Troy AALBC .com Platinum Poster Username: Troy
Post Number: 1211 Registered: 01-2004
Rating: N/A Votes: 0 (Vote!) | Posted on Monday, April 21, 2008 - 09:59 am: |
As most of you know BEA is the nation's largest trade show for the publishing industry ( It is a tremendous opportunity to meet other industry professionals, learn about trends, and most importantly make the contacts necessary for your business to flourish financially. This will be's 9th Book Expo America and our third straight year of exhibiting. I'd be the first to admit three days of a trade show can be physically draining, but it is worth the effort. Exhibitors wanted for the African American Pavilion at BEA 2008 We always exhibited in the African American Pavilion. This year, African American Pavilion celebrates it's 5th anniversary. Pavilion Executive Director and Co-Founder, Tony Rose has come up with a series of options for exhibitors which offer much more value than they would get if they exhibited elsewhere on the convention floor. In order to help get the word out about these exhibitor options I've created a series of web pages detailing the specifics. BEA is less than 40 days away, but there is still time if you are considering reaping the benefits of participating in the African American Pavilion. If you have any question please reach out to Tony Rose directly at 520-568-6692 or via email: If you are already planning to attend or exhibit at BEA please visit the events page. I plan to keep this up to date with all BEA related events. If you know of something let me know and I'll be sure to add it. All of the pages are linked together and may be accessed most easily from this page: AA Pavilion at BookExpo America '08 (main page) African American Pavilion Exhibitor Information Advertise in the African America Pavilion Exhititors Journal 2008 BEA African America Pavilion Sponsorship Options BEA 2008 African America Events Here is some of the stuff I've posted from past BEAs. I have no clue why I did not post anything from the '02, '03, and '04 BEAs. 2000: Chicago and The Go-On-Girl book club held their National Convention in Chicago the same weekend as BEA 2001: Chicago (took a bunch of photos but only posted one) 2002: New York 2003: Los Angeles 2004: Chicago (First Year of African American Pavilion) 2005: New York City (First time shot video) 2006: Washington DC (first time exhibits in the African American Pavilion) 2007: New York City Future Dates 2008: Los Angeles, May 30 - June 1, 2008 - Los Angeles Convention Center 2009: New York City, May 26 – May 31, Jacob K. Javits Convention Center 2010: Washington DC, June 3 – June 6, Washington DC Convention Center 2011: Las Vegas, June 9 – June 12, Las Vegas Convention Center