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A_womon AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: A_womon
Post Number: 2300 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, June 21, 2008 - 07:32 pm: |
Troy, Have you ever thought about including a private chat function on the boards? I know that I have wanted to ask a poster a question, or tell a poster something that I didn't want to make public. Maybe some of the lurkers might appreciate the opportunity to invite someone to chat privately too. Just a thought. |
Rondall Moderator Username: Rondall
Post Number: 128 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, June 23, 2008 - 11:29 am: |
Why not just create a email addresses and or better yet just create forum Private Message boxes? I am and always have been an anti-chat kinda guy? I am just saying... |
Chrishayden "Cyniquian" Level Poster Username: Chrishayden
Post Number: 6997 Registered: 03-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, June 23, 2008 - 12:39 pm: |
I have no secrets. Post away in public to me, or request my email address. |
A_womon AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: A_womon
Post Number: 2304 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, June 23, 2008 - 01:28 pm: |
I know I know. But sometimes someone will hit the board and you know they are only here for a moment and they might not want you to ask them personal things that if they choose to answer will be in cyberspace for all to see and forever be a google away. Rondall, Private message boxes is a great idea too. |
Carey Veteran Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 818 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, June 23, 2008 - 02:03 pm: |
A_Womon, I think he was being sarcastic...I think. It's good to see that all your spunk is sometimes your best defense. |
Rondall Moderator Username: Rondall
Post Number: 129 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, June 23, 2008 - 02:44 pm: |
Nope Carey my man, I am not that to good at the sarcasism thingy. I honestly do not like the chat room stuff. The PM box would be kind of cool for private communication. It is pretty simple to set up but it would be an extra job for Troy to keep up. But thanks for sticking up for me Carey...I think. ;) |
Emanuel Veteran Poster Username: Emanuel
Post Number: 572 Registered: 03-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, June 23, 2008 - 03:57 pm: |
I think a lot of people use the Internet at work and chatting tends to be frowned upon. Just another way to get a virus at work. |
A_womon AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: A_womon
Post Number: 2305 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, June 23, 2008 - 05:22 pm: |
Well Carey, I see you still talking before you think, just like you did at your nephew's wedding...*rolling my eyes* Wrong again! I AIN'T beggin'. That's number one. And number two,check the mailbox in a week or so and you'll get what you seek. |
Carey Veteran Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 820 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, June 23, 2008 - 06:30 pm: |
Rondall & A_Women, We used to have that feature here in Thumper's Corner. Well, we used it on the Author Chat NIghts. Half the time some would forget to take off the private feature or think they had it on and drop something they had not intented to share with everyone. You might ask them a question and they might be over in the corner "private talking". I am also not to keen on it. Yeah, I think I not only made my move to soon, I even used the wrong word. Rondall, I knew you were serious but I thought A_Women might had thought you were.....hey, let me get out of this one , Y'all got it. A_Woman, did I stick my foot in my mouth with that wedding thang. Damn, I was up in there like it was a bachelors party....dang, ooouuu that still hurts. |
A_womon AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: A_womon
Post Number: 2306 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, June 23, 2008 - 06:36 pm: |
hahahahahahaha! You cool Carey. Neph will get over about ahundred years or so! HHAHAHAHa! Just kidding...I'm sure he still loves you and so do IIIIIIIIIIII! Peace! |
Rondall Moderator Username: Rondall
Post Number: 131 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 - 10:00 am: |
And my typing is freakin horrible...TROY get some spell and grammar check on this forum! |
Carey Veteran Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 823 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 - 10:55 am: |
I feel you Rondall....I am the KING of the poor spellers. But, I've gotten over that one. Someone once told me to do my thang using another program such as word and then drop it in here! I told them that I no longer harbor any pain associated with someone seeing my jacked words, I am free of that burden. Now if I was trying to get a job or dress to impress then maybe I might .... For the most part I write the way I talk, so if others can say it, I am cool. And my brother, I always hear YOU. |
Troy AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Troy
Post Number: 1361 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 - 12:30 pm: |
A_womon, I would like to introduce a ton of new feature. However this is primarily limited to the functionality of this software. Sometime ago I created a new forum, which to replace Thumpers corner, but have done very little to promote and develop the site. The URL is This has the features you describe. The biggest chanllenge woould be migrating all of my users there with out losing any. I've abandoned that approach and plan to just launch the new site and keep them both running... The chat room that we used to use for our authors chats is still active. I rarely use it but the logs an registration indicate that other people are using it: Rondall, when I have a long post I write it in my email program, run the spell check there, then paste it here. I also do that when I start a post, done have tiime to finish, I just park the partical post as a draft in the email program and pick it up later. |
A_womon AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: A_womon
Post Number: 2308 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 - 11:24 pm: |
Hey Troy, I checked out the Social Club and I really like it! Maybe you could link it to the AALBC, and your blog and give people an opportunity to register for it like you did when you switched up Thumpers corner years ago. I hope you work it out! Let me know if I can help you in any way! Shoot me an email and you got it! Counting down to the NBCC!! |
Steve_s Veteran Poster Username: Steve_s
Post Number: 351 Registered: 04-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, June 28, 2008 - 05:53 am: |
Yeah, let's get Diaz on here because my first question to him would be about the climax to his novel. Note to Carey and Yvette (because I hear snickers in the classroom): "Climax," in this case, refers to point C on Freytag's Triangle, not to "sex." You see, there was a little misunderstanding earlier because as I stated on the "What are you reading?" thread, I had read two James Baldwin novels (one 600-pages and one 450-pages), I finished Ayaan Hirsi Ali's 400-page autobiography, and I read a little book on the 41st anniversary of the landmark civil rights case, Loving v. Virginia. So based on that, Brother Carey, who didn't read ANY books at all, accused me of coming to AALBC "for sex," and because both Baldwin novels contain themes of homosexuality, he informed me that I'd told "him" more than he needed to know (and of course, talking about jazz means I'm pretending to be "cool"), while Ms. Yvette, who didn't read ANY books either, referred to me as Ferocious Kitty's "lover boy." Hmmm. Anyway, back to that 19th century abolitionist novel that Sterling A. Brown said "had dramatized for both North and South the American moral dilemmas and something of the humanity involved in the controversy over slavery." The climax to Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom Cabin comes in Chapter 40, "The Martyr," when the main character, now aged and balding, is beaten to death on a northern Louisiana plantation by Simon Legree's "imbruted" henchmen, Quimbo and Sambo, when he refuses to snitch on the two escapees, Cassie and Emmeline, who are hiding Harriet Jacobs- or Anne Frank-like in the attic. Legree says at least he doesn't have to listen to that Louisville Lip any more (well...he was from Kentucky, though not necessarily that particular city): "I b'lieve, my soul, he's done for, finally," said Legree, stepping forward, to look at him. "Yes, he is! Well, his mouth's shut up, at last,--that's one comfort!" According to Henry Louis Gates in the NY Times in Oct. 2006, "Black nationalists in subsequent decades turned Uncle Tom into a swear word, but it was with the rise of popular black militancy in the 60’s that poor old Uncle Tom became the quintessential symbol that separated the good black guys from the servile sellouts. He was the embodiment of 'race betrayal,' an object of scorn, a scapegoat for all of our political self-doubts. In 1966, Stokely Carmichael called the N.A.A.C.P.’s executive director, Roy Wilkins, an 'Uncle Tom,' while the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee asked, in its position paper on black power: 'Who is the real villain — Uncle Tom or Simon Legree?' Muhammad Ali pinned the epithet on Floyd Patterson, Ernie Terrell and Joe Frazier as he pummeled them. I doubt that many of those who tossed around the insult had actually read Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel..." In Diaz's book the climax comes when the main character "voluntarily" submits to a fatal beating at the hands of Trujillo's henchman in a Dominican canefield. For what purpose was that again? It does not appear to be a conscious parody, but are you contending that a man of the author's education (the New Haven Lawn Club Elite Finishing School, wasn't it?) isn't aware of the similarity? And we're not supposed to notice? Gee, I think it was someone on this board who said, "John Wayne don't die like that." |
Ferociouskitty Veteran Poster Username: Ferociouskitty
Post Number: 286 Registered: 02-2008
Rating:  Votes: 1 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, June 28, 2008 - 08:26 am: |
In Diaz's book the climax comes when the main character "voluntarily" submits to a fatal beating at the hands of Trujillo's henchman in a Dominican canefield. Oscar was not killed by Trujillo's henchman. Trujillo was assassinated in 1961 which was before Oscar was born. ...but are you contending that a man of the author's education (the New Haven Lawn Club Elite Finishing School, wasn't it? I don't think it was, unless you consider Rutgers and Cornell's MFA program part of the New Haven Lawn Club Elite Finishing School. |
Ferociouskitty Veteran Poster Username: Ferociouskitty
Post Number: 287 Registered: 02-2008
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Saturday, June 28, 2008 - 08:39 am: |
In Diaz's book the climax comes when the main character "voluntarily" submits to a fatal beating at the hands of Trujillo's henchman in a Dominican canefield. To me, this was one of the most anti-climactic climaxes, and, I don't say that as a criticism. It read to me like denouement almost, inevitable, which fit with the concept of fuku and the fact that at a certain point Oscar believe he was doomed. |
Yvettep AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Yvettep
Post Number: 3027 Registered: 01-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, June 30, 2008 - 10:27 am: |
while Ms. Yvette, who didn't read ANY books either, referred to me as Ferocious Kitty's "lover boy." Steve_s, I'm not sure I understand what you are saying, or you have misunderstood one of my posts. At no point did I refer to you as such. I don't even know what thread you are talking about, but likely if I said something about FK's "lover boy" I was talking about her party at her boyfriends house, which she discussed on another thread. At any rate, I am familiar enough with literature and with writing to know what "climax" refers to in the context of a discussion about books. I have enjoyed your discussions about jazz and literature, finding myself always to be educated by what you write. |
Ferociouskitty Veteran Poster Username: Ferociouskitty
Post Number: 296 Registered: 02-2008
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, June 30, 2008 - 10:58 am: |
while Ms. Yvette, who didn't read ANY books either, referred to me as Ferocious Kitty's "lover boy." Steve_s, I'm not sure I understand what you are saying, or you have misunderstood one of my posts. At no point did I refer to you as such. I don't even know what thread you are talking about, but likely if I said something about FK's "lover boy" I was talking about her party at her boyfriends house, which she discussed on another thread. Thanks for doing some CSI on this, Yvette, lol...cuz I was truly perplexed. Now that you mention it, I do recall you referring to my boyfriend as my boytoy in the jazz thread. Wasn't that like, 50 days ago, lol? In other news...on our private e-list DarkStar just gave you credit for some advice I believe I gave him. But maybe you did too? At any rate, your CSI skills are needed over on that side of cyber-town now, sis! |
Yvettep AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Yvettep
Post Number: 3031 Registered: 01-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, June 30, 2008 - 11:01 am: |
Lawd, girl, I told you I'm in a state right now. I cain't be dealing wif no mess. No offense to Thumper or any other IN folks on the board, but it is going to be harrrrrd to get used to living here again! LOL  |
Ferociouskitty Veteran Poster Username: Ferociouskitty
Post Number: 298 Registered: 02-2008
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, June 30, 2008 - 11:17 am: |
Yvette: I'm picturing you taking off your earrangs, squaring off with the entire state of Indiana. Pass the vaseline! |
Carey Veteran Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 877 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, June 30, 2008 - 11:51 am: |
Ladies....ahhh....ladies Put your high hells back on. Yvette, put down that knife. And Kitty, stop stirin' the pot *lol* Remember those school yard fights? I can still hear... "I was just trying to break them up". I always wondered why they needed to put four feet up someone behind to do so . |
Yvettep AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Yvettep
Post Number: 3033 Registered: 01-2005
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Wednesday, July 02, 2008 - 06:47 pm: |
LOL @ FK and Carey. Re: "high hells"--apt typo. I'm gonna start using that when I've almost had it up to here: "Y'all better step off or I'm gonna have to get my high hell on!" |