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Troy AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Troy
Post Number: 1499 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 10:44 am: |
Author Gets Removed from National Book Club Conference Relentless Aaron is removed from NBCC View here: From the News Department - Keeping You Informed The Urban Book Source When Relentless Aaron, the prominent and acclaimed author of more than 10 books, entered the NBCC (National Book Club Conference) in Atlanta, Georgia, he didn't know his presence would inspire chastising and a discourteous removal... |
Troy AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Troy
Post Number: 1500 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 11:12 am: |
When worlds collide... I'm friends with Relentless and actually went out my way to introduce him to Curtis. I don't know Curtis as well, but he seems like a righteous Brother. I'm disappointed this conflict developed. I can understand both Relentless' and Curtis' positions. However the situation could have been handled better (like most things). I actually have video of Relentless' setup. I took the video (which I will get on the web site one day) because I thought it was really slick how he setup a visually appealing display and engaged folks with seemingly little effort. I had not considered the organizers wold take offense, but in hindsight I could why they would. Personally I have nothing but praise for this year's National Book Club Conference. Relentless' presence, friend or not, did not bother me. I doubt if it bothers anyone else. There was another Brother hustling in a similiar fashion I shot of him too. The worlds of the book "hustlers" and the "professionals" will probably never reach an understanding. I just hope they coexisit without bringing each other down. While I'm on the subject of worlds colliding. Vickie Stringer Publisher of Triple Crown Publishing was a major sponsor of the National Book Club Conference. Everytime I hear Vickie speak she in some way apologizies for what she does. I wanna say, "Vickie, you are one of the largest Black independent publishers out there, PLEASE stop apologizing for it!" Vickie has come a long way, she should be proud of her accomplishments. More later... |
Chrishayden "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Chrishayden
Post Number: 7372 Registered: 03-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 11:32 am: |
I have seen people do this before. Walk in, set up their kit, start doing business without even asking the promoters of the event. If this is true, then Relentless Aaron was in the wrong. I will withhold my judgement until I learn more. Some guy calling himself Relentless Aaron--author of ten books (I never heard of him before. It could just be me)he is looking shaky from git... |
Thumper Veteran Poster Username: Thumper
Post Number: 637 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 12:07 pm: |
Hello All, I think the whole thing could have been avoided and there was wrong on both sides. I like Relentless Aaron but he was an uninvited guest. When Curtis Bunn said he could stay, I'm sure he did not mean for Relentless to sell his books and "do what he do", because in order to do that--he should have paid a vendor fee. I'm sure there were people who did there thing and rightfully paid the fee. But to sell books at another's event that you were not invited too, nor that you had permission to do is, frankly, disrespectful. It's like when you go to the barber shop or beauty shop, if someone comes in wanting to sell something to the patrons of the shop, he has to ask the owner. Its a matter of respect. And in an event like that, ANY ONE showing up and selling books and interviewing authors which they provided no financial means in getting the authors there, is basically on the same par as stealing. So, Relentless should have gotten Bunn's permission or paid the vendor's fee. On Bunn's side, there's always a way to talk to people. Now, Bunn should have taken Relentless aside and told him straight up that its cool for him to be there, but if he is selling his books or interviewing authors that the event paid to be there, then Relentless would have to pay a vendor's fee. Because if Bunn is in the business of making money, he would not have kicked out a potentially paying customer; thereby, establishing a cordial relationship with a published author. Bunn's reaction was too heavy handed for the occasion. Second, as far as his girlfriend is concerned, she was out of line. Now this makes him look sloppy because his right hand does not know what his left hand is doing. |
Ferociouskitty Veteran Poster Username: Ferociouskitty
Post Number: 431 Registered: 02-2008
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 12:12 pm: |
Troy, what exactly is Vicki Stringer apologizing for? |
Sisg Veteran Poster Username: Sisg
Post Number: 328 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 01:19 pm: |
Wow, i had no idea...i saw Relentless Aaron and his setup, and i just thought he was meant to be there, like there were other authors running around, hustling as well. I have to say that Curtis is a good guy, usually very accomodating, i can't view the video, so i will rest on that. |
A_womon AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: A_womon
Post Number: 2381 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 02:02 pm: |
I missed all of the drama too, Sisg! Well how fair is it for some authors to have to lay down $200 dollars for a vendors table to sell their books and another author just walk in and start selling? that's not right at all. Why would anyone feel they have the right to sell anything at someone else's event without express consent to do so? You should never just assume it's ok. Yes maybe Curtis could have been a little more diplomatic in the way he dealt with Aaron, but the same could be said of Aaron's approach as well. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 12802 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 03:27 pm: |
There's a word for "gypsies" like Restless Aaron; they are "squatters". Once it has been established that they are trespassing, they should just quietly fold their tents and move on. |
Emanuel Veteran Poster Username: Emanuel
Post Number: 648 Registered: 03-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, August 28, 2008 - 08:37 pm: |
What we have here is a failure to communicate. Make yourself at home means different things to different people. To some it means take off your shoes, watch TV but still ask if you can use the bathroom or get something from the fridge. To others, it means DO WHAT YOU DO AT HOME. GET NAKED. BURP. FART. SCRATCH YO ASS. To Relentless, I think it meant the latter. He hustles at home. The other issue is how Relentless was approached. Now I realize some people avoid conflict whenever possible but it is always better to go straight to the source. Instead of getting the authorities involved, Curtis should have pulled Aaron off to the side and explained that vendors must pay to display. Then Aaron could have decided if he wanted to stay or fold up his tent and go home. Unfortunately, many people simply don't have the courage to address others face to face. If Aaron knew a fee was required to set up, he was wrong. However, Curtis was just as wrong for not addressing him man to man. |
Troy AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Troy
Post Number: 1502 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, August 29, 2008 - 05:18 pm: |
Ferociouskitty, Vickie basically apologies for producing books that the literary establishment look down upon. I believe on some level she is seeking their validation... Regarding Relentless and others like him: First you must understand. A Relentless Aaaron does not think the same way most of us do. Ask yourself one simple question: Would you, while dining at a decent restaurnt, get up from your table and approach other diners in the middle of their meals and try to sell them a book? If you answer is "Yeah, that is a good idea". Then you understand how Relentless would have no problem setting up, nit in the area with the other book sellers but a "common" area in the hotel. Curtis did not have run of the entire hotel. Relentless set up in a separate area -- albeit step from the Ballroom entrance. If you answer is: "No, that is impolite" Then, you may understand how Curtis felt. Both felt they were right... |
Chrishayden "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Chrishayden
Post Number: 7380 Registered: 03-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, August 30, 2008 - 11:39 am: |
Ferociouskitty, Vickie basically apologies for producing books that the literary establishment look down upon. I believe on some level she is seeking their validation... (Big mistake. If she is ashamed of what she does she should stop. If any of these people she is trying to placate is putting any money in her pocket they can talk to her. Otherwise they don't mean squat) Ask yourself one simple question: Would you, while dining at a decent restaurnt, get up from your table and approach other diners in the middle of their meals and try to sell them a book? (No. I would catch them on their way out. Whenever I attend booksignings by other writers I don't sell books. I will bring free books to give away to the writers or any important persons. I don't want nobody stepping on my gig and don't step on theirs) |
Relentlessaaron First Time Poster Username: Relentlessaaron
Post Number: 1 Registered: 09-2008
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 02, 2008 - 10:58 am: |
Wow. I'm a gypsy now. Over 3 million dollars made in the past 5 years, over 1 million readers, a 3-picture deal with Bill Duke and praise from the absolute biggest media sources in the world, and I'm a gypsy? My INTENTION is to be disrespectful? And don't forget "shaky from the git because I have 10 books and because my name is Relentless? Forget the other 2 dozen books I wrote, right? I'm not sure you all know that I saw Curtis right after the breakfast was over. He came out. I felt funny about him not making money from my sales, so I approached him. I thanked him for the opportunity. And I OFFERED HIM MONEY. He turned it down! He said "NO PROBLEM!" Okay. Now that I got THAT off my chest, I just wanna sit back and feel like a gypsy today. Forget that I'm about to shoot the next segment of my new film. Forget that there's and auditionee waiting to be seen (sitting across from me waiting for me to finish this)... I just love feeling like a gypsy. Shaky. A con artist. Oh, and then there’s this latest review from the Library Journal. I wonder how much bigger this review will be if only they knew I was a GYPSY! Relentless Aaron. Single with Benefits -- Library Journal, 6/26/2008 10:03:00 AM Relentless Aaron. Single with Benefits. Griffin: St. Martin’s. Nov. 2008. 288p. ISBN 978-0-312-35937-9. pap. $14.95 F Verdict: For an incisive look at a man’s inner thoughts and feelings as he juggles multiple sexual encounters, look no further than Relentless Aaron’s (Extra Marital Affairs) new novel. In capturing the emotions of pure sexual release and introspective debates on being true to women, this author is unparalleled. As a bonus, the sexual scenes are a matchless combination of sensuality and naughtiness. Background: Shawn Hopkins, a 19 year old intent on achieving success, has fallen hard for Venus, who flaunts a Caribbean woman’s sensual attitude. Although vexed, Shawn reluctantly agrees to share space with Allison, a girlfriend of Venus who needs time away from her man. But temptation soon arises, and Shawn enters not one, two, or three, but five sexual relationships, as well as enjoying a threesome with Venus and Allison and mixing work with pleasure by sleeping with his boss, a wealthy client, and a wealthy client’s administrative assistant. As he becomes financially successful, Shawn ponders to which woman he wants to commit forever but fails to notice the warning signs of romantic disaster. The morality lesson here: being played can dampen the pleasures of the bedroom. Inhale... exhale. Wow. That feels redeeming. Lemme try that again. Ahhh... okay. lemme get back to work. I'm very poor these days. Hungry too. |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1099 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 02, 2008 - 11:24 am: |
THAT'S WHAT AM TALKIN' BOUT!!!! Yawl can get out from under your chairs and pick up your lips. The man stepped out from his busy day to lay y'all OUT. What y'all got to say now! Huh, the man is in the room. Ain't so easy now....what, PC broke? The man has taken his thang to a higher place and some knuckleheads can't give it up. Yes sir, what about a time called NOW. What ya got to say now. I am sure the blasts will come in all directions but hey, I ain't the one, don't shift it or cloud it. The man obviously loves to express himself and will stand on his. The question is.....what are you standing on? There's a stratchline. The man done come up in Thumper's Corner with a bold stride, will the room get light, will pairs of "light balls" run for cover? Lawdy-Lawdy, what about a time called now? The man is RELENTLESS....looks like he nows something about the game as well.....I applaud! Thanks Relentless, we needed that. |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1100 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 02, 2008 - 11:40 am: |
Excuse me, I was wrong for taking a bold swipe across the board. Many expressed insightful opinions. But in defense of myself, I smelled haters in the room, they know who they are. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 12815 Registered: 01-2004
Rating:  Votes: 2 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, September 02, 2008 - 12:22 pm: |
Am I supposed to be coweringing a corner? Puleeze. I didn't hear relentless whosits denying that he was a squatter. You are so easily impressed, Carey.  |
Chrishayden "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Chrishayden
Post Number: 7388 Registered: 03-2004
Rating:  Votes: 1 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 03, 2008 - 12:24 pm: |
Wow. I'm a gypsy now. Over 3 million dollars made in the past 5 years, over 1 million readers, a 3-picture deal with Bill Duke and praise from the absolute biggest media etc. (I finally got one of your books. If you spent as much time on your writing as you do on the relentless self promotion, you'd be another John Edgar Wideman-- I ain't mad at ya, though. You are definitely playing the game. Maybe if you can get a beef going with 50 Cent or get shot five or six times, you will be a genuine celebrity as big as you think you is. If you don't toot your own horn, who else is gonna do it. |
A_womon AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: A_womon
Post Number: 2383 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 03, 2008 - 01:32 pm: |
Great success does not mean you are allowed to run roughshod over people, behave however you feel, and do whatever you want whenever you want. People that do this ( yes even successful ones) do not remain at the top for very long. Not saying that you feel this was because I don't know you. But from the tone of your post and what went on at the event--it appears that this is how you feel |
Chrishayden "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Chrishayden
Post Number: 7390 Registered: 03-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, September 03, 2008 - 02:07 pm: |
The Relentless One on AALBC |
Troy AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Troy
Post Number: 1506 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 04, 2008 - 12:11 am: |
A_womon, while it may sound good to say, and feel good to believe, the reality is that many people (perhaps most) who "run roughshod over people" actually are very "successful" and know that success until their dying day. Examples of such people are so numerous, mentioning them would be staing the obvious. Chrishayden which book of Relentless did you read? Just curious. Have your read Michael Baisden's first book? It was self published in 1995: Never Satisfied: How and Why Men Cheat. Most in the industry trashed the quality of the book. However women loved it. And Michael knows how to self promote. The industry is full of folks like this. Relentless is to John Edgar Wideman as Vicki Stringer is to Toni Morrison. The physcial output is the same, but they are really in two different businesses. The NBCC controversy aside, Relentless is doing very well in his business. |
A_womon AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: A_womon
Post Number: 2384 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 04, 2008 - 11:05 am: |
Troy And the numbers of people who have fallen off the pinnacle of success due to arrogance and a disregard for others are just as numerous and too many to name also |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1112 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 04, 2008 - 11:31 am: |
A_womon You know you are my girl but I have to stand with Troy on this one and wholeheartedly disagree with your last statement. Arrogance IMO, seldom if ever leads someone to failure. It's a tag other give to them. The "arrogance" other see may be passion or confidence if looked at it from a different prespective, in this case, the person in question. As Troy mentioned, the list of those that fall into this lineup are to many to mention but I'll just start near the top...Donald Trump, Warren Buffit, George Bush, the list goes on and on. We may not like what these people bring to the table but I doubt arrogance and a disregard for others will be the onus for their fall.....when and if that happens. The road that RELENTLESS is traveling is uncommon for some but I truely think lessons for success can be obtained if one does not close their eyes and worry about an image......their own false image and what they "think" others feel about them. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 12826 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 04, 2008 - 11:47 am: |
In other words, - "nice guys finish last". |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1114 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 04, 2008 - 12:20 pm: |
Wellllll..... In the right place at the right time, Cynique, the phrase (nice guy) has some merit. Now I don't think anyone is advocating a complete disregard of others or implying that someone should pull down their pants and show their naked ass but in the context of this discussion I doubt if someones arrogance or rudeness will be the elements that tips the apple cart. |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 12828 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 04, 2008 - 03:38 pm: |
I wasn't being judgmental when I say that "nice guys finish last". In a dog-eat-dog world, the Rottweiler has a better chance of prevailing than the Beagle. |
904diva Regular Poster Username: 904diva
Post Number: 36 Registered: 06-2008
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 04, 2008 - 03:58 pm: |
Guess I'll throw in my little 2 cents. From a Promotions POV, totally wrong. I did promotions for a radio station and we hosted the HBCU Homecoming every year. Well, people paid to have a space there to sell their goods. But of course, you had people trying to get their hustle on and sell their goods without paying. Is it wrong? YES! And if he's a professional with all of these books and movie deals and a millionaire, why didn't he just pay the money up front like everyone else? After all, he's the MAN, he knows how these things work, since he has all these books and such. This couldn't have possibly been the first event he attended. I'm not hatin and am glad he's making it. But pulease, you know how it goes if you've been in the game. Yes, it could have been handled better, but Relentless was wrong, dead wrong! Why does he get a free booth to sell his books and everyone else has to pay? |
Yvettep AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Yvettep
Post Number: 3167 Registered: 01-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 04, 2008 - 04:12 pm: |
I think he mentioned above that he offered to pay but that his offer was declined. If this is so, does that change anyone's opinion? *shrug* At any rate, could be more folks have heard about this event because of this controversy than would have otherwise. Again, if that is so, then perhaps the NBCC needs Relentless Aaron more than he needs the NBCC? |
Relentlessaaron Newbie Poster Username: Relentlessaaron
Post Number: 2 Registered: 09-2008
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 04, 2008 - 05:09 pm: |
We must all understand the walk of some people like to truly know what they're made of. Comments used like "I don't know you" and "it appears that this is how you feel" are but the foundation of ASSUMPTION. And as the man said in the movie: "Assumption is the mother of all F___k-ups" I maintain that misunderstandings are only cleared up with communication. So, for these event organizers (again) to once and then TWICE endorse my presence and my actions is to welcome me to be "all that I can be." I wasn't aware of any registration fees, other vendors, or even any unwritten "code of conduct" that few on this board seem to imply. All I know is give respect, get respect back. To say I enjoy walking all over people is to say that I don't know Karma. Or that I'm not aware of it. And I might not go so far as another to say you are knuckleheads, but simply NOT CLEAR about my agenda, who I am, and what my mot righteous heart dictates. But, everywhere I go, and everything I do draws and attracts hate. That's just the way it is. We would not know DAY, if there was no night. We wouldn't understand it. We couldn't ever embrace it. It is only when we're faced with those new realities (such as Relentless entering a room) that we are made to question what is right, wrong or sideways about "what he's doing." And anyone who still doesn't understand, or who still sees things from that sole perspective is just "caught up" in their own belief systems of what is and isn't right, wrong or in between. You must also read docs relative to Willie Lynch AND Napoleon! You must know the truth of a slacker, AND a hater. You must've traveled across the line to the "perfect household" as well as into the projects where dramas perpetuate. People like these will always have hate in their hearts (something like what we see in so-called 'Jesus-freaks'). These folks see what they wanna see, how they wanna see it, and anyone who doesn't agree can go straight to hell. And that is not necessarily right or wrong,, it just IS. I accept people for what they are, regardless of their way of life, how or what they think. I live and let live. Period. That's my way. To call me arrogant because I'm successful? Okay, whatever. Have your assumptions. So long as you know they have no baring on reality or the powerful human life force behind my actions, then I'm fine with it. "Say what you want, just spell my name right." Oh, BTW (because I'm 'falling off' and because I'm likely to 'not remain at the top for very long' I guess the deal I just agreed upon with Rev Ralph Abernathy's people was a waste of time. I guess the (tiny) agreement I just arranged with the Starbucks people "A Relentless Weekend @ Starbuck's" was a bad business move being that I've fallen off and that I won't be on top very long. Gee, if I only believed in the hate more than I do these handshakes and my own personal power,, I could be SO MISERABLE! OH! Forgot to mention, Atlanta's biggest attorney (it's a she, and 'she' is black) just invited me to her home on Friday. I'll be sure to ask her advice on how I should handle 'falling off' and how I should be ready to be buried since I'm (I guess) dying? Maybe I should invite some of these haters (not encouragers) to join me Friday?! You know,in all my day-to-day misery, I still manage to contribute to the lives of others: today-huh/ And then, of course, there are the INCREDIBLE reviews that highlight my SUPREME talent (no matter what ONE reader thinks Guess I won't be a great writer after all! T-hee, t-hee) "In true Aaron style, the plot flies, the narration is unflinching and there are some hilarious scenes. Aaron doesn’t bring anything new to his game with this one, but he plays it like a pro. (Nov.)" The reset of the review: for those who don't believe: Love you guys; HATERS TOO! join me on urban lit universe: |
Nom_de_plume Veteran Poster Username: Nom_de_plume
Post Number: 141 Registered: 07-2006
Rating:  Votes: 3 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, September 04, 2008 - 10:18 pm: |
Lawd, Kola done got a new boyfriend on this blick. LOL |
A_womon AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: A_womon
Post Number: 2386 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 05, 2008 - 07:30 am: |
Oh whatever relentless. I don't care about who you have dinner with. Assumption the mother of all F-UPs hunh? You mean like you ASSUMED you could just barge into an event flash a little dough and do as you please. Unh hunh, yeah I get it now. I have had the pleasure of meeting, having dinner with and getting exceptional advice from a couple of other well-known authers who have made the same kinds of deals you have and have had two, three, even four books optioned for movies. And they were very gracious, caring, generous, individuals. So much for the theory that nice guys finish last. So now what? And a couple of these people I am happy to call my friends now. And just because someone disagrees with you on something does NOT make them a hater. Before you posted here, I used to admire your tenacity and the fact that you went from prison to brokering 6 figure deals. In fact I'm not even trying to diminish your success here. But success in one area does not make you RIGHT NO MATTER WHAT you do! And I STILL don't know you, ok? So I can draw whatever conclusions I like from the tone of your post. That's not the same as assuming since I'm basing my opinions on YOUR WORDS. Thank you. |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1119 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 05, 2008 - 07:54 am: |
OH NO, Nom, *lol* haven't you been looking at the weather channel. The coast has been catching hell. There's another storm in the Atlantic.....their calling it Ike.....are you a weather forecaster? If not you should might have named the next hurricane. I am old school and although I thought some were hating on Relentless (I still do) I have to say he's now jumped the fence and played himself. I am not saying he's not going to do all the things he's aspiring to do but the boy is talking like he got big money. You can always tell when a man ain't used to money..."real money", they show it or talk about it. He's playin' himself like a rookie.... a greenhorn. People can smell "new" money and if he thinks going to Atlanta and talking with "A-BIG-BLACK-ATLANTA-ATTORNEY" is something to shout about ...I wonder if he knows anything about BIG BANK take little bank. IMO ... and I've been somewhere...the man is showing his hold card. The man has game but he appears to be lacking in class. Yawl know I have no problem speaking my mind and I think ol'boy might want to consider lowing his flag. He's cool and everything but......BUT he "appears" to be new on the money tree....he appears to be a low branch and thus easy to pluck....hey, he's talkin' about....he's showing it! Old School Slogan: If everyone knows what you are doing, you ain't doing something right. Aaron: Back that train up a little my brotha. You know game....that's obvious...DIS GAME...not hate...GAME! |
Sisg Veteran Poster Username: Sisg
Post Number: 330 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 05, 2008 - 10:11 am: |
WHEW! This is making my head hurt...really, smh... low blow - calling anyone on this board "a knucklehead" just because they don't agree with how things were handled at the NBCC. (yeah-yeah i know you didn't say it, but you surely implied it) Like A_womon said, we met,hung with, dined with are good friends...many wealthy, and well-known writers, with movie deals and such, nobody's hating on you for making it...quite the contrary. These long diatribes about how you are up there don't prove anything really, don't excuse your actions before, nor your actions now, they only make it clear to the rest of us...that you got a really BIG HEAD. LOL, man, i said i wasn't gonna speak on this...i had already deleted a post 2 days ago...cuz y'all know i really can't stand no mess, but after reading this last i vomited in my mouth...and that's bad. -oh and btw i seriously hate HATERS, don't drink HATERADE, and have nothing to do with HATERATION...word is bond on that. He that is of the opinion money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything for money. Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790) |
Chrishayden "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Chrishayden
Post Number: 7393 Registered: 03-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 05, 2008 - 10:58 am: |
Chrishayden which book of Relentless did you read? Just curious. (The book was Triple Threat. One of the main characters was a female and he told her story in the first person--pretty hard to do for a male anyway, but in this case, it really wasn't convincing--tough. It was one of them what I call New Crime novels--it was amusing but the man ain't no Donald Goines, Iceberg Slim or Chester Himes--then again they had really been criminals. I think also some of the problem may be in that the man is writing so many books in such a short time--one of my heroes, who wrote them Shadow novels under the name I believe Maxwell Grant, wrote two 60,000 word novels a month for several years--but they were basically the same novel and the audience was not too discriminating. Aaron's fans seem to like him |
Chrishayden "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Chrishayden
Post Number: 7394 Registered: 03-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 05, 2008 - 11:12 am: |
Oh, BTW (because I'm 'falling off' and because I'm likely to 'not remain at the top for very long' I guess the deal I just agreed upon with Rev Ralph Abernathy's people was a waste of time. (The LATE Rev. Ralph Abernathy? The same one who violated the corpse of Rev King, alleging that he had sex with three women the night before he was killed? I shudder to think what kind of deal you have with them) I guess the (tiny) agreement I just arranged with the Starbucks people "A Relentless Weekend @ Starbuck's" was a bad business move being that I've fallen off and that I won't be on top very long. Gee, if I only believed in the hate more than I do these handshakes and my own personal power,, I could be SO MISERABLE! (Haw! I bet you wish you were one of us so you could look upon yourself directly instead of having to use a mirror) Love you guys; HATERS TOO! (Well, I AM a hater and one of those crabs-in-the-barrell Negroes, too--but I agonize over it sometimes for 10 -20 minutes at a time sometimes- but you still got a little ways to go before you get on my HATE list. Kat Williams sez that if you ain't got at least 20 people hating on you at a time you ain't doing nothing. |
Jackie Veteran Poster Username: Jackie
Post Number: 622 Registered: 04-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 05, 2008 - 03:14 pm: |
Aaron : I wasn't aware of any registration fees, other vendors, or even any unwritten "code of conduct" that few on this board seem to imply. wah wah wah Aaron ! My god. C'mon Aaron, now what seasoned author/writer/publisher/editor whose been in the book industry not be aware that there has to be some type of registration, vendor fees etc for these type of events ? |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1120 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 05, 2008 - 03:15 pm: |
*lol*.....really *LOL* @ Sisgal & A-womon. Having spoken with both of them I know what it takes to get them started and I had to laugh when Sisgal "finally" decided to post and leave it there. I was the first one to use "knucklehead" but I "think" I used it in a different fashion ....anyway, this thread has been interesting ....and funny . I was going to jump in and tell A_womon not to let "A_WOMON" out. You guys know what I am talking about. She's working on a softer image *lol*. Sisgal I am surprised @ beat-up ol'boy pretty good (FAT HEAD ) ......I guess you had to let that vomit go somewhere. Stop stirring up mess *wink* |
A_womon AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: A_womon
Post Number: 2387 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 05, 2008 - 03:26 pm: |
LOLLOLOLOLOL @ Carey!!!! Lee sisg alone! |
Emanuel Veteran Poster Username: Emanuel
Post Number: 650 Registered: 03-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 05, 2008 - 03:55 pm: |
Like my family says in the south, 'I knowed Relentless would come up in here and set the record straight.' |
Nom_de_plume Veteran Poster Username: Nom_de_plume
Post Number: 143 Registered: 07-2006
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 05, 2008 - 07:25 pm: |
LOL Carey, I too tried to stay outta this one, but it is an amusing thread. Ain't nobody on THIS board thinkin bout them ghetto ass stupid fuckin books for real. Publishers Weekly and Library Journal are all for talking about that niggerature because it helps booksellers make money off the philistines who buy them. Duh. We likes *literature* 'round these here parts. LOL |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1125 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 05, 2008 - 07:41 pm: |
Actually Nom, after reading Emanuels post about Dante's book (other thread) I was thinking about tippin' out and grabbing a copy .....I am trying to move from Player to Mack and just thought it might tighten my game. I was thinking what I was going to eat tonight and I still can't find "chicken-heads" on any menu ...ouch ....I know there are evil minds around here and that could be flipped ... but am going to let it ride . |
Nom_de_plume Veteran Poster Username: Nom_de_plume
Post Number: 144 Registered: 07-2006
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 05, 2008 - 08:08 pm: |
BWAH! I'm just being an asshole, but I can't knock his hustle. And I can't resist a scandalous read from time to time myself (cuz I LUHS me some K'Wan!!). I have a copy of one of his books that I got at BEA two years ago but haven't read it yet, it's called Extramarital Affairs or somesuch. You should get Faith's book! That's "ringin lots of bells out in da skreetz". LOL |
Emanuel Veteran Poster Username: Emanuel
Post Number: 651 Registered: 03-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 05, 2008 - 08:09 pm: |
Hey Carey, You should check out "The Mystery Method" by Mystery. He is mentioned often in Neil Strauss's "The Game," which is a nonfiction book on how Strauss became a pickup artist. "The Mystery Method" is a how-to book. I got a lil customer review of the book up on Amazon somewhere. |
Libralind2 AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Libralind2
Post Number: 1098 Registered: 09-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 05, 2008 - 08:57 pm: |
My grandsons (21 & 23) love your work..Relentless LiLi |
Troy AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Troy
Post Number: 1516 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 05, 2008 - 09:30 pm: |
I may have lost my NBCC video featuring Relentless Aaron's set up. In one day I lost my main computer's harddrive AND I have to restore my laptop from June 28. So right now my National Book Club Confernece videos are gone Both machines should be backed up, but I won't be able to retreive the backup until my main computer is back up which won;t be for another week!!! This is too much for one man to do...(smile). "If everyone knows what you are doing, you ain't doing something right." True Dat! "if you ain't got at least 20 people hating on you at a time you ain't doing nothing." Double True Dat |
Ferociouskitty Veteran Poster Username: Ferociouskitty
Post Number: 443 Registered: 02-2008
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Friday, September 05, 2008 - 11:49 pm: |
Not niggerature, Nom! *weeping, giggling* |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1127 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, September 06, 2008 - 01:13 am: |
.....Hold up my BRUHHHH-THUURRRS.... NOM ..Emanuel ...I was only kidding myself. I ain't trying to be an Ol'Skuul pimp *lol*. On the real ....I might peek at the book if it was layin' around. I know the vibe is ....ahhh, Ho-ish s**t but I will bet there's some ...SOME ....pull-ups in there. Aside from the Myso ...ahhh ....what's that big word Kitty likes to use ....Mysogany ....okay, aside from that tone, I think ol'boy might have something to say. Would I want my children learning their ABC .....Birds and Bees from this book ...nope! But I'd venture to say none of us are experts on what makes another stay .....or "lay"! Hey, hoodrats and chickenheads need love too...."Who'll take the man with the skinny legs" (ol'school jam). I personally do not read Zane or E-Lynn ...nope, don't do it. As Kitty said, "what's the point". Have I watched a skin flick ....yes sir... |
Chrishayden "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Chrishayden
Post Number: 7404 Registered: 03-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, September 06, 2008 - 10:26 am: |
Ain't nobody on THIS board thinkin bout them ghetto ass stupid fuckin books for real. (I like 'em if they are good. I liked "The Coldest Winter Ever". And I like their progenitors, Chester Himes, Donald Goines, and Iceberg Slim (was not Native Son a fine art rendering of same? Featuring murder, rape, weird sex, gangstas?) |
Relentlessaaron Newbie Poster Username: Relentlessaaron
Post Number: 4 Registered: 09-2008
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, September 06, 2008 - 03:45 pm: |
Funny comments. So at her mansion last night (the lawyer) I was thinking about how funny it was that she ASKED me to go out to my van to get my books. My insides hollered for real, having just been through this nonsense at NBCC. I say to her, "Well, your house party really isn't about me. And considering that 'some people' tend to think I step over the line--" She says: "Don't be foolish!" And hand-in-hand (she's single/coincidentally/and FINE) we stroll thru her long-ass oval driveway, past all the luxury car and such, and while she's selling me (totally) on becoming a partner with her, I'm inhaling and exhaling, telling myself this shit is not REAL! But then, isn't this what's been happening all along? The deals, the press, the etcetera? I laughed at A_womon trying to measure up another author to me. We are all individuals, and should not be measured against one another. Because someone got an option for a film, and because you’ve had words with them, that means WHAT? That was a gas. Thanks. I needed the laugh. And I’ll have to ignore the niggerature comment, since the commenter obviously never read into any substantial amount of my books. And (for the record) the Abernathy name is very relevant down here. Named one of the thruways after him, streets, etc. How many of those are named after you? And as far as playing myself, you’re right. I’m a pauper. Never was interested in the money itself—sorry if it seems that way or if my videos or audio contradict. If my bills are paid and if I’m eating and if the kids are good, I’m good. Sometimes I can’t help the class-less, “rapper-braggart” in me. I may create a video just because I wanna vent, and even then I don’t talk about bling, just accomplishment. Well, there was the quarter-mil, Oops… So (I digress), at the van, while I'm pulling books out, the credit card machine and the laptop (with the Powerpoint presentation), it's not just this woman's energy, beauty and conversation about being Willie Gary's Apprentice, and the NBA players she reps and yadda, yadda, yadda. What's killing me (and sucking me in-big time) is this pristine night; the moon, the otherwise quiet mansion-lined street. Even in the dark I could imagine the grass of every lawn was manicured by lawnmowers with vanity plates. Wow. How did a little cracker-jack from Mount Vernon end up here? But then, just 20 months earlier I was getting the same sort of full treatment by a white couple; (a WalMart success story) at their San Diego mansion at the top of the hill with the vanishing pools, theaters and the joyful golden retriever. (Damn-gotta get that video posted.) But, in all of this illusion that I experienced some 16 hours ago, I had to be the one wondering if the hip hop being played in her back yard wasn't too much. When I asked, she said (however humbly) I’m president of the block association. Me: "Gulp" Her assistant (who likes to go shopping for her) later tells me: "…And most everybody is on her payroll, anyway. So, who's gonna argue?" Then having a look at some video, photos in her home, I realize that this beautiful woman had done a WHOLE lot of entertaining in the past ten years at this address. BTW: Even after I shared my books (more than I'd sell on a good day in Harlem), my powerpoint and my story, I did manage to take some video and pics of my own. The video is one of the latest uploads on RBAN LIT UNIVERSE. and the pics are in one of the latest blogs. (Same place) One day I gotta stop sharing info with people! Originally, it was to simply document my walk through life since I'm always finding myself in the most UNPREDICTABLE places with the most amazing people, usually doing things that are unheard of or unmatched. Plus, the jealousy just oozes from the noses of haters (if that’s you, wear it!)because all haters smell (personally) probably stinks. But they still wake up the next day with mud on the brain, wantin to battle the champ. T-hee, T-hee. Losers. My friend, Henry "Perks" Perkins tells me all the time (on the phone or in person) "You gotta stop sometimes and pat yourself on the back. If you don't, nobody else will" And, although I don't go out blingin on the town, the promoter in me has to do the wrapped truck and the street-corner circus-act, because I know that writing doesn't equal marketing doesn't equal success. So people will twist reality (or try to), because they have fingers to type with and a mouth-uncontrolled. But ABC News drawing the line between me and Kanye West was probably right on point. And I wear that proudly. I'm bragging and I’m making black history EVERYDAY. Eat that! BTW: when you try and measure up to a champ, have champ-like accomplishments to compete with. And if not that, at least have an effin title. Something. But you run your mouth, you use an alias, plus what you say is not relevant in the big picture. 3 strikes. Lay down. Don’t come in the ring with me. You loose; on every level. Naturally, who might respond to this post (and take it personally) fits the shoes. So, g’wan. Meanwhile, I’m sure you know the song: “Yes, there were times, I’m sure you knew When I bit off more than I could chew. But through it all, when there was doubt, I ate it up and spit it out. I faced it all and I stood tall; And did it my way” No need to mention the singer. Let’s just say he and I both have A LOT in common. And one of them thangs is haters! Word. |
Nom_de_plume Veteran Poster Username: Nom_de_plume
Post Number: 148 Registered: 07-2006
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, September 06, 2008 - 03:52 pm: |
LMFAO @ Kanye West! Yeah, that sounds about right. I ain't mad, brah!!! I'm just fuckin with you. So tell me - you've written TONS of books and I do recall Push being very, very popular. Is St. Martins after you to publish the others or are you keeping them to yourself so you can eat without their hands in the pot? You'll continue to write for them and keep your backlist as that or write more under your own company as well? Nothing wrong with coming on here to brazenly defend yourself. At least you participate!! LOL |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1137 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, September 06, 2008 - 09:19 pm: |
Quite a guy ...quite a guy. The man has nuts ...that's for sure. Through all the splash and dash he addressed a few thangs that said he realized some of his errors. He said ....he admitted his "class thang" was in need of a little repair, although he qualified it by saying it's his background but still, I give him props on that one. Ol'boy has passion ...yes sir ....saleman too. I ain't knockin' the brother, however I would advise him to put some skirts on his thang. Lets be real, some who may have been considering reading his stuff might be turned off by him ...and not his work ...I think he will agree with that. You know, the old "hate the player " thang. He's a player ...he's rollin' ...when he sharpens his game he's going to be a monster. I hope he doesn't get complacent and think he has arrived ...I wish him well. That ...books in the ride thang kind of made me pause ...that just didn't fit the picture know ...upscale neighborhood ...fine women ... Benz...Colt 45 & books in trunk *LOL* I wish him well |
Nom_de_plume Veteran Poster Username: Nom_de_plume
Post Number: 152 Registered: 07-2006
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, September 06, 2008 - 11:45 pm: |
He can get hazed, he be aight...Lord knows since our girl left it's been pretty quiet round here. LOL |
Cynique "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Cynique
Post Number: 12839 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, September 07, 2008 - 12:22 pm: |
The song whose lyrics Relentless Aaron quoted is "My Way" and it was written for and made famous by ol blue-eyes Frank Sinatra a/k/a "the chairman of the board." I didn't have to google this because I go way back with Sinatra and am a big fan of his singing. Profession-wise, he ranks with the best. His personal life, however, was stormy and checkered, and intimates describe his temper tantrums as being on a par with a 10-year old. "My Way" has understandably become an anthem for anybody who takes great pride in doing as he or she pleases. |
Relentlessaaron Newbie Poster Username: Relentlessaaron
Post Number: 5 Registered: 09-2008
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, September 07, 2008 - 05:50 pm: |
Yes, I plan to ride the wave of the "placement" received from the major publishers in the major book chains, but I'm not fool enough to believe that my ish can't turn obsolete if I don't maintain momentum. So, when I come down from one slam dunk, best believe I'm trying to grab that same ball as if it missed, then going for a lay-up, then grabbing it again, jetting for a shot at the foul-line. And then, it's about repeating that sequence over and again like I'm the g-dammed energizer bunny. A lot of lost time to make up for; even though I din waste THAT time. Still, there's just so much to do to be that Gordon Parks of this Genneration (or the next). God Bless the legend. Meanwhile, thanks for the clarity on FS. Definitely me. Kanye too. The Singer, the rapper and the writer. Except, get ready, because I sing and I can rap too! Hey, WHY NOT!? Would Paul Robeson do what I do? maybe not; but her sure woore as many hats. So lemme let it swing for a min. Somehow, I'll find where I'm most comfortable. Somehow, it will all make sense. Next subject? Hey fam... I'm shooting a film here in ATL. I recorded a sound clip, part of the shoot.Tell me what you think. |
A_womon AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: A_womon
Post Number: 2388 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 08, 2008 - 07:25 am: |
LOLOLOLOL!! HAHHAHAAHAHAHAHA! Thank you for the laughs too, relentless. And for the last time--I ain't hatin on your success. So what I got an And gettin in the ring with you? We barely shadowboxed cuz I ain't in the mood to throw any real punches these days. But uh ruh, please don't tempt me.HAHAHHAHA! AHHHHHH gwan ahead an' roll around in the smell of your success.Oh yes, it can definitely smell up the place too! Who cares, really? Your success doesn't add or subtract one iota from the destiny that awaits me. And trust and believe what ever measure of success God (yes, he's most definitely in control) allows me to enjoy...I will be MOST content. Bye now. |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1140 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 08, 2008 - 09:35 am: |
Oh lawdy ...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE A-WOMON, DON'T ...Don't let her out!'ve been doing good ...I put in my glass eye and I don't want to see that ...I just ground some fresh coffee and put on Miles Davis's "Kind Of Blue" ...I ain't ready for his "Bitches Brew" ...Don't come out of retirement like Roy Jones Jr ...Shadowboxin' is cool ...But Please Please Please don't step on my blue suede shoes ...Sisg bit the apple but ...Hold on ...Hold on *lol* I know Relentless called you out but fools go where wise men tread not. Hey, I am going to steal a little something from Bundini Brown, Ali's corner man, "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, Be humble baby humble"! |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1141 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 08, 2008 - 10:31 am: |
Hello You guys know I try to say on the side of the issue ...I will cut anyone that I feel is showing their ass or is on the other side of an issue ...done done it several times ...Troy,Thump,Chris, Cyn-Cyn,Ntsf,Kitty,Yvette,Crystal,A-Womon,Rondell,Tonya, Li-Li,Emanuel,Nels,Sisg etc...Sure, we all have favorites and tend to give them a little pass but I've boxed with everyone on the board ...yes sir ...I said all that to say Relentless has showed his ass a few times and I've been trying to ...ahh ...give the brotha a "get out of jail free card"...But damn, he's workin my patience. I've been trying to give the boy a little game but he ain't tryin' to listen ...Well, if he is he ain't showing it. If that last post is any indication of his writing skills or his abilty to tell a good story ...he's lacking ....he should be in comedy ....Really, that mess was beatup! I know we can be hard on "visitors" ...yawl can be mean! Yawl ran ol'Deciple up out of here like he stole something and I liked what he had to say ...he had game. But back to Lusterless ...That boy don't believe fat meat is greasy ...His self-image is one of a player but he's playing the wrong record IMO ...I guess he wasn't listening when I said never to play another mans game ...He came into a room full of PHD's and professional writers ...Yale and Harvard grads ...Publishers and published writers ...Nom_De_Plumes....intelligent lurkers ...instigators *smile* and dropped that mess. His stuff was entertaining for sure but.... I've been moved by many posts on this board ...Sisgal was moved and ran to the bathroom. I am sorry, ol'boy moved me to write this post, I ain't hatin, am just saying... Today it's raining outside "I am going to sit right down and write myself a letter and make believe it came from" ...Defenseless Relentless "Clueless" Sir Aaronness ...He's doing it ...Troy said he's doing quite well but am just saying..... |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1145 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 08, 2008 - 01:43 pm: |
You know, I feel kind of bad talking behind Relentless ...talking around him. But it's obvious he read this so I'd like to offer him something. I've never done this before but what the Fk ...He's a bold player and I assume he would welcome the challenge. Mr. Relentless, I know I've got my joke on and have played with your name and such but I feel you know I am just doing my thang. Would you be open for a little one-on-one exchange ...huh...BET? |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1146 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 08, 2008 - 01:56 pm: |
Relentless: Before you walk away or answer, consider this. As you well know (and you're good at it) publicity comes in all flavors. I promise I will not attack you or try to make you look foolish. I was thinking more of a Thumper's Corner interview type thang know, clear the air type thang. I personally feel that what you have shared with us was rooted in the same vain as you mentioned ...your "show time" van and your passion for salemanship. So my brotha, my hand is extended ...Bet? |
A_womon AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: A_womon
Post Number: 2389 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 08, 2008 - 02:19 pm: |
I have to admit Carey. This is a very interesting proposal. Are you saying you'd like Relentless to meet you in the chatroom here at thumper's or in one of the moderated venues where anyone who wanted to could quiz him? I would definitely attend... |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1147 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 08, 2008 - 04:15 pm: |
Hello A_womon Thanks for your reply. Yes, here in Thumper's Corner. I don't think it would be fair to Relentless to open it to a barrage of questions. Given the atmosphere that sometimes happens on this board I don't think Obama could even of should even be invited to that kind of party and he(Obama)does "it" on a regular basis. But of course this is a discussion board and as Yvette pointed out we are a mixed bag of intelligence and my hope would be that we'd all respect the fact that Aaron would sit in and chat and reserve any comments until a later time. It would definitely be a couragous thing for him to do and I'd hope that we'd treat him with respect ...that same respect we would desire if we went to his house. But A_womon your mention of a chat "room" much like Thumper used to host is interesting, I never thought of that, Thump is the man. Thanks A_womon! |
Relentlessaaron Newbie Poster Username: Relentlessaaron
Post Number: 6 Registered: 09-2008
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 08, 2008 - 09:03 pm: |
Sounds fun, but I'mbusy shooting a film editing another,and now I've agreed to shoot this reality show for "she"; ya'know, the woman in the Georgia mansion? Not to mention the broadcasts I program and that I'm finishing my last original of my 14-book deal with St Martin's Press. I have virtually no social life now because of this workload, but one of these days... Meanwhile, the exchanges here, and on UBS were merely to keep my fangs sharp while I had idle time between actress auditions here in Ga. Interesting to see how much (you say) intelligence is in the room. *Wondering to myself if that's putting bread on the table, or if it's merely satisfying to share ideas, and uhh (in some cases) ego. I've come to realize having so much intelligence and not being heard or not being financed, or respected on any substantial forum can be Phyrric. Irrelevant,even. So, other than stopping through to share a thought or two, I really don't have time for too much else. I do interviews, still. But it's time to down-size my workload and focus on what's most productive. Thanks to the few fans/friends or admirers in the room who looked out for me. I'll be stoppin by from time to time. Peeace |
Carey AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 1148 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 08, 2008 - 11:37 pm: |
Okay my man ...Thanks for stopping by. In defense of those that post, most, if not all have jobs just like you. They post in their spare time or even on their lunch break. Early in the morning or before they take it in for the night is another good time to share a few laughs and breakup the day. Hey, one might be standing in the room on your next shoot. But I hear you ...egos ... certainally, spare me know what time it is. But again, it's been fun's been entertaining did what you do. i have to give it to you and one of my friends. I said you would be standup and reply to my request ...she said you might but would decline under the reasons you mentioned. Hey, it's all good. Well folks, what about a time called now! |
Schakspir AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Schakspir
Post Number: 1229 Registered: 12-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, September 29, 2008 - 04:24 pm: |
I haven't been here in a decade, but I find it somewhat strange that Relentless Aaron has to mention that his high-powered Atlanta lawyer lives in a mansion, has a wrap-around driveway and is a hot fox. What the hell does this have to do about literature, anyway? After winning an award a couple years ago, I'm still plugging away and I'm close to making it. But I'll make it selling stuff that has substance and depth, which is almost totally lacking from this ghetto shit that's flooding the market. It's not the subject matter that sucks (since life in general sucks in many ways, no matter where you are), it's the way these thug-scribblers present their material. They are the modern-day Horace McCoys in blackface. And yet, they are at least entertaining. These OTHER more academic, "artistic" Afro-American writers are just tedious--that's why they usually don't sell (Stephen Carter being an exception). And of course, American writing in GENERAL seems illiterate to me. Some of these books by famous white American authors sounds as if they were written by pre-teens. |