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Ntfs_encryption "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Ntfs_encryption
Post Number: 3510 Registered: 10-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, January 15, 2009 - 01:08 am: |
Atheist To Sue Over “In God We Trust” Posted: 1:30 PM Nov 14, 2005 Atheist Michael Newdow says he'll ask a federal court to order removal of the national motto "In God We Trust" from U.S. coins and currency. He says it violates the religious rights of atheists who belong to his "First Amendment Church of True Science." The church's "three suggestions" are "question, be honest and do what's right." Newdow says it wouldn't be right to take up a collection when the money says "In God We Trust." Last year, the Supreme Court dismissed Newdow's lawsuit over the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance because he doesn't have custody of his daughter, in whose name the lawsuit was filed. Newdow has resurrected that case by filing an identical lawsuit on behalf of two families. Word of the suit came on the same day the U.S. Supreme Court declined to take up a dispute over whether it's appropriate to put "In God We Trust" on government buildings. The court rejected an appeal about the inscription on a government center in Lexington, N.C. The court didn't comment on its ruling. An appeals court had ruled the phrase was patriotic, appearing on the nation's coins and made the national motto by Congress, but an attorney for opponents of the inscription told justices the statement is a religious creed. Earlier this year, justices were divided on the appropriateness of Ten Commandments displays in and near government buildings. |
Kola_boof AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Kola_boof
Post Number: 4821 Registered: 02-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, January 15, 2009 - 01:58 pm: |
He's just being the devil. What about the opinions of the other 300 million of us? Honestly...I'm not a Christian. I do my own religious thing; you couldn't pay me to step foot in a church that has walls or women's breasts are covered. But I don't know why people try to take everyone else's HOPE away. And in these times.... What else is there to trust in BUT God? We have God in us. Imagination; fantasty and DREAMS. That's where a human gets strength and momentum. It doesn't have to be REAL. That's what I don't understand. They despise Santa Claus and Betsy Ross was a "hoax." Why do people think everything has to be real? You have to dream FIRST...or you'll never have a reality. This man is impotent. In every way. Impotent. . |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13313 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, January 15, 2009 - 02:20 pm: |
Thank goodness, there will always be a place for polemics in society. Mainly because they are daring, free thinkers who balance out those who are suspended in the limbo of dreams which often bear out the caveat about being careful what you wish for - because you might get it. Obama's audacity of hope has the ominous potential to become a nightmare. |
Kola_boof AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Kola_boof
Post Number: 4831 Registered: 02-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, January 15, 2009 - 11:47 pm: |
Cynique, I don't think this man fits the profile of a "polemic." It seems to me that if he doesn't believe in "God" or "Santa"---then he wouldn't feel threatened by them. Not threatened enough to fuel and finance big weight lawsuits with his money, time and most of all---ENERGY. If you read my post will see that I was speaking from a "pro-atheist" stance myself. I am not Atheist, but I was allowing that God may very well be a "dream/fantasy" that we need for psychological reasons ---a buffer that keeps us from killing one and another. And if that's the case...I was wondering why this man wouldn't be "Indifferent" rather than Gung-ho to strike such meaningless language down. I am a terrible pessimist, so I know that I'm not one of those "suspended in the limbo of dreams." But I do think that what I stated earlier was true. You must have dreams, before you can have "reality".... ....which means nothing more than you CONCEIVING and ENVISIONING; imagining. It doesn't take superstition or the supernatural to CONCEPTUALIZE and imagine what you want in life. Don't you belive that religion gives people HOPE and helps them remain "centered" through their tribulations? Don't you also think we'd have mass anarchy if we, as a society, didn't promote some sort of Myths and Morals to keep people from working purely by Impulse? There has to idea of "fairness" and "equality." How would humans achieve that with mere INTELLECT???? I just don't think that MEN (the most destructive force on earth) acknowledging that there's a power somewhere greater than them the problem for Scientists. Granted, we do have fanatics and people who use the Bible as a Whip. But couldn't the word "God" stand for "FATE"? I think that I am the polemic on this one. I don't see this man as "intelligent" at all. How can humans love or heal one another if there are no dreams and myths of hope? Most of the Atheists that I know see the idea of GOD in that a mythical crutch that people need. Obama's audacity of hope has the ominous potential to become a nightmare. You said it. * TROY!!!!!!!!!! It's not letting me put a space at the end of my comments. SEE. It wasn't like this before. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13320 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, January 16, 2009 - 12:55 am: |
Well, that's the way it goes. For every fanatical Christian there is an aggressive Atheist. After all, the Evangelical preacher giving the invocation is rabidly anti-gay. As for dreams, for every Paula Abdul, there's a Simon Cowell. Dreams and reality don't necessarily cancel each other out; In the big picture, they keep things in perspective. I'm optimistic enough to believe that Obama has the foresight and wisdom that will serve him well in the monumental task of rescuing America from implosion, but - the pathway to hell is paved with good intentions. |
Chrishayden "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Chrishayden
Post Number: 7667 Registered: 03-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, January 16, 2009 - 12:39 pm: |
They really off to get God off the money. It encourages the worship of mammon. No real Christian, Jew or Muslim would put God on their money, which is filthy lucre used for the purpose of Heroin and child pornography. |
Ntfs_encryption "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Ntfs_encryption
Post Number: 3517 Registered: 10-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, January 17, 2009 - 04:05 pm: |
"Well, that's the way it goes. For every fanatical Christian there is an aggressive Atheist." This is very true. I have no use for either. I bitterly resent people aggressively forcing their religion of lack of, on others. Whether it’s the hard line Christian conservatives attempting to block free speech or censor the media or the atheists who want to erase any mention or symbols of religion. As you know, anybody over forty can remember growing up and seeing the Christmas nativity scenes in the down town areas, public parks, libraries, etc. Not anymore. Not only that, the greeting has descended from “Merry Christmas” to “Happy Holidays” (I refuse to say the latter). For kids in school, I believe they call it “Winter Holiday Break (?)”. WTF..??!! Happy Holidays????? What fycking holiday is it??? I can’t believe this country has capitulated to the most insidious form of cowardly political correctness (especially in the business and corporate world –thank you ACLU!). On the flip side, a very good friend of mind for years just recently moved to Arizona. Long story short, we were very close friends. We talked all the time and often did things together (movies, traveling, going out to eat or drink, etc). Well, she has gotten into some kind of Christian religious cult and you know the rest. Since I would not cave in to her strident demands for ongoing Jesus, the Lord and being saved ramblings, she has pretty much secured our communication lines. I’ve known her since around 2000 and now she has nothing to say to me since “she has been so busy in the church” (her words –not mine). Bottom line is this: I was raised (as most of us black folks were) in a Christian home. I’m personally not very religious. But I respect the rights of those who are. But I do not approve of their intolerance of anyone else who does not share their so-called Christian beliefs. Same goes for the atheists. I cannot tolerate their ongoing war against anything that reflects or mentions religion. This bullshit about eradicating “In God We Trust”, removing the Ten Commandants from public view or erasing the greeting “Merry Christmas” or replacing the nativity scene with people caroling (I seen it in Ohio), is over the top and I don’t like it. "After all, the Evangelical preacher giving the invocation is rabidly anti-gay." Yeah, I saw that. Unlike most people, I don’t see Obama as a black man but a ambitious politician. I say that because he is going to do what he believes he has to do in order to create political bridges of cooperation, appeasement and compromise. By allowing this evangelical preacher (despite his open disdain and railing against gay people) to give the invocation, he is capitulating to Christian conservatives and those of so-called Christians beliefs (who are anti-gay –especially the black folks). But on the other hand, to gain the faith and support of gay people, as Commander and Chief of the armed forces –he is going to remove the “don’t ask, don’t tell policy” and allow gay people to openly serve in the military. "I'm optimistic enough to believe that Obama has the foresight and wisdom that will serve him well in the monumental task of rescuing America from implosion, but - the pathway to hell is paved with good intentions." I wish him good luck and success because the man is going to need all he can get. The haters, for racial and political reasons, are documenting every move and eye blink of this man. Rabid political hacks and brain fart nudniks like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh will be feeding their conservative followers daily with all the red meat they can dig up and serve. And devoted Negro shoe shine boys and Republican cleaning maids like Reverend Jessie Lee Peterson and La Shawn Barber will gladly give them all the support they need to discredit and cast doubt on Obama’s abilities. |
Disciple724 Veteran Poster Username: Disciple724
Post Number: 220 Registered: 07-2008
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 - 08:24 am: |
Ntfs, There are many forms of Christianity, most of which have very little to do with Christ, the Son of God. As such, they are false religions ( not based on the Truth) Most of them are centered around money (capital-based systems) which by designed is structured to give worldly power to its worshiper and possessor. While most of us profess not to worship mammon, the fact is most of us do; its the only way they know how to live. From a histrorical perspective, all previous cultures in the generations of humankind have had their cultures shaped by their beliefs in "higher powers" or the gods they worshiped. All of them had their own and these have evolved into modern day beliefs or religions. American culture has multiple beliefs, since it is a convergence of multiple cultures, but all of them have a long and certain history. Seldom can someone get a true perspective without studying the history behind them. Greco/Roman, Babylonian, and Egyptian cultures worshiped as gods many of the "Fallen Angels" that were always at war with the Creator. Subsequently, their hatred for Him has spilled over into the shaping of human culture and is the driving force behind all of this Anti-God movement. Quickly and quietly they have taken control over much of the world systems as their signs and symbols illustrate for those that are acute enough to see them. These signs are all over the money we use and the things that we respect the most ( i.e the Flag bears the Pentagram which is the universal sign of Satan-lucifer). Ironically, as the 3 millions of Americans gather in Washington to celebrate the exaltation of a darker-skinned leader, in the backdrop is the obelisk --an exalted pyramid which was the image of worship decreed by order of death by fire from Nebechadnezzer in the Book of Daniel. In contrast God, the creator also established a culture reflecting His kingdom, the pennicle of which was David-Solomon reign, which at its height was the envy of all cultures before and since. It is a little known fact that this issue is at the center of all racial hatred as The Bible clearly illuminates that the people that God "elected" ( not chose as it is often stated) as His People were in fact Black. Nevertheless, as the Scriptures also bear out (for those that bothered to study them) most of these same Black people would reject Him along with all the Love that He had shown them and choose instead to worship His enemy the Devil and his culture. Many of the holidays that we celebrate like Halloween, Easter, New Years Day, and even Christmas are actually pagan holy days that have been loosely veiled to be Christan Holy Days, of which only the ones perscribed in the Bible serve a particular purpose and are Holy ( Passover, Sabbaths, etc.) The early historical documents that have been discovered, verified for time authenticty, and since translated reveal several letters written to the Christian disciples' communities in Rome also addresses homosexuality. These confirm earlier Judean social positions concerning the matter minus the persecutions, which they render to Christ. Its not that " true Chirstians are anti-gay so as to say against the homosexual person, we are agsinst the behavior. God, The Creator and the Giver of Life (that very spirit that cruises your veins & illuminates your person making you flexible, movable, thinking dirt) has decreed that his Spirit should not be used in this matter. It is an abomination to Him. Those that hold Respect and Love for their Creator honor his Laws and resist temptation from those that have no love or respect for Him. Some people believe that they can do whatever pleases them without suffering the consequences of their actions. True Cchristians pray for their repentance, not their destruction. Still, only God has the power to condemn so if the latter comes at the expense of the former, God is justified. While all of this may seem trivial and get in the way of this "grand ole party" we are all distratced with, war & peace, love & hate, is what Life in this world has been about for ages. In My Humble Knowledge. |