information. Some idea of how others are doing it. MODERATOR: I'd like to thank everyone for sharing. Before we move to another topic, are there any books that anyone would like to pull our coats on that discusses the topic of sex? Steve: Yeah, Melvin in the Sixth Grade (Break Any Woman Down) ..."Av'ry darlin'" LOL Nom de Plume: It is OFF the fucking RICHTER! MODERATOR: You had your hand raised, Disciple, is there something you would like to say? Disciple: This board, I must say is special, by far the best I have ever been a part of and I feel somewhat liberated. I often had a fear that the thoughts that I had were not welcome anywhere in Black America (most Black mediums that I had encountered dealt with sex and music--favorites but corrupted and limited--or so much hypocrisy). But, after reading the thoughts of many on this board, I feel connected me to other thoughtful persons of my kind discussing meaning meaning topics. Thanks to all that have posted, and thereby have helped to set me free! MODERATOR: **Whispering** "Who is this guy" Thanks, Mr. Disciple, I believe everyone feels the same way. Having said that, I think it's time we all stand and show our appreciation for the man that has made this all possible. Let's give a hand to Troy Johnson. ****************THUNDEROUS APPLAUSE*********** MODERATOR: Wait a minute, what's wrong young man? ABM: 'Cause I do NOT like that barbershop mustachioed cocksucker, mayne. Yvette: This man's foolishness apparently knows no bounds. MODERATOR: Hold up! Troy is one of the leaders of the movement of AA literature. ABM: But dude has EXPLOITED the fluk out of this thing for nearly 15 years now. Rondell: His speed let him get away with things that no one could. MODERATOR: I don't understand this. Troy has been a slave to this endeavor. ChrisHayden: But, like a good slave, he hung around waiting to get punished. Warmncozy: I feel sorry for him! By the way, I'm white! Ntfs: "You believe white folk. I don't " Thumper: Now I aint writin the man's eulogy. And like that old saying goes, when you see a fool--knock him upside the head for good luck. Look, like that line in that old Millie Jackson song say, "Even a dog will get tired of you doing it wrong. It won't even come to you if you offered him its favorite bone." Carey: Where's the justice!? ChrisHayden: Come on, Carey. You know what this is about. Warmncozy: I agree with Carey. By the way, I'm white! NTSF: Once again, deficient Negroes fail to comprehend. MODERATOR: WOW! Let's see if we can't change the tide. Is there anyone in here that loves Troy . Thumper: Aint no need to pretty it up, dress it down, or kiss it on the top of its head, it is what it is. MODERATOR: Ahhh, Mr, Thumper, you've had your say. Could you please let others talk. Carey: That's what I am talking about. Crystal: Finally Mr. Carey saying something that makes sense! Carey: Crystal, your post would have been just fine without slapping me. You just can't get right. MODERATOR: All this bickering, can we get back on point? RobynMarie: I guess I would say "be careful what you wish for." Harassing someone out of a job seems petty and mean-spirited. BTW, beliefs never hurt anyone. It is acting on beliefs that is the problem. I don't care what a person thinks/believes as long as they don't try to hurt me. MODERATOR: Thank you, may I call you Brown Robin? Robynmarie: -"Brown Robyn" -hey I like that! MODERATOR: **thinking to himself** "I got her Brown Robin and fair exchange ain't no crime" MODERATOR: Let's move to our next topic. There were a couple of threads that really caught my eye, "Black Women Hate Black Men" and "Black Women Are Self Exploitors. Let's try to be adults and discuss this with reason and class. Who wants to start? ABM: The hypocrisy of the day is women can dress and act as hoishly as they want to but woe be unto some (fool) man who treats them like the ho they're (allegedly) pretending to be. Li-Li: I only have one comment. The above is NOT all young black girls or women. So dont label ALL black girls or women. ALL black woman are NOT as you describe in this statement: NTFS: Not it's not. But it doesn't matter. It's doesn't have to be "all black women". There just has to be a substantial number that calls attention to a certain behavior. A_womon: What a bunch of bull bunky! Nuuon: As we can see, the issue of denial and obscuration among Black women can be more of a hurdle than the problem at the center of the discussion. So far only Abm and Ntfs_encryption seem to get it. Cynique: Oh Puleeze, Nuoon. Stop interpolating what women on this thread have said to suit your own purposes, and stop shifting the focus from the question at hand to the community at large. A decent black woman doesn't want a scrub. That leaves hoochie mamas to hook up with scrubs. Puleeze. The mind set on this situation has actually been that a man can engage in any kind of low down behavior he chooses and then put on a suit and tie and go to church on Sunday and still be called "Mister". Whereas all a woman has to do is one trashy thing, and she's branded a tramp! ABM: But, as I have said before, the DENIAL issue amongst BW is a HUGE source of the problem. Many BW do NOT want to hold themselves or each other responsible and accountable for the hoish behavior they exhibit. They'll deny and even LIE so dayam much about the skanky stuff that they and/or their female peers are doing, they start to actually consume and crap out the fruit of their own denying and lying. Cynique: So you 2 are experts on hoochies, huh? Have you been out in the street researching the subject?? Li-Li: And there you have it. Ferociouskitty: I don't ever see the point in pointing out the failures of one gender over the other, aside from a personal ax to grind, because no gender has a monopoly on fuckery or on sainthood. We can all do better. MODERATOR: Did she say fuckery? Chris Hayden: I was watching Great Balls of Fire the other night! ***EVERYONE**: What!!!!!?????? MODERATOR: Chris, I don't know if I should ask this question but ....Balls Of Fire? Are we talking some sort of STD? Chris Hayden: A hard Johnson has no conscience and knows no discrimination. Neither does a pie that's on fire. MODERATOR: It looks like it's time to move to our next subject. Shouldn't we start talking about books? Yvette: ...Since prostitution is all you all want to talk about these days. ...The recently published book, Don't Blame It on Rio: The Real Deal Behind Why Men Go to Brazil for Sex, by Jewel Woods and Karen Hunter, an infamous Essence magazine article by William Jelani Cobb, and Web forums have now focused on the new explanation why African American women are having problems with black men: Brazil or more specifically Brazilian women. ABM: I am SO happy you created this thread. Because I’ve been looking to get at this Brazilian cQQchie issue for some time now. Cynique: Personally I consider this a non-issue. Troy: Cynique, women would also need the beecho as well...Of course, the few of us going to Brazil for some nukkey is inconsequential in the scheme of things. MODERATOR: Wait a minute, Troy, are you saying that you've made the trip to Brazil for sex? Troy: Typically, Brother, I have so much fun in Rio that I find it hard to have fun in the US. A topic, certainly worthy of deeper discussion... I know of a Brother that found a woman in Rio brought her back and got marrried. NTSF: "And many AA women are hatin’ because they are NOT being able to control and corner-the-market on when and how brothas get laid." Well, I guess that puts the final nails in the coffin on this subject.....Da end! Yvette: But it is not justified. Anyway, that's all. I'll shut up on all these topics of prostitution, pimping, spousal rape, statutory rape, greedy baby-mommas, and the evils of Black women generally. I've had enough of it. Feel free to tell me to mind my own daggon business, or stop trying to be a thread nanny, or if I don't like it stop coming here, or whatever; I'd understand and I can take it. Ntfs: "I've had enough of it." I'm sure you have. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Yvette: Well thanks, Ntfs. But I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going to comment any more on the pimps/hos/blackwomenaintsh** threads MODERATOR: Thanks Yvette, lets move to some of the political debates on the board. Who would like to start? Disciple: Can one honestly joke about serious matters ? MODERATOR: Who said anythang about jokes? Disciple: Duh! Thanks man. Still, I have had a lot of things on my mind and maybe someone else will benefit; I get something out of almost every post. But, I once had a so called friend who told someone that " if I ever turn my back, he would f**k the sh*t out of my wife. When I confronted him about it He replied; "he was only joking". MODERATOR'S thought ..."This Disciple doen't pull any punches" Cynique: Scuse me while I intrude Disciple: Cynique, what do you mean intrude, you're included in here too. Its just that you're too tough. You want to run me all over the place and I don't think that there's any resolution. Contrary to what you think, I ain't doing this to stroke my ego. Cynique: Disciple, are you black? Disciple: As charcoal! C'mon sister, snap out of it Cynique: Ooooh puleeze. Get me a barf bag. Watta bunch of warmed over rhetoric replete with distortions of what I said, trumped up by your feeble attempt to justify your stale views. MODERATOR: Please, can we stop the bickering. I thought we were going to talk about books? Hen81: This is a video of how I got my books on Oprah. If I can do it, you can too. A_womon: Hey Hen81, Just curious, do you ever pay Troy for your constant self promotion on this site? He does have services that you can actually PAY FOR. Hen81: I'm a fan of sifting, I take it all in and use what I like and ignore or discard the rest. I can sift without announcing what I don't like because it may be great for someone else. A_womon: You are not the first person to do this and I am not the first one to say it's irritating. But hey, if others here like it I love it, okay? By all means DO YOU! Hen81: I respect Troy and what he has built here and I will run more ads. In fact I follow him on Twitter and noticed that had been at Jokaes Bookstore in Dallas and that store owner has been one of my biggest supporters. Most sites give short shrift to AA literature. This business has a broad reach and many sides. A_womon: LOL! Look,OK, I said Do YOU, okay? It doesn't make sense to keep rehashing things,especially since nothing you've said changes my mind. I'm done. Have a happy NEW YEAR! LOL!!!! MODERATOR: Gosh, after reading many of the debates, I've often wondered if each party actually reads what the other writes. Zane: It amazes when I hear that some writers do not read. I have never proclaimed that my writing was for everybody. I even put out a book. I even had one woman email me. Troy: Tell me Zane, with everything you are involved in I do not see how you can possibly field all of those emails. Zane: Troy, there are big I’s in this business. So to those of you who want to become writers, listen up. Writing should be about fun. A_womon: Zane, What????? What are you talking about? Go lay down and get some rest. You're not making sense! Wf Cooper: Now you see why I write novels for ZANE? - LOL Cynique: I certainly related to Zane's post, warts and all. So it was natural that when I left the work force, self-publishing a book would become a item on my retirement agenda. Troy: At the end of the day, readers want to read good books. Urban_Scribe: That's a real NIGGAH excuse! Troy: Okay Urban_Scribe, I guess we will have to leave it at that. You can believe what you want to believe; as you have already demonstrated. MODERATOR: It's a shame but it looks like we are running out of time. I'd like to hear a few parting words from all of you. Thumper, why don't you start. Thumper: Hello All, Carey, Parish that thought and image of me running around naked singing Aretha FROM YOUR MIND!! Steve S, I'm glad I could get a laugh out of you. Troy: I find if very interesting, an intellectual challenge, trying to understand why some people do not think of as a book vendor, or rather why folks refer people to other web sites to purchase books -- particularly here on these discussion boards. MODERATOR: Troy, not now man, damn, ain't you got no shame? Crystal: I will make sure to do this in the future Troy. MODERATOR: Anymore suckups, thanks Crystal. Cynique: Carey, is just like an old refrigerator: can't keep nothing Thumper: If Carey has been writing posts like this one every Sunday while I've been gone and you all let him, I'm good and ticked at all of yawl! Can't yawl see that the ol' Grayhead is off his meds and aint regular!! Yawl ought ought to be ashamed!! And Cynique knows the signs and aint saying nothing. Cynique you need to stop being Lucy from the Peanuts sometimes! Yeah, Carey got that Charlie Brown thang going ... but that don't mean that he is. Carey, dont worry, I'm coming right over with the Metamucil and the prune juice right now! MODERATOR: Well folks, that about does it for today. Thanks for stopping by. Please put you comments in the box as you leave. Ooooh, we will be back, there's more. |
Urban_scribe AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Urban_scribe
Post Number: 714 Registered: 05-2006
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, December 28, 2008 - 08:23 pm: |
Carey, you made us all sound like a bunch of nuts, and you FINALLY managed to make me laugh. BRAVO! Y'know, I think you could create a book simply by cutting and pasting (and taking completely out of context, I might add) various quotes from the regulars over the years. I think it'll be a surefire bestseller! Of course, some will disagree, but I think your year in review was "artfully" done. You flash that poetic license with a heavy hand, dontcha, ol' boy? You get a gold star. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13221 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, December 28, 2008 - 08:54 pm: |
Troy beat Carey to this idea. Somewhere, some place, he has a whole collection of these cut-and-pasted discussions that me and another poster who shall remain nameless compiled a couple of years ago with a book in mind. Then, - things got muddled... C'est La Vie. |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1467 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - 01:00 pm: |
Well Urban_Scribe, you've made my day. I think you will agree that it is rare that individuals on this board change course. I mean, for the most part we get so entrenced in who we are that it's seldom we have the courage to change our habits. So, for you to drop by and give me a "bravo" was really appreciated. Like Yvette said in my little post, I can take whatever comes my way but as a man who has discovered his emotions, I too need a little pat on the back every once in awhile. See, I liked how you implied that I had never made you laugh and then stepped up and said what you did. I don't care what Troy thinks about you , you've shown another side. I didn't know how to take you "heavy hand" remark. I sort of understand and maybe that is why I changed my thang. I just wanted to show that this is a board with various personalities. Plus, we are not static. I mean, we may be serious as hell one moment and then say an off-color joke, and that's okay. I've come to believe that we are all right or at least we think we are. But in reality, this is a board that give each a chance to share his opinion. So, if we stop and laugh at ourselves, it all comes back home. Thanks Carey Carey |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13227 Registered: 01-2004
Rating:  Votes: 6 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - 02:16 pm: |
This is a discussion board about books, race, culture, and economics, not a psychiatrist's couch, Carey. Why the need to veer off into the personalities of the posters who come here? We are all free-thinking adults with varying degress of self-awareness. If we are comfortable in our skins, why do we need "courage" to change? You agree that we are who we are, so what's the big deal? If the approval represented by laughter at what you write is what you crave, then maybe you need to develop the courage to change your tendency to be so needy. And in your attempt to hold up a mirror for the posters too see themselves why did you create a contrived format that skewed the images? |
Urban_scribe AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Urban_scribe
Post Number: 716 Registered: 05-2006
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - 08:03 pm: |
Well, Carey, first and foremost I like to think of myself as a fair person. If someone's right, they're right. It could be my worst enemy - I can't argue with them when they're right, and I must acknowledge that they are right. Conversely, if someone's wrong, they're wrong. It could be my mama. If she's wrong, she's wrong. Because I have no problem giving people a piece of my mind when they've said/done something that rubbed me the wrong way, I equally have no problem giving them their props when they've said/done something that impressed me. Some may view this as flip-flopping, but I just view it as playing fair. And that's the code I try to live by. I compare it to working for someone who's quick to call you out and dress you down when you've screwed up, but is slow to acknowledge when you've gone above and beyond the call of duty - if they acknowledge it at all. Who wants to work for such an asshole? Then you may have an employer/director/manager/supervisor/boss/team leader, whatever, who'll get all up in your face with a quickness when you've dropped the ball; but when you've exceeded their expectations, they're just as quick to sing your praises to the point of embarrassing you. That's the type of person you want to go the extra mile for, go out of your way to make them look good. Throughout my career, I've worked for both types of bosses; same industry, different companies. I was on salary (both jobs) and quitting time was 5:30 (both jobs). Now with the former type of boss, 5:29 I was putting on my coat. With the latter type of boss, it was nothing for me to stay 'til 7 o' clock three, four evenings out the week. To sum this all up, if I can let you know when you don't make me laugh, I must also let you know when you DO make me laugh - and, you did make me laugh. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13229 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - 09:14 pm: |
Bottom line, people live by their own codes and I'm sure nobody considers themself unfair in their assessment of situations; not to mention that what one person finds funny another person doesn't. Why do people have to be held accountable for what makes them laugh? Some people like broad humor, others like subtle wit. My boy Doberman23 was not mentioned once in Carey's mish-mashed re-hash. I loved Dobe's whimsical humor and almost everything he wrote would make me chuckle. There's just no accounting for taste, is there? |
Emanuel Veteran Poster Username: Emanuel
Post Number: 676 Registered: 03-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - 09:22 pm: |
That post read like a good mix tape. Only thing missing was a back beat. Way to go Mixmaster Carey. |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1470 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, December 31, 2008 - 02:36 pm: |
Hello Emanuel, I don't know if you're married but if you are I hope you explain my post to your wife . Thanks for the shoutout. I think this is a good time for me to tell everyone to have a good New Year and thanks for the memories! |
Libralind2 AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Libralind2
Post Number: 1136 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, January 01, 2009 - 09:38 am: |
Way Kewl LiLi |
A_womon AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: A_womon
Post Number: 2479 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, January 03, 2009 - 12:13 pm: |
Carey, You a mess! Now e'rbody know how carazy you reeealy are! HAHAHHAHAHAA! This was funnee! |
Troy AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Troy
Post Number: 1642 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, January 06, 2009 - 07:29 pm: |
Deep. Carey I did find parts of this very funny, very funny indeed. Emmanuel describes it best; "a remix". I give you a 5 star vote on effort alone. I like some of the more subtle things like listing Hen81 URL (very funny). Carey there are probably less than 50 people on the planet that would really get this. One would have to understand the context or rather the "out of context" nature of the text. Cynique, the discussion board book idea has not been abandoned, not in a long shot. For the record: Let it be know I do not dislike Urban_scribe. I respect her knowledge -- even got here to particpate on a real world panel discussion I organized. Just because I disagree with her from time to time does not mean that I dislike or disrespect her. Tell'em Urbie, we cool... right? Thanks Carey! |
Urban_scribe AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Urban_scribe
Post Number: 718 Registered: 05-2006
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, January 06, 2009 - 09:38 pm: |
Yes, Troy, let the record reflect - we cool like that! Most of you may not be aware of this, but Troy and I met in person a couple years ago; sat down and had a drink, some finger food, and a friendly conversation. Troy's good people, a perfect gentleman. I think he's got a helluva head for business, and I've got nothing but love for him, which is probably why I LOVE arguing debating with him so much. If I've got ANYTHING against Troy it's that he wouldn't save me from a certain photographer who kept hitting on me. Troy didn't even TRY to play it off like we were together. He disappeared on me and left me to fend for myself. Thanks, Troy. Happy New Year, Troy! MUAH |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13256 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, January 06, 2009 - 10:05 pm: |
Boy, there's nothing like a drink and little finger food to seal a friendship. I hope that Carey is encouraged by the positive response of others to his routine. Personally I think that the clash of personalities is what gives this board its edge. And to me, humor loses a little of its freshness the second time around. And of course, I wouldn't be Cynique if I didn't say this. In any case, I think you may have found a good collaborator in Carey when you revive your book idea, Troy. He seems to have the energy and motivation required to participate in this project. |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1475 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, January 06, 2009 - 11:23 pm: |
Troy, again you are on spot. Not that you laughed but that the post would only be understood by a select few. It was a family affair. It was impossible to hit all the great threads of the year, so I decided to take us back using small snippets that I thought would bring an instant recall to the thread. It's interesting that you mentioned your relationship with Urban_Scribe. I don't know about others but I knew that there was mutual respect. That is why I didn't hesitant using Scribe's "That sounds like a n***er excuse". You two have had some great exchanges and I had to find a place for that. Of course I witnessed your behavior over the years and I really thought you would go with the laughs even though I started with ABM's 'Cause I do NOT like that barbershop mustachioed cocksucker, mayne". I have to tell you, I laughed everytime I read that. Of course I had to hit my boy Thump. Thumper is the man and he has somewhat changed over the years. He hasn't changed in a negative way, it's just that he is more open to express his real feeling (IMO). Most know his love for Aretha and the debates around her, soooo, Thumper and Aretha had to go together. Don't yawl feel the vibe of Yvette through her posts. She drops in and lets everyone know she expects to be taken to the woodshed but she's up for the challenge. There are a few individuals from the board that I have special relationships with. I had to walk lightly with them because they might call and tell me to "delete that s**t". Oh yeah, they done did it *lol*. I laughed when I read Urban_Scribe's post "Carey, you made us all sound like a bunch of nuts,". Well ...what can I say *lol*. I have my own favorite segments of the post. The subtle exchange between Cynique and Disciple is one and the whole baby-mommas-daddy thang is another. But real close is Troy's trip to Brazil, that had me rolling ..."Troy: Typically, Brother". Okay, I dropped the "s" off brothers, my bad . Li-Li usually slides in and drops a little somethang and slides out. So I opened with her doing her thang to set a tone. I think she did just fine. ;-) Thanks Carey |
Yvettep AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Yvettep
Post Number: 3313 Registered: 01-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, January 07, 2009 - 02:01 pm: |
LOL! Bravo, Carey! |
Yvettep AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Yvettep
Post Number: 3314 Registered: 01-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, January 07, 2009 - 02:02 pm: |
Um...a drink and a little finger? (lol) |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1477 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, January 07, 2009 - 03:02 pm: |
Hello How could I have missed making a comment about A_womon. Someone mentioned something about the clash of personalities. Well, that is exactly what makes this board an interesting place. Even though I've seen the faces of many that posts, there are others that I've simply acquired an image of them based on their posts. Although it is my opinion and image of them, I think it's share by most. I tried to write the post as if we all were coming home to a family reunion. You know, all the little snide jokes that are told about family members that we never let them forget. For instance the cousin that used to be a model that was 105lbs but is now 250lbs. How about the one that had only a minute of hair but walks up with hair down her back. Or the uncle that was known for his roaming eyes but is now a deacon in the church (eyes still roaming). Anyway, A_womon created a problem for me. See, she ain't the A_womon of old. OH BUDDY! James Brown had a song titled: There Was A Time. There was a time A_womon didn't have any stops. I know some of yawl know what I am talking about. Her mouth used to be filled with every foul word a person could think of. It was nothing for her to tell someone to suck this or lick that. But I am so proud of her. Even within the last week I thought she would break. Someone hit her with a snide remark and I thought OH NO! But she came back with a "LOL". Having said that, her past antics could have simply been her alter ego, her board personality. I am not saying she still doesn't drop some mess from time to time (who doesn't) but she has come a long way. I kind of miss the old A_womon but yawl don't want to see that thang. Now I am going to turn off my phone because I don't want to hear her mouth *lol*. Brown Robin is still an enigma to me. She appears to be comfortable with herself and full of joy. She doesn't make statements that can't be supported by reasonable data. I don't know about her, my jury is still out. |
A_womon AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: A_womon
Post Number: 2484 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, January 07, 2009 - 03:26 pm: |
;o) LOL! |