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Nuuon Regular Poster Username: Nuuon
Post Number: 73 Registered: 03-2006
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, January 19, 2009 - 12:02 pm: |
A recent study suggests that the Black "race" might disappear in UK due to the high number of interracial relationships: "Figures show 48 per cent of Black Caribbean men and 34 per cent of Black Caribbean women are in mixed-race relationships." family.html -live-in-mixed-race-family-says-report.html |
Thumper Veteran Poster Username: Thumper
Post Number: 746 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, January 19, 2009 - 12:18 pm: |
Hello, It looks as if George Schuyler in his novel Black No More predicted such a thing would happen. |
Ntfs_encryption "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Ntfs_encryption
Post Number: 3524 Registered: 10-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, January 19, 2009 - 12:19 pm: |
Disappear? Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! I don't think so. Maybe a reasonable percentage of blacks may not retain what people define as dominate definitive Negroid features. But they still will be classified as black and so will their offspring. And the suggestion that black people in the UK will fade away as a group is highly unlikely. Such journalistic hyperbole and sensationalism does catch people’s attention however. |
Kola_boof AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Kola_boof
Post Number: 4878 Registered: 02-2005
Rating:  Votes: 8 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, January 19, 2009 - 02:24 pm: |
Nfts: Maybe a reasonable percentage of blacks may not retain what people define as dominate definitive Negroid features. But what kind of Black human being would want that or could accept that across the board? Only ni66erstock. Could you imagine White People breezily saying---"honey, there's not going to be any more blue eyes or blonde hair anywhere, isn't progress great?" LOOK AT WHAT YOU ARE. AFRICAN Men like you sold our children into slavery because of GREED and selfishness. They burned Queen Nzinga and Queen TinkaTeker II alive for complaining about selling our children. Once in America... You didn't even free yourself from slavery ---you WAITED on sympathetic Whites to do it. And now you're breezily saying SO WHAT--we just won't look like our ancestors anymore; big deal? Then you have the audacity to be outraged when a WHITE MAN calls you the "N" word ---but YOU ARE. You ARE his creation. Anytime a Black Man can accept a world where his seed no longer exists, that's exactly what you are!!!! And trust me...I am not getting any pleasure out of having to tell you all this. But they still will be classified as black and so will their offspring. And the suggestion that black people in the UK will fade away as a group is highly unlikely. Classified by WHO? AFRICANS? And why is it that whatever "WHITE PEOPLE SEE" is the only validation that Black Americans recognize? What about what Black People see? Ntfs, I hate to break it to you--- but #1--"AMERICA" is the only nation on earth that has a 1 drop rule. No other Black nation adheres to or recognizes or "classifies" by such. We just found that out via the OBAMA election where his own family in Kenya described him as "African" and "Luo" but vehemently denied that he was "black." Something I've been trying to get you all to understand for 6 years---that anyone born of African blood is "AFRICAN"; but not just anybody can be "Black." Being African and being BLACK are 2 different things. We have Half-Caste (yellow) Africans. We have "Redskin" Africans; we have the authentic ancestral majority--THE BLACKS. Get yourself a plane ticket and go see for your damned selves. And be SHOCKED when you see with your own eyes just how "BLACK" Africa really is---and how they don't show you on television how BlACK it really is and how BLACK the image of GOD is. What you're counting on... is the self-hatred of African people in making them BOW DOWN and DEFER to these Mixed race people. What you're counting on... is that African people will buy into the European-Black American Propoganda that "blackness" is inferior and becoming a Mulatto is the "salvation" for us "dark wretches." It's very sad, but you are TRULY your master's creation. You would rather ERASE black people in the name of "curing racism" than fight for the better solution---which is that Whites learn to accept and appreciate "blackness" as its own unique flower. Blacks are already human...there is no need for assimilation or "wiping out blackness." #2--In California, the interracial Mecca of the United States, BIRACIAL CHILDREN and their mostly White Mothers completely reject the idea that they are simply "black." These kids out here call themselves "Mixies" and they are legally registered as "Biracial"--not black. DID YOU KNOW...that 67% of Biracial Females in the United States grow up to marry White men, thus producing even whiter babies? Even Halle waited to "have a baby" by a White man. I love her to death, but I know what's up. And remember..."acculturation" comes from the FEMALE. DO YOU KNOW...that in 1967, 98% of Biracial Americans classified themselves as "Black." But in the 2000 census only 48% classified themselves as "Black"? And they're right not to classify themselves as just "Black," because it's impossible for blackness to be their central experience. PART OF not black. No matter what you try to raise them to believe---misery will come from trying to deny whichever side they try to deny. They are not...just one thing. Kids by Mexican mothers in Calif. speak Spanish and will call a black person "ni66er" and MEAN IT with a quickness. Mixed children at my son's school constantly asked them--"Why is your hair like that? My dad has that same fukked up hair." Mixed boys often keep their heads shaved. That's the what they identify "blackness" as---inferiority; deformity. #3--Have you noticed that the majority of WHITE PEOPLE younger than 40 are pressuring Biracial People NOT to identify as Black? Do you notice that starting up?
This is the same shit they did to us in North Africa! And you dumb ass Black Americans, just like US and the American Indians, just like the British, are falling for it all over again. Just because Queen Cleopatra's Intermarriage Law is not in your White TEACHERS's history books--- you somehow forgot Queen Nok's rebuke: that we should have common sense and motherwit before we have pearls from Cesear? This is how they conquer you--they get you to ERASE yourself--- to committ mass suicide. And they have you do it over TIME ---hundreds of years. Let me announce one thing... I remove myself from this pain! I have been abused long enough attempting to get a message to Black people and being hated for it. Curse me and all that I say. But I did come here and I did tell you.... EXTINCTION IS NOT HONORABLE. That's all I can tell you, because you HATE me and you hate all African women for making you black and you hate me for loving you. To you... my love is a put-down. You see ME as the enemy. You fail to see that I am THE ONE who loves "all human beings" and wants to see them exist in the garden of VARIETY that God gave us. You say this is progress... but I say that the God-given Face is more valuable than the Man-Made face. And just because MAN has the power to make this whole world over, warming the globe in HIS IMAGE doesn't mean that it's more beautiful. And that it's even beautiful at all. MY BLACK BABIES...that's what's beautiful. . |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13360 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, January 19, 2009 - 03:50 pm: |
Heeeeeeere we go again with the n i g g e r stock rant. "Woman thou art loosed". A hundred years from today who will give a f**k about superficialities. Both black and white DNA will continue to manifest itself in other ways. If black skin is whited out, then it will be by choice. You cannot deter the will of the people. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13362 Registered: 01-2004
Rating:  Votes: 4 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, January 19, 2009 - 04:01 pm: |
The theme paper Kola just subjected us to was a strange about face from someone who pooh poohed my recent reference to Mother Africa, and who thought Obama's having a white mother was irrelevant. |
Kola_boof AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Kola_boof
Post Number: 4880 Registered: 02-2005
Rating:  Votes: 4 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, January 19, 2009 - 04:58 pm: |
Why would I want to be called "Mother Africa"? Does that HAUGHTY and unrealistic title apply while I'm sucking dick or gambling at the Casino? Why does the White American Woman get to be a Multi-faceted cosmopolitan woman ---Soccer Mom, dick-sucker & Cosmo girl and I only get to be a "SYMBOL"? I am NOT a "strong black woman" ...or a "backbone" or "Mother Africa" ---I am a LIVING WOMAN; I live my life. Mother Africa; Aunt Jemima; Santa Claus. Those people are TOOLS for "occasions" ---not every day life. Who wants to fukk their mother? Who wants to go the disco with Santa? Call me Princess Tam Tam, ok? When I get old--call me "Nana" as the West Africans do. And the fact that Obama's mother is White was a BLESSING. I LOVE HER! You think that just because I want Black people to exist-- -----that means I'm against Biracial people existing with us? My opinion isn't Either OR, Cynique. When I say that one person is "Black" and a lighter person is not---why does that automatically mean that I don't LOVE the lighter skinned one? Why do Black Americans EQUATE saying someone is "BLACK" with whether or not they are LOVED? Color is just a matter of FACT. Why can't I LOVE that Halle is Biracial and CELEBRATE her duality just as I wish to celebrate the fact that Lauryn Hill is a strikingly beautiful chocolate goddess who does Africa proud? Why do we have to ERASE Lauryn's image so that only Alicia Keys is celebrated? Why do we have to call Halle "black" and pretend that India Arie doesn't exist? Why does Halle get to speak for the Blackest woman--when she never does, and in truth, couldn't even if she wanted to? Why do MIXED PEOPLE get to steal our identities and leave ACTUAL BLACKS with no voice and no representation? I'm not against ANY human beings. \rgb{RED,I am saying that BLACK PEOPLE should exist, be celebrated and be reproduced on the SAME SCALE that Whites, Chinese, Indians, Arabs and everybody else is.} As it stands now...EVERY RACE Of people (including Mixed race/Biracial) are celebrated and PROMOTED as belonging on this planet...but not Authentic Black People. The constant and abiding message to every Dark Skinned Black Person is this: "You'd better marry somebody light so you don't reproduce any more dark ones like you." We certainly don't tell Halle Berry not to produce anymore light skinned people. "BLACK" people certainly are being Bred Out and Wiped Out in the Western world. If you LOVE black people--then it IS a loss. And why would I not love my own image and require it? . |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13363 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, January 19, 2009 - 06:46 pm: |
Then why, at every chance, do you lecture so feverently to people who don't share your "righteous" views about the perpetuation of black skin, kola boof? You're laid back one minute, and over the top the next.(puns intended) It's de ja vu all over again. Thank goodness I have the option of tuning you out.  |
Nels AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Nels
Post Number: 1233 Registered: 07-2005
Rating:  Votes: 3 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, January 19, 2009 - 09:36 pm: |
#2--In California, the interracial Mecca of the United States, BIRACIAL CHILDREN and their mostly White Mothers completely reject the idea that they are simply "black." These kids out here call themselves "Mixies" and they are legally registered as "Biracial"--not black. = = = DID YOU KNOW...that 67% of Biracial Females in the United States grow up to marry White men, thus producing even whiter babies? = = = But in the 2000 census only 48% classified themselves as "Black"? And they're right not to classify themselves as just "Black," because it's impossible for blackness to be their central experience. PART OF not black. = = = = = = = = Here we go again... Yes, here in California, we do have mixies, and lots of them. Yes, Quadroons and Octoroons will continue to marry out. Yes, many of us classify ourselves based on "all" of our ancestry and heritage. = = = No, we have no bone to pick, but adamantly refuse to let others define who we are. The choices we all make are ours and ours alone. That said; give it up, stop dissing us, we are who we are, and be glad your behinds are alive to see another day. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13371 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 - 12:21 am: |
So does this mean that you agree with the statement referenced in the first post on this thread, Nels?? Or do you just want to get on your soap box and give Kola a little taste of her own medicine? |
Kola_boof AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Kola_boof
Post Number: 4883 Registered: 02-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 - 02:31 am: |
Now NELS, You KNOW I love you boy, so stop tripping. I don't give a shit what you are. You're totally cool with me and you know that. I AM your sister, fugg the genetics. . |
Kola_boof AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Kola_boof
Post Number: 4884 Registered: 02-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 - 02:54 am: |
Nels is a "mixie", Cynique. He doesn't consider himself black. He lives off the 405 right out here with me. I don't see why he has to call himself black for us to be brother and sister, we just are either way--and Halle is my sister, too...and so are you. You really misunderstand where I'm coming from. . |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13373 Registered: 01-2004
Rating:  Votes: 6 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 - 10:48 am: |
Yeeeeeesssss, I am as familiar with Nel's history as I am with yours, Kola, because you both seem to feel the need to break down your racial make-up every chance there is a dramatic pause. And I am not really pre-occupied with whether or not you diss Mixies or hate Whites. Your attacks on Black American slave descendants who don't share you rigid views is what becomes offensive. You haven't earned the right to dictate what mind set we should embrace. And since you've distanced yourself from being an embodiment of Mother Africa's womb, I suggest that you also take you breast-beating sililoquies and stick em up your African ass. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13377 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 - 11:35 am: |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1558 Registered: 05-2004
Rating:  Votes: 4 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 - 11:44 am: |
Ladies ....LADIES! Lets not do this on such a wonderful day. |
Kola_boof AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Kola_boof
Post Number: 4885 Registered: 02-2005
Rating:  Votes: 5 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 - 09:24 pm: |
Cynique, You really disappoint me making comments like this on today of all days.
As usual, when you're losing an argument---you LIE and you make personal insults. Cynique said: And I am not really pre-occupied with whether or not you diss Mixies or hate Whites. Correction--you've always been Cynique. Otherwise you wouldn't have felt a need to even comment on the proceedings in this thread. None of us addressed you, sister. Cynique said: Your attacks on Black American slave descendants OH PLEASE, Cynique--could you be a bigger liar? The TRUTH IS, when I see Black people bleaching their skin, calling their own mothers "bittches" or proclaiming how they're not worthy in public... .....I attack ALL BLACK PEOPLE GLOBALLY---ask the Jamaicans, the Nigerians, Germans, Black Arabs and ESPECIALLY the Sudanese. AFRICANS accuse me of the same lame b.s. that you do---that I'm too hard on AFRICANS and constantly "favor" the Black Americans while putting down Africans. Bullshit! I AM FROM BOTH. I BELONG TO BOTH. My responsibility and DUTY is to BOTH. Cynique said: You haven't earned the right to dictate what mind set we should embrace. One thing do I the right NOT to applaud or encourage my own people's suicide. BLACK AMERICAN PEOPLE....are MY PEOPLE. No "Jealous Red Bone" like you will ever have shit to say to me when I get to talking about MY PEOPLE. Cynique said: And since you've distanced yourself from being an embodiment of Mother Africa's womb, You're a brilliant and intelligent sister, Cynique---so deep inside---even you know how utterly STUPID that comment is. How can ANY MORTAL BEING be the "embodiment" of Mother Africa's womb, Cynique? When are MOTHER NEW YORK and MOTHER PHILADELPHIA and MOTHER MIAMI going to fly down and make everything all better, Cynique? You're being so silly. I'm just a person who happens to be from Africa. I'm not a "Goddess"...not a "Backbone" not a "Strong Black Woman" There is nothing SUPERNATURAL about me. I'm your sister, for crying out loud and you hate me for having a brain and my self-respect in tact! Cynique said: I suggest that you also take you breast-beating sililoquies and stick em up your African ass. Don't you wish you were woman enough to MAKE ME? Or that there was some other person in this country who was? And at least I'm still Black enough to actually HAVE some ass. Please-- ...don't get carried away with me ...because though you love advancing the ridiculous "East Coast vs. West Coast" or "Africans vs. African-Americans" mantra.... ...what I have to say to the Black American Slave Descendent is the exact thing that I have to say to the Kenyan, the Sudanese and the Senegalese... My message to ALL Black people is the same exact message. I don't care where they live. The real problem, Cynique, is that biological reality...are not all that black. And there was a time during your 70-plus years that you were celebrated for it. So you can't relate to my caring for a Black person's actual blackness. How could you...when your skin is so close to WHITE? You're pissed because I refuse to STAMP your "Head Red Bone In Charge Papers." Please take your DROOL and put it where your common sense ought to be. Nothing but death...and not even that, could keep me from my people. And BLACK AMERICANS....are MY PEOPLE. The CAME FROM me. GOT THAT, RED? . . |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13382 Registered: 01-2004
Rating:  Votes: 7 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 - 11:28 pm: |
The fact that you have to write 1000+ words to respond to my 2 paragraphs, Kola, is typical of your spin-doctoring; going into essay mode, twisting things around so as to make your melodramatic self-serving arguments look valid. Same ol, same ol. You started out with a lie.I couldn't care less whether you hate mixies or white people. Why should I? Why would it make me any difference how you feel about these folks?? I'm not white, and I am not mixed. Furthermore, I am amused by your calling me a red bone. I don't consider that an insult. I am what I am. You're the one who is color-obsessed. Not me. And you are also lying when you try to deny that you consider yourself a living embodiment of MOTHER AFRICA. Puleeze. That's the whole centerpiece of your Act. The Noble Nubian Queen sent here to save us poor ol slave descendants from ourselves. Barf. Bottom line, I consider arguing with you a waste of time. To me, you'll always be an attention-starved, crazy-assed, nut-case. Happy Inauguration Day, Ding Bat.  |
Kola_boof AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Kola_boof
Post Number: 4887 Registered: 02-2005
Rating:  Votes: 4 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 - 12:10 am: |
Happy Inauguration Day, ENDORA.
Though we may fuss 'n fight and you can't comprehend WHY I do and say the things I do... I love, love, love ya anyway. . |
Nels AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Nels
Post Number: 1234 Registered: 07-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 - 01:56 am: |
Yallz... I'm just havin' some fun. Black, white or whatever. Does it really matter? Mixie or not, we all just have to get along. I'll take this ball of dirt over floating around in space, any day. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13388 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 - 11:54 am: |
I'm having fun, too, Nels. Although I wish ol boring Kola would get some new material and post some different pictures. Been there, done that. |
Moonsigns AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Moonsigns
Post Number: 2074 Registered: 07-2004
Rating:  Votes: 3 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 - 03:24 pm: |
It's more sensationalism than anything. However, this reminds me a bit of some recent news I heard. My husband and I have a lot of friends that are also intermarried. One coupling in particular, within the husband's family, there are three boys and one girl. He (the husband) just recently told us that his youngest brother just got engaged within the last few weeks (which was great news, as they're a really nice couple!). Their other brother also became engaged within the last six months. Interestingly enough, none of them are engaged/married to black women (2 white, 1 Asian). These particular men are all college educated, very successful, attractive, "good men". I know there have been issues between their parents, and I know their mother was not fond of the idea (when her oldest son, our friend, married interracially). And while I don't take any issue with intermarriage, for the reasons stated above, I did reflect on how their mother must feel, as it must be strange for her. I wonder how this will shift their family dynamic (on all levels), and because of the issues between her and her husband, I wonder if she somehow blames him for raising three sons, which not one will be married and procreate with a black woman. |
Serenasailor AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Serenasailor
Post Number: 1868 Registered: 01-2006
Rating:  Votes: 4 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 - 06:47 pm: |
Typical of Moonsigns rants. Always trying to disconnect herself and her self-hating husband/friends from reality. She tries to act like these particular stupid "Black men" are just making abstract choices. And that she can identify with how there mother must "feel". MOONSIGNS YOU ARE A TWO-FACED WHITE BYTCH!! AND YOUR CASTRASTED NEUTERED HUSBAND. |
Moonsigns AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Moonsigns
Post Number: 2076 Registered: 07-2004
Rating:  Votes: 1 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 - 08:23 pm: |
LMAO!!!! Blah. Blah. Blah. BLAH! I don't have to be able "identify" with her to understand she takes issue with her sons' choices (for marriage). Because.......... REALITY is: The world is full of differing opinions and just because one (intelligent) person chooses to live one way (because of their life experiences) does not negate their ability to reflect on the social, moral, ethical, spiritual and intellectual life experiences of a fellow (intelligent) human being which, in turn, causes that individual to walk a different path. |
Nels AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Nels
Post Number: 1235 Registered: 07-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, January 22, 2009 - 01:19 am: |
Cyn -- Ain't life grand. We should have coffee sometime. :-) |
Serenasailor AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Serenasailor
Post Number: 1870 Registered: 01-2006
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, January 22, 2009 - 06:08 pm: |
The reason why I attack Moonsigns is because after years of coming on this board and acting like Black men like her husband were just making abstract choices and that colorism, socio-economic status, and self hate had nothing to do with it. She all of a sudden "out of the blue" tries to act like she can understand the "plight" of Black women. That is some two-faced shyt!! |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13400 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, January 22, 2009 - 09:45 pm: |
As long as you're pickin up the tab, lunch with you would be a ball, Nels. I guess I would have to pay my air fare to Cali, tho.  |