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Username: Tonya

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Posted on Friday, September 08, 2006 - 03:32 pm:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

L'ex petite amie de Ben Laden parle
Interview - en anglais - de Kola Boof, qui fut la petite amie d'Oussama Ben Laden(08/09/2006)

The Sudanese government just started another bloody offensive in Darfur to remove the rebels and make the UN and African Union missions unnecessary. There is genocide going on, and refugee camps are overflowing. You are from Sudan – do you know the cause of such viciousness on the side of the Khartoum government ?
To me, it is because of the blackness of the people. Many of the Sudan government are black and coloured, but they want to be called Arab. They would like to ve more like Saudi Arabia or Egipt, that is where they look up to. They hate the Southern people, because they are more African, they are not Muslim. Even the ones who are Muslim have a problem with the black skin. When I was a child, in school in Sudan I was taught that Allah does not like the black people, that he likes white people more. What I want to say – and this is really what the press doesn't want to talk about – is that Arabs have fun of the Southern people, because they are charcoal black.

Bashir – I know him in person, I met him. He is Satan, he is pure Evil, Satan! He is black, but he denies being black. The only way out of the problem is that somebody has to overthrow Bashir, and the Arab regime has to be removed from Sudan. The South Sudaneses should be allowed to have their own country, although I know that Muslims will do everything to prevent it. The Muslims want you to be a Muslim. I used to be a Muslim, my father was a Muslim. There are rules, that if you are a Muslim, you have to stay Muslim or die. The problem is not new, it is just people are more concentrated about it. I hope that UN will send its troops to Sudan, and it will tear down the Bashir government. I know it will take years. I am saying it as an African mother. The Bashir government must be removed, or Sudan will stay a pure hell – because they don't care about human right, they are not normal people.

The West doesn't do much to intervene in this conflict. Why, is Sudan a forgotten part of the world ?
I believe that it is because the Western World is white. My skin is black. They don't care about black people, but they care about the oil. OK, it is my personal belief, and I may be wrong. But this is what every person from South Sudan would say: they don't care, because we are not their children. It is not white children, it is black children. It is like Ruanda – it took too long for the World to intervene.

You played some role in SPLA ( Sudan's People Liberation Army). In a YouTube documentary film you mentioned that one of your aims is freedom of your people in Sudan. Did you do anything to help them ?
I went to Israel, and was able to get guns, ammunition and medicines for the South Sudanese. I gave a speech in Israel, the link is available in the internet. I met and talked to Netanyahu. I was well received. Israel is the only country that actively helped the South Sudanese to fight the North. Other peoples just talk, talk, talk. I have been criticized for my support of Israel, that I don't support Palestinians. The reason is – when I was a child, there were Palestinians in Sudan calling me a Nigger. They called all black people Niggers, and they kicked my uncle to death. I know, that what has been done to Palestinians is wrong, but at the same time I know that Palestinians are racists. As you can see, I am not a friend of the Arab world.

So what can be done to help people of the South Sudan ?
There is not much to be done by individuals, except sending money. There is one group I recommend, it is called Doctors Without Borders. They will actually use whatever they send to help the people. But the government – they are murdering people, if you send something through the government, they will not give anything to the people. Israel was the only governemt to help us. It took us 6 months to sneak Israeli guns and ammunition into South Sudan. There were actually white Arabs helping us, but there is very few of them. They risked their lives, because if caught they would be murdered. Just like my father – white Arab Egyptian, who thought that the way Arabs treated black people of Sudan was very wrong.

You also mentioned that “freedom of your people in North America” is another goal of yours...
Black Americans adopted me. It is my people too. I am adopted, so I have two families now. Black Americans in many ways have been taught to hate themselves. They need to learn the African culture and be aware that they don’t need to be white in order to be good people.

You wrote that you were blessed by the fact Black Americans adopted you. Yet you mention that nowadays that most adoption of Sudanese kids are carried out by white people. Do you think that there is something wrong with it ?
I don’t think it is wrong, because these kids need homes. But there will be problems, for instance: kids will go to school, and other kids will make fun of them because they are black – jet-black. And then white parents would say: ignore it, and wouldn’t know how to cope with it. The kid would have a lot of emotional problems. Anyway – it is good that they are adopted by white people, these kids need family and love. Nothing is perfect.

While trying to order your books, I noticed that getting a fast order was nearly impossible...
Every newspaper had an article about Kola Boof. We head plenty books a few weeks ago, but with all the publicity all stock was sold out – 50 thousand copies. My publisher prints out new books, they will hit the shelves in 3-4 weeks.

You knew Osama bin Laden personally. People think of him as a “little Hitler” type of person. But hat kind of human being was he personally ?
Osama never shouted, never raised his voice too much. When he was angry, his used a low voice. He was evil, but at the same time he was extremely intelligent. He was emotional. For instance: when he ordered a man to be killed, he always cried. It was very strange to me, he did lot of evil things. He believes he is saving the world, he thinks Allah wants him to make everybody Muslim, and everybody has to be arabicized. He believes in it so deeply, that he does not listen to normal thinking. He believes that when he dies, he will be a new Mohammed. He is a wonderful poet, his poetry – written in Arabic – is beautiful, but make your hearts sad. he wrote beautiful poems about the other life. In his poems he dreams of when he will become like a God.

Bin Laden considered Western Music to be evil, but at the same time he would listen to Van Halen and B-52. Isn’t it contradictory ?
I don’t know how he did that. There was a dual personality, there was two Osamas in one man. He was very western! On the outside, he is very Islamic and Arabic. But he likes television series from America and music. When we were having sex, he liked to get high a lot on marihuana. Than he want me to be naked all the time and then, only then he liked music, and it meant sex. He liked music and very hard sex, for a long, long time. He would smoke a lot of marihuana and we had a lot of sex.

But when everything was over, when he comes, ejaculates, he would cut off the music. No more looking at him! He would fall back on religion, he would go and pray. He felt dirty. Seemed he doesn’t like himself after having sex. But his Holy Quran says that if he captures his enemies woman, he is allowed to have sex with her. That is what he would explain to his mistresses, because I was not the only one. This is what the West doesn’t understand: he had many different women around the world, and he had his wives, 25 children in total. That was when I knew him, when he was full of energy. He must have slowed down by now.

You wrote that Osama did not want you to have children with him. Did he explain why ?
Because I am black. He will not marry you unless you are a young Arab woman. That is his rule. He will have sex with you, with any kind of women, but to marry him – you must be a white, good Muslim girl to marry him and have babies. Even though he loved having sex with me, and he showed me himself more that he showed his wives! He would never play music for his wifes, he would only play music for his whores. He would do anything in from of us, his whores, because we could not judge him, being inferior. He said: Black women should be fixed, so that they cannot have children, and then Arab men could enjoy having sex with them as much as they want.

But you wrote that he wanted to marry Whitney Houston, who is black and not Muslim !
He said only for her he would break his color rule, and he would convert her to Islam. He wanted her so desperately, he said that she is the exception.

How did you happen to reveal your relationship with Osama bin Laden ?
I did not reveal it. The London “Guardian” newspaper wanted to write an article about me, and asked whether it is true. I said “no”, because I did not want anybody to know that I was with Osama bin Laden. I said that I knew him, but was not really involved with him. They investigated my roommate, and other people that might have known something. They contacted the US government and asked about me, whether they knew I was involved with Osama bin Laden. That made the government arrest me. I had to tell everything to the government, because they were threatening to kick me out of America. And I told them everything, and it leaked to the US press. And then it began: the press said I was lying, because “it is not Islamic for him to be listening to Van Halen”. The cannot believe the story, it is so unreal, but it is the truth, I swear to God! I did not make it up !

Was it why you struggled against US media at the beginning ?
Part of the problem was they did not think I was pretty, I was attractive enough. You have to understand – America is still a racist country. We have come far, it is not as bad as it used to be. To them, I am not pretty, while men in Europe see me different. they think my dark skin is beautiful. American men did not like me. Period. And they would say that Osama would not have a black mistress. Another thing is I am very proud of being African and black, and that is another thing frowned upon. I loved to be black, I want to have black babies – even though I loved white men.

You say that he real blacks are frowned upon. And the “Imitation black woman” only get the media attention.
Well, I meant mixed color, Halle Berry type. Not African-looking black.

But there is Alek Wek! She is 100% African, she is beautiful, and she does get a lot of media coverage !
But it is because of Europe, Europeans made her famous, while Americans thinks she is ugly. She gets lots of magazine coverage, but she is not liked here in America.

What about the “dream of diversity” in America you seemed to detest ?
I want to stay black. In America, they put all races and cultures into one pot. In effect we are loosing our identity. I am not happy with that, I don’t want to loose my own culture. It is not that I am against somebody else’s culture – I like to learn about different cultures. But I don’t want to become white.

Now, you wrote many times that women should start their own religion. What religion ?
I like to pray in the river, and I believe that God moves through women who bleed, who have babies. That is why I believe that women should be more respected and more valued. But you have to understand I am mainly against Arab Muslim world; when I say about women’s religion, I want to rebel against that world, I want to take the thing off my head and go and pray, because I am not dirty. My body is clean, although Islam says that the women’s body is impure.

You are very straightforward in your opinions. Do you receive any death threats ?
I have had an assassination attempt, I received death threat last week. These people threatened to shoot my son who is a little boy! I got a lot of publicity, and there are some Arabs who would like to kill me, to blow up my house. Many people call me a “white-man’s” whore, because they think I support the white government of America. Which I do! I want America and Israel to triumph against the Arab world. But, having said that, it doesn’t mean that I support everything that the government does.

Did the government provide you any security ?
I was under a federal protection program. From 2002 and 2005 I had bodyguards all around me and living with me in my house. But now the death threats have gone down, and they moved me to a safer place, they reduced the level of protection – but I am still protected.

Until you were seven you lived in Sudan, and then you moved to America. You know and understand both worlds. Do you think people do enough to combat terrorism ?
I don't think people treat it seriously enough in the West. Terrorism should be treated more seriously. I have been a girlfriend of many terrorist men. Have been involved with Hassan al Turabi, who is one of the most terrible man. I was an actress in Northern Africa, and I got to know many of those powerful men who hate the West. All they want is to blow up London, blow up Warsaw and all western cities. They believe that this kind of terrorism will frighten everybody in the West, put them on their knees and make them do what they want to be done. I heard al Turabi, who then was a vice-president of Sudan, talking about killing a million people by water poisoning. They are very determined and if they can't have the nuclear power the West has, they are going to have biological and chemical weapons and use them. This is what I want the West to understand !

In your memoir I read something unbelievable – that you witnessed a Muslim woman being rolled up in a carpet and set on fire.
I saw that when I was a little girl. I walked with my father and my uncle, we saw a group of men beating a woman, and then they rolled her up in a carpet. My father and uncle wanted to stop them, and it was then the men said they did that because the woman did not produce any males. She had 6 daughters in a row. And then they set her on fire. You see, Islam is for men, not for women.

But many politicians, Bush including, say that “Islam is the religion of peace”.
When I was a little girl and was in school, I was taught to hate the Western people and was told that Allah would reward us if we kill the Westerners, even innocent people. We were told that if we strap a bomb, go to the post office and set it off, we would go to heaven. It was good to do that to Allah.

I came across a few interesting remarks. You are black and proud of it, but you say that the black men have no regard for black woman's feelings.
They want to be white, and they want a white woman. This goes back to American culture. The mixed, the mulatto looking – that is how they want their kids to be. The diversity is simply becoming white. Many black men have self-hatred. They have to marry a white woman and have mixed kids – but many of them would have a black mistress. I don't like this kind of men.

But are black women doing the same ?
A lot of them does, and I have criticized them as well. OK – I don’t have anything against people who do it out of love. But I met women that would say they will only date white men. That is what I am talking about. I have had white boyfriends, I lived with a white man for 5 years. But I did not go out with him because he was white, but because he was a nice guy. But some of those guys will take a fat, ugly women – only because she is white! They are after the white blood.

And remember – everything I was saying here is for America. I don’t know the situation in other countries.

You mentioned a couple times about “historical relation between black and white men”. What is that ?
We were slaves. For hundreds of years white men raped black women. And I can tell you – it is not a love story. The bad thing is: the black men did nothing to protect us.

My last question: you support the notion of “ Africa for Africans”. What do you mean ?
Black people of Africa should own Africa. Not white people, not Arabs, not the West. Africa needs to be independent and ruled by African people. We don’t need the Arabs to rule us, they need to get out. We don’t need the white people, unless they are good citizens. We don’t need to be colonized any more.

I love everybody in the word. People misunderstand the fact that I fight for my own children, because I am an African mother. But it does not mean I don’t love other people – because I do. I just want the same respect, and I want black people to be able to be black. I am not mean, I am not racist – I don’t want to be a maid any more.

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http://www.metrofrance.com/site/home.php?sec=contenu&Idarbo=21&Idarbo1=7&content =1&id=60832&resec=&vi=3
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"Cyniquian" Level Poster
Username: Kola_boof

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Posted on Friday, September 08, 2006 - 04:02 pm:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Wow TONYA!!!

This is the "teaser" (it's Sept. 8th in France right now) that ran today.

The in depth interview is supposed to run on Sept. 11th.

I have the PDF with me and Beyonce on the cover, but I don't how to change it into a photo and put on board.

The LINK is easier to read:

http://www.metrofrance.com/site/home.php?sec=contenu&Idarbo=21&Idarbo1=7&content =1&id=60832&resec=&vi=3

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Username: Tonya

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Posted on Friday, September 08, 2006 - 04:07 pm:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)


this was under "News" not "Web" which means it's being taken quite seriously!
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"Cyniquian" Level Poster
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Posted on Friday, September 08, 2006 - 04:14 pm:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)


You make it sounds like bin Laden is manic-depressive.

Or schizophrenic.
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"Cyniquian" Level Poster
Username: Kola_boof

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Posted on Friday, September 08, 2006 - 04:30 pm:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Tonya, I told you...IN EUROPE...they treat me completely different from in the U.S.

And yes, BEYONCE was the lead "Entertainment" story and I was the lead "NEWS" story.

I wish I could show you the actual newspaper from the newsstands.

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"Cyniquian" Level Poster
Username: Kola_boof

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Posted on Friday, September 08, 2006 - 04:31 pm:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

I'm all over the papers in POLAND as well today.

The same interview.

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"Cyniquian" Level Poster
Username: Kola_boof

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Posted on Friday, September 08, 2006 - 05:00 pm:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

I'm really PROUD of this interview
and I can't believe the French published
the whole thing....virtually uncut!

*Especially the final question, which I
just knew they wouldn't touch.

FRANCE METRO interview with Kola Boof

The Sudanese government just started another bloody offensive in Darfur to remove the rebels and make the UN and African Union missions unnecessary. There is genocide going on, and refugee camps are overflowing. You are from Sudan – do you know the cause of such viciousness on the side of the Khartoum government ?

To me, it is because of the blackness of the people. Many of the Sudan government are black and coloured, but they want to be called Arab. They would like to ve more like Saudi Arabia or Egipt, that is where they look up to. They hate the Southern people, because they are more African, they are not Muslim. Even the ones who are Muslim have a problem with the black skin. When I was a child, in school in Sudan I was taught that Allah does not like the black people, that he likes white people more. What I want to say – and this is really what the press doesn't want to talk about – is that Arabs have fun of the Southern people, because they are charcoal black.

Bashir – I know him in person, I met him. He is Satan, he is pure Evil, Satan! He is black, but he denies being black. The only way out of the problem is that somebody has to overthrow Bashir, and the Arab regime has to be removed from Sudan. The South Sudaneses should be allowed to have their own country, although I know that Muslims will do everything to prevent it. The Muslims want you to be a Muslim. I used to be a Muslim, my father was a Muslim. There are rules, that if you are a Muslim, you have to stay Muslim or die. The problem is not new, it is just people are more concentrated about it. I hope that UN will send its troops to Sudan, and it will tear down the Bashir government. I know it will take years. I am saying it as an African mother. The Bashir government must be removed, or Sudan will stay a pure hell – because they don't care about human right, they are not normal people.

The West doesn't do much to intervene in this conflict. Why, is Sudan a forgotten part of the world ?

I believe that it is because the Western World is white. My skin is black. They don't care about black people, but they care about the oil. OK, it is my personal belief, and I may be wrong. But this is what every person from South Sudan would say: they don't care, because we are not their children. It is not white children, it is black children. It is like Ruanda – it took too long for the World to intervene.

You played some role in SPLA ( Sudan's People Liberation Army). In a YouTube documentary film you mentioned that one of your aims is freedom of your people in Sudan. Did you do anything to help them ?

I went to Israel, and was able to get guns, ammunition and medicines for the South Sudanese. I gave a speech in Israel, the link is available in the internet. I met and talked to Netanyahu. I was well received. Israel is the only country that actively helped the South Sudanese to fight the North. Other peoples just talk, talk, talk. I have been criticized for my support of Israel, that I don't support Palestinians. The reason is – when I was a child, there were Palestinians in Sudan calling me a Nigger. They called all black people Niggers, and they kicked my uncle to death. I know, that what has been done to Palestinians is wrong, but at the same time I know that Palestinians are racists. As you can see, I am not a friend of the Arab world.

So what can be done to help people of the South Sudan ?

There is not much to be done by individuals, except sending money. There is one group I recommend, it is called Doctors Without Borders. They will actually use whatever they send to help the people. But the government – they are murdering people, if you send something through the government, they will not give anything to the people. Israel was the only governemt to help us. It took us 6 months to sneak Israeli guns and ammunition into South Sudan. There were actually white Arabs helping us, but there is very few of them. They risked their lives, because if caught they would be murdered. Just like my father – white Arab Egyptian, who thought that the way Arabs treated black people of Sudan was very wrong.

You also mentioned that “freedom of your people in North America” is another goal of yours...

Black Americans adopted me. It is my people too. I am adopted, so I have two families now. Black Americans in many ways have been taught to hate themselves. They need to learn the African culture and be aware that they don’t need to be white in order to be good people.

You wrote that you were blessed by the fact Black Americans adopted you. Yet you mention that nowadays that most adoption of Sudanese kids are carried out by white people. Do you think that there is something wrong with it ?

I don’t think it is wrong, because these kids need homes. But there will be problems, for instance: kids will go to school, and other kids will make fun of them because they are black – jet-black. And then white parents would say: ignore it, and wouldn’t know how to cope with it. The kid would have a lot of emotional problems. Anyway – it is good that they are adopted by white people, these kids need family and love. Nothing is perfect.

While trying to order your books, I noticed that getting a fast order was nearly impossible...

Every newspaper had an article about Kola Boof. We head plenty books a few weeks ago, but with all the publicity all stock was sold out – 50 thousand copies. My publisher prints out new books, they will hit the shelves in 3-4 weeks.

You knew Osama bin Laden personally. People think of him as a “little Hitler” type of person. But hat kind of human being was he personally ?

Osama never shouted, never raised his voice too much. When he was angry, his used a low voice. He was evil, but at the same time he was extremely intelligent. He was emotional. For instance: when he ordered a man to be killed, he always cried. It was very strange to me, he did lot of evil things. He believes he is saving the world, he thinks Allah wants him to make everybody Muslim, and everybody has to be arabicized. He believes in it so deeply, that he does not listen to normal thinking. He believes that when he dies, he will be a new Mohammed. He is a wonderful poet, his poetry – written in Arabic – is beautiful, but make your hearts sad. he wrote beautiful poems about the other life. In his poems he dreams of when he will become like a God.

Bin Laden considered Western Music to be evil, but at the same time he would listen to Van Halen and B-52. Isn’t it contradictory ?

I don’t know how he did that. There was a dual personality, there was two Osamas in one man. He was very western! On the outside, he is very Islamic and Arabic. But he likes television series from America and music. When we were having sex, he liked to get high a lot on marihuana. Than he want me to be naked all the time and then, only then he liked music, and it meant sex. He liked music and very hard sex, for a long, long time. He would smoke a lot of marihuana and we had a lot of sex.

But when everything was over, when he comes, ejaculates, he would cut off the music. No more looking at him! He would fall back on religion, he would go and pray. He felt dirty. Seemed he doesn’t like himself after having sex. But his Holy Quran says that if he captures his enemies woman, he is allowed to have sex with her. That is what he would explain to his mistresses, because I was not the only one. This is what the West doesn’t understand: he had many different women around the world, and he had his wives, 25 children in total. That was when I knew him, when he was full of energy. He must have slowed down by now.

You wrote that Osama did not want you to have children with him. Did he explain why ?

Because I am black. He will not marry you unless you are a young Arab woman. That is his rule. He will have sex with you, with any kind of women, but to marry him – you must be a white, good Muslim girl to marry him and have babies. Even though he loved having sex with me, and he showed me himself more that he showed his wives! He would never play music for his wifes, he would only play music for his whores. He would do anything in from of us, his whores, because we could not judge him, being inferior. He said: Black women should be fixed, so that they cannot have children, and then Arab men could enjoy having sex with them as much as they want.

But you wrote that he wanted to marry Whitney Houston, who is black and not Muslim !

He said only for her he would break his color rule, and he would convert her to Islam. He wanted her so desperately, he said that she is the exception.

How did you happen to reveal your relationship with Osama bin Laden ?

I did not reveal it. The London “Guardian” newspaper wanted to write an article about me, and asked whether it is true. I said “no”, because I did not want anybody to know that I was with Osama bin Laden. I said that I knew him, but was not really involved with him. They investigated my roommate, and other people that might have known something. They contacted the US government and asked about me, whether they knew I was involved with Osama bin Laden. That made the government arrest me. I had to tell everything to the government, because they were threatening to kick me out of America. And I told them everything, and it leaked to the US press. And then it began: the press said I was lying, because “it is not Islamic for him to be listening to Van Halen”. The cannot believe the story, it is so unreal, but it is the truth, I swear to God! I did not make it up !

Was it why you struggled against US media at the beginning ?

Part of the problem was they did not think I was pretty, I was attractive enough. You have to understand – America is still a racist country. We have come far, it is not as bad as it used to be. To them, I am not pretty, while men in Europe see me different. they think my dark skin is beautiful. American men did not like me. Period. And they would say that Osama would not have a black mistress. Another thing is I am very proud of being African and black, and that is another thing frowned upon. I loved to be black, I want to have black babies – even though I loved white men.

You say that he real blacks are frowned upon. And the “Imitation black woman” only get the media attention.

Well, I meant mixed color, Halle Berry type. Not African-looking black.

But there is Alek Wek! She is 100% African, she is beautiful, and she does get a lot of media coverage !

But it is because of Europe, Europeans made her famous, while Americans thinks she is ugly. She gets lots of magazine coverage, but she is not liked here in America.

What about the “dream of diversity” in America you seemed to detest ?

I want to stay black. In America, they put all races and cultures into one pot. In effect we are loosing our identity. I am not happy with that, I don’t want to loose my own culture. It is not that I am against somebody else’s culture – I like to learn about different cultures. But I don’t want to become white.

Now, you wrote many times that women should start their own religion. What religion ?

I like to pray in the river, and I believe that God moves through women who bleed, who have babies. That is why I believe that women should be more respected and more valued. But you have to understand I am mainly against Arab Muslim world; when I say about women’s religion, I want to rebel against that world, I want to take the thing off my head and go and pray, because I am not dirty. My body is clean, although Islam says that the women’s body is impure.

You are very straightforward in your opinions. Do you receive any death threats ?

I have had an assassination attempt, I received death threat last week. These people threatened to shoot my son who is a little boy! I got a lot of publicity, and there are some Arabs who would like to kill me, to blow up my house. Many people call me a “white-man’s” whore, because they think I support the white government of America. Which I do! I want America and Israel to triumph against the Arab world. But, having said that, it doesn’t mean that I support everything that the government does.

Did the government provide you any security ?

I was under a federal protection program. From 2002 and 2005 I had bodyguards all around me and living with me in my house. But now the death threats have gone down, and they moved me to a safer place, they reduced the level of protection – but I am still protected.

Until you were seven you lived in Sudan, and then you moved to America. You know and understand both worlds. Do you think people do enough to combat terrorism ?

I don't think people treat it seriously enough in the West. Terrorism should be treated more seriously. I have been a girlfriend of many terrorist men. Have been involved with Hassan al Turabi, who is one of the most terrible man. I was an actress in Northern Africa, and I got to know many of those powerful men who hate the West. All they want is to blow up London, blow up Warsaw and all western cities. They believe that this kind of terrorism will frighten everybody in the West, put them on their knees and make them do what they want to be done. I heard al Turabi, who then was a vice-president of Sudan, talking about killing a million people by water poisoning. They are very determined and if they can't have the nuclear power the West has, they are going to have biological and chemical weapons and use them. This is what I want the West to understand !

In your memoir I read something unbelievable – that you witnessed a Muslim woman being rolled up in a carpet and set on fire.

I saw that when I was a little girl. I walked with my father and my uncle, we saw a group of men beating a woman, and then they rolled her up in a carpet. My father and uncle wanted to stop them, and it was then the men said they did that because the woman did not produce any males. She had 6 daughters in a row. And then they set her on fire. You see, Islam is for men, not for women.

But many politicians, Bush including, say that “Islam is the religion of peace”.

When I was a little girl and was in school, I was taught to hate the Western people and was told that Allah would reward us if we kill the Westerners, even innocent people. We were told that if we strap a bomb, go to the post office and set it off, we would go to heaven. It was good to do that to Allah.

I came across a few interesting remarks. You are black and proud of it, but you say that the black men have no regard for black woman's feelings.

They want to be white, and they want a white woman. This goes back to American culture. The mixed, the mulatto looking – that is how they want their kids to be. The diversity is simply becoming white. Many black men have self-hatred. They have to marry a white woman and have mixed kids – but many of them would have a black mistress. I don't like this kind of men.

But are black women doing the same ?

A lot of them does, and I have criticized them as well. OK – I don’t have anything against people who do it out of love. But I met women that would say they will only date white men. That is what I am talking about. I have had white boyfriends, I lived with a white man for 5 years. But I did not go out with him because he was white, but because he was a nice guy. But some of those guys will take a fat, ugly women – only because she is white! They are after the white blood.

And remember – everything I was saying here is for America. I don’t know the situation in other countries.

You mentioned a couple times about “historical relation between black and white men”. What is that ?

We were slaves. For hundreds of years white men raped black women. And I can tell you – it is not a love story. The bad thing is: the black men did nothing to protect us.

My last question: you support the notion of “ Africa for Africans”. What do you mean ?

Black people of Africa should own Africa. Not white people, not Arabs, not the West. Africa needs to be independent and ruled by African people. We don’t need the Arabs to rule us, they need to get out. We don’t need the white people, unless they are good citizens. We don’t need to be colonized any more.

I love everybody in the word. People misunderstand the fact that I fight for my own children, because I am an African mother. But it does not mean I don’t love other people – because I do. I just want the same respect, and I want black people to be able to be black. I am not mean, I am not racist – I don’t want to be a maid any more.

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"Cyniquian" Level Poster
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Posted on Friday, September 08, 2006 - 05:29 pm:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

ive never seen a bunch of followers like some of the people on this board, who endlessly talk about some 3rd world wanna-be celebrity. its just amazing how some people are such so consumed with the events that are taking place in someone elses life.
i really don't think someone who had actual fame would talk about what they are doing and what papers they are allegedly in. very interesting pathology on display here.
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Posted on Friday, September 08, 2006 - 05:55 pm:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Actually, lil flea, I was just flicking through the news as I do everyday and Kola's article was right there FRONT AND CENTER. You see, that's how famous she's become. Not bad for a "3rd world wanna-be celebrity." Now go some where...little flea...and...EAT YOUR HEART OUT. ha! ha! ha! ha!
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"Cyniquian" Level Poster
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Posted on Friday, September 08, 2006 - 08:56 pm:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

tonya, why would i eat my heart out if kola boof has ann article front and center in the news? why would i care? i have a degree from an ivy league university. it makes no differene to me what kola boof is doing. the point of my post was why do some posters on this board (like you tonya) take so much pride in the alleged celebrity of a 3rd world liar? leta say that kola boof is the biggest star on the planet earth, what on earth does that have to do with tonya? it has NOTHING to do with you. so why take so much pride in the actions of another person? do you (tonya) live vicariously through kola boof? i just don't understand this pathology that allows another person to be so caught up in what is going on with another person.
im sure kola boof will continue to be covered in the media. it has ZERO effect on my life. it also has zero effect on the life on tonya.
the media complex always has itching ears for attention starved liars like kola boof.

do you have anything of your own going on tonya? or do you derive pleasure from seeing an article about some 3rd world liar, that has nothing to do with you? in your post you said "ha ha ha ha ha", as if im actually upset that an article was written about some ugly african. do you really think that im that caught up in the events in the life of a liar, that im bothered that an article was written? some people in this world are so desperate to get attention, that they will do and say anything to get this attention they so crave. this is kola boof. it just amazes me that some people have such empty lives that they get excited over the lives of another person. its actually kind of sad.
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"Cyniquian" Level Poster
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Posted on Friday, September 08, 2006 - 09:24 pm:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

It does matter to you what Kola is doing.

She is the ONLY fucking thing you ever post about or to on this board Lil flea.

Or were you so busy eating your heart out you didn't notice that?

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"Cyniquian" Level Poster
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Posted on Friday, September 08, 2006 - 09:46 pm:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

actually i think i put up a post or two about how id really love to strip off your panties, prettybabygirl, and lick you all over your body.

ill be thinking about kola boof when im at nobu with a very light skin girl tomorrow.
ill also be thinking about kola boof when i leave for barcelona in two weeks.
and ill definetly be thinking about kola boof when im screwing this puerto rican 19 year old that i know.
its a very hard life i have, i must make more time to time to focus on the life of kola boof.

evil, vile black women, who have no life, are very appealing.
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Posted on Friday, September 08, 2006 - 10:42 pm:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

This is my first time posting. I am new to the board, but I have been reading it for months. I am proud of Kola Boof. She tells the truth.She has the most clear analysis on race in the US that I have ever seen. She is incredible.
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Posted on Saturday, September 09, 2006 - 02:13 am:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Thank you Pretty.

lil flea, 99% of your posts is hate mails to Kola Boof. You wanna explain what kind of Ivy League NUT puts that much energy into HATING another person.
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Posted on Saturday, September 09, 2006 - 02:29 am:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

...not that I care to understand. I'm just sayin...
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Posted on Saturday, September 09, 2006 - 02:53 am:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Muchacho.. welcome to the board!!!!! :-) :-) looking forward to your posts!!!!
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"Cyniquian" Level Poster
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Posted on Saturday, September 09, 2006 - 05:08 am:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

well tonya, if you really want to know.

i simply don't like (most) africans. the fact that a ugly 3rd worlder like this liar kola boof, attempts to talk to our people as if we are ignorant, or they know something we don't, irritates me a bit. it just turns my stomach, to listen to a liar from some far off land, actually come here and act as if they have something to teach our people.
its really not that im spending SO much energy (how much energy does it take to type a response) hating anyone, its just that when i read the comments of a stranger who has repeatedly spewed the worst form of venom directed at our people, i like to respond.

the majority of "africans" are ugly, most of the africans are on the lowest level of civilization on the planet earth (and no the white man is not the reason for this fact). so it kills me when these "people" who are one or two steps away from primitive behavior, try to act as if they are more "in tune" with something, or they are going to teach our people a lesson.
many of these africans just make me sick. this liar kola boof is just one of them who has a big mouth.
so hence the reason i respond to this beast in the manner i do. but i really don't think 99.9% of my posts are directed toward kola boof. i never heard of this person until i came to this board.

its actually kind of fun to expose this lying african dog for what she is. but its really not that big a part of my existence.
now that ive responded to your question tonya, maybe you can answer my inquiry as to how is your life effected if kola boof gets publicity or not? why do you take so much pride in another person getting publicity?

.......not that i care to understand. im just saying.........
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Posted on Saturday, September 09, 2006 - 12:18 pm:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Because unlike you, Cuban dust nigger, I don't hate Africans.

To see a sista (or brotha) accomplish anything positive makes me proud. I don't get my sparks from half naked athletes or dancers or talentless pop stars. My heroes are bell hooks, Langston Hughes, James Baldwin, Toni Morrison, ect. So to see a sista going THAT direction, while giving all of who she is and ever was..to liberating black black people..fills me with a sense of pride that you will never be able to understand, lil flea. And since it gives me the creepy jeepeez just thinking about you, I'm not about to make you understand either. But I tell you what; you’re a pest that hates the Boof with all its might, so I’m fidden ready to put you on Boof overload as a form of pesticide. I'mma hook up a Kola collage on your trifling little pesky ass. And I’ll be ignoring you from here on out. Like I said, you give me the fucking creeps.
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Posted on Sunday, September 10, 2006 - 09:15 pm:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Lil Ze ,

Are you Cuban???
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"Cyniquian" Level Poster
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Posted on Sunday, September 10, 2006 - 09:41 pm:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Muchacho, welcome and THANK U. :-)

And yes---that person is an OCTOROON Cuban.

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"Cyniquian" Level Poster
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Posted on Monday, September 11, 2006 - 03:37 am:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

He said he was "brownskin" and Black?
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Posted on Monday, September 11, 2006 - 03:11 pm:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Thank you Tonya and Kola for welcoming me.

Thanks to you Kola , I have been given a different perspective where to analyze the way that race plays itself out in the United States as well as the other slave colonies.

I feel that I know a whole lot more from reading Kolas posts and her honest analysis.

By the way part of my family is from Cuba.

Unfortunately , I am not surprised when I hear Cubans attacking African beauty, intelligence , etc.The ugliest things that I have heard come out of black peoples mouths about other black people has been from Cubans. It does dissappoint me nevertheless.

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"Cyniquian" Level Poster
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Posted on Monday, September 11, 2006 - 03:17 pm:   Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Why the hell is he on this forum if he's Cuban?

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