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Chrishayden "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Chrishayden
Post Number: 7637 Registered: 03-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, December 28, 2008 - 03:35 pm: |
Keep your powder dry, boys and girls. The 60's ain't over yet!!! a-song-2008-12-26.html |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13223 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, December 28, 2008 - 09:41 pm: |
All the stand-up comedians and late night TV hosts are complaining that Barak doesn't provide good material for their routines. Guess they haven't been hipped to these gags. Spike Lee must be chuckling at the re-emergence of the "magic negro" phrase that he coined a while back when referring to black minor characters that cropped up in books of the Stephen King ilk. |
Chrishayden "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Chrishayden
Post Number: 7638 Registered: 03-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - 10:45 am: |
You're way behind. Rush Limbaugh had this song recorded and played it all through the primaries and the election. This is fitting fare for the National White People's Party. Maybe soon they'll bring the hoods and sheets back out of their hope chests. Also, keep that Chicagoland stuff coming. Whazzup with Jesse Jackson Jr. How come we ain't heard nothing from Senior about the Blago contretemps? |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13226 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - 01:24 pm: |
Well, apparently the comedians and TV hosts didn't think Rush's recording was funny enough to provide reference for their routines. These guys seemed to be implying that Barak is such a straight arrow that there's nothing for them to ridicule him about. I already said that Jesse Jackson, Jr. is in political limbo. Jesse, Sr., has apparently opted to remain uncharacteristically silent about Illinois' political fiasco. Presumably he doesn't want to hurt his son's chances by bringing all of his baggage into the equation. It has just been announced that Blagojevich is about to call a press conference and announce that he will be appointing Roland Burris as Obama's replacement, a move that will really cause the "shyt" to hit the fan. Burris is a retired 71-year-old black elder statesman and a former Illinois Attorney General and is not tainted by this scandal, and has said that he would be willing to be a "caretaker" senator who would keep the seat warm for the remaining 2-year term until the next election, at which time he would not seek election. But it remains to be seen whether the legislature will honor any appointment the governor makes because he is under investigation, has been asked to step down and is in danger of being impeached. Watta mess. |
Robynmarie Veteran Poster Username: Robynmarie
Post Number: 857 Registered: 04-2006
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - 05:59 pm: |
I think what's going on in Illinois is fascinating. The Gov is bold and ballsy, a real fighter. Is Blagojevich really the ultimate political con artist? Should we even consider he might be innocent until proven guilty? The Dems are threatening to block Burris' appointment. Wow. |
Thumper Veteran Poster Username: Thumper
Post Number: 721 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - 06:39 pm: |
Hello All, I'm sorry but Blagojevich has mental issues. The US Senate has already said that they would not seat any appointment he selected, so he goes and does it anyway? *eyebrow raised* And he actually found some sucker to take it. I am beyond mystified and a little ticked that somebody is insulting my intelligence. Burris was just on MSNBC's 1600 Pennsylvania Ave Show and he is asking an awful lot of mental denial from everybody. Do he really think he's going to be seated Senator. |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1468 Registered: 05-2004
Rating:  Votes: 1 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - 07:38 pm: |
Hello Well, I think the law says guilty until proven innocent. I think someone else mentioned that he has been accused of a crime that probably happens every day in politics. Hell, that's the name of the game. Now, today he is simply doing his job. Those that have threatened to block his appointment will have to come strong. Their nay vote will imply that there's something wrong with Burris. Again, this is politices and I am sure there are many that love Burris as well as those that have voted against him. I take my hat off to Blagojevich, he is jacking up his slacks and showing his balls. It's a popular opinion to say he is crazy and should step down but that does not make it right. Remember when the public at large was vilifying those that were opposed to the war, calling them unpatriotic, it too was a popular opinion. This fake outcry is more of the same old BS. It reminds me of that P**sy buying politician up in New York. He was carrying a big stick against prostitution and was buying enough trim for four men. He would even stop by for a blow job on the way to the chambers. Give me a break yawl, let the man do his damn job. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13228 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - 08:47 pm: |
Blagojevich is a conniving underhanded political low-brow. He was so blatant with his pay-to-play politics that even his peers were appalled. The leaked tapes outed his intent and the proof lies in the confirmation of the people who came forward with stories of how he demanded tribute from them. And the Feds claim that they have even more intimidating evidence against him. Furthermore, Blagojevich is exploiting the black Illinois community, courting their support by injecting race into the picture, implying that anyone opposed to Burris is against black people. He previously invited a group of black ministers to his home to pray for him and, to their credit, they emerged from the meeting expressing nothing but spiritual support for him. And Illinois' Secretary of State who is also black has said he will not go along with Blagojevich by signing off on the issue, something which would give the governor free rein. Yeah, Blago is a crook who has a lot of chutzpah and charisma and has not been proven guilty in a court of law. But his corruption has been exposed, and he should not be rewarded for being dishonest, or admired for being devious. He has disgraced Illinois and plunged it into chaos. IMO. Unlike Clinton, who only hurt himself, Blagojevich has jeopardized the stability of the entire state. |
Robynmarie Veteran Poster Username: Robynmarie
Post Number: 858 Registered: 04-2006
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, December 31, 2008 - 09:14 am: |
Blagojevich, it seems has many, many flaws. However from what I read, Burris is more than qualified for US Senate. Should he be seated, he would be the only AA in the Senate. For Harry Reid to try and block his appointment is unseemly and bound to create problems for the Dems. Why should Burris be punished for the sins of the Gov? Is this an instance of guilt by association? |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1469 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, December 31, 2008 - 10:00 am: |
I agree, Robynmarie, may I call you Brown Robyn *wink*. It is Blagojevich's job to appoint a Senator. Plus, the people of Illinios need a Senator. Had he not selected a Senator, some fools might have thrown that into the pot. In fact, Blagojevich voted against the process of a single person filling an empty seat but now that he is doing his job all hell breaks loss. There is nothing in the law that says Burris's appointment can be blocked. There are qualifications that would make an individual unsuited for the position but Burris is highly qualified. Again, I agree, IMO, it is quilt by association. Take the Governors alledged crime out of equation and the bus rides off to the capital. Any attempt by the Dems to block this appointment would be akin to them putting their underwear on backwards. The hole would be in the back and they could get..... |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13230 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, December 31, 2008 - 10:31 am: |
Blagojevich has made Burris a pawn in his chess game and there is bi-partisan and bi-racial opposition to this calculated move on the governor's part. Blagojevich did Burris no favor by selecting him. There are plenty of capable black candidates in Illinois available for this job but Burris was the only one who accepted Blagojevich's offer when approached. 2 others, congressman Danny Davis and state senate president Emil Jones, turned it down because they realized how it would taint them and what a boon doggle it would create In any case, appointing Burris may well be an exercise in futility since the U.S. Senate has said it would not affirm anyone this governor sends them. Burris' reputation is one of being an ego-driven self-promoter. He previously mounted losing races for governor of Illinois and mayor of Chicago. He also was among the first to publicly announce that he was interested in filling Obama's senate seat although he never contacted Blagojevich about this. He will be so battle-scarred at the end of the process that he will be irreversibly wounded. Already his record is being closely examined, his lobbyist activities and his earlier campaign contributions made to Blagojevich's being brought up. Today's Chicago's newspapers reveal that most local black political movers and shakers are luke warm to Burris' selection, many admonishing him for being a party to Blagojevich's ploy. Before it's over, this whole situation is going to get down and dirty and who ever wins, in the interim, the citizens of Illinois will be the losers. |
Robynmarie Veteran Poster Username: Robynmarie
Post Number: 859 Registered: 04-2006
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, December 31, 2008 - 11:33 am: |
Brown Robyn, here. I totally agree and once again the Dems were caught off guard and are trying to save face. Cynique-No surprise local pols are straddling the fence on this one. Perhaps the Dems in Washington should not have been so quick to say they would not approve "anyone" the Gov sent. Reid and company should have done what the Chicago politicians are doing now, taking a wait and see attitude instead of self-righteously posturing. Did they check the constitution to see if they could actually block an appointment made by the Gov before making such sweeping statements? Harry Reid needs to dial it back. I think Burris should be allowed to undergo whatever confirmation process any other appointee would be subject to. If at that point he is deemed unacceptable, then he should be rejected. To dismiss him now seems unfair. Too bad the good people of Illinois will be hurt by this proess, but that is usually what happens whenever politics gets in the way of leadership. |
Chrishayden "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Chrishayden
Post Number: 7642 Registered: 03-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, December 31, 2008 - 11:55 am: |
It has just been announced that Blagojevich is about to call a press conference and announce that he will be appointing Roland Burris as Obama's replacement, a move that will really cause the "shyt" to hit the fan. Burris is a retired 71-year-old black elder statesman and a former Illinois Attorney General and is not tainted by this scandal, and has said that he would be willing to be a "caretaker" senator who would keep the seat warm for the remaining 2-year term until the next election, at which time he would not seek election. But it remains to be seen whether the legislature will honor any appointment the governor makes because he is under investigation, has been asked to step down and is in danger of being impeached. Watta mess. (Burris is from my hometown, Centralia Illinois! Go go Blago! Spit in their eye, ,kid! |
Robynmarie Veteran Poster Username: Robynmarie
Post Number: 860 Registered: 04-2006
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, January 02, 2009 - 10:35 am: |
I read today where the Senate Dems have a plan to use armed policemen to block the legally appointed Burris from access to the Senate floor. WTF? Harry Reid needs to eat crow, then seat Burris and then move on. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13231 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, January 02, 2009 - 06:27 pm: |
It's not just Barak Obama and the Democrats who oppose these one-upsmanship games that are making a mockery of Illinois. So are the Republicans. Blagojevich is not a man of honorable intentions. He does not have the interest of the citizens of Illinois at heart. He knows he's going down and wants to exact revenge on his enemies as he brings everybody else down to his level of chicanery. Or is Burris exactly a paragon of virtue. There are many other qualified Illinois Blacks with more impressive resumes than this ego-maniac with a losing record when it comes to public office and who has erected a huge granite monument to himself overlooking a grave site that he has already purchased. Burris considers himself a chosen man who claims Abraham Lincoln has spoken to him, and he is revelling in all of the attention and publicity this situation is heaping upon him. How ever this dilemma comes out, no heroes will emerge from the contretemps. Everybody's hands will be sullied. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13235 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, January 02, 2009 - 06:59 pm: |
It's not just Barak Obama and the Democrats who oppose these one-upsmanship games that are making a mockery of Illinois. So are the Republicans. Blagojevich is not a man of honorable intentions. He does not have the interest of the citizens of Illinois at heart. He knows he's going down and wants to exact revenge on his enemies as he brings everybody else down to his level of chicanery. Or is Burris exactly a paragon of virtue. There are many other qualified Illinois Blacks with more impressive resumes than this ego-maniac with a losing record when it comes to public office and who has erected a huge granite monument of praise to himself overlooking a grave site that he has already purchased. Burris considers himself a chosen man who claims Abraham Lincoln has spoken to him, and he is revelling in all of the attention and publicity this situation is heaping upon him. How ever this dilemma comes out, no heroes will emerge from the contretemps. Everybody's hands will be sullied. |
Thumper Veteran Poster Username: Thumper
Post Number: 722 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, January 03, 2009 - 01:33 pm: |
Hello All, I'm with Cynique on this one. I won't repeat what she has already said, but I want to add a few things. One, Reid also brought up to Blago was that the candidate had to be re-electable in 2010. Naturally, in order to keep the seat Democrat. With the Senate Republicans acting damn foolish, it would be better for all of us to keep or get as many Democratic seats in Congress as possible in order to push the changes that this country needs to make. Now, after all this sh_t, do you honestly believe that that old fool Burris will be elected Senator when he runs in 2010? If your answer is yes, I say are you off your rocker? If Burris is indeed seated, I'm moving to Illinois and I'm going to turn Republican so I can run for the Senate seat myself. Talk about an easy win! All the Republican candidate have to do is stress Burris relationship with the corrupt and convicted Blago over and over again and Burris will then lose all of southern Illinois right off the bat. Illinois need to wake up and realize that Blago is playing the black community for a sucker. Burris is just an old fool who let his unrequited political ambition get the better of him. He's old, and he's not wise. He should have already known that when you play with hogs don't get mad when you have mud splashed all over you. New York aint going to be going through this with Caroline Kennedy, because she will get elected for Senator in 2010. Burris will not. |
Robynmarie Veteran Poster Username: Robynmarie
Post Number: 861 Registered: 04-2006
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, January 04, 2009 - 10:28 pm: |
Reports are Harry Reid did not want three other AAs to have the open Senate seat. They say he wanted white women to fill Prez Obama's old job. Reid is a fool who is begining to look like a racist. The Illinois Gov is outsmarting the Dem "leadership" at every turn. Seat Burris and move on. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13238 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, January 05, 2009 - 09:59 am: |
Blagojevich is attempting to outsmart the Dems at every turn, but he is just delaying the inevitable. Reid's rationale for preferring white women to fill Obama's vacancy has to do with his notion that the Dems don't want to lose their majority in the senate and that these women appointees would be more electable in 2 years as opposed to the black male prospects whose popularity is very limited to the urban areas of Chicagoland. Unfortunately, he is probably right because in spite of the fact that Illinois went for Obama in the last election, it is still a very conservative white-oriented state especially in suburbia and particularly in its down state rural areas, most of which would rival the South in their racial attitudes. At this point, I really don't care how this mess comes out. I'm sick of all the lies and hypocrisy and corrupt wheeling and dealing. To me, America is in such a state of chaos - politically, economically, environmentally, internationally, socially, racially, and financially, that climbing out of the hole it has dug for itself will fail. Now it's all about individual survival. Obama and his cabinet will just be marching in place, making very little headway. |
Chrishayden "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Chrishayden
Post Number: 7643 Registered: 03-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, January 05, 2009 - 10:24 am: |
Reports are this morning that Reid is willing to "negotiate" Go go Blago! Screw 'em! They bent over for George Bush and make 'em bend over for you, too! That genie ain't going back in the bottle. The word for the year 2009--DO WHAT THOU WILT! |
Robynmarie Veteran Poster Username: Robynmarie
Post Number: 863 Registered: 04-2006
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, January 06, 2009 - 11:20 am: |
Roland Burris just got turned away from the US Senate. Why are the Dems treating one of their own so badly? To my eyes Burris is showing way more dignity than that racist Harry Reid-by a long shot. |
Abm "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 10242 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, January 06, 2009 - 01:14 pm: |
There are NO African American who could be elected to the U.S. Senate in the State of Illinois who are NOT named Barack Obama. Ironically, though, Burris has more of a RECORD of having done such - having previously won both the Illinois State Comptroller and Attorney General offices - than has any of the other African Americans who were allegedly on the shortlist of being appointed to the Senate. In fact, you rewind the clock about +12 years and Burris might have been an EXCELLENT pick. The current Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan is really the very BEST pick for the Senate slot. She's very popular. She appear to have gotten some things done. She has no blemish on her record. And her father Illinois Secretary of State Mike Madigan is arguably the most powerful politician in the entire state. Problem is Blago and Mike Madigan are blood enemies (largely because Blago attempted to usurp Madigan’s and the entire Illinois General Assembly’s power the very MOMENT he was elected) and certainly Lisa is loyal to pops (of course, in no small part because she IS the Attorney General MOSTLY because of her pops). So I just can't see Rod picking her, especially since immediately after the Fed's arrested Blago, Atty. Gen. Madigan attempted (and failed) to have the Illinois Supreme Court depose him. Illinois Secretary of Foreign Affairs Tammy Duckworth is reputed to be Obama's pick for the office. She's good buddies with Obama's Chief of Staff-Designate Emanuel and she valiantly lost a tuff, bareknuckler congressional race in what had previously been considered to be a GOP stronghold. Those, plus her credentials as being a Iraqi War vet - lost both her legs in the war - have sent her Q-rating through the Illinois political stratosphere. But Duckworth has never won or held elective office. And she's ASIAN. So it remains to be seen how she'd play in whitebread, downstate and rural (and largely bumpkin) Illinois. Obviously, there is some cynicism and manipulation behind WHY Blago picked Burris. But I can’t help thinking it might be in the Democrats best interest to fully and totally BACK Burris if for no other reason than to avoid fracturing the party along race and to deny allowing the GOP to recover some political weight. Because the damage from Blago has already been done. He’s a bomb that has already exploded. So rather than try to defuse a bomb that has already detonated perhaps it’s best to just to clean up, fix and recover from the wake of the explosion. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13249 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, January 06, 2009 - 01:25 pm: |
You can thank your boy Blagojevich for creating this rift in the Democratic party. He used Burris to set Dems against each other, and Burris played right into his hands because he is so eager to garner the notoriety he thinks he deserves. Blagojevich created this log jam because he is seeking revenge on those who are trying to have him punished for bringing disgrace to the state of Illinois. Black congressman Bobby Rush is the one who injected race into the picture by claiming that Illinois was obligated to send a black man to the senate because there were none there. But this is the same Bobby Rush who was instrumental in defeating Obama's initial run for the senate - the same Bobby Rush who, in exchange for large sums of contributions to his church, backed a white fat cat who was running against Obama. People on the outside do not understand the intricacies of Illinois politics. A recent poll showed that only 37 percent of Illinois voters thought Burris was an acceptable choice to fill Obama's seat mainly because of his lack luster record and his reputation for self aggrandizement. The black community, specifically, is luke warm about Burris, feeling there are more qualified black candidates who could have been picked, some of whom were approach but refused to become a part of Blagojevich's manipulation. One reason Burris is encountering problems about being seated is because Illinois' black Secretary of State did not certify this tainted appointment by Blagojevich All of these politicans have ulterior motives. Reid's apparently has to do with laying the ground work for maintaining a Democratic majority in the senate. Most experts do not think that Burris would fare well in a race against a Republican when it came time for him to run on his own record, not to mention all the baggage he now carries thanks to his association with the corrupted Blagojevich. |
Abm "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 10243 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, January 06, 2009 - 01:27 pm: |
Error Correction: Tammy Duckworth is Illinois Secretary of VETERANS Affairs, not Foreign Affairs (I do not even know whether Illinois HAS an Office of Foreign Affairs). |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13250 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, January 06, 2009 - 01:33 pm: |
RobynMarie, you can thank your boy Blagojevich for creating this rift in the Democratic party. He used Burris to set Dems against each other, and Burris played right into his hands because he is so eager to garner the notoriety he thinks he deserves. Blagojevich created this log jam because he is seeking revenge on those who are trying to have him punished for bringing disgrace to the state of Illinois. Black congressman Bobby Rush is the one who injected race into the picture by claiming that Illinois was obligated to send a black man to the senate because there were none there. But this is the same Bobby Rush who was instrumental in defeating Obama's initial run for the senate - the same Bobby Rush who, in exchange for large sums of contributions to his church, backed a white fat cat who was running against Obama. People on the outside do not understand the intricacies of Illinois politics. A recent poll showed that only 37 percent of Illinois voters thought Burris was an acceptable choice to fill Obama's seat mainly because of his lack luster record and his reputation for self aggrandizement. The black community, specifically, is luke warm about Burris, feeling there are more qualified black candidates who could have been picked, some of whom were approach but refused to become a part of Blagojevich's manipulation. One reason Burris is encountering problems about being seated is because Illinois' black Secretary of State did not certify this tainted appointment by Blagojevich All of these politicans have ulterior motives. Reid's apparently has to do with laying the ground work for maintaining a Democratic majority in the senate. Most experts do not think that Burris would fare well in a race against a Republican when it came time for him to run on his own record, not to mention all the baggage he now carries thanks to his association with the corrupted Blagojevich |
Abm "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 10244 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, January 06, 2009 - 01:43 pm: |
Error Correction #2 (really batting a 1,000 today, foks): Mike Madigan is the Illinois Speaker of the House, not the Illinois Secretary of State, which, I suppose, leads to a Error Correction #3: There is probably ONE African American Illinoisan not named Barack Obama who would win an election to the U.S. Senate. The REAL current Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White. Wonder why White's name has never been mention as a possible successor to Obama. |
Robynmarie Veteran Poster Username: Robynmarie
Post Number: 864 Registered: 04-2006
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, January 06, 2009 - 02:28 pm: |
True, to folks outside of Illinois, this whole fiasco seems totally unnecessary. If all the bills that the Illinois Gov signs into law are valid, why shouldn't an appointment he makes be valid too? There are probably hundreds of folks at least as qualified or more so than Burris, but they declined. I don't believe Blagojevich is (entirely) responsible for this; Harry Reid must share part of the blame as the leader of the Dem party. The Dems are being revealed for the hypocrites they are, especially when it comes to African Americans. Do you think if Burris was a Republican the GOP would have treated him this way? They would have welcomed him, taint and all, with open arms as another voting member of their body. This Burris incident shows the Dems are as crooked and clueless as the GOP. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13252 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, January 06, 2009 - 02:42 pm: |
What few bills Blagojevich is signing will all be challenged. And, if by remote chance Burris had been appointed as a Republican senatorial replacement, he would be treated even worse by his party. I keep telling you that Burris has as many black detractors as white ones. And you keep trying to make a hero out of Blagojevich, the slippery villain who made a mockery out of Burris by playing on his vanity. |
Abm "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Abm
Post Number: 10247 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, January 06, 2009 - 02:45 pm: |
Robynmarie, I generally agree. As much of a a-hole Blago maybe he is STILL legally the Governor of Illinois. And until that changes, EVERYTHING he does in that capacity is legitimate, including his appointing Burris. Sometimes, you've got just take and then MAKE the best of a bad situation. And unless there is a real and potent reason for why Burris should not be appointed that Burris HIMSELF is responsible for, you openly accept and embrace him and hope to either groom his successor in 2010 or build up enuff GOOD sheht under his term in office that might inspire future voters to look past how he got into office. And to be HONEST, EVERYONE is at fault here. Including even Obama. Because this is something that ALL the Democratic bigwigs - the President-Elect, Senate Majority Leader, Illinois Governor - should have sat down and worked through in a way that might have been palatable to EVERYBODY. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13254 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, January 06, 2009 - 03:11 pm: |
The culprit here is Blagojevich. Everbody wants to excuse him because his greedy lack of scruples is considered typical of a politician. But he wasn't even respectful enough of his office to believe that the possibility of his phone conversations being taped would do him any harm because he believed he was above the law. This man flaunted his dishonesty. This is the guy whose father-in-law accused of corruption. The governor whose chief of staff has turned on and resigned in hopes of striking a deal. The white guy who has incurred the wrath of other white office holders and millions of white Illinoisians. The deceitful white guy who's depending on gullible black folks to come to his rescue because all he has to do is create the illusion that Burris is being denied the senate seat because of his race rather than because he is a tool being used by a governor who's trying to save his own azz. But this is a familiar scenario. So let the chips fall where they may. Let the controversy snowball. Chaos has become the norm. |
Robynmarie Veteran Poster Username: Robynmarie
Post Number: 865 Registered: 04-2006
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, January 06, 2009 - 03:43 pm: |
Burris is a 71 year old man, way past grown. If he is being used by the Gov it is because he has reasoned that being Senator from the state of Illinois is worth it. What did Bill Withers say: if it feels this good getting used, then use me up LOL. BTW, a senator from my State Diane Feinstein has come out in favor of seating Burris. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13255 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, January 06, 2009 - 04:52 pm: |
Everybody has their ulterior motives. Senator Diane Feinstein is one of the senators pissed off at Obama for appointing Leon Panetta to the post of CIA Director. At 71 years old, I hope Burris has a lot of stamina because he is going to be subjected to a lot of pressure and frustration should he be seated. |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1476 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, January 07, 2009 - 01:47 pm: |
Hi Brown Robin I am out of this Blago stuff but I wanted to comment on your reference to Bill Withers. I knew I liked you for some reason. I've used that Bill Wither's line. Now I don't know if Ive been using it correctly but I say: "use me to do the thangs I do because I sure am using you to do the thangs you do, use me up". Do I need to add my Tupac reference? You don't know nothing about that *lol*. |
Thumper Veteran Poster Username: Thumper
Post Number: 724 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, January 07, 2009 - 06:55 pm: |
Hello All, Well, it looks like Burris will be seated and I am still a little pissy about it. Yeah, Blago pulled a funny, but he wouldn't have been able to pull it without Burris. But, I've come to the conclusion that maybe I'm allowing my imprerssion of Burris to cloud my judgement. Now, I had not heard of the man before this thing blew up, but there is something about Burris that really TICKS me off. His arrogance rolls off of him in waves. Then he takes to the airwaves with that smug look as he tries to explain the legality of his appointment as if he is explaining it to a drowsy 5 year old, all the while that smugness never leaves his face. Oh...I want to reach through the TV and punch that old man right in the neck. Then I have to remind myself that Burris and Blago is Illinois's problem (sorry Cynique) and not mine. I got issues in Indiana that deserves my attention. I will be looking at Illinois in 2010 to see if that old fool will be able to hold that seat. |
Yvettep AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Yvettep
Post Number: 3317 Registered: 01-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, January 07, 2009 - 07:09 pm: |
Well, my fellow Hoosier, Indiana is alright in my book--at least for now--after having gone for a Dem prez candidate for the first time since 1964. I even rooted for the Colts for the first time this playoff season. (Though a lot of good that did for the team LOL!) |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1478 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, January 07, 2009 - 08:44 pm: |
Hello I know I said I was bowing out of this discussion but Thump pulled me back in. I realize perception is a judgement call that borders reality but I did not see Burris's cool calm as arrogance. I saw a seasoned politician doing a great job of standing strong on principles. When I say politician, I don't mean it in a negative way. Look, this guy is a professional and he knew going in that he faced a firestorm. Now, he could have approach his situation with humble pie on his face. He could have busted up in the Senate like he was in Eddie Murphy's Upper Room. But see, he didn't run and he didn't hide. He danced with the women that he took to the ball. He stood strong and said, "hey, if you want to play, put your chips on the table because I have the best hand". He basically used a line from The Emotions, "don't ask my neighbor, ask me". He said he didn't have any money to buy the senate seat and he was coming on faith alone. I have nothing but love for the man. A brother on the national stage looking good and holding on. I've lived in Indiana and yawl better stop looking at the TV and start looking out yo' windows *lol*. |
Robynmarie Veteran Poster Username: Robynmarie
Post Number: 866 Registered: 04-2006
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, January 07, 2009 - 09:07 pm: |
Carey-I love Bill "Lean On Me" Withers. And Tupac also. "The blacker the berry the sweeter the juice..." Did I miss something? What does Indiana have to do with Burris/Blago/that freaking idiot Harry Reid? |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13262 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, January 07, 2009 - 09:55 pm: |
Roland Burris obviously told Harry Reid what he wanted to hear, which was that he was a non confrontational negro who would not rock the boat. Burris' reputation in Illinois has always been one of being a politician who "goes along to get along". All of you outsiders may be pacified by these proceedings, but the vast majority of Illinois citizens wanted an election held where they could vote for their senator rather than have him appointed by a tainted manipulative governor who is about to be impeached. |
Thumper Veteran Poster Username: Thumper
Post Number: 725 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, January 07, 2009 - 10:00 pm: |
Hello All, Carey: you wrote, I've lived in Indiana and yawl better stop looking at the TV and start looking out yo' windows *lol*. Yeah, we ought to start looking at what Illinois is doing over there to the west of us, where the politics is downright entertaining. |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1480 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, January 07, 2009 - 11:12 pm: |
I too must have missed something. The Governor was required by law to assign someone to an empty Senate seat. I don't know what the vast majority has to do with it or say about it. I can however assume it was a law that was voted on by the vast majority. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13263 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, January 08, 2009 - 12:06 am: |
I don't know that this actually was a law that was voted on by the vast majority of voters from Illinois. Jim Crow segregation practices were supported by laws. Even in the military a subordinate doesn't have to obey an order if he knows it's wrong. Nothing is carved in stone and if Blagojevich is removed from office, extenuating circumstances may prevail and his appointee may end up not being seated by U.S. senate. On a matter of principle, the people of Illinois are certainly within their rights to want to hold an election to select Obama's replacement rather than have a governor who has betrayed them do the honors. |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1481 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, January 08, 2009 - 12:56 am: |
Yes, they certainly have a right to "want". Their "right" stops right there. The law is king. People in hell would love a nice glass of Kool-aid ...I think they would "want" that and it is their right. I don't know what Mr. Jim Crow has to do with any of this but having served in the military I will not hesitate to say that right and wrong has nothing to do with carrying out an order. Now, if a subordinate thought something was morally wrong and decided to buck the order, he would be quickly escorted to jail. Since we are talking about a governor who is carrying out his duty I think the focus and "right" remains in the letter of the law. If a person in the military was asked to break the law, he then would have the right to question his superiors. All the naysayers can say what the want. Burris is standing on right (by law) and I hate to say I told you but the fat lady is about to sing. All the Burris haters will have to find some more obscure arguments to cry me another river. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13264 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, January 08, 2009 - 01:12 am: |
I'm not a Burris hater. But laws can be and are circumvented. Ideally speaking, the will of the people should prevail. And if you don't know that Jim Crow segregation was practiced in according with laws on the books then you need to shut up. A bad law points up the fallibility of laws. And a soldier who refuses to obey an order to kill defenseless woman and children may be put under arrest but at a court martial he would in all probablity be acquitted. |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1482 Registered: 05-2004
Rating:  Votes: 3 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, January 08, 2009 - 03:44 am: |
Cynique said, "I'm not a Burris hater". Cynique also said: Roland Burris obviously told Harry Reid what he wanted to hear, which was that he was a non confrontational NEGRO who would not rock the boat. Burris is just an OLD FOOL who let his unrequited political ambition get the better of him. He's old, and he's NOT WISE. Or is Burris exactly a paragon of virtue. There are many other qualified Illinois Blacks with more impressive resumes than THIS EGO-MANIAC with a losing record when it comes to public office and who has erected a huge granite monument of praise to himself overlooking a grave site that he has already purchased. He will be so battle-scarred at the end of the process that he will be irreversibly wounded. Already his record is being closely examined, his lobbyist activities and his earlier campaign contributions made to Blagojevich's being brought up. Cynique continued with: Burris considers himself a chosen man who claims Abraham Lincoln has spoken to him, and he is revelling in all of the attention and publicity this situation is heaping upon him. A recent poll showed that only 37 percent of Illinois voters thought Burris was an acceptable choice to fill Obama's seat mainly because of his lack luster record and his reputation for self aggrandizement. I keep telling you that Burris has as many black detractors as white ones. Burris played right into his hands because he is so eager to garner the notoriety he thinks he deserves. Hater ...??????? Cynique also said: "But laws can be and are circumvented". WHAT!!!! Ooooh, is this how we bring that mean man Jim Crow back into the discussion. A person that had a much to do with this conversation as the lone Ranger. Lastly, Cynique mumbled this gem: A bad law points up the fallibility of laws. I am left to wonder what BAD law we are talking about and what law says it is right to kill defenseless women and children?!?! |
Yvettep AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Yvettep
Post Number: 3321 Registered: 01-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, January 08, 2009 - 09:14 am: |
I'll always be grateful to him for catching me when I was about to trip while doing the Electric Slide at a Black gala a few years back. LOLOLOL! |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13266 Registered: 01-2004
Rating:  Votes: 1 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, January 08, 2009 - 09:23 am: |
Wow, how many hours did you spend culling through posts and composing your rebuttal, Careless? Did you get any sleep last night? I repeat: I do not hate Roland Burris. How could I? He's such an affable ol rascal and I'll always be grateful to him for catching me when I was about to trip while doing the Electric Slide at a Black gala a few years back. Like most people who live in Illinois, however, I am pissed with Blagojevich and we find Roland's complicity in Blagojevich's ploys a bit disingenuous. We Illinoisians are also a little impatient with pontificating carpetbaggers who volunteer opinions about things which they are not privy to. During the exchange between you and me we got into the philosophy of law. You declared law to be "king". I countered that laws can be circumvented, my point being that there are scores of obscure local laws in towns and cities throughout America that are not obeyed. I further contended that Jim Crow laws were examples that besmirch the integrity of abiding by the law and, along these lines, I made reference to the miliary code which exonerates subordinates from carrying out the law as manifested by an immoral order from a superior. If you felt these were irrelevant points then you shouldn't have bothered to try and discredit them. In cherry-picking my comments, you neglected to mention that I voiced no objections to letting the chips fall where they may and that I expressed satisfaction over how this case allowed Blacks to get the last laugh at the expense of arrogant white politicos. I also extended a shout-out to Roland for carrying the banner for senior citizens. So, stfu and go back to writing "poetry".  |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13267 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, January 08, 2009 - 09:28 am: |
I always knew you were psychic, Yvette. You knew what I was going to say before I said it. Aaah the wonders of deleting and re-posting...  |
Yvettep AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Yvettep
Post Number: 3322 Registered: 01-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, January 08, 2009 - 09:43 am: |
^^Fun-eeee! LOL BTW, here's an IL politician you all may not have heard about. I think he is about 15 years old. (Actually he's 27--the only congressman in his 20s, but he looks even younger than that.),8599,1870301,00.html?xid=rss-politic s-cnn |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1483 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, January 08, 2009 - 01:06 pm: |
Wow, I was wondering how Yvette pulled off that post before the post thang. For a second I thought Yvette had been tricking us all this time. I thought she was really Cynique :-). You called it cherry-picking, Cynique. I'd call it neon signs dropping out of the sky like fat watermelons. Your shout-out to Roland Burris was like a judge sentencing a man to life in prison and then telling him he can have visitors twice a year. I have to admit that I didn't sleep very good last night. I was still laughing at some of your comments. I knew what you were saying and trying to do. You were being you, muddling the playing field. You continued to run the wrong way with a neon sign on your back when you dropped this: "I further contended that Jim Crow laws were examples that besmirch the integrity of abiding by the law and, along these lines, I made reference to the miliary code which exonerates subordinates from carrying out the law as manifested by an immoral order from a superior". Listen, everyone knows that the Jim Crow laws were designed to deny certain individuals their rights. Admit it, you can't clean this up. The law that require the Ill, governor to appoint someone to a vacant senate seat has no connection to Jim Crow laws that intended to harm others, hence, your reference to such was out in left field. Your argument is about as feeble as the one presented by the lawyer for Daffy Duck's wife, who was charged with spouse abuse. ******************A day in court********* .... Judge: What is the first case on docket? States Attorney: Your honor, Mrs. Daffy Duck is charged with kicking and slapping Mr Duck. Defense Attorney: Your Honor, this was simply a small family matter. D.A.: There's nothing small about this. Mrs. Duck, who is a very large duck, kicked Mr. Duck's ass upon his shoulders and he hasn't been able to go to the bathroom for over a week. Plus, she slapped his bill off his face. Judge: Is that correct? Defense: Well your honor, Daffy refused to watch the children while my client went bowling. D.A.: I also have to add that Mrs. Daffy Duck also found the bill that she slapped off Mr. Ducks face and stuck it up his behind so that he couldn't cry out for help. Judge: Is this true!? Defense: Well, my client was only trying to protect the children. See, Mr. Daffy was passing so much gas and looking so ugly with his ass rapped around his shoulders that he was frightening the kids. So, although my client dearly loves Mr. Duck, she had to do the right thang for the children. Judge: I see your point. D.A.: But your honor, the kids were not even at home. Judge: WHAT? Defense: But again, a mother's love for her children sprang into action. See, after my client pulled her small size 15 feet out of Mr. Daffy's ass, she knew that he was in such an ugly way that he would scare the kids when they got them back from foster care. She knew Mr. Daffy wouldn't be able to explain to the children what had happened ...with his mouth stuck in his behind and all that. So again, she thought about her dear kids. D.A.: This is ridiculous. The defense has admitted that his client has broken the law by seriously and maliciously hurting Mr Duck. Defense: Well, you know there are Jim Crow laws. Judge: What?!?! Defense: Yeah, my client is a duck, not a crow. Judge: Uuuuuummmm? ***** With one hand, Mr. Daffy Duck tightens his Depends and with the other he reaches for his gun. He then gestures to his attorney to remove the bandages from his face so that he could speak. His lawyer then carts him over in front of his wife.**** Mr.Daffy Duck: B***h, if you even even think about putting your hands on me one more time I will pistol wipe you right up in in this courtroom and dare you to scream. Ms. Daffy: But baby, I LUV you! Daffy Duck: You do? Ms. Daffy Duck: You know I do, I've always loved you. Daffy Duck: But what about this guy named Jim Crow? Mrs. Duck: Who is Jim Crow? Daffy: I don't know, somebody said it. ********Daffy Duck lowers his pistol and wipes the tears from his eyes. His lawyer is so moved that he drops Daffy to the floor. While trying to get up, his wife again kicks him in his ass****** Mrs. Duck: No you didn't just pull a gun on me, you wrinkled mouth fool. Yeah, Mr Crow has been good to me. Not like you and your friends Porgy the Pig, Goofy and Elmer Fude. The crow flies straight. Ballif: Order in the court! ...Order in the court! Judge: What a mess, I don't know what Jim Crow has to do with any of this but the law says that you can't give a man a new asshole. Verdict for the Plantiff. *******The judge decides to give Ol'girl duck a little shout-out and calls her over to his bench***** Judge: Hey baby, you know you be looking good when you shake your tail feather. I'll tell you what, give me a call after sentencing and let's see if we can't make somebody jealous. Mrs. Daffy Duck: Really! Judge: Look my fine feathered friend. You know we are up in here in Thumper's Corner where we are at the mercy of Carey and Cynique's hands so I ain't really got to much to say about this but if history serves us right, Cynique will tell Carey to STFU and so I'll have to catch you on the flip-flop. Mrs. Duck: Bye baby. Judge: After while, Crocodile. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13270 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, January 08, 2009 - 02:12 pm: |
Well, you're at it again, Care-less. Putting your spin on things by distorting what I say. I'm attributing your habit of doing this to your denseness rather than your sharpness. I did NOT attempt to clean up the Jim Crow laws. I used them as an example of unjust laws. (MLK's whole passive resistence movement was based on disobeying unjust laws.) You can't seem to grasp an argument that offers examples to illustrate a point, and thinking in the abstract is certainly not your strong suit. Lady Justice is blind, and it doesn't matter whether I'm talking about a Jim Crow law or a military law or one that enables a beleagured governor to appoint a senator. Justice transcends the law. Blagojevich revealed on tape that he intended to award the Illinois senate seat to the highest bidder. In being guilty of doing this, the governor put himself in a position to have his authority challenged. And the Illinois senate's attempt to circumvent a law has to do with them wanting justice to prevail. And from your perch in Iowa, who the hell are YOU to anoint Burris? Just because YOU like him doesn't make him above reproach. And just because I criticize him doesn't mean I hate him. As for the other drivel you included in your post, you're really out of your mind if you think I'm going to waste my time reading it. |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1484 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, January 08, 2009 - 03:11 pm: |
Well Ms Sidestep, for your information, Illinois is my stomping ground. I think it would be safe for me to say that "I" know more about the state than you. Anyway, you are going to miss me when I am gone. That reminds me, I had told someone that I wasn't going to get in another battle with you but you just kept throwing salt on me. Not that it bothered in any way but I just wanted you to know that every closed eye ain't sleep. That reminds me of something else. You know I've been around several types of people. I love all types of personalities even though I do not generally hang with them or have much to say to them. In my journey, which has included a stay locked behind bars, I've developed a keen sense of someone bringing me something with a hidden agenda. I doubt that you will admit this but you mentioned my poetry and I don't think you did so to pat me on the back. So, if there is a poem you'd like to share or other remarks you would like to express to further express your distaste for me ...come on, make me and others laugh. You know you are a valued commodity to this board. I, for one, wouldn't trade you for all the garlic around your neck. I know there are those that do not like our exchanges. Well, at least my rebuttles to you. Li-Li has said they are somewhat disrespectful and carry a negative tone. But, hit me with your best shot. Yet be forewarned, it's a new year and I am up for the challenge. With a child's heart, I will play jump rope with you. As always, Love ...Carey . P.S. ....Come on, tell the truth, you read all of my post ...didn't you *LOL*. |
Thumper Veteran Poster Username: Thumper
Post Number: 726 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, January 08, 2009 - 06:59 pm: |
Hello All, Here's an article that I just got from The Huffington Post concerning Burris appearance in the hearing about his Senate post and how he got it. Turns out Burris LIED! Here's the link: Now, I really want the Senate to slow up seating that old fool. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13271 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, January 08, 2009 - 07:23 pm: |
Burris wants that senate seat so bad he can taste it. He does have the advantage over others who covet the position because he has no qualms about admitting his ambition. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13272 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, January 08, 2009 - 07:30 pm: |
No, Carry, I truly didn't read that long whatever it was that you put together. And, sorry, but you don't inspire me to poetry. Now, just run along and stop making a pest of yourself. BTW Li-Li's concern for my welfare was touching but unwarranted. I'm perfectly capable of brushing crumbs off my shoulder. |
Robynmarie Veteran Poster Username: Robynmarie
Post Number: 867 Registered: 04-2006
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, January 08, 2009 - 08:54 pm: |
Everyone in the Senate has ambition, why should Burris be any different? All 100 of them have made one deal or another to get to where they are. Seems like Burris is being held to another standard. Why didn't the Illinois legislature vote to have a special election to fill Obama seat? |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13274 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, January 08, 2009 - 09:15 pm: |
As I just conceded and as do a lot of other observers agree, that vacant senate seat was a prize many from Illinois had designs on. The reason a special election wasn't held was because Blagojevich co-opted the process by throwing a monkey wrench into the machinery, creating a situation that provided Burris with an opportunity to realize his ambitions. |
Thumper Veteran Poster Username: Thumper
Post Number: 727 Registered: 01-2004
Rating:  Votes: 4 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, January 08, 2009 - 10:39 pm: |
Hello All, First, Carey, some of those lines in your earlier post that you assigned to Cynique was mine, especially the one, "Burris is just an OLD FOOL who let his unrequited political ambition get the better of him. He's old, and he's NOT WISE." Now, Burris ham-ed it up for all it was worth because now he had nation wide attention. You all should hear my mother defend that old fool, "oh and how they turned him the rain". *rolling my eyes* Hell, he knew he was going to be turned away, they told him so. It was all in the news that they were going to turn him away because he didn't have all of the signatures. Burris knew this that why he filed suit in the Illinois State Supreme Court 12/31/08. But he showed up anyway, why, to have his badly prop Civil Rights Movement moment. What a fake cinematic moment!? There is this old black man, looking every bit like Timothy Churchmouse's granddaddy, stomping through the rain, no umberella (makes for a better picture), only to be told, get back you old black ____. your kind aint wanted here! And then the closeup of that old brown wrinkledy up face, all forlorn and wet so you can't tell his tears mixed up with the rain, as he leaves, head bent down, but all steel back because he's determine, he got righteousness on his side. Really, Carey, can't you hear strains of the music from the old TV movie, The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. I think that's the look Burris was going for when Cicely drank from the water fountain. Burris...what a card! He's hamming it up for all that its worth. All that old fool did was play on your sympathies. Cynique: What's up with your Rep Bobby Rush. Listen can you keep him out camera shots and away from all live mics. I saw him on Hardball and couldn't understand a word that man said. Well, except the ones that he repeated at least 50 times. Is he the cream of the crop in Illinois? |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 13275 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, January 09, 2009 - 01:14 am: |
Thanks for making the correction on that quote Carey attributed to me, Thumper. I didn't remember saying those things but, foolish me, I took Carey's word for it. As for Bobby Rush, as you may or may not know, in his wreckless youth he was a member of the Black Panther party, a thug who grew up in the ghetto and who did the whole gang and drug thing before becoming politicized. Over the years he evolved and opted to start working within the System, eventually running for and becoming elected to various Democratic offices. Then he got religion and in addition to being a law maker, he became a minister and formed a church that has many community outreach programs all of which exact heavy funding from grants and donations from fat cats seeking Rush's favor. Now in his 60s, he is recuperating from the cancer surgery which has caused his speech to be impaired. As far as I'm concerned, Rush is just another political wolf in sheep's clothing. He is self-serving and sanctimonious and did indeed back Obama's white opponent when he ran for senator the first time because according to rumor, Rush decided to throw his weight around and show Obama who was boss. From what I can deduce, Rush is more tolerated than beloved by Chicago's black community and this includse Jesse Jackson Jr, and Sr. When he complicated the picture by taking the stage and injecting race into this Blagojevich-Burris press conference, nobody was surprised. That's Bobby Rush's style. |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1488 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, January 10, 2009 - 06:42 pm: |
Hello Thumper, I have to agree that my boy Burris put on a great show even though I still do not believe it was contrived. I laughed at the exchange between you and your mother. Yes, it did have the feel of one of those old black and white movies like Cabin In the Sky but Timothy Churchmouse's Grandaddy *lol*. I don't know, you seem to be putting his actions on the same level of Jessie Jackson's tear drops and I don't think that's fair. I know what is is. See, you just have this thang against older people because even though you are close to getting your medicare card you want to stay in denial. Move away from the fear ...let it go. |