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Carey Veteran Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 668 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, May 25, 2008 - 06:11 pm: |
Hello All I was going to attach one of those emotion faces onto my post but I couldn't find one that fit. The problem with emotions is that they are fleeting. I was going to use a smiling face but I noticed that I hurried to my little corner of a spot that I call my computer room (6X8 corner of my living room) and quickly noticed that I had not killed that dragon that was fighting to jump out of my mouth, so I went from happy to.....ahhh....see.... what expression would you have used. I am so sorry to hear about Thumper's loss. Death.....we are seldom prepared for it. Even if we can see it along the horizon, it's furious thunder can be brutal. There's a song that goes: "Friends, what are they good for" ...and it goes on... "absolutely nothing".....well, I sort of disagree with that. I recieved an e-mail this morning from an old friend. Now I am not going to call out any names because I've been told by another somebody that they didn't appreciate me droppin' their business on the floor of Thumper's Corner. I will say that "that" person that lives out west......that checked me on my posts.....that person....that person that e-mailed me to cuss me out.....can kiss.....opps....that's a joke....but I did want to tell her that I didn't need no parttime lovers *smile*. Anyway, I got an e-mail and it made my day.....really....I was dealing with some business issues and all the other thangs we do and I wasn't going to type today but Thump hollered and one of my oldest friends from this board hit me with an I am cool today and here is the rest of my thang. It's interesting how some proclaim their Ol'School-ness like a badge of honor...I am struggling with that one. Okay, I am proud of the fact that I am still here....but ....that old thang is wearing on me. Others will tell you that you are old school even if you don't ask them....and sometimes it's cool and serves a purpose. When I was locked up....hold up....locked up?....yeah, I was in a no-no and got a ride to the white mans new plantation...but wait....many are locked up in their own minds and are slaves to their own false image.....WHAT? Look deep, you'll get it.... Where was I.....oh, while walking around with the other fellows, many would greet me with "what's up ol'school". I soon realized they were talking to me..... and since I was "old" I wasn't a threat to them....and THANK GOD for that. I am going to get off this thought but I just wanted to express my belief that old can be cool. Here's the do you know when you've passed over. Some women try to hold on with the face thang and the boob jobs but inside it's still you. Ceasar once said to Brutus "The fault dear Brutus is not in the stars but in ourselves" know you are ol'school when you're out on the dance floor and a song hits you and you yell and start breakin' it down.....I mean caution to the wind...... pure dance heaven....and then you look up and you notice that you are the only one doing that "ol'school" dance. But wait, here's the do notice that there's that one drunk fool that knows all the dance steps....old and new....and he looks over at you and you look back at him ...and BAM, y'all start breakin' it down together *lol*. Now that's ol'school, that's cool.....that's progress! Robert Horry has 6-7 rings.....what? Yeah, ask a basketball fan how big that is! My mother is getting older......she is going to have to move out of her home because she's having trouble going up the stairs to her bedroom and bath. has something around every corner doesn't it. It's a big house, I was raised there along with my brothers and's sad.....she prided herself on keeping it clean AND doing it herself. She tried the cleaning services but if you know anything about black women....dey a hard crowd to please. So....time brings change. I wonder if Obama really knows what he is gettin' into? I know it sounds nice to be the President Of The United States but I wouldn't have that jobs for all the chitterlings.....all the wrinkles in Big Daddy's Pork Shack....What do you gain?....I think a better question is.....what do you give up. Look...let's be real....them white men that sat in that seat can do all that freaky mess they want to but you let Obama pull out his willie and see what happens ....come on now....if he even tries to fix his lips to say anything that may be taken as a flirtatous remark...his black ass is gone....huh....he better not even have a sex dream!......but wait....let's throw a white women into the mix....stop it....close down the White House *smile*. But damn, the brotha will not be able to go to the car wash with his windows down taking in all the goodness of our culture. The man won't even be able to go by the corner barber shop and tell a few lies..... Now that alone would kill me.....see....I practice my lies before I go to the barber shop.....oh yeah.....see, you can't just go up in a barber shop and drop just any damn thang.....shit, there's some fellows up in there that will debate yo ass to I practice looking real positive what I am saying is the real shit.... Obama won't be able to "hit it" and then run down and get him and his baby some ribs or greasy chicken and greens....naw....the brother is throwing away his blackness.....DON'T....he is a black MAN. I am going to leave you more thought...break-ups are tough ain't they. One of those songs come on and are few lyrics that sometimes put me in a mood: Missing You. That's enough....I am done.... but I will leave you with this....and I've quote this before but it's still alive today. "Many people fear nothing more terrible than to take a position which stands out sharply and clearly from the prevailing opinion. The tendency of most is to adopt a view that is so ambiguous that it will include everything and so popular that it will include everybody". I am not that smart to have said that but I believe it.......who said it? Carey Carey |
Cagedbird First Time Poster Username: Cagedbird
Post Number: 4 Registered: 02-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Sunday, May 25, 2008 - 06:49 pm: |
Remembrance Your loved one is gone, but we won't forget. Their smile, their laugh, their face, their grace. Your loved one is gone, but we won't forget. The good times, the bad times, the fears, the tears. (c) Eve Hall 9-11-01 Revelation 21:3,4 |
Soul_sister Regular Poster Username: Soul_sister
Post Number: 74 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, May 29, 2008 - 09:31 am: |
Carey, Nice to hear from you - even though the thoughts are sad. Such is the lot in life for all mortal creatures. I am sorry to hear about your mother, my parents are creeping toward their 80s and thanks be to God that they are self-sufficient and there is an older sibling living in the downstairs apartment with her children. Mother is going into for cataract surgery and is fearful and leary - but we talked and prayed together and I believe God is with her and the surgeons - funny thing being the child/parent/friend of your parents -- when did the tables turn?? Another friend of my her mother has Alzheimer's and is rapidly going down hill - -but God is faithful and concerned about the comfort of those growing older and into unfamiliar territory. I have been away from the discussion and learned about Thumper's loss - this is unfortunate. I will continue to keep you in my prayers and remember all those early times on the board when there was a caring community of virtual people who were empathetic. Peace |
Soul_sister Regular Poster Username: Soul_sister
Post Number: 75 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, May 29, 2008 - 09:44 am: |
Carey, On the lighter side -- As for Obama - I have been leery and giddy all at the same time - this is a historic event - can you imagine in 100 years since lynching and legalized hatred from the US court system - we have a light skinned, Ivy league educated, articulate and charismatic figure as potential Democratic party nominee and potential US President, he is the dream of pre-Ghanian exile Dubois and his talented tenth. Overall, a WOW from me. Yet, I have some concerns because of his education and socialization - he was not raised on the mainland nor did he have a Black mother those two things to me make a HUGE difference. The media comparing him to Kennedy and Camelot - that is a BIG NO-NO -- seeing how that history went down. As for his "fitness" for the position or societies capacity to "accept" him - that has yet to be seen -- we still live in the land of the red, WHITE and blue - with its history of equal to a point - like Animal Farm - all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others. Mmmmmm. What I dread is like the Freedman's Savings Bank they only give us things when they are on their way down, out or broken. Fredrick Douglass was placed in charge of the Freedman's Bank in 1875/76 the bank failed in 1877. The Bank had been failing and losing money for years prior to Douglass's appointment - however, the powers that be benefitted from having a prominent and trusted Black face at the helm. Carey - you know I could go on for hours -- My feelings about Obama are ambivalent - his education and appearance from "out of nowhere" --bother me -- so silver tongued there is something there in him or above his head that will not benefit Black people - however, some one has to be the "first" peace |
Carey Veteran Poster Username: Carey
Post Number: 677 Registered: 05-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Thursday, May 29, 2008 - 12:08 pm: |
My Soul-Sister! It is an honor to have you join into this thread! Seldom do you awaken from your slumber to share with us, so thank you. Because of our past association I am hesitant to be as particular or "debating" with your post so I will chose my words with caution. Question: would you rather be mostly "right" or "mostly" wrong. I say that to address the conjunction of "yeah but". There was a client that was hammering/arguing with a Drug Counselor because the client didn't think the counselor was seasoned or couldn't relate to the concerns or experiences of addicts since the counselor had not fallen prey to drugs or alcohol. After the client got their roll out, the counselor paused and with stealth like conviction said: "first and foremost I am a black man in America and that is a journey we as black men all "feel"......."and more importantly you have no right to assume you know anything about my pain". They went on to say "pain takes no prisoners, it devours all is a debilitating tool that drops lessons for all". I personally think it is unwise to question what Obama is or is not going to do for black people solely based on his blackness because then the question is what special preference is a white candidate going to do for those of his color.....dangerous ground?....yes there are "givens" yet, I care to focus on the man and his principles! When I look at Obama I see his beautiful "black" family.....if we play into the mindset of "he hasn't or he isn't" we will surely miss the boat.....the big picture. ....this should make ya holla.....Obama or McCain.....YEAH BUTT? (SOUL-SISTER)<<<< now that's old school....always loved your tag. Again, thanks for stopping by and having the courage to express your views. Question: "The motives of white people".....uuummmm.....I would only be guessing. Carey Carey |